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Last active February 27, 2024 11:55
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  • Save hirosof/51a776d5da1b54262063d283a7ccf168 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hirosof/51a776d5da1b54262063d283a7ccf168 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#pragma once
#include <unordered_set>
template <typename T> class CHSMalloc {
using TPointer = T*;
using TBase = T;
std::unordered_set<void*> AllocSet;
CHSMalloc ( ) {
hHeap = GetProcessHeap ( );
~CHSMalloc ( ){
this->AllFree ( );
bool IsManaged ( TPointer pval ) {
return ( AllocSet.find ( pval ) != AllocSet.end ( ) );
TPointer Alloc ( size_t NumberOfElements ) {
if ( NumberOfElements == 0 ) return nullptr;
size_t s = sizeof ( T ) * NumberOfElements;
void* pval = HeapAlloc ( hHeap , HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY , s );
if ( pval != nullptr ) AllocSet.insert ( pval );
return static_cast< TPointer >( pval );
bool ReAlloc ( TPointer *ppval , size_t NumberOfNewElements ) {
if ( ppval == nullptr ) return false;
if ( this->IsManaged(*ppval) ) {
size_t s = sizeof ( T ) * NumberOfElements;
void *pret = HeapReAlloc ( hHeap , HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY , *ppval , s );
if ( pret ) {
if ( pret != *ppval ) {
this->AllocSet.erase (*ppval );
this->AllocSet.insert ( pret );
*ppval = pret;
return true;
return false;
size_t GetSize ( TPointer pval ) {
if ( this->IsManaged ( pval ) ) {
return HeapSize ( hHeap , NULL , pval );
return 0;
bool Free ( TPointer pval ) {
if ( this->IsManaged ( pval ) ) {
BOOL bRet = HeapFree ( hHeap , NULL , pval );
if ( bRet ) {
this->AllocSet.erase ( pval );
return true;
return false;
bool AllFree ( void ) {
auto bufSet = this->AllocSet;
bool bAllFreeSucceed = true;
if ( bufSet.size ( ) > 0 ) {
for ( auto it = bufSet.begin ( ); it != bufSet.end ( ); it++ ) {
if ( this->Free ( static_cast< TPointer >( *it ) ) == false ) {
bAllFreeSucceed = false;
return bAllFreeSucceed;
template <typename T> class CHSMallocFromPointerType {
template <typename T> class CHSMallocFromPointerType<T*> : public CHSMalloc<T>{};
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <process.h>
#include "CHSMalloc.hpp"
#pragma comment(lib , "winmm.lib")
template <typename tnUserDataType> class IHSWAVEOUT_CALLBACK {
using UserDataType = tnUserDataType;
tnUserDataType u_data;
virtual bool OnSetup ( tnUserDataType UserData ) {
this->OnChangeUserData ( UserData );
return true;
virtual void OnChangeUserData ( tnUserDataType UserData ) {
u_data = UserData;
virtual bool GetLength ( uint32_t *pLength ) {
return false;
virtual void OnOpenDevice ( WAVEFORMATEX wfex ){}
virtual void OnCloseDevice ( void ) {}
virtual void OnPlayDataProcess ( void *pPlayData , uint32_t DataSamples ) {}
virtual void OnPlayBefore ( void ) {}
virtual void OnPlayAfter ( void ) {}
virtual void OnPlayStop ( bool bRepeatFlag , bool UserStopFlag ) {}
virtual void OnPause ( void ) {}
virtual void OnResume ( void ) {}
virtual uint32_t OnReadPlayData ( void *pPlayData , uint32_t ReadPos , uint32_t ReadSamples) = 0;
enum struct EHSWAVEOUT_STATE {
Stop = 0,
None = 0,
template <typename tnUserDataType> class CHSWAVEOUT {
using TUserDataType = tnUserDataType;
using TCallBackType = IHSWAVEOUT_CALLBACK<TUserDataType>;
CHSMalloc<char> MemoryForData;
TCallBackType *pCallBack; //コールバッククラス
bool bSetupEnd; //セットアップ済みかどうか
WAVEFORMATEX format; //フォーマット
WAVEHDR wh[2]; //WAVEHDR構造体×2
HANDLE hDoneEvent[2]; //イベント×2
WAVEHDR *pLastWriteInfo; //現在地点で最後に書き込んだWAVEHDR構造体
HANDLE hStopEvent; //停止イベント
bool bStopByUser; //停止がユーザーによるものかどうか
bool LastDataWriteFlag; //最終の再生データを書き込んだか
uint32_t PlayStartPosition; //再生開始位置
uint32_t NextReadPosition; //次のデータ読み込み位置
uint32_t LoopStart;
uint32_t LoopLength;
bool bLoopRangeOverLoaded;
bool bTwoPointLoopProcessed;
double CurrentPitch;
double CurrentPlaybackRate;
uint8_t nVolume;
bool IsSetupEnd ( void ) {
return bSetupEnd;
void PlayPreparation ( void ) {
waveOutReset ( hwo );
bLoopRangeOverLoaded = false;
wh [ 0 ].dwUser = 0;
wh [ 1 ].dwUser = 0;
this->SetPitch ( CurrentPitch );
this->SetPlaybackRate ( CurrentPlaybackRate );
ResetEvent ( hDoneEvent [ 0 ] );
ResetEvent ( hDoneEvent [ 1 ] );
ResetEvent ( hStopEvent );
bTwoPointLoopProcessed = false;
bStopByUser = false;
pLastWriteInfo = nullptr;
LastDataWriteFlag = false;
void WriteNextPlayDataNormal ( WAVEHDR *pwh ) {
pwh->dwBufferLength = pCallBack->OnReadPlayData ( pwh->lpData ,
NextReadPosition , format.nSamplesPerSec );
pCallBack->OnPlayDataProcess ( pwh->lpData , pwh->dwBufferLength / format.nBlockAlign );
if ( pwh->dwBufferLength < format.nAvgBytesPerSec ) {
this->LastDataWriteFlag = true;
} else {
NextReadPosition += format.nSamplesPerSec;
uint32_t GetLoopEnd ( void ) {
return LoopStart + LoopLength - 1;
bool WriteNextPlayData ( WAVEHDR *pwh ) {
if ( LastDataWriteFlag ) return false;
int WriteType = -1;
if ( LoopType != EHSWAVEOUT_LOOPTYPE::TwoPoint ) {
WriteNextPlayDataNormal ( pwh);
WriteType = 0;
} else {
uint32_t LoopEnd = GetLoopEnd ( );
uint32_t CurrentEnd = NextReadPosition + format.nSamplesPerSec - 1;
if ( NextReadPosition > LoopEnd ) {
WriteNextPlayDataNormal ( pwh);
bLoopRangeOverLoaded = true;
WriteType = 3;
}else if ( LoopEnd > CurrentEnd ) {
WriteNextPlayDataNormal ( pwh);
WriteType = 1;
} else {
bTwoPointLoopProcessed = true;
uint32_t BeforeLoopLoadSamples = LoopEnd - NextReadPosition + 1;
uint32_t AfterLoopLoadSamples = format.nSamplesPerSec - BeforeLoopLoadSamples;
uint32_t BeforeLoopReadSize = pCallBack->OnReadPlayData ( pwh->lpData ,
NextReadPosition , BeforeLoopLoadSamples );
uint32_t AfterLoopReadSize = 0;
if ( AfterLoopLoadSamples > 0 ) {
AfterLoopReadSize = pCallBack->OnReadPlayData ( pwh->lpData + BeforeLoopReadSize ,
LoopStart , AfterLoopLoadSamples );
NextReadPosition = LoopStart + AfterLoopReadSize / format.nBlockAlign;
pwh->dwBufferLength = BeforeLoopReadSize + AfterLoopReadSize;
pCallBack->OnPlayDataProcess ( pwh->lpData , pwh->dwBufferLength / format.nBlockAlign );
WriteType = 2;
this->pLastWriteInfo = pwh;
MMRESULT mr = waveOutWrite ( hwo , pwh , sizeof ( WAVEHDR ) );
printf ( "waveOutWrite Called.(Ret=%d , Type=%d , LastFlag = %d)\n" , mr , WriteType ,this->LastDataWriteFlag);
return true;
static void CALLBACK s_waveOutProc ( HWAVEOUT hwo , UINT uMsg , DWORD dwInst , DWORD dwParam1 , DWORD dwParam2 ) {
if ( uMsg == WOM_DONE ) {
timeSetEvent ( 1 , 0 , s_TimerProc , dwInst , TIME_ONESHOT );
static void CALLBACK s_TimerProc ( UINT uTimerID , UINT uMsg , DWORD_PTR dwUser , DWORD_PTR dw1 , DWORD_PTR dw2 ) {
p->local_OnTimer ( );
void CALLBACK local_OnTimer ( void ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
if ( wh [ i ].dwFlags & WHDR_DONE ) {
DWORD state = WaitForSingleObject ( this->hDoneEvent [ i ] , 0 );
if ( state != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) SetEvent ( hDoneEvent [ i ] );
static void s_ThreadProc ( void *pArg ) {
printf ( "監視スレッド開始(thread id = %u)\n",GetCurrentThreadId ( ) );
p->local_ThreadProc ( );
printf ( "監視スレッド終了(thread id = %u)\n" , GetCurrentThreadId ( ) );
_endthread ( );
void local_ThreadProc ( void ) {
HANDLE hEvents [ 3 ];
hEvents [ 0 ] = this->hDoneEvent [ 0 ];
hEvents [ 1 ] = this->hDoneEvent [ 1 ];
hEvents [ 2 ] = this->hStopEvent;
DWORD state;
int index;
bool bForceEnd;
while ( true ) {
state = WaitForMultipleObjects ( 3 , hEvents , FALSE , INFINITE );
index = state - WAIT_OBJECT_0;
if ( index == 2 ) break;
bForceEnd = false;
this->local_ThreadProc_Done ( &this->wh [ index ] , &bForceEnd);
if ( bForceEnd ) break;
ResetEvent ( hEvents [ index ] );
// pCallBack->OnPlayStop ( false , bStopByUser );
void local_ThreadProc_Done ( WAVEHDR *lpwh , bool *pbForceEnd) {
if ( LastDataWriteFlag || ( lpwh->dwUser != 0 ) ) {
if ( lpwh == pLastWriteInfo ) {
#if 0
char times [ 100 ];
wsprintfA (times, "%u samples\n" , this->GetCurrentPosition ( ) );
MessageBoxA ( GetConsoleWindow ( ) , times , "" , 0 );
bool bRepeat = ( LoopType != EHSWAVEOUT_LOOPTYPE::None ) ? true : false;
if ( lpwh->dwUser == 0 ) {
waveOutReset ( hwo );
bStopByUser = false;
} else {
bStopByUser = true;
bRepeat = false;
SetEvent ( hStopEvent );
pCallBack->OnPlayStop ( bRepeat , bStopByUser );
if ( bRepeat )this->Play ( );
*pbForceEnd = true;
} else {
this->WriteNextPlayData ( lpwh );
bSetupEnd = false;
CurrentPitch = 1;
CurrentPlaybackRate = 1;
hwo = 0;
bLoopRangeOverLoaded = false;
hDoneEvent [ 0 ] = NULL;
hDoneEvent [ 1 ] = NULL;
hStopEvent = NULL;
memset ( &format , 0 , sizeof ( WAVEFORMATEX ) );
this->nVolume = 100;
this->Close ( );
if ( hDoneEvent [ 0 ] ) CloseHandle ( hDoneEvent [ 0 ] );
if ( hDoneEvent [ 1 ] ) CloseHandle ( hDoneEvent [ 1 ] );
if ( hStopEvent ) CloseHandle ( hStopEvent );
bool Setup ( TCallBackType *pCallBackClass , TUserDataType DefaultUserData ) {
if ( pCallBackClass != nullptr ) {
if ( pCallBackClass->OnSetup ( DefaultUserData ) ) {
pCallBack = pCallBackClass;
hDoneEvent [ 0 ] = CreateEvent ( nullptr , TRUE , FALSE , nullptr );
if ( hDoneEvent [ 0 ] == NULL ) return false;
hDoneEvent [ 1 ] = CreateEvent ( nullptr , TRUE , FALSE , nullptr );
if ( hDoneEvent [ 1 ] == NULL ) return false;
hStopEvent = CreateEvent ( nullptr , TRUE , FALSE , nullptr );
if ( hStopEvent == NULL ) return false;
bSetupEnd = true;
return true;
return false;
bool Open ( WAVEFORMATEX wfex , UINT DeviceID = WAVE_MAPPER ) {
if ( bSetupEnd == false ) return false;
if ( this->hwo != NULL ) return false;
this->format = wfex;
MMRESULT res = waveOutOpen ( &this->hwo , DeviceID , &format ,
( DWORD_PTR )this->s_waveOutProc , ( DWORD_PTR )this , CALLBACK_FUNCTION );
if ( res != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) return false;
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
WAVEHDR *lpwh = &wh [ i ];
memset ( lpwh , 0 , sizeof ( WAVEHDR ) );
lpwh->lpData = MemoryForData.Alloc ( wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec );
lpwh->dwBufferLength = wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec;
lpwh->dwFlags = 0;
waveOutPrepareHeader ( hwo , lpwh , sizeof ( WAVEHDR ) );
lpwh->dwLoops = 1;
pCallBack->OnOpenDevice ( wfex );
this->SetVolume ( this->nVolume );
return true;
bool InnerPlay ( uint32_t StartPositionSample = 0 , bool bPauseStart = false ) {
if ( IsSetupEnd ( ) == false ) return false;
if ( State != EHSWAVEOUT_STATE::Stop ) return false;
pCallBack->OnPlayBefore ( );
this->PlayPreparation ( );
PlayStartPosition = StartPositionSample; //再生開始位置
NextReadPosition = StartPositionSample; //次のデータ読み込み位置
waveOutPause ( hwo );
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
this->WriteNextPlayData ( &wh [ i ] );
_beginthread ( s_ThreadProc , 0 , this );
pCallBack->OnPlayAfter ( );
if ( bPauseStart ) {
pCallBack->OnPause ( );
} else {
waveOutRestart ( hwo );
return true;
bool Play ( uint32_t StartPositionSample = 0 ) {
return InnerPlay ( StartPositionSample , false );
bool Stop ( void ) {
if ( this->hwo == NULL ) return false;
if ( State == EHSWAVEOUT_STATE::Stop ) return false;
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
wh [ i ].dwUser = 1;
waveOutReset ( hwo );
WaitForSingleObject ( hStopEvent , INFINITE );
return true;
bool SeekTo ( uint32_t SeekPositionSample) {
if ( this->hwo == NULL ) return false;
if ( s == EHSWAVEOUT_STATE::Stop ) return false;
this->Stop ( );
this->InnerPlay ( SeekPositionSample , ( s == EHSWAVEOUT_STATE::Pause ) ? true : false );
State = s;
return true;
bool SeekToBack ( uint32_t BackSeeekSamples ) {
uint32_t pos = this->GetCurrentPosition ( );
uint32_t newPos = ( uint32_t ) max ( 0 , ( int64_t ) pos - ( int64_t ) BackSeeekSamples );
return this->SeekTo ( newPos );
bool SeekToForward ( uint32_t ForwardSeeekSamples ) {
uint32_t pos = this->GetCurrentPosition ( );
uint32_t newPos = pos + ForwardSeeekSamples;
uint32_t len;
if ( pCallBack->GetLength ( &len ) ) {
newPos = min ( len - 1 , newPos );
return this->SeekTo ( newPos );
bool SeekToBackTime ( uint32_t BackSeeekTimes ) {
return this->SeekToBack ( static_cast< uint32_t >( BackSeeekTimes / 1000.0 * format.nSamplesPerSec ) );
bool SeekToForwardTime ( uint32_t ForwardSeeekTimes ) {
return this->SeekToForward ( static_cast< uint32_t >( ForwardSeeekTimes / 1000.0 * format.nSamplesPerSec ) );
bool Pause ( void ) {
if ( this->hwo == NULL ) return false;
if ( s != EHSWAVEOUT_STATE::Play ) return false;
waveOutPause ( hwo );
pCallBack->OnPause ( );
return true;
bool Resume ( void ) {
if ( this->hwo == NULL ) return false;
if ( s != EHSWAVEOUT_STATE::Pause ) return false;
waveOutRestart ( hwo );
pCallBack->OnResume ( );
return true;
bool Close ( void ) {
if ( this->hwo == NULL ) return false;
this->Stop ( );
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
WAVEHDR *lpwh = &wh [ i ];
waveOutUnprepareHeader ( hwo , lpwh , sizeof ( WAVEHDR ) );
MemoryForData.Free ( lpwh->lpData );
waveOutClose ( hwo );
hwo = NULL;
pCallBack->OnCloseDevice ( );
return true;
bool SetRepeatType ( EHSWAVEOUT_LOOPTYPE Type ) {
if ( Type == EHSWAVEOUT_LOOPTYPE::TwoPoint ) {
if ( LoopLength == 0 ) return false;
} else {
LoopType = Type;
return true;
bool SetPointLoopSample ( uint32_t Start , uint32_t Length ) {
if ( Length == 0 ) return false;
this->LoopStart = Start;
this->LoopLength = Length;
return true;
uint32_t GetTotalPosition ( void ) {
mt.wType = TIME_SAMPLES;
if ( this->hwo == NULL ) return 0;
if ( waveOutGetPosition ( this->hwo , &mt , sizeof ( MMTIME ) ) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
return 0;
return mt.u.sample;
uint32_t GetCurrentPosition ( void ) {
uint32_t time_included_startpoint = this->PlayStartPosition + this->GetTotalPosition ( );
//printf ( "time_included_startpoint : %u\n" , time_included_startpoint );
if ( this->LoopType == EHSWAVEOUT_LOOPTYPE::TwoPoint ) {
if ( time_included_startpoint < LoopStart ) return time_included_startpoint;
if ( bLoopRangeOverLoaded ) return time_included_startpoint;
uint32_t buf = time_included_startpoint - LoopStart;
return buf % LoopLength + LoopStart;
} else {
return time_included_startpoint;
uint32_t GetCurrentPosition ( void ) {
printf ( "\n[GetCurrentPosition Debug Start]\n" );
uint32_t ret = rawGetCurrentPosition ( );
printf ( "GetCurrentPosition Retvalue = %u\n" , ret );
printf ( "[GetCurrentPosition Debug End]\n" );
return ret;
bool SetCurrentPosition ( uint32_t PositionSample ) {
return this->SeekTo(PositionSample);
bool SetCurrentPositionTime ( uint32_t Position ) {
return this->SetCurrentPosition ( static_cast< uint32_t >( Position / 1000.0 * format.nSamplesPerSec ) );
uint32_t GetCurrentPositionTime ( void ) {
__int64 t = this->GetCurrentPosition();
return static_cast< uint32_t >( ( t * 1000 ) / format.nSamplesPerSec );
uint32_t GetTotalPositionTime ( void ) {
__int64 t = this->GetTotalPosition ( );
return static_cast< uint32_t >( ( t * 1000 ) / format.nSamplesPerSec );
WAVEFORMATEX GetFormat ( void ) {
return format;
EHSWAVEOUT_STATE GetState ( void ) {
return this->State;
bool IsSupportedPitch ( void ) {
if ( this->hwo == NULL ) return false;
MMRESULT mr = waveOutGetDevCaps ( ( UINT_PTR ) hwo , &woc , sizeof ( WAVEOUTCAPS ) );
if ( mr == MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
return (woc.dwSupport & WAVECAPS_PITCH) ? true : false;
return false;
bool IsSupportedPlaybackRate ( void ) {
if ( this->hwo == NULL ) return false;
MMRESULT mr = waveOutGetDevCaps (( UINT_PTR)hwo , &woc , sizeof ( WAVEOUTCAPS ) );
if ( mr == MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
return ( woc.dwSupport & WAVECAPS_PLAYBACKRATE ) ? true : false;
return false;
bool SetPitch ( double pitch ) {
if ( this->hwo == NULL ) return false;
DWORD base = 0x00010000;
DWORD pitchvalue = static_cast< DWORD >( base *pitch );
MMRESULT mr = waveOutSetPitch ( hwo , pitchvalue );
if ( mr == MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
CurrentPitch = pitch;
return true;
return false;
bool SetPlaybackRate ( double rate ) {
if ( this->hwo == NULL ) return false;
DWORD base = 0x00010000;
DWORD ratevalue = static_cast< DWORD >( base *rate );
MMRESULT mr = waveOutSetPlaybackRate ( hwo , ratevalue );
if ( mr == MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) {
CurrentPlaybackRate = rate;
return true;
return false;
uint8_t GetVolume ( void ) {
return this->nVolume;
void SetVolume ( uint8_t Volume ) {
this->nVolume = Volume;
if ( this->nVolume > 100 ) this->nVolume = 100;
if ( this->hwo != NULL ) {
uint16_t value = (uint16_t)(( this->nVolume / 100.0 ) * 0xFFFF);
waveOutSetVolume ( this->hwo , value | ( value << 16 ) );
using CHSWAVEOUTDefault = CHSWAVEOUT<void*>;
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