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Last active June 14, 2024 09:38
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  • Save hiroshihorie/fbc26cbbc027ff68d3f51b457cd0e248 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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if [ ! -n "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 'debug' | 'release'"
exit 0
if [ "$MODE" == "debug" ]; then
gn gen $OUT_DIR/catalyst-arm64 --root="src" --args="
rtc_objc_prefix = \"LK\"
treat_warnings_as_errors = false
target_os = \"ios\"
ios_enable_code_signing = false
is_component_build = false
target_environment = \"catalyst\"
target_cpu = \"arm64\"
ios_deployment_target = \"14.0\"
use_goma = false
rtc_enable_symbol_export = true
rtc_libvpx_build_vp9 = true
rtc_include_tests = false
rtc_build_examples = false
rtc_use_h264 = false
rtc_enable_protobuf = false
enable_libaom = true
rtc_include_dav1d_in_internal_decoder_factory = true
use_rtti = true
is_debug = $DEBUG
enable_dsyms = $DEBUG
enable_stripping = true" --ide=xcode
ninja -C $OUT_DIR/catalyst-arm64 ios_framework_bundle -j 10
gn gen $OUT_DIR/catalyst-x64 --root="src" --args="
rtc_objc_prefix = \"LK\"
treat_warnings_as_errors = false
target_os = \"ios\"
ios_enable_code_signing = false
is_component_build = false
target_environment = \"catalyst\"
target_cpu = \"x64\"
ios_deployment_target = \"14.0\"
use_goma = false
rtc_enable_symbol_export = true
rtc_libvpx_build_vp9 = true
rtc_include_tests = false
rtc_build_examples = false
rtc_use_h264 = false
rtc_enable_protobuf = false
enable_libaom = true
rtc_include_dav1d_in_internal_decoder_factory = true
use_rtti = true
is_debug = $DEBUG
enable_dsyms = $DEBUG
enable_stripping = true" --ide=xcode
ninja -C $OUT_DIR/catalyst-x64 ios_framework_bundle -j 10
gn gen $OUT_DIR/iOS-arm64-device --root="src" --args="
rtc_objc_prefix = \"LK\"
treat_warnings_as_errors = false
target_os = \"ios\"
ios_enable_code_signing = false
is_component_build = false
target_environment = \"device\"
target_cpu = \"arm64\"
ios_deployment_target = \"13.0\"
use_goma = false
rtc_enable_symbol_export = true
rtc_libvpx_build_vp9 = true
rtc_include_tests = false
rtc_build_examples = false
rtc_use_h264 = false
rtc_enable_protobuf = false
enable_libaom = true
rtc_include_dav1d_in_internal_decoder_factory = true
use_rtti = true
is_debug = $DEBUG
enable_dsyms = $DEBUG
enable_stripping = true" --ide=xcode
ninja -C $OUT_DIR/iOS-arm64-device ios_framework_bundle -j 10
gn gen $OUT_DIR/iOS-x64-simulator --root="src" --args="
rtc_objc_prefix = \"LK\"
treat_warnings_as_errors = false
target_os = \"ios\"
ios_enable_code_signing = false
is_component_build = false
target_environment = \"simulator\"
target_cpu = \"x64\"
ios_deployment_target = \"13.0\"
rtc_libvpx_build_vp9 = true
use_goma = false
rtc_enable_symbol_export = true
rtc_include_tests = false
rtc_build_examples = false
rtc_use_h264 = false
rtc_enable_protobuf = false
enable_libaom = true
rtc_include_dav1d_in_internal_decoder_factory = true
use_rtti = true
is_debug = $DEBUG
enable_dsyms = $DEBUG
enable_stripping = true" --ide=xcode
ninja -C $OUT_DIR/iOS-x64-simulator ios_framework_bundle -j 10
gn gen $OUT_DIR/iOS-arm64-simulator --root="src" --args="
rtc_objc_prefix = \"LK\"
treat_warnings_as_errors = false
target_os = \"ios\"
ios_enable_code_signing = false
is_component_build = false
target_environment = \"simulator\"
target_cpu = \"arm64\"
ios_deployment_target = \"13.0\"
use_goma = false
rtc_enable_symbol_export = true
rtc_libvpx_build_vp9 = true
rtc_include_tests = false
rtc_build_examples = false
rtc_use_h264 = false
rtc_enable_protobuf = false
enable_libaom = true
rtc_include_dav1d_in_internal_decoder_factory = true
use_rtti = true
is_debug = $DEBUG
enable_dsyms = $DEBUG
enable_stripping = true" --ide=xcode
ninja -C $OUT_DIR/iOS-arm64-simulator ios_framework_bundle -j 10
gn gen $OUT_DIR/macOS-x64 --root="src" --args="
rtc_objc_prefix = \"LK\"
treat_warnings_as_errors = false
is_component_build = false
target_cpu = \"x64\"
use_goma = false
rtc_enable_symbol_export = true
rtc_libvpx_build_vp9 = true
rtc_include_tests = false
rtc_build_examples = false
rtc_use_h264 = false
rtc_enable_protobuf = false
enable_libaom = true
rtc_include_dav1d_in_internal_decoder_factory = true
use_rtti = true
is_debug = $DEBUG
enable_dsyms = $DEBUG" --ide=xcode
ninja -C $OUT_DIR/macOS-x64 mac_framework_bundle -j 10
gn gen $OUT_DIR/macOS-arm64 --root="src" --args="
rtc_objc_prefix = \"LK\"
treat_warnings_as_errors = false
is_component_build = false
target_cpu = \"arm64\"
use_goma = false
rtc_enable_symbol_export = true
rtc_libvpx_build_vp9 = true
rtc_include_tests = false
rtc_build_examples = false
rtc_use_h264 = false
rtc_enable_protobuf = false
enable_libaom = true
rtc_include_dav1d_in_internal_decoder_factory = true
use_rtti = true
is_debug = $DEBUG
enable_dsyms = $DEBUG" --ide=xcode
ninja -C $OUT_DIR/macOS-arm64 mac_framework_bundle -j 10
rm -rf $OUT_DIR/*-lib $OUT_DIR/LiveKitWebRTC.*
mkdir -p $OUT_DIR/macOS-lib
cp -R $OUT_DIR/macOS-x64/LiveKitWebRTC.framework $OUT_DIR/macOS-lib/LiveKitWebRTC.framework
lipo -create -output $OUT_DIR/macOS-lib/LiveKitWebRTC.framework/LiveKitWebRTC $OUT_DIR/macOS-arm64/LiveKitWebRTC.framework/LiveKitWebRTC $OUT_DIR/macOS-x64/LiveKitWebRTC.framework/LiveKitWebRTC
mkdir -p $OUT_DIR/catalyst-lib
cp -R $OUT_DIR/catalyst-arm64/LiveKitWebRTC.framework $OUT_DIR/catalyst-lib/LiveKitWebRTC.framework
lipo -create -output $OUT_DIR/catalyst-lib/LiveKitWebRTC.framework/LiveKitWebRTC $OUT_DIR/catalyst-arm64/LiveKitWebRTC.framework/LiveKitWebRTC $OUT_DIR/catalyst-x64/LiveKitWebRTC.framework/LiveKitWebRTC
mkdir -p $OUT_DIR/iOS-device-lib
cp -R $OUT_DIR/iOS-arm64-device/LiveKitWebRTC.framework $OUT_DIR/iOS-device-lib/LiveKitWebRTC.framework
lipo -create -output $OUT_DIR/iOS-device-lib/LiveKitWebRTC.framework/LiveKitWebRTC $OUT_DIR/iOS-arm64-device/LiveKitWebRTC.framework/LiveKitWebRTC
mkdir -p $OUT_DIR/iOS-simulator-lib
cp -R $OUT_DIR/iOS-arm64-simulator/LiveKitWebRTC.framework $OUT_DIR/iOS-simulator-lib/LiveKitWebRTC.framework
lipo -create -output $OUT_DIR/iOS-simulator-lib/LiveKitWebRTC.framework/LiveKitWebRTC $OUT_DIR/iOS-arm64-simulator/LiveKitWebRTC.framework/LiveKitWebRTC $OUT_DIR/iOS-x64-simulator/LiveKitWebRTC.framework/LiveKitWebRTC
xcodebuild -create-xcframework \
-framework $OUT_DIR/iOS-device-lib/LiveKitWebRTC.framework \
-framework $OUT_DIR/iOS-simulator-lib/LiveKitWebRTC.framework \
-framework $OUT_DIR/catalyst-lib/LiveKitWebRTC.framework \
-framework $OUT_DIR/macOS-lib/LiveKitWebRTC.framework \
-output $OUT_DIR/LiveKitWebRTC.xcframework
cp ./src/LICENSE $OUT_DIR/LiveKitWebRTC.xcframework/
cd $OUT_DIR/LiveKitWebRTC.xcframework/macos-arm64_x86_64/LiveKitWebRTC.framework/
mv LiveKitWebRTC Versions/A/LiveKitWebRTC
ln -s Versions/Current/LiveKitWebRTC LiveKitWebRTC
cd ../../../../
cd $OUT_DIR/LiveKitWebRTC.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-maccatalyst/LiveKitWebRTC.framework/
mv LiveKitWebRTC Versions/A/LiveKitWebRTC
ln -s Versions/Current/LiveKitWebRTC LiveKitWebRTC
cd ../../../
zip --symlinks -9 -r LiveKitWebRTC.xcframework
# hash
shasum -a 256 >
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