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Created February 15, 2013 05:55
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package Log::Minimal::Emotional;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent qw(Log::Minimal);
our $EMOTION = {
DEBUG => '(☼ Д ☼)',
INFO => 'm9(^Д^)',
WARN => '(´・ω・`)',
CRITICAL => '(; Д ) ゜ ゜',
$Log::Minimal::PRINT = sub {
my ( $time, $type, $message, $trace, $raw_message) = @_;
warn "$time ", ($EMOTION->{$type}||"[$type]"), " $message at $trace\n";
=head1 NAME
Log::Minimal::Emotional - Emotional!!! but customizable logger.
see L<Log::Minimal>, L<>
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