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Created July 26, 2018 07:05
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netease lottery app
webpackJsonp([1], {
"+DRJ": function(t, e, a) {
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cur: 2 === t.dataType
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click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("篮球专家")])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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touchmove: function(t) {
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name: "show",
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value: > 0,
expression: "football.length>0"
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key: e.userId,
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click: function(a) {
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "avatar"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: e.avatar + "?imageView&thumbnail=96y96&quality=85",
alt: ""
on: {
error: t.setError
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staticClass: "text"
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staticClass: "nickname"
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staticClass: "other"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "slogan"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.slogan))]), t._v(" "), e.hitRate > 0 ? a("p", {
staticClass: "hitRate"
}, [t._v(t._s(Math.round(100 * e.hitRate)) + "%命中率")]) : t._e()])]), t._v(" "), t.isMeiZu ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "follow_btn",
class: e.hasFollowed ? "bg-followed-btn" : "bg-follow-btn",
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click: function(a) {
a.stopPropagation(), t.followBtn(e.hasFollowed)
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expression: "!this.hasMoreF"
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attrs: {
show: t.fLoading
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staticClass: "basketball_expert",
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touchmove: function(t) {
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expression: "basketball.length>0"
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scrollToEnd: function(e) {
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click: function(a) {
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staticClass: "avatar"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: e.avatar + "?imageView&thumbnail=96y96&quality=85",
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error: t.setError
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staticClass: "text"
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staticClass: "nickname"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.nickname))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "other"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "slogan"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.slogan))]), t._v(" "), e.hitRate > 0 ? a("p", {
staticClass: "hitRate"
}, [t._v(t._s(Math.round(100 * e.hitRate)) + "%命中率")]) : t._e()])]), t._v(" "), t.isMeiZu ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "follow_btn",
class: e.hasFollowed ? "bg-followed-btn" : "bg-follow-btn",
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click: function(a) {
a.stopPropagation(), t.followBtn(e.hasFollowed)
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directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
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expression: "!this.hasMoreB"
}, [t._v("无更多内容")])])])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("loading", {
attrs: {
show: t.bLoading
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ref: "appLead"
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i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
"+Jft": function(t, e) {},
"+vkE": function(t, e) {},
"+yAR": function(t, e) {},
"/Jtq": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("Dd8w"),
i = a.n(s),
n = a("8Pq/"),
o = a("4JkW"),
r = a("07rk"),
c = a("kwUQ"),
l = a("GAzl"),
d = a("NYxO");
e.a = {
name: "ZSXQ_Ball",
data: function() {
return {
fcsIndex: 0,
fcsTab: "OuPei",
oddsDetail: [],
matchType: 1,
needRefresh: !1
computed: i()({}, a.i(d.b)(["isEnter"]), {
isEmpty: function() {
return 1 === this.matchType ? !(this.oddsDetail[this.fcsIndex]["OuPei" === this.fcsTab ? "europeOddsList" : "oddsChangeInfoList"] && this.oddsDetail[this.fcsIndex]["OuPei" === this.fcsTab ? "europeOddsList" : "oddsChangeInfoList"].length) : !(this.oddsDetail[this.fcsIndex]["OuPei" === this.fcsTab ? "europeOddsList" : "asiaOddsList"] && this.oddsDetail[this.fcsIndex]["OuPei" === this.fcsTab ? "europeOddsList" : "asiaOddsList"].length)
created: function() {
this.fcsTab = this.$route.params.fcsTab, this.fcsIndex = parseInt(this.$route.params.fcsCID, 10), this.getOddsDetail(this.$route.params.matchInfoId)
mounted: function() {
methods: i()({}, a.i(d.c)(["setEnterTimer", "clearEnterTimer"]), {
changeCompany: function(t) {
this.fcsIndex = t
changeTab: function(t) {
this.fcsTab = t, this.needRefresh = !this.needRefresh
getOddsDetail: function(t) {
var e = this;
a.i(n.a)("matchOddsDetail", {
urlParams: {
matchInfoId: t
}).then(function(t) {
200 === t.code && && (e.oddsDetail =, e.matchType =
beforeRouteLeave: function(t, e, a) {
this.clearEnterTimer(), a()
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"list-empty": r.a,
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$route: function(t) {
"matchOddsDetail" === && this.$route.params.matchInfoId && parseInt(t.params.matchInfoId, 10) !== this.matchInfoId && (this.matchInfoId = parseInt(this.$route.params.matchInfoId, 10), this.getOddsDetail(this.matchInfoId)), "matchOddsDetail" === && this.$route.params.fcsCID && parseInt(t.params.fcsCID, 10) !== this.fcsIndex && (this.fcsIndex = parseInt(this.$route.params.fcsCID, 10), this.changeCompany(this.fcsIndex)), "matchOddsDetail" === && this.$route.params.fcsTab && t.params.fcsTab !== this.fcsTab && (this.fcsTab = this.$route.params.fcsTab, this.changeTab(this.fcsTab))
"/h2A": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("tjIT"),
n = a("N98Y"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-0ccc7278", null);
e.a = c.exports
"/p7w": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("Hxc5"),
n = a("j6Ch"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-038e3f03", null);
e.a = c.exports
"0/QB": function(t, e) {},
"07nU": function(t, e, a) {
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e = t.$createElement,
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attrs: {
href: t.redirectUrl
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t.imgUrl + "?imageView&thumbnail=750y310&quality=85"
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current: 1 ===
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("篮球专家")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "line",
class: {
basketball: 1 ===, footballSlide: && 0 ===, basketballSlide: && 1 ===
})]), t._v(" "), || ? a("div", {
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class: {
football: && 0 ===, basketball: && 1 ===
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staticClass: "lists"
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return a("div", {
staticClass: "list-item",
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right: 3 === s
on: {
click: function(a) {
t.$router.push("/expertDetail/" + e.userId)
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staticClass: "img"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: e.avatar + "?imageView&thumbnail=100y100&quality=85"
on: {
error: t.setError
})]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v(t._s(e.nickname))])])
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "list-item right",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._m(1), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("更多专家")])])], 2) : t._e(), t._v(" "), ? a("div", {
staticClass: "lists"
}, [t._l(, function(e, s) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "list-item",
class: {
right: 3 === s
on: {
click: function(a) {
t.$router.push("/expertDetail/" + e.userId)
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "img"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: e.avatar + "?imageView&thumbnail=100y100&quality=85"
on: {
error: t.setError
})]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v(t._s(e.nickname.slice(0, 4)))])])
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "list-item right",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._m(2), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("更多专家")])])], 2) : t._e()]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), t.$store.state.tcmEntrance && !t.isMeiZu ? a("div", {
staticClass: "tcm-entrance",
on: {
click: function(e) {
path: "/mall"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t.$store.state.tcmEntrance.tcmEntranceImg
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.$store.state.tcmEntrance && !t.isMeiZu ? a("div", {
staticClass: "sp-entrance"
}, [a("span", [t._v("交叉赛:泛指在一类赛事中,同一家公司针对两场比赛给出相同或相似的数据。")]), a("div", {
staticClass: "more",
on: {
click: function(e) {
path: "/crossTradeList"
}, [a("span", [t._v("查看详情")]), a("i", {
staticClass: "icon-more"
})])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("activity"), t._v(" "), || t.FreeArea.threads.length ? a("div", {
staticClass: "recommend-list"
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staticClass: "freeProgram"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "title"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "lf"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.scheme))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "rt"
}, [a("router-link", {
attrs: {
to: "freeScheme"
}, [t._v("全部"), a("span", {
staticClass: "arrow arrow-right"
})])], 1)]), t._v(" "), t.FreeArea.threads.length ? a("div", t._l(t.FreeArea.threads, function(e, s) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "free-list",
class: {
first: 0 === s
}, [a("div", [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "expert"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'expert'}}"
staticClass: "img"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: + "?imageView&thumbnail=100y100&quality=85"
on: {
error: t.setError
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", [a("div", {
staticClass: "item"
}, [a("span", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "expert"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'expert'}}"
staticClass: "expert-name"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), a("span", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "planDetail"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'planDetail'}}"
staticClass: "text-free"
}, [t._v("免费")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "planDetail"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'planDetail'}}"
staticClass: "item"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "introduction"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon-blue"
}, [t._v(t._s(]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon-red"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "连红")]) : t._e()])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "planDetail"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'planDetail'}}"
staticClass: "text"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.threadTitle))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "matchDetail"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'matchDetail'}}"
staticClass: "match"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "type"
}, [t._v("[" + t._s(1 == e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? "足" : "篮") + "]")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "teamname bg-line"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.earliestMatch.leagueName.slice(0, 5)))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "matchinfo"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamName"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 == e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? e.earliestMatch.homeName : e.earliestMatch.guestName))]), t._v(" "), 3 === e.earliestMatch.matchStatus ? a("span", {
staticClass: "vs"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 == e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? e.earliestMatch.homeScore : e.earliestMatch.guestScore) + " : " + t._s(1 == e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? e.earliestMatch.guestScore : e.earliestMatch.homeScore))]) : a("span", {
staticClass: "vs"
}, [t._v("vs")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamName"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 == e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? e.earliestMatch.guestName : e.earliestMatch.homeName))])]), t._v(" "), t._m(3, !0), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "time bg-line"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.earliestMatch.matchTime))])])])])
})) : t._e(), t._v(" "), && !t.isMeiZu ? a("div", t._l(, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "free-news"
}, [a("a", {
attrs: {
href: t.isMeiZu ? "" + e.docId : "" + e.docId
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staticClass: "news-title"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.title))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "news-source"
}, [a("div", [t._v(t._s(e.source))]), t._v(" "), a("div", [t._v(t._s(e.publishTime))])])])])
})) : t._e()])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.featured.list.length ? a("div", {
staticClass: "featured-wap",
class: {
loading: t.featured.loading
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ref: "featured",
staticClass: "freeProgram featured"
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return a("div", {
staticClass: "free-list",
class: {
first: 0 === s
}, [a("div", [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "expert"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'expert'}}"
staticClass: "img"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: + "?imageView&thumbnail=100y100&quality=85"
on: {
error: t.setError
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "right-info"
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staticClass: "item"
}, [a("span", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
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methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "expert"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'expert'}}"
staticClass: "expert-name"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), > .6 ? a("span", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "planDetail"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'planDetail'}}"
staticClass: "hitNumber rt"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "hitRatio"
}, [t._v(t._s((100 *, a("sup", {
staticClass: "sup"
}, [t._v("%")])]), a("br"), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "hit"
}, [t._v("命中率")])]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "planDetail"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'planDetail'}}"
staticClass: "item"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "introduction"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), && > .6 ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon-blue"
}, [t._v(t._s(]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon-red"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "连红")]) : t._e()])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "planDetail"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'planDetail'}}"
staticClass: "text"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.threadTitle))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
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methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "matchDetail"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'matchDetail'}}"
staticClass: "match"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "type"
}, [t._v("[" + t._s(1 === e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? "足" : "篮") + "]")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "teamname bg-line"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.earliestMatch.leagueName.slice(0, 5)))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "matchinfo"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamName"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? e.earliestMatch.homeName : e.earliestMatch.guestName))]), t._v(" "), 3 === e.earliestMatch.matchStatus ? a("span", {
staticClass: "vs"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 == e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? e.earliestMatch.homeScore : e.earliestMatch.guestScore) + " : " + t._s(1 == e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? e.earliestMatch.guestScore : e.earliestMatch.homeScore))]) : a("span", {
staticClass: "vs"
}, [t._v("vs")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamName teamName_r"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? e.earliestMatch.guestName : e.earliestMatch.homeName))])]), t._v(" "), t._m(5, !0), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "time bg-line"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.earliestMatch.matchTime))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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methods: t.jump,
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item: e,
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staticClass: "icon bg-hongdou"
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"0ZQw": function(t, e, a) {
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e && window.localStorage.setItem("reminderCashOut", !0), t.queryCashOut()
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"1b+K": function(t, e) {},
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h = a("44dg"),
u = a("Ozo/"),
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"1r4A": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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i = a.n(s),
n = a("kwUQ"),
o = a("8Pq/"),
r = a("44dg"),
c = a("4jz1"),
l = a("Ozo/"),
d = a("4JkW"),
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path: "/openCrossTrade"
}) : this.toLogin()), "matchDetail" === t.type && this.$router.push({
path: "/matchDetail/" +
toLogin: function() {
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this.list.noMore || this.isLoading || this.getCrossTradeList(!1, t)
getCrossTradeList: function(t, e) {
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i = void 0,
n = void 0;
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t ? (s.list.offset = 0, && (s.list.crossTradeCardList =, s.list.offset +=, && (s.list.historyCrossTradeCardList =, s.list.offset += : ( && (s.list.crossTradeCardList = [].concat(s.list.crossTradeCardList,, s.list.offset +=, && (s.list.historyCrossTradeCardList = [].concat(s.list.historyCrossTradeCardList,, s.list.offset +=, s.orderStatus =, s.showReminding =, s.remaingGroup =, s.expirationDate =, s.showTips =;
var i = 0; && (i +=, && (i +=, i < s.list.limit && (s.list.noMore = !0, s.scrollBody.noMore(!0))
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text: "加载列表有误,请稍后再试"
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text: "加载列表有误,请稍后再试"
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d = a("gH2e"),
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path: "/malllist"
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getMatchList: function(t, e) {
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t && (s.netError = !0, s.loading = !1, e && (s.setMatchInt(), e()))
errorLoad: function() {
this.netError = !1, this.loading = !0, this.getMatchList()
setMatchInt: function() {
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"2cRr": function(t, e) {},
"3EB2": function(t, e, a) {
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"3Qg8": function(t, e, a) {
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"3RCg": function(t, e) {},
"3She": function(t, e) {},
"3utE": function(t, e) {},
"44dg": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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n = a("QrE5"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
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"46Kq": function(t, e) {},
"48XG": function(t, e, a) {
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i = a.n(s),
n = a("woOf"),
o = a.n(n),
r = a("8Pq/"),
c = a("Ozo/");
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method: "post",
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productId: t
}).then(function(t) {
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opacity: .7,
title: t.message
}) : ( = !0, =, 2 === && e.$modal.alert({
opacity: .7,
confirmText: "去优惠券查看",
confirm: function() {
}), 3 === && e.$modal.alert({
opacity: .7,
})) : e.$modal.alert({
opacity: .7,
title: t.message
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e.isExchange = !1, t && e.$modal.alert({
opacity: .7,
title: t
submitAddress: function() {
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e = {
userComment: this.userComment,
receiver: this.receiver,
address: this.addressInfo
a.i(r.a)("submitAddress", {
method: "post",
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exchangeOrderId: this.exchangeInfo.exchangeOrderId
params: e
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200 === e.code ? ( =, t.step2Title =, t.step2Text =, t.$emit("submitAddressCompleted")) : t.$modal.alert({
opacity: .7,
title: e.message
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exchangeOrderId: t.exchangeOrderId
}).then(function(t) {
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opacity: .7,
title: t.message
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receiver: function(t, e) {
t.length > 20 && (this.$modal.toast({
title: "您超过最大输入限制",
time: 1e3
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t.length > 100 && (this.$modal.toast({
title: "您超过最大输入限制",
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t.length > 100 && (this.$modal.toast({
title: "您超过最大输入限制",
time: 1e3
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/^\d+$/.test(t) || this.$modal.toast({
title: "只能输入11位阿拉伯数字",
time: 1e3
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title: "您超过最大输入限制",
time: 1e3
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"4JkW": function(t, e, a) {
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return n
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return o
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return r
}), a.d(e, "d", function() {
return c
}), a.d(e, "b", function() {
return l
}), a.d(e, "a", function() {
return d
}), a.d(e, "k", function() {
return h
}), a.d(e, "g", function() {
return u
}), a.d(e, "e", function() {
return m
}), a.d(e, "j", function() {
return v
}), a.d(e, "h", function() {
return p
var s = a("d7EF"),
i = a.n(s),
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1: "未开始",
2: "进行中",
3: "已结束",
4: "已封盘",
5: "已延期",
6: "已取消"
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1: "未开始",
2: "进行中",
3: "已结束",
4: "已取消",
5: "已延期"
} [t] || "-"
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0: "未开盘",
1: "可竞猜",
2: "已结算",
3: "暂停",
4: "失效"
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0: "订单处理中",
1: "下单成功",
2: "已结算",
3: "已退单",
4: "提前结算处理中",
5: "提前结束",
6: "下单失败",
7: "订单无效",
8: "下单被拒",
9: "二次结算"
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return e && (a = e + a), a
h = function(t) {
return t.replace(/-/, "/")
u = function(t) {
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s = e[1],
n = e[2];
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s = e[1],
n = e[2];
return a ? a + "?imageView&thumbnail=" + s + "y" + n + "&quality=85" : ""
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a = e[0],
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n = e[2];
return a ? a + "?imageView&thumbnail=" + s + "y" + n + "&quality=85" : ""
p = function(t) {
return 0 === t ? "-" : t
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i = [],
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r = s,
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getActivityData: function() {
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a.i(s.a)("activityArea").then(function(e) {
200 === e.code && (t.list =, 2))
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n = a("IkBi"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
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o = a("VU/8"),
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"7CBo": function(t, e) {},
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staticClass: "right-balance quantity"
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staticClass: "unit"
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click: function(e) {
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "icon icon-getIntegral"
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click: function(e) {
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click: function(e) {
path: "/tcmmatchlist/0"
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attrs: {
icon: "icon-noMatch",
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staticClass: "match-item"
}, [a("v-matchAgainst", {
key: t.tcmEventId,
attrs: {
matchData: t
})], 1)
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ref: "mallLoad"
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staticClass: "no-more"
}, [t._v("没有更多了")]) : t._e()], 1)
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staticClass: "icon bg-hongdou"
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staticClass: "kuo"
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click: t.toLogin
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staticClass: "price"
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mr0: s % 3 == 2, "price-active": t.choose && s === t.priceIndex
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click: function(e) {
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staticClass: "price-bean"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.redCurrency) + "红豆")])])
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"current pay-check-icon": 2 === t.payment, "bg-uncheck": 2 !== t.payment, "bg-redcheck": 2 === t.payment
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href: t.agreementLink,
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}, [t._v("《网易红彩用户充值协议》")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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click: function(e) {
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click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("支付遇到问题,重新支付")])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
attrs: {
id: "formAli"
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"7u9h": function(t, e) {},
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t.status && 200 === t.status ? e( : a(t)
"8R2c": function(t, e, a) {
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o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
"8Xlc": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
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staticClass: "activity-wap"
}, [2 === t.list.length ? a("div", {
staticClass: "wap-act"
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staticClass: "act-title-bar"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "title"
}, [t._v("活动专区")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "rights"
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staticClass: "link-all",
attrs: {
to: "activityPage",
tag: "a"
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staticClass: "arrow arrow-right"
})])], 1)]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "img"
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attrs: {
href: t.redirectUrl
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t.imgUrl + "?imageView&thumbnail=335y140&quality=85"
}))]) : t._e()])
i = [],
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render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
"8Y0m": function(t, e) {},
"8sIH": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("fZjL"),
i = a.n(s);
e.a = {
name: "match-start-item",
props: {
matchData: {
type: Object,
default: void 0
data: function() {
return {
gameTime: "",
gameTimer: null
mounted: function() {
methods: {
setGameTime: function() {
var t = this,
e = this.matchData.liveTime;
e && (e.secondHalfTimeEnd ? this.gameTime = 5400 : e.secondHalfTimeStart ? (this.gameTime = Math.floor((e.serviceTime - e.secondHalfTimeStart) / 1e3) + 2700, this.gameTimer = setInterval(function() {
}, 1e3)) : e.firstHalfTimeEnd ? this.gameTime = 2700 : (this.gameTime = Math.floor((e.serviceTime - e.firstHalfTimeStart) / 1e3), this.gameTimer = setInterval(function() {
}, 1e3)))
setValToTime: function(t) {
var e = t % 60 > 9 ? t % 60 : "0" + t % 60;
return Math.floor(t / 60) + "'" + e + "''"
watch: {
matchData: function(t, e) {
if (2 === t.status && t.liveTime && !this.gameTime) return this.gameTimer && clearInterval(this.gameTimer), void this.setGameTime();
if (t.liveTime && !e.liveTime) this.gameTimer && clearInterval(this.gameTimer), this.setGameTime();
else if (t.liveTime && e.liveTime) {
var a = !1;
i()(t.liveTime).forEach(function(s) {
t.liveTime[s] !== e.liveTime[s] && (a = !0)
}), a && (this.gameTimer && clearInterval(this.gameTimer), this.setGameTime())
"9HL4": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
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staticClass: "matchAgainst"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "match-info",
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click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.$router.push({
path: "/tcmmatch/" + t.matchData.tcmEventId
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "info",
class: {
begin: 2 === t.matchData.status, notAllow: t.matchData.allowBetting
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "time"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.gameTime ? t.setValToTime(t.gameTime) : t.dateToCH(t.matchData.eventDay) + " " + t.matchData.eventTime))]), t._v(" "), 4 !== t.matchData.status ? a("span", {
staticClass: "status"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("matchStatus")(t.matchData.status)))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "text-ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.competitionName))]), t._v(" "), t.matchData.allowBetting || 4 === t.matchData.status ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "more"
}, [t._v("更多答题")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.allowBetting || 4 == t.matchData.status,
expression: "matchData.allowBetting||matchData.status==4"
staticClass: "timeOut"
}, [t._v("暂停中")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "team"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "text-right text-ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.homeName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "pic home"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t._f("teamIcon")([t.matchData.homeIcon, 40, 40])
})]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "vs text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(2 === t.matchData.status || 3 === t.matchData.status ? t.matchData.homeTeamScore + " : " + t.matchData.awayTeamScore : "VS"))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "pic guest"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t._f("teamIcon")([t.matchData.awayIcon, 40, 40])
})]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "text-left text-ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.awayName))])])]), t._v(" "), t.matchData.selectionList.length > 0 && !t.notSale ? a("div", {
staticClass: "matchList-odds"
}, t._l(t.matchData.selectionList, function(e) {
return a("li", {
staticClass: "selection-click",
class: {
"odds-gray": 1 !== e.marketStatus, choose: t.betList[e.tcmSelectionId]
on: {
click: function(a) {
a.stopPropagation(), t.selectOdds(t.matchData, e)
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.selectionName))]), t._v(" "), e.lastBackOdds < e.backOdds ? a("div", {
staticClass: "arrow"
}, [a("i", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-up",
class: {
"arrow-up-gray": 1 !== e.marketStatus, "arrow-up-click": t.betList[e.tcmSelectionId]
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), e.lastBackOdds > e.backOdds ? a("div", {
staticClass: "arrow"
}, [a("i", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-down",
class: {
"arrow-down-gray": 1 !== e.marketStatus, "arrow-down-click": t.betList[e.tcmSelectionId]
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v(t._s(t._f("zeroToCH")(e.backOdds)))])])
})) : t._e()])
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
"9IRr": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("YGuq"),
n = a("RSot"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-2b157efc", null);
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"9MFz": function(t, e, a) {
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e = t.$createElement,
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
expression: "show"
staticClass: "exchange-shell"
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staticClass: "model"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "progress"
}, [a("p", [t._v("兑换成功!")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "step"
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class: {
current: 1 ===
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staticClass: "line"
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class: {
current: 2 ===
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staticClass: "line last"
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staticClass: "title",
class: {
current: 3 ===
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staticClass: "input_box"
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name: "model",
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value: t.receiver,
expression: "receiver"
attrs: {
type: "text",
name: "",
placeholder: "填写收件人"
domProps: {
value: t.receiver
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input: function(e) { || (t.receiver =
})]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "input_box"
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name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.addressInfo,
expression: "addressInfo"
attrs: {
type: "text",
name: "",
placeholder: "收件人地址",
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value: t.addressInfo
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input: function(e) { || (t.addressInfo =
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expression: "mobile"
attrs: {
type: "text",
name: "",
placeholder: "手机号"
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on: {
input: function(e) { || ( =
})]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "input_box"
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directives: [{
name: "model",
rawName: "v-model",
value: t.userComment,
expression: "userComment"
attrs: {
type: "text",
name: "",
placeholder: "填写备注信息,如型号/颜色等"
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value: t.userComment
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input: function(e) { || (t.userComment =
})]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
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name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.submitAddress
expression: "{methods: submitAddress}"
staticClass: "submit"
}, [t._v("提交")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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name: "show",
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value: 2 ===,
expression: "tab===2"
staticClass: "step_2"
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staticClass: "arrow"
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staticClass: "text"
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name: "show",
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expression: "tab===3"
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staticClass: "arrow"
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staticClass: "text"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.step3Text))])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.closeShell
expression: "{methods: closeShell}"
staticClass: "icon icon-close"
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
"9RMr": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement;
return (t._self._c || e)("div", {
staticClass: "error",
on: {
click: t.reload
}, [t._m(0)])
i = [function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "error-content"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "icon-error icon"
}), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("点击屏幕,重新加载")])])
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render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
"9Skz": function(t, e, a) {
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function s(t) {
var i = a("0ZQw"),
n = a("CQv1"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-16143a08", null);
e.a = c.exports
"9WJr": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("Dd8w"),
i = a.n(s),
n = a("8Pq/"),
o = a("mtWM"),
r = a.n(o),
c = a("NYxO"),
l = a("GAzl");
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account: "",
newsApp: !1,
placeholder: "填写您的手机号或邮箱"
computed: i()({}, a.i(c.b)(["isLogin", "userInfo", "toast"])),
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this.isLogin && (this.account = this.userInfo.account), this.$ = window.innerHeight + "px";
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/newsapp/gi.test(e) && !/iphone/gi.test(e) && (this.newsApp = !0), window.__newsapp_upload_image_done = function(e) {
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t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), this.uploadImage = "", this.sourceUrl = ""
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a = new FileReader,
s = || t.dataTransfer.files;
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e.uploadImage =, e.compressImage(
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var t = document.createElement("iframe"); = "none", t.src = "uploadimage://album/1500_0", document.documentElement.appendChild(t), setTimeout(function() {
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t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation(), this.$router.go(-1)
sendImg: function() {
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show: !1,
text: "请填写反馈内容"
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data: s
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200 === e.code && (t.sourceUrl = [{
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feedback: function(t) {
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show: !0,
text: "请填写反馈内容"
var a = void 0;
a = this.account ? "wap" + this.account : "wap" + this.getUuid();
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mobileVersion: "",
mobileSystemVersion: "",
producer: "",
cityDetail: "",
channel: "",
logClientId: ""
i = {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
};"/uc/feedback/api/lotterynews/add ", s, i).then(function(t) {
1 === && (e.setToast({
show: !0,
text: "提交成功"
}), setTimeout(function() {
path: "/personalPage"
}, 2e3))
dataURItoBlob: function(t) {
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compressImage: function(t, e) {
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r = 1;
t >= e ? t > 300 ? (r = 300 / t, s.width = 300, s.height = r * e, s.getContext("2d").drawImage(i, 0, 0, t, e, 0, 0, 300, r * e)) : (s.width = t, s.height = e, s.getContext("2d").drawImage(i, 0, 0, t, e, 0, 0, t, e)) : e > 300 ? (r = 300 / e, s.width = r * t, s.height = 300, s.getContext("2d").drawImage(i, 0, 0, t, e, 0, 0, r * t, 300)) : (s.width = t, s.height = e, s.getContext("2d").drawImage(i, 0, 0, t, e, 0, 0, t, e)), o.ImgData = s.toDataURL("img/png");
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data: l
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200 === t.code && (o.sourceUrl =[0].sourceUrl, o.uploadImage =[0].sourceUrl)
getUuid: function() {
function t() {
return (65536 * (1 + Math.random()) | 0).toString(16).substring(1)
return t() + t() + "-" + t() + "-" + t() + "-" + t() + "-" + t() + t() + t()
components: {
scroll: l.a
watch: {
isLogin: function(t) {
this.isLogin && (this.account = this.userInfo.account)
"9a0J": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("XJr+"),
n = a("vEbF"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
"9kIT": function(t, e, a) {
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i = a("BtvA");
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changeTab: function(t) {
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scrollNavFixed: function() {
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beforeRouteLeave: function(t, e, a) {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", this.scrollNavFixed), a()
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AcDT: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("OcUR"),
n = a("c5K8"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
BFTX: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("PPo+"),
n = a("QJOL"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
BdGw: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "wrap-ZSXQ-2 p-ZSXQ"
}, [a("topBar", {
attrs: {
text: "赔率详情"
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staticClass: "m-comp"
}, [a("header", [t._v("公司")]), t._v(" "), a("ul", {
staticClass: "comp-list"
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name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.changeCompany,
index: s
expression: "{methods: changeCompany, index}"
class: {
"z-fcs": s === t.fcsIndex
}, [t._v(t._s(e.companyName))])
}))]), t._v(" "), 1 === t.matchType ? a("div", {
staticClass: "m-odds"
}, [t._m(0), t._v(" "), t.ballDetail.length > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-list"
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staticClass: "list scroll",
attrs: {
data: t.ballDetail[t.fcsIndex].oddsHistory,
pullup: !0,
able: !1
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staticClass: "grid-row"
}, [a("span", {
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.overStatus, "z-red": 1 === e.overStatus
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.over ? e.over : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.goalLine ? e.goalLine : "-")), e.goalLineStatus ? a("i", {
staticClass: "trend",
class: {
"i-arrow-top": 1 === e.goalLineStatus, "i-arrow-down": 2 === e.goalLineStatus
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"z-grn": 2 === e.underStatus, "z-red": 1 === e.underStatus
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.under ? e.under : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "c-time"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("formatDate")(e.oddsTime)))])])
}))])], 1) : a("list-empty")], 1) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.matchType ? a("div", {
staticClass: "m-odds"
}, [t._m(1), t._v(" "), t.ballDetail.length > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-list"
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staticClass: "list scroll",
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data: t.ballDetail[t.fcsIndex].oddsHistory,
pullup: !0,
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staticClass: "grid-row"
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"z-grn": 2 === e.overStatus, "z-red": 1 === e.overStatus
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staticClass: "trend",
class: {
"i-arrow-top": 1 === e.goalLineStatus, "i-arrow-down": 2 === e.goalLineStatus
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"z-grn": 2 === e.underStatus, "z-red": 1 === e.underStatus
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.under ? e.under : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "c-time"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("format")(e.oddsTime)))])])
}))])], 1) : a("list-empty")], 1) : t._e()], 1)
i = [function() {
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e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
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staticClass: "grid-row z-title"
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e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
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staticClass: "grid-row z-title"
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n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
BdN3: function(t, e) {},
BjLW: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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var i = a("/Jtq"),
n = a("fItf"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
Bm9q: function(t, e) {},
BtBe: function(t, e) {},
BtvA: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("ljNP"),
n = a("FtgO"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-177cdd82", null);
e.a = c.exports
"BuG+": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("DyCt"),
n = a("D1jE"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
BxFH: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
e.a = {
props: {
offset: {
type: Number,
default: 100
infiniteHeight: {
type: Number,
default: 80
pullUpHeight: {
type: Number,
default: 80
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type: Boolean,
default: !1
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type: Boolean,
default: !1
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type: Boolean,
default: !1
noFlag: {
type: Boolean,
default: !1
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type: Function,
default: void 0,
required: !1
onInfinite: {
type: Function,
default: void 0,
require: !1
onPullUp: {
type: Function,
default: void 0,
require: !1
data: function() {
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refreshState: 0,
startX: 0,
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pullUpLoading: !1,
direction: "Y"
mounted: function() {
this.enablePullUp && (this.enableInfinite = !1), this.enableInfinite && (this.enablePullUp = !1, this.$el.addEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll))
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touchStart: function(t) {
this.startY = t.targetTouches[0].pageY, this.startX = t.targetTouches[0].pageX, this.startScroll1 = this.$el.scrollTop || 0, this.startScroll2 = this.$el.scrollHeight - this.$el.clientHeight - this.$el.scrollTop || 0, this.touching = !0
touchMove: function(t) {
Math.abs(t.targetTouches[0].pageY - this.startY) < Math.abs(t.targetTouches[0].pageX - this.startX) && (this.direction = "X");
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if (e > 0) {
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this.enableRefresh && 0 === this.refreshState && (this.refreshTop = = e, >= this.offset && (this.refreshTop = = this.offset), this.refreshState = >= this.offset ? 1 : 0)
var a = this.startScroll2 + (t.targetTouches[0].pageY - this.startY);
if (a < 0) {
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this.enablePullUp && !this.noFlag && ( = a, this.pullUpTop = -a, Math.abs( > this.pullUpHeight && ( = -this.pullUpHeight, this.pullUpTop = this.pullUpHeight))
touchEnd: function(t) {
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if (2 === this.refreshState) return this.refreshState = 2, void(this.refreshTop = = this.offset);
this.refreshTop >= this.offset ? this.refresh() : (this.refreshState = 0, this.refreshTop = = 0)
if (this.enablePullUp && 0 === this.refreshState) {
if (this.pullUpLoading) return = -this.pullUpHeight, void(this.pullUpTop = this.pullUpHeight);
this.pullUpTop >= this.pullUpHeight ? this.pullUp() : this.pullUpTop = = 0
refresh: function() {
var t = this;
this.refreshState = 2, this.refreshTop = = this.offset, setTimeout(function() {
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refreshDone: function() {
this.refreshState = 0, this.refreshTop = = 0
infinite: function() {
var t = this;
this.infiniteLoading = !0, setTimeout(function() {
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infiniteDone: function() {
this.infiniteLoading = !1
pullUp: function() {
var t = this;
this.pullUpLoading = !0, = -this.pullUpHeight, this.pullUpTop = this.pullUpHeight, setTimeout(function() {
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pullUpDone: function() {
this.pullUpLoading = !1, this.pullUpTop = = 0
onScroll: function(t) {
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var e = this.$el.clientHeight;
this.$el.scrollHeight - this.$el.scrollTop - e < this.infiniteHeight && this.infinite()
C5w1: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("F8LT"),
n = a("+DRJ"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
CQv1: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "betCom"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "list_1"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "selection-name"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.betData.orderInfo.selectionName))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "selection-odds"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.betData.orderInfo.odds))]), t._v(" "), 1 === t.betData.orderInfo.goodsTypeId ? a("span", {
staticClass: "score"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.betData.orderInfo.matchScore))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.betData.orderInfo.isWin && t.showIcon ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon icon-win"
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 === t.betData.orderInfo.orderStatus ? a("span", {
staticClass: "end",
class: {
orange: t.betData.orderInfo.isCashOut, gray: !t.betData.orderInfo.isCashOut || !t.canClick, "cash-out-click": t.betData.orderInfo.isCashOut && !t.canClick
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("提前结束"), parseInt(t.betData.orderInfo.cashOutPrice) > 0 ? a("i", [t._v(" " + t._s(t._f("formatMoney")(t.betData.orderInfo.cashOutPrice)) + "N币")]) : t._e()]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 !== t.betData.orderInfo.orderStatus && 2 !== t.betData.orderInfo.orderStatus && 9 !== t.betData.orderInfo.orderStatus ? a("span", {
staticClass: "end",
class: {
progress: 4 === t.betData.orderInfo.orderStatus || 0 === t.betData.orderInfo.orderStatus
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("orderStatus2CH")(t.betData.orderInfo.orderStatus)))]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "list_2"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "left"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.betData.orderInfo.ruleTypeName))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "right"
}, [t._v("竞猜 " + t._s(t._f("formatMoney")(t.betData.orderInfo.orderPrice)))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "list_3"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "leagueName text-ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.betData.matchInfo.competitionName))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamName text-ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(2 == t.betData.matchInfo.eventStatus || 3 == t.betData.matchInfo.eventStatus ? t.betData.matchInfo.homeTeamName + " " + t.betData.matchInfo.homeTeamScore + ":" + t.betData.matchInfo.awayTeamScore + " " + t.betData.matchInfo.awayTeamName : t.betData.matchInfo.homeTeamName + " VS " + t.betData.matchInfo.awayTeamName))]), t._v(" "), t.betData.orderInfo.returnPrice && 3 != t.betData.orderInfo.orderStatus ? a("span", {
staticClass: "back"
}, [t._v(t._s(0 == t.betData.orderInfo.orderStatus || 1 == t.betData.orderInfo.orderStatus || 4 == t.betData.orderInfo.orderStatus ? "预" : "") + "返还 " + t._s(t._f("formatMoney")(t.betData.orderInfo.returnPrice)) + "N币")]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "order"
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(t.betData.orderInfo.createTime)), a("i"), t._v("订单号:" + t._s(t.betData.orderInfo.orderId))])])])
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
D1jE: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
attrs: {
id: "balance-wap"
on: {
touchmove: function(t) {
}, [a("topBar", {
attrs: {
text: t.topBarText
}), t._v(" "), a("scroll", {
staticClass: "list",
attrs: {
pullup: t.pullup
on: {
scrollToEnd: t.getData
}, [a("div", [a("div", {
staticClass: "balance"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "text"
}, [t._v("余额 :")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "redCurrency"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "bean"
}, [t._v("红豆 "), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon bg-hongdou"
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "recharge_ba",
on: {
click: t.toRecharge
}, [a("div", [t._v("充值")]), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon-arrow arrow-right-white"
})])]), t._v(" "), ? a("p", {
staticClass: "record-title"
}, [t._v("消费/充值记录")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), ? a("div", {
staticClass: "record"
}, t._l(, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "item"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "icon",
class: {
chong: 1 === e.type, gou: 2 !== e.type || 3 !== e.type, tui: 3 === e.type
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === e.type ? "充" : 3 === e.type ? "退" : 12 === e.type ? "退" : "购"))]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "title"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.title))]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "time"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.time))]), t._v(" "), 1 === e.currencyType ? a("div", {
staticClass: "bean-count"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "count"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.type <= 4 && e.type % 2 == 0 ? "-" + e.count : e.type <= 4 && e.type % 2 != 0 ? "+" + e.count : e.type % 2 == 1 ? "-" + e.count : e.type % 2 == 0 ? "+" + e.count : e.count))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "bean"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "icon-count bg-hongdou"
})])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === e.currencyType ? a("div", {
staticClass: "bean-count"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "count"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.type <= 4 && e.type % 2 == 0 ? "-" + e.type : e.type <= 4 && e.type % 2 != 0 ? "+" + e.type : e.type % 2 == 1 ? "-" + e.count : e.type % 2 == 0 ? "+" + e.count : e.count))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "bean"
}, [t._v("元 ")])]) : t._e()])
})) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.isloading,
expression: "isloading"
ref: "loadMore",
staticClass: "load_more"
}, [a("i")])]), t._v(" "), t.nodata ? a("div", {
staticClass: "nodata"
}, [a("div", [t._v("您还没有充值消费记录")])]) : t._e()], 1)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
D6fe: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "historyBet"
}, [a("v-nav", [t._v("历史竞猜")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "history-bet-nav"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab",
class: {
current: 1 === t.currentTab
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", [t._v("已结算")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "tab",
class: {
current: 2 === t.currentTab
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", [t._v("未结算")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "tab",
class: {
current: 3 === t.currentTab
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", [t._v("未成功")])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "content",
class: {
hideBar: !t.showOddsNav
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-content",
class: {
type1: 1 === t.currentTab, type2: 2 === t.currentTab, type3: 3 === t.currentTab
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-item"
}, [a("no-data", {
staticClass: "no-data",
attrs: {
show: ![1].list.length &&[1].noMore && ![1].isError,
}), t._v(" "),[1].isError ? a("v-error", {
staticClass: "error-model",
on: {
reload: t.reload
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "),[1].isLoading ? a("v-loading") : t._e(), t._v(" "),[1].list.length ? a("v-scroll", {
ref: "list1",
attrs: {
"on-pull-up": t.pullUpList1,
enableRefresh: !1,
enablePullUp: !0,
}, t._l([1].list, function(t) {
return a("div", {
key: t.orderInfo.tcmBaseOrderId,
staticClass: "betOrder-item"
}, [a("bet-com", {
attrs: {
betData: t
})], 1)
})) : t._e()], 1), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-item"
}, [a("no-data", {
staticClass: "no-data",
attrs: {
show: ![2].list.length &&[2].noMore && ![2].isError,
}), t._v(" "),[2].isLoading ? a("v-loading") : t._e(), t._v(" "),[2].isError ? a("v-error", {
staticClass: "error-model",
on: {
reload: t.reload
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "),[2].list.length ? a("v-scroll", {
ref: "list2",
attrs: {
"on-pull-up": t.pullUpList2,
enableRefresh: !1,
enablePullUp: !0,
}, t._l([2].list, function(e) {
return a("div", {
key: e.orderInfo.tcmBaseOrderId,
staticClass: "betOrder-item"
}, [a("bet-com", {
attrs: {
betData: e,
onCallback: t.onCallback
})], 1)
})) : t._e()], 1), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-item"
}, [a("no-data", {
staticClass: "no-data",
attrs: {
show: ![3].list.length &&[3].noMore && ![3].isError,
}), t._v(" "),[3].isLoading ? a("v-loading") : t._e(), t._v(" "),[3].isError ? a("v-error", {
staticClass: "error-model",
on: {
reload: t.reload
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "),[3].list.length ? a("v-scroll", {
ref: "list3",
attrs: {
"on-pull-up": t.pullUpList3,
enableRefresh: !1,
enablePullUp: !0,
}, t._l([3].list, function(t) {
return a("div", {
key: t.orderInfo.tcmBaseOrderId,
staticClass: "betOrder-item"
}, [a("bet-com", {
attrs: {
betData: t
})], 1)
})) : t._e()], 1)])])], 1)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
DK2u: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("mu2z"),
n = a("s7A+"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-46342eaf", null);
e.a = c.exports
DKds: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("JA5Z"),
n = a("SEYx"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-40227436", null);
e.a = c.exports
DR0M: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement;
return (t._self._c || e)("div", {
ref: "wrapper"
}, [t._t("default")], 2)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
DRi2: function(t, e) {},
DWeh: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "nav",
class: {
"nav-fixed": t.fixed
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "backTo",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "arrow-back"
})]), t._v(" "), t._t("default")], 2)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
DaMy: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
ref: "matchPlan",
attrs: {
id: "matchPlan"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "matchPlanCon"
}, [t.matchPlanData.length ? a("ul", t._l(t.matchPlanData, function(e) {
return a("li", {
key: e.threadId,
on: {
click: function(a) {
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "expert"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "avatar",
on: {
click: function(a) {
a.stopPropagation(), t.toExpertDetail(
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: ? + "?imageView&thumbnail=100y100&quality=85" : "",
alt: ""
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "text"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "nickname",
on: {
click: function(a) {
a.stopPropagation(), t.toExpertDetail(
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "info"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "slogan"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), && Math.round(100 * >= 60 ? a("p", {
staticClass: "bAllRate"
}, [t._v(t._s(]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), > 0 ? a("p", {
staticClass: "maxWin"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "连红")]) : t._e()])]), t._v(" "), Math.round(100 * >= 60 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "hitrate"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "hitratenum"
}, [t._v(t._s(Math.round(100 *, a("span", [t._v("%")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "hitratetext"
}, [t._v("命中率")])]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "thread_title"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.threadTitle))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "thread_info"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "push_time"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.publishTime))]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "price",
class: "showType" + e.showType
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === e.showType ? "查看" : 2 === e.showType ? "免费" : e.price + "红豆")), a("span", {
staticClass: "bg-hongdou"
})]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "heihong"
}, [a("span", {
class: 2 === e.plock ? "underway" : 3 !== e.plock ? "" : e.isWin ? "hong" : "hei"
}, [t._v(t._s(2 === e.plock ? "进行中" : 3 !== e.plock ? "" : e.isWin ? "红" : "黑"))])])])])
})) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.planStats.needMoreData && t.matchPlanData.length > 0,
expression: "planStats.needMoreData && matchPlanData.length > 0"
ref: "loadMore",
staticClass: "load_more"
}, [a("i", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.planStats.noMoreData,
expression: "!planStats.noMoreData"
}), t._v(" "), a("span", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.planStats.noMoreData,
expression: "planStats.noMoreData"
}, [t._v("无更多内容")])])]), t._v(" "), a("noData", {
attrs: {
show: !t.matchPlanData.length,
text: "该赛事没有方案",
icon: "noData",
top: "3rem",
height: "calc(100vh + -1.7rem)"
})], 1)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
DrOy: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("Ozo/"),
i = a("GQaK");
e.a = {
name: "slider",
props: {
loop: {
type: Boolean,
default: !0
autoPlay: {
type: Boolean,
default: !0
interval: {
type: Number,
default: 4e3
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type: Array,
default: []
data: function() {
return {
dots: [],
currentPageIndex: 0
mounted: function() {
var t = this;
setTimeout(function() {
t._setSliderWidth(), t._initDots(), t._initSlider(), t.autoPlay && t._play()
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t.slider && t.slider.enabled && (clearTimeout(t.resizeTimer), t.resizeTimer = setTimeout(function() {
t.slider.isInTransition ? t._onScrollEnd() : t.autoPlay && t._play(), t.refresh()
}, 60))
activated: function() {
var t = this.slider.getCurrentPage().pageX;
this.slider.goToPage(t, 0, 0), this.currentPageIndex = t, this.autoPlay && this._play()
deactivated: function() {
this.slider.disable(), clearTimeout(this.timer)
beforeDestroy: function() {
this.slider.disable(), clearTimeout(this.timer)
methods: {
refresh: function() {
this.slider && (this._setSliderWidth(!0), this.slider.refresh())
_setSliderWidth: function(t) {
this.children = this.$refs.sliderGroup.children;
for (var e = 0, i = this.$refs.slider.clientWidth, n = 0; n < this.children.length; n++) {
var o = this.children[n];
a.i(s.k)(o, "slider-item"), = i + "px", e += i
this.loop && !t && (e += 2 * i), this.$ = e + "px"
_initSlider: function() {
var t = this;
this.slider = new i.a(this.$refs.slider, {
scrollX: !0,
scrollY: !1,
momentum: !1,
snap: {
loop: this.loop,
threshold: .3,
speed: 400
}), this.slider.on("scrollEnd", this._onScrollEnd), this.slider.on("touchend", function() {
t.autoPlay && t._play()
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t.autoPlay && clearTimeout(t.timer)
_onScrollEnd: function() {
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this.dots = new Array(this.children.length)
_play: function() {
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clearTimeout(this.timer), this.timer = setTimeout(function() {
}, this.interval)
watch: {
recomends: function(t) {
DyCt: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("kwUQ"),
i = a("8Pq/"),
n = a("GAzl");
e.a = {
data: function() {
return {
pullup: !0,
topBarText: "余额",
nodata: !1,
data: {
redCurrency: null,
limit: 15,
offset: 0,
list: []
isloading: !1,
nomore: !1
created: function() {
methods: {
getData: function() {
var t = this;
this.isloading || this.nomore || (this.isloading = !0, a.i(i.a)("balance", {
urlParams: {
}).then(function(e) {
200 === e.code && ( =, =, t.offset || || (t.nodata = !0), < && (t.nomore = !0), +=, t.isloading = !1
}).catch(function(e) {
e && t.setToast({
show: !0,
text: "请求出错,请稍后再试"
toRecharge: function() {
path: "/recharge"
components: {
topBar: s.a,
scroll: n.a
E70S: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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probeType: {
type: Number,
default: 3
click: {
type: Boolean,
default: !0
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type: Boolean,
default: !1
data: {
type: Array,
default: null
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type: Boolean,
default: !1
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type: Boolean,
default: !1
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type: Number,
default: 20
direction: {
type: String,
default: "vertical"
needRefresh: {
type: Boolean,
default: !1
mounted: function() {
var t = this;
setTimeout(function() {
}, 20)
methods: {
_initScroll: function() {
var t = this;
this.$refs.wrapper && (this.scroll = new s.a(this.$refs.wrapper, {
probeType: this.probeType,
bounce: !1,
eventPassthrough: "vertical" === this.direction ? "horizontal" : "vertical"
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t.$emit("scroll", e)
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t.scroll.y <= t.scroll.maxScrollY + 50 && t.$emit("scrollToEnd")
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disable: function() {
this.scroll && this.scroll.disable()
enable: function() {
this.scroll && this.scroll.enable()
refresh: function() {
this.scroll && this.scroll.refresh()
scrollTo: function() {
this.scroll && this.scroll.scrollTo.apply(this.scroll, arguments)
scrollToElement: function() {
this.scroll && this.scroll.scrollToElement.apply(this.scroll, arguments)
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data: function() {
var t = this;
this.$nextTick(function() {
needRefresh: function() {
var t = this;
this.$nextTick(function() {
EC2Q: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("sfc1"),
i = a("tgkp"),
n = a("4jz1"),
o = a("/h2A"),
r = a("gH2e"),
c = a("8Pq/"),
l = a("Ozo/");
e.a = {
name: "pointsRecord",
data: function() {
return {
emptyShow: !1,
emptyText: "还没有积分记录哦",
isLoading: !0,
isError: !1,
timeTimer: null,
firstRequestTime: 0,
requestTime: 0,
data: {
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
noMore: !1,
list: []
pointsScroll: null
activated: function() {
this.getData(!0), this.pointsScroll = new l.e({
pullUpCallback: this.pullUp,
contentObj: this.$refs.pointsContent,
loadingObj: this.$refs.pointsLoad.$el
methods: {
reload: function() {
var t = this;
this.isError = !1, this.isLoading = !0, setTimeout(function() {
}, 500)
timeOut: function() {
var t = this;
this.timeTimer = setInterval(function() {
t.requestTime = ((new Date).getTime() - t.firstRequestTime) / 1e3, t.requestTime > 30 && (t.isLoading = !1, t.isError = !0, clearInterval(t.timeTimer))
}, 1e3)
refresh: function(t) {
this.getData(!0, t)
pullUp: function(t) { || this.getData(!1, t)
getData: function(t, e) {
var s = this; || (this.firstRequestTime = (new Date).getTime(), this.timeOut());
var i = void 0,
n = void 0;
t ? (n = 0, = [], i = < ? : : (i =, n =, a.i(c.a)("userCreditLog", {
urlParams: {
typeId: 2,
limit: i,
offset: n
}).then(function(a) {
e && e(), s.isLoading = !1, s.requestTime <= 30 && clearInterval(s.timeTimer), 200 === a.code ? ( = t ? :, =, < && > 0 && ( = !0), && s.pointsScroll.noMore(!0), <= 0 && (s.emptyShow = !0)) : e && e()
}, function(t) {
t && ! && (s.isLoading = !1, s.isError = !0)
jump: function() {
components: {
VNav: s.a,
noData: i.a,
VPullLoad: n.a,
VLoading: o.a,
VError: r.a
beforeRouteLeave: function(t, e, a) {
this.pointsScroll.unbind(), a()
EG5t: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("Dd8w"),
i = a.n(s),
n = a("NYxO");
e.a = {
name: "bet-notify",
props: {
notifyData: {
type: Object,
default: void 0
arrayKey: {
type: Number,
default: void 0
methods: i()({}, a.i(n.c)(["setBetNotify"]), {
notifyClose: function() {
window.localStorage.setItem("betNotifyShow", !0);
var t = !!window.localStorage.getItem("betNotifyShowRemainder"),
e = this;
t ? e.$store.state.betNotify.splice(e.arrayKey, 1) : this.$modal.confirm({
content: "确定要关闭状态提示么?<br />关闭后则不再提示处理结果,<br />可到历史竞猜中查看",
opacity: .6,
reminder: !0,
ok: function(t) {
t && window.localStorage.setItem("betNotifyShowRemainder", !0), e.$store.state.betNotify.splice(e.arrayKey, 1)
ESgL: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("mvHQ"),
i = a.n(s),
n = a("fZjL"),
o = a.n(n),
r = a("7+uW");
e.a = {
namespaced: !0,
state: {
betList: {},
betListPrice: {},
betListCount: 0
getter: {},
mutations: {
setBetList: function(t, e) {
if (0 === e.type) {
if (t.betList[e.selectionId] || t.betListCount >= 9) return;
r.a.set(t.betList, e.selectionId,, r.a.set(t.betListPrice, e.selectionId, 0)
1 === e.type && t.betList[e.selectionId] && (r.a.delete(t.betList, e.selectionId), r.a.delete(t.betListPrice, e.selectionId)), 2 === e.type && o()(t.betList).forEach(function(e) {
r.a.delete(t.betList, e), r.a.delete(t.betListPrice, e)
}), window.localStorage.setItem("localBetList", i()(t.betList)), window.localStorage.setItem("localBetListPrice", i()(t.betListPrice)), t.betListCount = o()(t.betList).length
setBetListPrice: function(t, e) {
r.a.set(t.betListPrice,, e.val.toString()), window.localStorage.setItem("localBetListPrice", i()(t.betListPrice))
actions: {}
ETuL: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("3EB2"),
n = a("lQja"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
Ebg2: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("kqtl"),
n = a("n+DD"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
F8LT: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("Dd8w"),
i = a.n(s),
n = a("ETuL"),
o = a("8Pq/"),
r = a("GAzl"),
c = a("kwUQ"),
l = a("oqAf"),
d = a("44dg"),
h = a("NYxO"),
u = a("Ozo/");
e.a = {
name: "expert",
data: function() {
return {
title: "专家",
pullup: !0,
isRequest: !1,
initDataType: 1,
dataType: null,
football: [],
basketball: [],
hasMoreF: !0,
hasMoreB: !0,
needMoreF: !0,
needMoreB: !0,
fPage: 0,
bPage: 0,
fLoading: !0,
bLoading: !0
computed: i()({
isMeiZu: function() {
return /wap_meizu/gi.test(this.$store.state.partner)
}, a.i(h.b)(["isEnter"])),
created: function() {
this.dataType = parseInt(this.$route.params.dataType, 10);
var t = this;
1 === this.dataType ? (this.getExpertList(this.isRequest, 1, 10, 0), setTimeout(function() {
t.getExpertList(t.isRequest, 2, 10, 0)
}, 200)) : 2 === this.dataType && (this.getExpertList(this.isRequest, 2, 10, 0), setTimeout(function() {
t.getExpertList(t.isRequest, 1, 10, 0)
}, 200))
methods: i()({}, a.i(h.c)(["setEmpty", "setToast", "setEnterTimer", "clearEnterTimer"]), {
setError: function(t) {
a.i(u.f)(t, "avator")
toExpertDetail: function(t) {
t && this.isEnter && this.$router.push("/expertDetail/" + t)
changeTab: function(t) {
if (this.isEnter) {
this.dataType = t, this.isRequest = !1;
var e = window.location.hash;
window.location.hash = e.replace(/\d/, this.dataType)
getExpertList: function(t, e, s, i) {
var n = this;
t || a.i(o.a)("expertList", {
urlParams: {
dataType: e,
limit: s,
offset: i
}).then(function(t) {
200 === t.code && && > 0 && (n.isRequest = !1, 1 === e ? (n.fLoading = !1, =, n.fPage++, || 1 !== n.dataType || n.setEmpty({
show: !0,
text: "暂无足球专家",
btnShow: !1,
btnText: "",
icon: "noData",
jumpLink: ""
}), < 10 && (n.needMoreF = !1), < 10 * n.fPage && (n.hasMoreF = !1)) : (n.bLoading = !1, =, n.bPage++, || 2 !== n.dataType || n.setEmpty({
show: !0,
text: "暂无篮球专家",
btnShow: !1,
btnText: "",
icon: "noData",
jumpLink: ""
}), < 10 && (n.needMoreB = !1), < 10 * n.bPage && (n.hasMoreB = !1)))
}, function(t) {
t && n.setToast({
show: !0,
text: "请求出错,请稍后再试"
pullUp: function(t) {
1 === t ? this.getExpertList(this.isRequest, t, 10, 10 * this.fPage) : 2 === t && this.getExpertList(this.isRequest, t, 10, 10 * this.bPage), this.isRequest = !0
followBtn: function(t) {
this.isEnter && this.$refs.appLead.followBtn(t ? "expert2" : "expert1")
mounted: function() {
beforeRouteLeave: function(t, e, a) {
this.clearEnterTimer(), a()
components: {
scroll: r.a,
topBar: c.a,
appLead: l.a,
navigation: n.a,
loading: d.a
watch: {
$route: function(t) {
this.setEnterTimer(), "expert" === && this.$route.params.dataType && t.params.dataType !== this.dataType && (this.dataType = parseInt(t.params.dataType, 10), 1 !== this.dataType || || this.fLoading ? 2 !== this.dataType || || this.bLoading || this.setEmpty({
show: !0,
text: "暂无篮球专家",
btnShow: !1,
btnText: "",
icon: "noData",
jumpLink: ""
}) : this.setEmpty({
show: !0,
text: "暂无足球专家",
btnShow: !1,
btnText: "",
icon: "noData",
jumpLink: ""
FCHv: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("sH8u"),
n = a("xbnU"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-3cdf3a57", null);
e.a = c.exports
FRNm: function(t, e) {},
FSzd: function(t, e) {},
Fenx: function(t, e) {},
FtgO: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "slide-toggle trans-300",
style: {
height: t.height
}, [a("div", {
ref: "slideContent",
staticClass: "content",
class: {
"slide-absolute": t.absolute
}, [t._t("default")], 2)])
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
GAzl: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("E70S"),
n = a("DR0M"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-2aada69c", null);
e.a = c.exports
"Gj/n": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "match-list"
}, [a("v-nav", [t._v("全部竞猜\n "), a("div", {
staticClass: "nav-more",
on: {
click: t.showNavMore
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "icon-more-dot"
})])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.showMore,
expression: "showMore"
staticClass: "floating-window"
}, [a("li", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("i", {
staticClass: "icon-h icon-nav-history"
}), a("i", [t._v("历史竞猜")])]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
path: "/mall"
}, [a("i", {
staticClass: "icon-m icon-nav-mall"
}), a("i", [t._v("商城兑换")])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "match-nav"
}, [a("li", {
class: {
current: 0 === parseInt(t.matchType)
on: {
click: function(e) {
path: "/tcmmatchlist/0"
}, [a("span", [t._v("精选赛事" + t._s(t.matchCount.handpickSize ? "(" + t.matchCount.handpickSize + ")" : ""))])]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
class: {
current: 1 === parseInt(t.matchType)
on: {
click: function(e) {
path: "/tcmmatchlist/1"
}, [a("span", [t._v("赛中竞猜" + t._s(t.matchCount.startingSize ? "(" + t.matchCount.startingSize + ")" : ""))])]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
class: {
current: 2 === parseInt(t.matchType)
on: {
click: function(e) {
path: "/tcmmatchlist/2"
}, [a("span", [t._v("赛前竞猜" + t._s(t.matchCount.notStartSize ? "(" + t.matchCount.notStartSize + ")" : ""))])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "match-list-notify"
}, t._l(t.$store.state.betNotify, function(t, e) {
return a("v-bet-notify", {
key: e,
attrs: {
notifyData: t,
arrayKey: e
})), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "match-list-content",
class: {
"type-1": 1 === parseInt(t.matchType), "type-2": 2 === parseInt(t.matchType), hideBar: !t.showOddsNav || t.searchShow
}, [t.$store.state.tcmMatchPause ? a("div", {
staticClass: "tcm-match-pause"
}, [t._v("竞猜暂停中")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("ul", {
class: {
"trans-300": t.transAnimate
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "ul-item"
}, [t.isLoading[0] ? a("div", {
staticClass: "ul-item-loading"
}, [a("v-loading")], 1) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.matchList[0].length > 0 ? a("v-scroll", {
ref: "handpickScroll",
attrs: {
"on-pull-up": t.pullUpHandpick,
enablePullUp: !0,
noFlag: t.noMore[0]
}, t._l(t.matchList[0], function(t, e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "match-item"
}, [a("v-matchAgainst", {
key: t.tcmEventId,
attrs: {
matchData: t
})], 1)
})) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.matchList[0].length <= 0 && !t.isError ? a("v-no-data", {
attrs: {
icon: "icon-noMatch",
text: "竟然没有竞猜比赛,耐心等等吧"
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.matchList[0].length <= 0 && t.isError ? a("v-error", {
staticClass: "error-model",
on: {
reload: t.reload
}) : t._e()], 1), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "ul-item"
}, [t.isLoading[1] ? a("div", {
staticClass: "ul-item-loading"
}, [a("v-loading")], 1) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.matchList[1].length > 0 ? a("v-scroll", {
ref: "startingScroll",
attrs: {
"on-pull-up": t.pullUpStarting,
enablePullUp: !0,
noFlag: t.noMore[1]
}, t._l(t.matchList[1], function(t, e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "match-item"
}, [a("v-matchAgainst", {
key: t.tcmEventId,
attrs: {
matchData: t
})], 1)
})) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.matchList[1].length <= 0 && !t.isError ? a("v-no-data", {
attrs: {
icon: "icon-noMatch",
text: "竟然没有竞猜比赛,耐心等等吧"
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.matchList[1].length <= 0 && t.isError ? a("v-error", {
staticClass: "error-model",
on: {
reload: t.reload
}) : t._e()], 1), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "ul-item"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "league"
}, [t._v("\n " + t._s(t.league.all || <= 0 ? "全部联赛(" + t.league.list.length + ")" : > 1 ? "多个联赛(" + + ")" : t.league.object[[0]].competitionName) + "\n "), a("div", {
staticClass: "search-btn",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", [t._v("筛选")]), a("div", {
staticClass: "icon search-icon"
})])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "league-list"
}, [t.isLoading[2] ? a("div", {
staticClass: "ul-item-loading"
}, [a("v-loading")], 1) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.matchList[2].length > 0 ? a("v-scroll", {
ref: "notStartScroll",
attrs: {
"on-pull-up": t.pullUpNotStart,
enablePullUp: !0,
noFlag: t.noMore[2]
}, t._l(t.matchList[2], function(t, e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "match-item"
}, [a("v-matchAgainst", {
key: t.tcmEventId,
attrs: {
matchData: t
})], 1)
})) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.matchList[2].length <= 0 && !t.isError ? a("v-no-data", {
attrs: {
icon: "icon-noMatch",
text: "竟然没有竞猜比赛,耐心等等吧"
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.matchList[2].length <= 0 && t.isError ? a("v-error", {
staticClass: "error-model",
on: {
reload: t.reload
}) : t._e()], 1)])])]), t._v(" "), a("transition", {
attrs: {
name: "fade-bottom"
}, [t.searchShow ? a("div", {
staticClass: "league-search"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "league-search-header"
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(t.league.all || <= 0 ? "全部联赛(" + t.league.list.length + ")" : > 1 ? "多个联赛(" + + ")" : t.league.object[[0]].competitionName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "search-close",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("i", {
staticClass: "icon-close-2"
})])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "btn",
class: {
choose: t.league.all
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v(t._s(t.league.all ? "取消全选" : "全选"))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "league-search-list"
}, t._l(t.league.list, function(e, s) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "btn text-ellipsis",
class: {
choose: e.choose
on: {
click: function(a) {
t.selectLeague(1, e.tcmCompetitionId, s)
}, [t._v(t._s(e.competitionName))])
})), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "league-search-footer"
}, [a("li", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("重置")]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("确定")])])]) : t._e()])], 1)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
HbDz: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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var t = this,
e = t.$createElement;
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i = [function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "pull-load"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "pull-up-loading scroll-loading"
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
Hxc5: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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i = a.n(s),
n = a("Dd8w"),
o = a.n(n),
r = a("8Pq/"),
c = a("kwUQ"),
l = a("gSf3"),
d = a("oqAf"),
h = a("44dg"),
u = a("NYxO"),
m = a("yIQJ"),
v = a("Ozo/");
e.a = {
name: "planDetail",
data: function() {
return {
title: "方案详情",
userId: 0,
planData: {
couponInfo: {
userCouponId: null,
realCost: null,
buyThreadTips: null
content: ""
curCoupon: {
userCouponId: null,
realCost: null,
buyThreadTips: null
expertData: [],
matchList: [],
couponData: [],
showCoupon: !1,
status: {
1: "未开始",
2: "进行中",
3: "已结束",
4: "已延期",
5: "已取消"
payTimer: void 0,
payStatus: "",
payShow: !1,
paySuccess: !1,
pay_popup_text: "<span>购买成功!</span><br/>网易红彩专业足球预测,<br/>下载APP获得更好的体验吧!",
hours: "00",
minutes: "00",
seconds: "00"
computed: o()({
isMeiZu: function() {
return /wap_meizu/gi.test(this.$store.state.partner)
}, a.i(u.b)(["isLogin", "userInfo", "partner", "isEnter"])),
created: function() {
this.threadId = parseInt(this.$route.params.threadId, 10), this.userId = this.isLogin && this.userInfo.userId ? this.userInfo.userId : 0, this.getPlanDetail(this.threadId, this.userId), this.getPlanCoupon(this.threadId)
mounted: function() {
methods: o()({}, a.i(u.c)(["setEnterTimer", "clearEnterTimer", "setToast"]), {
toExpertDetail: function(t) {
this.isEnter && t && this.$router.push("/expertDetail/" + t)
setError: function(t) {
a.i(v.f)(t, "avator")
toMatchDetail: function(t) {
this.isEnter && t && this.$router.push("/matchDetail/" + t)
getPlanDetail: function(t, e) {
var s = this;
a.i(r.a)("planDetail", {
urlParams: {
threadId: t,
userId: e
}).then(function(t) {
if (200 === t.code && {
if (s.planData =, s.expertData =, s.matchList =, !s.planData.price && !s.isMeiZu) {
var e = s.planData.content.substring(0, s.planData.content.length / 2);
s.planData.content = s.closeHTML(e)
if (0 === {
s.saleEndTime =, clearInterval(s.payTimer);
var a = s.saleEndTime.split(" "),
i = [parseInt(a[0].split("-")[0], 10), parseInt(a[0].split("-")[1], 10), parseInt(a[0].split("-")[2], 10), parseInt(a[1].split(":")[0], 10), parseInt(a[1].split(":")[1], 10), parseInt(a[1].split(":")[2], 10)];
s.countDown(i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3], i[4], i[5])
s.planData.couponInfo && s.planData.couponInfo.userCouponId && (s.curCoupon = s.planData.couponInfo)
getPlanCoupon: function(t) {
var e = this;
a.i(r.a)("planCoupon", {
urlParams: {
threadId: t
}).then(function(t) {
200 === t.code && && (e.couponData =
postPayment: function(t, e) {
var s = this;
if (this.isEnter) {
var i = a.i(v.j)("biz");
i = /\//g.test(i) ? i.replace("/", "") : i, a.i(r.a)("planBuy", {
method: "post",
data: {
threadId: t,
couponId: e || "",
biz: i || ""
}).then(function(t) {
if (200 === t.code) s.payStatus = "endpay", s.paySuccess = !0, s.getPlanDetail(s.threadId, s.userId), s.isMeiZu && (s.payShow = !1);
else if (40109 === t.code) v.d.login();
else if (1200109 === t.code) {
try {
window.localStorage.zhifubaoPath = s.$router.history.current.fullPath
} catch (t) {
show: !0,
text: "本地存储写入错误,请关闭隐身浏览模式"
path: "/recharge"
}), s.payShow = !1
oddBtn: function(t) {
this.isEnter && (this.$refs["oddsBtn" + t][0].style.display = "none", this.$refs["oddsChange" + t][0].style.display = "block")
countDown: function(t, e, a, s, i, n) {
var o = this;
this.leftTime(t, e, a, s, i, n), this.payTimer = setInterval(function() {
o.leftTime(t, e, a, s, i, n)
}, 1e3)
leftTime: function(t, e, a, s, i, n) {
var o = new Date(t, e - 1, a, s, i, n) - new Date;
o <= 0 && (clearInterval(this.payTimer), this.payStatus = "endpay");
var r = parseInt(o / 1e3 / 60 / 60 / 24, 10);
this.hours = this.checkTime(24 * r + parseInt(o / 1e3 / 60 / 60 % 24, 10)), this.minutes = this.checkTime(parseInt(o / 1e3 / 60 % 60, 10)), this.seconds = this.checkTime(parseInt(o / 1e3 % 60, 10))
checkTime: function(t) {
return t < 0 ? "00" : t < 10 ? "0" + t : t
followBtn: function(t, e) {
this.isEnter && ("expert" === t ? this.$refs.appLead.followBtn(e ? "expert2" : "expert1") : this.$refs.appLead.followBtn(t))
curCouponF: function(t, e, a) {
if (this.isEnter) {
this.curCoupon = {
userCouponId: t,
buyThreadTips: e,
realCost: a
var s = this.$,
n = !0,
o = !1,
r = void 0;
try {
for (var c, l = i()(s); !(n = (c =; n = !0) {
} catch (t) {
o = !0, r = t
} finally {
try {
!n && l.return && l.return()
} finally {
if (o) throw r
this.$refs["c" + t][0].classList.add("cur")
unUseCoupon: function() {
if (this.isEnter) {
this.showCoupon = !1, this.curCoupon = {
userCouponId: null,
buyThreadTips: "",
realCost: null
var t = this.$,
e = !0,
a = !1,
s = void 0;
try {
for (var n, o = i()(t); !(e = (n =; e = !0) {
} catch (t) {
a = !0, s = t
} finally {
try {
!e && o.return && o.return()
} finally {
if (a) throw s
closePop: function() {
this.isEnter && (this.isShow = !1, this.$emit("closePop"))
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var s = 0,
i = 0,
n = new RegExp("\\<" + e[a] + "( [^\\<\\>]+|)\\>", "ig"),
o = t.match(n);
null !== o && (s = o.length), n = new RegExp("\\<\\/" + e[a] + "\\>", "ig"), o = t.match(n), null !== o && (i = o.length);
for (var r = 0; r < s - i; r++) t += "</" + e[a] + ">"
return t
downLoad: function() {
this.payShow = !1, a.i(m.a)()
beforeRouteLeave: function(t, e, a) {
this.clearEnterTimer(), a()
components: {
topBar: c.a,
downloadBar: l.a,
appLead: d.a,
loading: h.a
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$route: function(t) {
"planDetail" === && this.$route.params.threadId && parseInt(t.params.threadId, 10) !== this.threadId && (this.threadId = parseInt(this.$route.params.threadId, 10), this.expertData = [], this.matchList = [], this.couponData = [], this.isFollow = !1, this.paySuccess = !1, this.getPlanDetail(this.threadId, this.userId), this.getPlanCoupon(this.threadId))
userInfo: {
deep: !0,
handler: function(t) {
this.userId = t.userId || 0
I5r4: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
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staticClass: "scrollRefresh",
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staticClass: "icon loading-pull"
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touchmove: function(t) {
}, [t._v("没有更多了")]) : t._e()], 2), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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i = [],
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staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
IcnI: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("woOf"),
i = a.n(s),
n = a("7+uW"),
o = a("NYxO"),
r = a("ESgL"),
c = a("8Pq/");
var l = {
isLogin: !1,
userInfo: null,
isBeing: !1,
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show: !1,
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text: "暂无数据",
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show: !1,
text: ""
partner: "",
isEnter: !1,
enterTimer: null,
betAgreement: !1,
mallUserInfo: "",
popInfo: "",
popShow: !1,
showOddsNav: !1,
tcmMatchPause: !1,
betNotify: [],
tcmEntrance: ""
d = {
setUserInfo: function(t, e) {
t.userInfo = e
setIsLogin: function(t, e) {
t.isLogin = e
setIsBeing: function(t, e) {
t.isBeing = e
setEmpty: function(t, e) {
t.isEmpty = i()(t.isEmpty, e)
setRedirectUrl: function(t, e) {
t.redirectUrl = e
setDownloadBar: function(t, e) {
t.downloadBarShow = e
setPartner: function(t, e) {
t.partner = e
setToast: function(t, e) {
t.toast = i()(t.toast, e)
setPosition: function(t, e) {
t.indexPosition = e.y
setEnterTimer: function(t) {
t.enterTimer = setTimeout(function() {
t.isEnter = !0
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clearEnterTimer: function(t) {
t.isEnter = !1, clearTimeout(t.enterTimer)
setMallUserInfo: function(t, e) {
t.mallUserInfo = e
setShowOddsNav: function(t, e) {
t.showOddsNav = e
setMatchPause: function(t, e) {
t.tcmMatchPause = e
setPopInfo: function(t, e) {
t.popInfo = e
setPopShow: function(t, e) {
t.popShow = e
setTcmEntrance: function(t, e) {
t.tcmEntrance = e
h = {
getUserInfo: function(t) {
var e = t.commit;
a.i(c.a)("getUserInfo").then(function(t) {
200 === t.code && (e("setIsLogin", !0), e("setUserInfo",
getMallUserInfo: function(t) {
var e = t.commit;
a.i(c.a)("mallUserInfo").then(function(t) {
200 === t.code && e("setMallUserInfo",
getMatchPause: function(t) {
var e = t.commit;
a.i(c.a)("tcmMatchPauseStatus").then(function(t) {
200 === t.code && e("setMatchPause",
getPopInfo: function(t) {
var e = t.commit;
a.i(c.a)("gamePersonInfo").then(function(t) {
200 === t.code && e("setPopInfo",
getTcmEntrance: function(t) {
var e = t.commit;
a.i(c.a)("tcmEntrance").then(function(t) {
200 === t.code && e("setTcmEntrance",
e.a = new o.a.Store({
state: l,
mutations: d,
actions: h,
modules: {
bet: r.a
IkBi: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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e = t.$createElement,
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click: function(e) {
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staticClass: "tab"
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staticClass: "tab-item",
class: 1 === t.lotteryCategoryId ? "cur" : "",
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click: function(e) {
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staticClass: "tab-item",
class: 2 === t.lotteryCategoryId ? "cur" : "",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("篮球")])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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name: "show",
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value: t.dateShow && 1 === t.lotteryCategoryId && > 0 || t.dateShow && 2 === t.lotteryCategoryId && > 0,
expression: "(dateShow&&lotteryCategoryId===1&&football.length>0)||(dateShow&&lotteryCategoryId===2&&basketball.length>0)"
ref: "date",
staticClass: "date"
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name: "show",
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value: !t.t2.f && 1 === t.lotteryCategoryId && 0 !== t.fDateTop || !t.t2.b && 2 === t.lotteryCategoryId && 0 !== t.bDateTop,
expression: "!t2.f&&lotteryCategoryId===1&&fDateTop!==0||!t2.b&&lotteryCategoryId===2&&bDateTop!==0"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.tDate.t1))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.t2.f && 1 === t.lotteryCategoryId || t.t2.b && 2 === t.lotteryCategoryId,
expression: "t2.f&&lotteryCategoryId===1||t2.b&&lotteryCategoryId===2"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.tDate.t2))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "show"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "match_con",
class: 1 === t.lotteryCategoryId ? "toleft" : "toright"
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staticClass: "football_match"
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staticClass: "list",
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pullup: t.pullup,
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needRefresh: t.needRefresh
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scrollToEnd: function(e) {
scroll: t.fScroll
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ref: "fUl1"
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return e.matchDate === t.tDate.t1 ? a("li", {
key: e.matchInfoId,
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click: function(a) {
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staticClass: "col1"
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staticClass: "col1_1"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.matchTime))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_2"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchStates[e.matchStatus - 1]))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_3"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueMatch.leagueName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_4"
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staticClass: "col2"
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staticClass: "col2_1"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamname"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeTeam.teamName))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamicon"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: e.homeTeam.teamIcon
on: {
error: t.setError
})])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col2_2"
}, [t._v("VS")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col2_3"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamicon"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: e.guestTeam.teamIcon
on: {
error: t.setError
})]), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamname"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestTeam.teamName))])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col3"
}, [ ? a("div", {
staticClass: "col3_1"
}, t._l(, function(e) {
return a("span", {
key: e.playItemId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.playItemName + e.odds))])
})) : t._e(), t._v(" "), e.threadCount > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "col3_2 bg-seemore"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.threadCount) + "个方案")]) : t._e()])]) : t._e()
})), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.fDate2 && 0 !== t.fDateTop,
expression: "fDate2&&fDateTop!==0"
ref: "date2",
staticClass: "date2"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.tDate.t2))]), t._v(" "), a("ul", t._l(, function(e) {
return e.matchDate === t.tDate.t2 ? a("li", {
key: e.matchInfoId,
on: {
click: function(a) {
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "col1"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_1"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.matchTime))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_2"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchStates[e.matchStatus - 1]))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_3"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueMatch.leagueName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_4"
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col2"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "col2_1"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamname"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeTeam.teamName))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamicon"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: e.homeTeam.teamIcon
on: {
error: t.setError
})])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col2_2"
}, [t._v("VS")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col2_3"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamicon"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: e.guestTeam.teamIcon
on: {
error: t.setError
})]), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamname"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestTeam.teamName))])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col3"
}, [ ? a("div", {
staticClass: "col3_1"
}, t._l(, function(e) {
return a("span", {
key: e.playItemId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.playItemName + e.odds))])
})) : t._e(), t._v(" "), e.threadCount > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "col3_2 bg-seemore"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.threadCount) + "个方案")]) : t._e()])]) : t._e()
})), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: > 0,
expression: "football.length>0"
ref: "loadMore",
staticClass: "load_more"
}, [a("i", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: this.hasMore.f,
expression: "this.hasMore.f"
}), t._v(" "), a("span", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !this.hasMore.f,
expression: "!this.hasMore.f"
}, [t._v("无更多内容")])])])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("loading", {
attrs: {
show: t.fLoading
})], 1), t._v(" "), > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "basketball_match"
}, [a("scroll", {
staticClass: "list",
attrs: {
pullup: t.pullup,
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needRefresh: t.needRefresh
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scrollToEnd: function(e) {
scroll: t.bScroll
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ref: "bUl1"
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key: e.matchInfoId,
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click: function(a) {
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "col1"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_1"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.matchTime))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_2"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchStates[e.matchStatus - 1]))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_3"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueMatch.leagueName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_4"
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col2"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "col2_1"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamname"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestTeam.teamName))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamicon",
style: {
backgroundImage: "url(" + e.guestTeam.teamIcon + ")"
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staticClass: "col2_2"
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staticClass: "col2_3"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamicon",
style: {
backgroundImage: "url(" + e.homeTeam.teamIcon + ")"
}), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamname"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeTeam.teamName))])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col3"
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staticClass: "col3_1"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "rangqiu"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), t._l(, function(e) {
return a("span", {
key: e.playItemId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.playItemName + e.odds))])
})], 2) : t._e(), t._v(" "), e.threadCount > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "col3_2 bg-seemore"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.threadCount) + "个方案")]) : t._e()])]) : t._e()
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.bDate2 && 0 !== t.bDateTop,
expression: "bDate2&&bDateTop!==0"
ref: "date2",
staticClass: "date2"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.tDate.t2))]), t._v(" "), a("ul", t._l(, function(e) {
return e.matchDate === t.tDate.t2 ? a("li", {
key: e.matchInfoId,
on: {
click: function(a) {
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "col1"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_1"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.matchTime))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_2"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchStates[e.matchStatus - 1]))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_3"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueMatch.leagueName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col1_4"
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col2"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "col2_1"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamname"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestTeam.teamName))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamicon",
style: {
backgroundImage: "url(" + e.guestTeam.teamIcon + ")"
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staticClass: "col2_2"
}, [t._v("VS")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col2_3"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamicon",
style: {
backgroundImage: "url(" + e.homeTeam.teamIcon + ")"
}), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamname"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeTeam.teamName))])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col3"
}, [ ? a("div", {
staticClass: "col3_1"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "rangqiu"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), t._l(, function(e) {
return a("span", {
key: e.playItemId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.playItemName + e.odds))])
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staticClass: "col3_2 bg-seemore"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.threadCount) + "个方案")]) : t._e()])]) : t._e()
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directives: [{
name: "show",
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expression: "basketball.length>0"
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directives: [{
name: "show",
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value: this.hasMore.b,
expression: "this.hasMore.b"
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directives: [{
name: "show",
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value: !this.hasMore.b,
expression: "!this.hasMore.b"
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attrs: {
show: t.bLoading
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this.getCouponList(1), this.getCouponList(2), this.getCouponList(3)
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text: "请求出错,请稍后再试"
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t && e.setToast({
show: !0,
text: "请求出错,请稍后再试"
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t && e.setToast({
show: !0,
text: "请求出错,请稍后再试"
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text: "您没有未使用优惠券",
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icon: "noCoupon"
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show: !0,
text: "您没有已使用优惠券",
jumpLink: "",
icon: "noCoupon"
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show: !0,
text: "您没有已过期优惠券",
jumpLink: "",
icon: "noCoupon"
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this.$nextTick(function() {
JAH5: function(t, e, a) {
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i = a("GAzl");
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data: function() {
return {
topBarText: "帮助中心"
mounted: function() {},
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topBar: s.a,
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KRcA: function(t, e, a) {
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i = a.n(s),
n = a("kwUQ"),
o = a("GAzl"),
r = a("8Pq/"),
c = a("44dg"),
l = a("NYxO");
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this.isloading || this.nomore || (this.isloading = !0, a.i(r.a)("activityList", {
urlParams: {
}).then(function(e) {
t.isloading = !1, 200 === e.code && (t.loadingShow = !1, =, +=, < && (t.nomore = !0))
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e && t.setToast({
show: !0,
text: "请求出错,请稍后再试"
components: {
topBar: n.a,
scroll: o.a,
loading: c.a
"Kl+P": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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i = a.n(s),
n = a("NYxO"),
o = a("8Pq/"),
r = a("oqAf"),
c = a("44dg"),
l = a("GAzl"),
d = a("Ozo/");
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isMeiZu: function() {
return /wap_meizu/gi.test(this.$store.state.partner)
}, a.i(n.b)(["isEnter"])),
created: function() {
this.userId = parseInt(this.$route.params.userId, 10), this.getExpertDetail(this.isRequest, this.userId, this.offset, this.limit)
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setHitRatePop: function(t) {
this.isHitRatePop = t
setError: function(t) {
a.i(d.f)(t, "avator")
getExpertDetail: function(t, e, s, i) {
var n = this;
t || this.hasMore && a.i(o.a)("expertDetail", {
urlParams: {
userId: e,
offset: s,
limit: i
}).then(function(t) {
200 === t.code && ? (n.isRequest = !1, && (n.expertDetail =, n.expertPlanList = n.expertPlanList.concat(, n.offset += 10, n.expertPlanList.length < 10 && (n.needMore = !1), n.expertPlanList.length < n.offset && (n.hasMore = !1)) : 70003 === t.code && n.setEmpty({
show: !0,
text: "该专家已下线",
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toPlanDetail: function(t) {
this.isEnter && t && this.$router.push("/planDetail/" + t)
reLink: function() {
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var t = this.$router.history.current.query.username;
t ? /sina|wx/gi.test(t) ? this.$router.go(-4) : this.$router.go(-3) : this.$router.go(-1)
followBtn: function(t) {
this.isEnter && this.$refs.appLead.followBtn(t ? "expert2" : "expert1")
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this.getExpertDetail(this.isRequest, this.userId, this.offset, this.limit), this.isRequest = !0
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this.clearEnterTimer(), a()
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$route: function(t) {
"expertDetail" === && this.$route.params.userId && t.params.userId !== this.userId && (this.userId = parseInt(this.$route.params.userId, 10), this.offset = 0, this.limit = 10, this.pullup = !0, this.isRequest = !1, this.expertDetail = [], this.expertPlanList = [], this.hasMore = !0, this.needMore = !0, this.getExpertDetail(this.isRequest, this.userId, this.offset, this.limit))
KuvB: function(t, e) {},
L5Za: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("NwZb"),
n = a("oq0a"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-6e83d459", null);
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LPcO: function(t, e, a) {
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n = a("MaWS"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-105408b6", null);
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Lqi7: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("48XG"),
n = a("9MFz"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-17ed1e8d", null);
e.a = c.exports
M93x: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("xJD8"),
n = a("T4M5"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
MLTo: function(t, e) {},
MTHT: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
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n = a("gn4M"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-1ee4ebe7", null);
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MaWS: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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e = t.$createElement,
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}, [t._m(0), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "introduce"
}, [t._v("竞猜活动是使用网易红彩积分(以下简称 “积分”)及N币(以下简称“N币”)竞猜体育赛事的活动(以下称“本次活动”)。本次活动覆盖的比赛(以下称“比赛”),将由网易红彩自主设定,并以本次活动界面展示的比赛为准。用户可以使用积分对比赛进行竞猜,猜对赢取N币。")]), t._v(" "), t._m(1), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "accordion"
}, [a("li", [a("div", {
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methods: t.changeTab,
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class: {
current: 1 === t.showTab
}, [t._v("什么是积分?"), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-open"
})]), t._v(" "), a("v-slide-toggle", {
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show: 1 === t.showTab
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staticClass: "tab-info-content"
}, [a("p", [t._v("积分是用户在网易红彩完成任务等获得的一种奖励。")])])])])], 1), t._v(" "), a("li", [a("div", {
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current: 2 === t.showTab
}, [t._v("如何获得积分?"), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-open"
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show: 2 === t.showTab
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staticClass: "tab-info"
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staticClass: "tab-info-content"
}, [a("p", [t._v("用户首次登陆网易红彩、在网易红彩完成每日任务(如充值红豆、购买专家方案、参与本次活动)或购买网易红彩的其他服务(用户需了解,并非购买网易红彩的任一付费服务均有积分赠送,具体以相关服务购买页面的说明为准,请用户注意阅读)、等能获得相应积分。用户点击积分商城即可查看其拥有的积分总量。"), a("i", {
staticClass: "underline"
}, [t._v("目前,用户获得的积分仅可用于参与本次活动,积分不能用于兑换商城中的奖品或兑换人民币。网易红彩有权随时调整积分的获取方式(包括但不限于可以获取积分的任务、某一任务可以获取积分的条件与数量,以及赠送积分的付费服务及获赠条件等),请用户注意在网易红彩相关页面中查看。")])])])])])], 1), t._v(" "), a("li", [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
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value: {
methods: t.changeTab,
tab: 3
expression: "{methods: changeTab, tab: 3}"
staticClass: "tab",
class: {
current: 3 === t.showTab
}, [t._v("什么是N币?"), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-open"
})]), t._v(" "), a("v-slide-toggle", {
attrs: {
show: 3 === t.showTab
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info-content"
}, [a("p", [t._v("N币是用户参与本次活动猜对而获得的一种奖励。")])])])])], 1), t._v(" "), a("li", [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.changeTab,
tab: 4
expression: "{methods: changeTab, tab: 4}"
staticClass: "tab",
class: {
current: 4 === t.showTab
}, [t._v("如何获得N币?"), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-open"
})]), t._v(" "), a("v-slide-toggle", {
attrs: {
show: 4 === t.showTab
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info-content"
}, [a("p", [t._v("用户可以使用积分或N币对赛事进行竞猜,猜对赢取N币。用户点击积分商城即可查看其拥有的N币总量。")])])])])], 1), t._v(" "), a("li", [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.changeTab,
tab: 5
expression: "{methods: changeTab, tab: 5}"
staticClass: "tab",
class: {
current: 5 === t.showTab
}, [t._v("怎么参与竞猜?"), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-open"
})]), t._v(" "), a("v-slide-toggle", {
attrs: {
show: 5 === t.showTab
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info-content"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "mb-30"
}, [t._v("用户进入本次活动页面,选择竞猜场次下单参与竞猜。网易红彩将自行安排每场比赛所对应的竞猜场次数,请用户注意在上述页面查看。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("用户可在“我的下单”中选择任一竞猜场次、选择任一选项投入积分或N币(如用户同时拥有积分和N币,则系统将默认优先消耗积分),点击“竞猜”按钮成功向网易红彩提交后(在“我的下单”页面中显示为“已下单”)即视为下单(以下简称“下单”)。用户每次可且仅可选择一个选项投入积分或N币下单进行竞猜,在该场竞猜的结束时间(以下称“竞猜结束时间”,具体结束时间由网易红彩根据比赛情况等因素自行设定)届满前可多次追加投入积分或N币。"), a("i", {
staticClass: "underline"
}, [t._v("用户参与竞猜而投入积分或N币的数量有上限,该等限额由网易红彩自行设定,并将在每次下单时进行提示,请注意查看。")])])])])])], 1), t._v(" "), a("li", [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.changeTab,
tab: 6
expression: "{methods: changeTab, tab: 6}"
staticClass: "tab",
class: {
current: 6 === t.showTab
}, [t._v("玩法倍数是什么?"), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-open"
})]), t._v(" "), a("v-slide-toggle", {
attrs: {
show: 6 === t.showTab
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info-content"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "mb-30"
}, [t._v("在竞猜结束时间届满前,玩法倍数为一个实时变动的数字。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("玩法倍数意味着,依照该场竞猜相对应的比赛结果,如用户选择的竞猜选项为最终正确选项,则用户获得的N币回报为:用户在该竞猜选项上投入的竞猜额乘以玩法倍数。玩法倍数以网易红彩提供的数字为准。用户实际获得的N币回报数量以网易红彩统计的数字为准。")])])])])], 1), t._v(" "), a("li", [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.changeTab,
tab: 7
expression: "{methods: changeTab, tab: 7}"
staticClass: "tab",
class: {
current: 7 === t.showTab
}, [t._v("N币什么时候入账?"), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-open"
})]), t._v(" "), a("v-slide-toggle", {
attrs: {
show: 7 === t.showTab
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info-content"
}, [a("p", [t._v("每场竞猜的竞猜结果公布后,获得的N币将自动入账;用户点击积分商城即可查看N币总量。")])])])])], 1), t._v(" "), a("li", [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.changeTab,
tab: 8
expression: "{methods: changeTab, tab: 8}"
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class: {
current: 8 === t.showTab
}, [t._v("竞猜结果没公布,积分、N币可以返还么?"), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-open"
})]), t._v(" "), a("v-slide-toggle", {
attrs: {
show: 8 === t.showTab
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info-content"
}, [a("p", [t._v("若遇该场竞猜相对应的比赛取消、系统故障等特殊情况导致该场竞猜未能公布竞猜结果,用户在该场竞猜中投入积分、N币将全部原路返还,用户可在历史竞猜及积分商城页面进行查看。")])])])])], 1), t._v(" "), a("li", [a("div", {
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name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
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methods: t.changeTab,
tab: 9
expression: "{methods: changeTab, tab: 9}"
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class: {
current: 9 === t.showTab
}, [t._v("如何接收结果?"), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-open"
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attrs: {
show: 9 === t.showTab
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staticClass: "tab-info"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info-content"
}, [a("p", [t._v("每场竞猜的竞猜结果将在该场竞猜相对应的比赛结束后公布;参与该场竞猜的用户可以在历史竞猜页面查看竞猜结果。")])])])])], 1), t._v(" "), a("li", [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.changeTab,
tab: 10
expression: "{methods: changeTab, tab: 10}"
staticClass: "tab",
class: {
current: 10 === t.showTab
}, [t._v("N币怎么花?"), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-open"
})]), t._v(" "), a("v-slide-toggle", {
attrs: {
show: 10 === t.showTab
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info-content"
}, [a("p", [t._v("N币可以在网易红彩积分商城页面兑换奖品。网易红彩有可能时时调整奖品安排,实际可兑换的奖品应以届时积分商城中的可兑换奖品为准。请用户了解,"), a("i", {
staticClass: "underline"
}, [t._v("用户获得的N币仅可用于参与本次活动或兑换奖品,不能兑换成为人民币。")])])])])])], 1), t._v(" "), a("li", [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
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value: {
methods: t.changeTab,
tab: 11
expression: "{methods: changeTab, tab: 11}"
staticClass: "tab",
class: {
current: 11 === t.showTab
}, [t._v("竞猜题目是什么?"), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-open"
})]), t._v(" "), a("v-slide-toggle", {
attrs: {
show: 11 === t.showTab
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-info-content"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "subtitle"
}, [t._v("A:足球赛事90分钟赛事竞猜题目(90分钟赛事竞猜包括伤停补时,但不包括加时赛,点球大战所用时间)")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "detail"
}, [a("span", [t._v("1.")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "mb-30"
}, [t._v("全场胜平负题:即对90分钟内赛事的胜平负单一赛果竞猜;")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "detail"
}, [a("span", [t._v("2.")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "mb-30"
}, [t._v("亚洲让球胜负题:即90分钟内A队让B队x球后的赛果竞猜;")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "detail"
}, [a("span", [t._v("3.")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "mb-30"
}, [t._v("全场大小球题:即90分钟内对比赛两队全场得分总和的大小分竞猜,大于(小于)表示竞猜该得分为大分(小分);")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "detail"
}, [a("span", [t._v("4.")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "mb-30"
}, [t._v("全场双胜题:即90分钟内赛事胜平负三种赛果中选择任意两种赛果的竞猜;")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "detail"
}, [a("span", [t._v("5.")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "mb-30"
}, [t._v("全场两队总进球单双题:即90分钟内赛事比赛两队全场得分总和为单数或双数的赛果竞猜;")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "detail"
}, [a("span", [t._v("6.")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "mb-30"
}, [t._v("全场正确比分题:即对90分钟内赛事的最终比分的赛果竞猜;")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "detail"
}, [a("span", [t._v("7.")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "mb-30"
}, [t._v("全场总进球数题:即90分钟内赛事比赛两队全场得分总和的赛果竞猜;")])]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "subtitle"
}, [t._v("B: 足球赛事上半场赛事竞猜(上半场赛事包括伤停补时)")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "detail"
}, [a("span", [t._v("1.")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "mb-30"
}, [t._v("上半场亚洲让球胜负题:即上半场比赛结束前A队让B队x球后的赛果竞猜;")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "detail"
}, [a("span", [t._v("2.")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "mb-30"
}, [t._v("上半场大小球题:即上半场比赛结束前对比赛两队得分总和的大小分竞猜,大于(小于)表示竞猜该得分为大分(小分);")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "detail"
}, [a("span", [t._v("3.")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "mb-30"
}, [t._v("上半场胜平负题:即对上半场比赛结束前的胜平负单一赛果竞猜;")])]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "subtitle"
}, [t._v("C:进行中的足球赛事大小球题:即在赛事进行过程中对比赛两队全场得分总和的大小分竞猜;")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "subtitle"
}, [t._v("D:剩余时间的亚洲让球胜负题:即比赛剩余时间内A队让B队x球后的赛果竞猜;")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "subtitle"
}, [t._v("E:下一个进球题:即对90分钟内赛事是否会出现进球;若出现进球,哪一队率先取得进球的赛果竞猜;")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "subtitle"
}, [t._v("F:下一个5分钟进球题:即自下单其5分钟内比赛两队是否有进球的单一赛果竞猜。")])])])])], 1)]), t._v(" "), t._m(2), t._v(" "), t._m(3)])])
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e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "rule-title"
}, [a("span", [a("i", [t._v("活动说明")])])])
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e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "rule-title"
}, [a("span", [a("i", [t._v("参与方式")])])])
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e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "rule-title"
}, [a("span", [a("i", [t._v("法律条款")])])])
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e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "clause"
}, [a("p", [t._v("“竞猜活动”(以下称“本次活动”)为网易红彩(以下称“本平台”)的平台活动。用户在参与本次活动之前,应请认真阅读并充分理解本次活动的活动规则及法律条款(以下合称为“活动规则及相关条款”)。如用户参与本次活动,则应视为用户已完整阅读、充分理解并同意活动规则及相关条款。如用户对活动规则及相关条款的任何部分存有异议,或者无法准确理解,请不要参与本次活动。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("本次活动的活动规则及相关条款由本平台设定,本平台亦可在本次活动进行期间,根据本次活动的实际情况,自主地对活动规则及相关条款进行变动或调整,并公布于本次活动的相应页面。活动规则及相关条款更新后,将于公布之时起生效,如用户不同意接受该等更新,应请停止参与本次活动。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("本次活动作为本平台的平台活动,本平台发布及不定时更新的平台规范(包括但不限于"), a("a", {
attrs: {
href: ""
}, [t._v("《网易红彩服务条款》")]), t._v(",以下称“平台规范”)同样适用于本次活动。活动规则及相关条款应作为对本次活动的特别约定,构成平台规范的组成部分:如活动规则及相关条款中的任何内容与平台规范冲突或不一致,以本活动规则及相关条款为准;本活动规则及相关条款中未涉及的部分,应依照平台规范。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("1、"), a("i", {
staticClass: "underline"
}, [t._v("为本次活动的公平性,用户不应以任何作弊的或其他不正当的行为(包括但不限于恶意刷等任何的技术或人工手段)参与本次活动,不应利用系统漏洞来获得不正当的非法利益。本平台不承认上述不正当行为和利益的效力;如经发现,本平台将有权取消其参与本次活动的资格和其因参与本次活动而获得的全部奖励(包括但不限于取消其因参与本次活动而获得的积分、N币、获得/兑换的奖品和/或其他奖励,以下同)。若因此造成损失,本平台不会做出任何补偿或赔偿。")])]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("2、用户参与本次活动的所有行为,应符合法律法规、相关政策及相关平台规范,无任何不良、非法或侵权内容,无任何广告或推广信息(本平台及其关联公司的产品或服务除外)。否则,如经发现,本平台将有权取消其参与本次活动的资格和其因参与本次活动而获得的全部奖励,同时依照相关平台规则进行处罚。若因此造成损失,本平台不会做出任何补偿或赔偿。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("3、用户了解,本平台并不保证本次活动不会出现中断,若因此造成损失,本平台不承担责任。同时,为本平台和/或本次活动的运营需要,本平台有权依照自主决定随时修改、暂停或终止本次活动及相关服务,而无需为此做出任何补偿、赔偿或承担任何责任。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("4、如用户在参与本次活动期间,因个人操作不当,或者电信运营商故障、计算机病毒或黑客攻击、技术问题、网络或电脑故障、系统不稳定性、政府管制、法律或政策变动以及其他各种第三方或不可抗力原因,无法参与本次活动或遭受任何损失,本平台不承担责任。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("5、如用户因参与本次活动,依照相关活动规则获得任何积分、N币的具体数量将以本平台统计的数字为准。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("6、请用户了解,本平台并不保证在本次活动中提供的任何信息或内容(包括但不限于玩法倍数等本次活动相关数据,以及比赛相关数据等)的真实性与准确性,如用户需利用在本次活动中获知的信息或内容进行任何其他行为,应请自行对相关信息或内容进行核实后使用,并对使用后果自行负责。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("7、请用户了解,本次活动的相关信息(包括但不限于奖品信息等)仅于本次活动官方页面发布,本平台并未委托任何第三方机构或个人通知用户中奖或进行其他本次活动相关行为,如有任何人冒用本平台名义进行上述行为,请用户予以警惕、切勿轻信,否则因此造成损失的,本平台不承担责任。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("8、"), a("i", {
staticClass: "underline"
}, [t._v("任何人不应利用本次活动进行博彩类行为,如经发现,本平台将有权取消其参与本次活动的资格和其因参与本次活动而获得的全部奖励;如已构成犯罪,本平台有权移交司法机关处理,因此给本平台造成损失的,应承担赔偿责任。")])])])
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computed: i()({}, a.i(o.b)(["isLogin"])),
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this.getPriceList(), this.$store.state.isLogin || this.getUserInfo()
created: function() {
this.$store.state.isLogin || this.getUserInfo();
var t = this.getTradeInfo();
t && (new Date).getTime() - parseInt(t.time) < 18e5 ? this.showPayTip = !0 : this.reMoveTrade()
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agree: function() {
this.isAgree = !this.isAgree
chooseProduct: function(t) {
this.chooseIndex = t.index
getPriceList: function() {
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urlParams: {
typeId: 11
}).then(function(e) {
200 === e.code ? && (t.productList = : t.toast = {
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title: "加载价格列表有误,请稍后再试"
}, function(e) {
e && (t.toast = {
show: !0,
title: "网络有问题,请稍后再试"
getOrder: function(t) {
var e = this;
return this.$store.state.isLogin ? this.productList.length < 1 ? void this.setToast({
show: !0,
text: "价格列表异常"
}) : this.isAgree ? (this.payment = t, void(this.isPaying || (this.isPaying = !0, a.i(r.a)("recharge", {
method: "post",
data: {
channelId: this.payment,
goodsId: this.productList.subscribeProductVoList[this.chooseIndex].subscribeProductId,
orderTypeId: 2
}).then(function(t) {
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else e.setToast({
show: !0,
text: t.message
}), e.payment = 0
})))) : void this.setToast({
show: !0,
text: "您需要同意服务协议"
}) : void this.setToast({
show: !0,
text: "请先登录账号"
checkPay: function(t) {
"success" === t && this.getUserInfo(), this.reMoveTrade(), this.showPayTip = !1
getTradeInfo: function() {
return window.localStorage.getItem("trade") ? {
tradeId: window.localStorage.getItem("trade").split(",")[0],
time: window.localStorage.getItem("trade").split(",")[1]
} : null
setTrade: function(t) {
try {
window.localStorage.setItem("trade", t + "," + (new Date).getTime())
} catch (t) {
show: !0,
text: "本地存储写入错误,请关闭隐身浏览模式"
reMoveTrade: function() {
try {
} catch (t) {
show: !0,
text: "本地存储写入错误,请关闭隐身浏览模式"
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topBar: n.a
OAZ6: function(t, e, a) {
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e = t.$createElement,
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click: function(e) {
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guestTeam: {
guest: "",
total: ""
homeTeam: {
home: "",
total: ""
matchBaseInfo: {
guestTeamName: "",
homeTeamName: ""
meeting: {},
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guestMatchInfo: "",
homeMatchInfo: ""
fixture: {
guestTeam: "",
homeTeam: ""
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homeInjure: "",
guestInjure: ""
event: {
homeEvent: "",
guestEvent: ""
matchBaseInfo: ""
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0: "赢",
1: "输",
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default: null
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default: !1
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this.getMatchData(this.matchInfoId), this.getMatchReport(this.matchInfoId)
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getMatchData: function(t) {
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a.i(s.a)("matchReport", {
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matchInfoId: t
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matchInfoId: function() {
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matchInfo: "",
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guestTeam: {
guest: "",
total: ""
homeTeam: {
home: "",
total: ""
matchBaseInfo: {
guestTeamName: "",
homeTeamName: ""
meeting: {},
dishroad: {
guestMatchInfo: "",
homeMatchInfo: ""
fixture: {
guestTeam: "",
homeTeam: ""
meetingSwitch: !0,
homeSwitch: !0,
guestSwitch: !0
}, this.matchReport = {
injure: {
homeInjure: "",
guestInjure: ""
event: {
homeEvent: "",
guestEvent: ""
matchBaseInfo: ""
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show: !1,
title: ""
choose: !1,
agreementLink: ""
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topBar: n.a,
scroll: r.a
activated: function() {
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t && !/partner/g.test(window.location.href) && (this.setPartner(t), this.$router.replace({
path: this.$route.fullPath,
query: {
PARTNER: this.$store.state.partner
created: function() {
this.$store.state.isLogin || this.getUserInfo(), this.getPriceList();
var t = this.getTradeInfo();
t && (new Date).getTime() - parseInt(t.time) < 18e5 ? this.showPayTip = !0 : this.reMoveTrade()
computed: i()({}, a.i(c.b)(["isLogin"])),
methods: i()({}, a.i(c.c)(["setPartner"]), a.i(c.d)(["getUserInfo"]), {
agree: function() {
this.isAgree = !this.isAgree
getPriceList: function() {
var t = this;
a.i(o.a)("payList").then(function(e) {
200 === e.code ? && (t.goodsList = : t.toast = {
show: !0,
title: "加载价格列表有误,请稍后再试"
}).catch(function(e) {
e && (t.toast = {
show: !0,
title: "网络有问题,请稍后再试"
choosePrice: function(t) {
this.choose = !0, this.priceIndex = t, this.payment = 0
toLogin: function() {
getOrder: function(t) {
if (this.$store.state.partner && window.localStorage.setItem("HCPARTNER", this.$store.state.partner), !this.$store.state.isLogin) return void(this.toast = {
show: !0,
title: "请先登录账号"
if (this.goodsList.length < 1) return void(this.toast = {
show: !0,
title: "价格列表异常"
if (!this.isAgree) return void(this.toast = {
show: !0,
title: "您需要同意服务协议"
var e = this;
if (!window.localStorage.getItem("reminderRechargeQuiz")) this.$modal.confirm({
content: "充值红豆只能用于购买平台内专家方案,不能购买彩票,参与竞猜答题请前往积分商城。",
opacity: .7,
okText: "去竞猜",
reminder: !0,
cancelText: "确定",
ok: function(t) {
console.log(t), t && window.localStorage.setItem("reminderRechargeQuiz", !0), e.$router.push({
path: "/mall"
cancel: function(s) {
s && window.localStorage.setItem("reminderRechargeQuiz", !0), e.payment = t, e.isPaying || (e.isPaying = !0, a.i(o.a)("recharge", {
method: "post",
data: {
channelId: e.payment,
goodsId: e.goodsList[e.priceIndex].goodsId,
orderTypeId: 1
}).then(function(t) {
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if (3 === e.payment) e.setTrade(, window.location.href = + "&redirect_url=" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
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show: !0,
title: t.message
}, function(t) {
e.isPaying = !1, t && (e.toast = {
show: !0,
title: "网络有问题,请稍后再试"
else {
if (e.payment = t, e.isPaying) return;
e.isPaying = !0, a.i(o.a)("recharge", {
method: "post",
data: {
channelId: e.payment,
goodsId: e.goodsList[e.priceIndex].goodsId,
orderTypeId: 1
}).then(function(t) {
if (e.isPaying = !1, 200 === t.code)
if (3 === e.payment) e.setTrade(, window.location.href = + "&redirect_url=" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href);
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show: !0,
title: t.message
}, function(t) {
e.isPaying = !1, t && (e.toast = {
show: !0,
title: "网络有问题,请稍后再试"
checkPay: function(t) {
"success" === t && this.getUserInfo(), this.reMoveTrade(), this.showPayTip = !1
getTradeInfo: function() {
return window.localStorage.getItem("trade") ? {
tradeId: window.localStorage.getItem("trade").split(",")[0],
time: window.localStorage.getItem("trade").split(",")[1]
} : null
setTrade: function(t) {
try {
window.localStorage.setItem("trade", t + "," + (new Date).getTime())
} catch (t) {
this.toast = {
show: !0,
title: "本地存储写入错误,请关闭隐身浏览模式"
reMoveTrade: function() {
try {
} catch (t) {
this.toast = {
show: !0,
title: "本地存储写入错误,请关闭隐身浏览模式"
watch: {
toast: {
deep: !0,
handler: function(t) {
var e = this; && setTimeout(function() { = !1
}, 2e3)
"PPo+": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("8Pq/"),
i = a("4JkW"),
n = a("FCHv");
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name: "matchZhishu",
data: function() {
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title: "赛事指数",
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matchInfoId: {
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default: null
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default: !1
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type: Number,
default: 0
isTab: {
type: Boolean,
default: !1
created: function() {
this.getMatchOdds(this.matchInfoId), this.getMatchBalls(this.matchInfoId)
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toOddsDetail: function(t, e) {
this.isTab || this.$router.push("/matchOddsDetail/" + this.matchInfoId + "/" + t + "/" + e)
toBallDetail: function(t) {
this.isTab || this.$router.push("/matchBallDetail/" + this.matchInfoId + "/" + t)
getMatchOdds: function(t) {
var e = this;
a.i(s.a)("matchOdds", {
urlParams: {
matchInfoId: t
}).then(function(t) {
200 === t.code && && (e.oddsList =
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var e = this;
a.i(s.a)("matchBalls", {
urlParams: {
matchInfoId: t
}).then(function(t) {
200 === t.code && && (e.matchType =, e.ballList =
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this.zhishuTab = t, this.isFixed ? window.scrollTo(0, this.scrollTop) : window.scrollTo(0, 0)
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components: {
noData: n.a
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matchInfoId: function() {
this.oddsList = [], this.ballList = [], this.matchType = null, this.getMatchOdds(this.matchInfoId), this.getMatchBalls(this.matchInfoId)
PbXa: function(t, e) {},
PdBF: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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data: function() {
return {
leadTexts: {
expert1: {
text: "关注专家需在红彩客户端完成<br/>您可现在去下载网易红彩客户端",
lBtn: "知道了",
rBtn: "去下载"
expert2: {
text: "取消关注专家需在红彩客户端完成<br/>您可现在去下载网易红彩客户端",
lBtn: "知道了",
rBtn: "去下载"
planDetail: {
text: "查看更多方案需在红彩客户端完成<br/>您可现在去下载网易红彩客户端",
lBtn: "知道了",
rBtn: "去下载"
match1: {
text: "关注赛事需在红彩客户端完成<br/>您可现在去下载网易红彩客户端",
lBtn: "知道了",
rBtn: "去下载"
match2: {
text: "取消关注赛事需在红彩客户端完成<br/>您可现在去下载网易红彩客户端",
lBtn: "知道了",
rBtn: "去下载"
isShow: !1,
text: "123",
lBtn: "取消",
rBtn: "确定"
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closePop: function() {
this.isShow = !1, this.$emit("closePop")
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this.text = this.leadTexts[t].text, this.lBtn = this.leadTexts[t].lBtn, this.rBtn = this.leadTexts[t].rBtn, this.isShow = !0
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PjtD: function(t, e, a) {
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n = a("07nU"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
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expression: "zhishuTab==='tab1'"
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t.toOddsDetail(s, "OuPei")
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t.toOddsDetail(s, "OuPei")
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class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.europeOdds.instantOdds.drawsConcedeState, "z-red": 1 === e.europeOdds.instantOdds.drawsConcedeState
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.europeOdds.instantOdds.drawsConcede ? e.europeOdds.instantOdds.drawsConcede : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-4 c-num",
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.europeOdds.instantOdds.guestLossDownState, "z-red": 1 === e.europeOdds.instantOdds.guestLossDownState
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.europeOdds.instantOdds.guestLossDown ? e.europeOdds.instantOdds.guestLossDown : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-5"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("formatDate")(e.europeOdds.instantOdds.oddsTime)))])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t._m(0, !0), t._v(" "), e.europeOdds.initialOdds ? a("p", [a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-1"
}, [t._v("初")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-2 c-num"
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.europeOdds.initialOdds.homeWinUp ? e.europeOdds.initialOdds.homeWinUp : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-3 c-num"
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.europeOdds.initialOdds.drawsConcede ? e.europeOdds.initialOdds.drawsConcede : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-4 c-num"
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.europeOdds.initialOdds.guestLossDown ? e.europeOdds.initialOdds.guestLossDown : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-5"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("formatDate")(e.europeOdds.initialOdds.oddsTime)))])]) : t._e()]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), e.asiaOdds ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row",
on: {
click: function(e) {
t.toOddsDetail(s, "YaPan")
}, [e.asiaOdds.instantOdds ? a("p", [a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-1"
}, [t._v("即")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-2 c-num",
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.asiaOdds.instantOdds.homeWinUpState, "z-red": 1 === e.asiaOdds.instantOdds.homeWinUpState
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.asiaOdds.instantOdds.homeWinUp ? e.asiaOdds.instantOdds.homeWinUp : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-3 c-num"
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.asiaOdds.instantOdds.drawsConcede ? e.asiaOdds.instantOdds.drawsConcede : "-")), e.asiaOdds.instantOdds.drawsConcedeState ? a("i", {
staticClass: "trend",
class: {
"i-arrow-top": 1 === e.asiaOdds.instantOdds.drawsConcedeState, "i-arrow-down": 2 === e.asiaOdds.instantOdds.drawsConcedeState
}) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-4 c-num",
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.asiaOdds.instantOdds.guestLossDownState, "z-red": 1 === e.asiaOdds.instantOdds.guestLossDownState
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.asiaOdds.instantOdds.guestLossDown ? e.asiaOdds.instantOdds.guestLossDown : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-5"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("formatDate")(e.asiaOdds.instantOdds.oddsTime)))])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t._m(1, !0), t._v(" "), e.asiaOdds.initialOdds ? a("p", [a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-1"
}, [t._v("初")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-2 c-num"
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.asiaOdds.initialOdds.homeWinUp ? e.asiaOdds.initialOdds.homeWinUp : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-3 c-num"
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.asiaOdds.initialOdds.drawsConcede ? e.asiaOdds.initialOdds.drawsConcede : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-4 c-num"
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.asiaOdds.initialOdds.guestLossDown ? e.asiaOdds.initialOdds.guestLossDown : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-5"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("formatDate")(e.asiaOdds.initialOdds.oddsTime)))])]) : t._e()]) : t._e()])
}))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: "tab2" === t.zhishuTab,
expression: "zhishuTab==='tab2'"
staticClass: "zhishu_balls"
}, [t.ballList.length > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "wrap-ZS-2 p-ZS"
}, [1 === t.matchType ? a("div", {
staticClass: "zhishu_header"
}, [a("span", [t._v("公司")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "big"
}, [t._v("大球")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "total"
}, [t._v("总进球")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "small"
}, [t._v("小球")]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("变化时间")])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.matchType ? a("div", {
staticClass: "zhishu_header"
}, [a("span", [t._v("公司")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "big"
}, [t._v("大分")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "total"
}, [t._v("总分")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "small"
}, [t._v("小分")]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("变化时间")])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "list"
}, t._l(t.ballList, function(e, s) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "item",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row"
}, [a("p", [a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-1"
}, [t._v("即")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-2 c-num",
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.instantOdds.overStatus, "z-red": 1 === e.instantOdds.overStatus
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.instantOdds.over ? e.instantOdds.over : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-3 c-num"
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.instantOdds.goalLine ? e.instantOdds.goalLine : "-")), e.instantOdds.goalLineStatus ? a("i", {
staticClass: "trend",
class: {
"i-arrow-top": 1 === e.instantOdds.goalLineStatus, "i-arrow-down": 2 === e.instantOdds.goalLineStatus
}) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-4 c-num",
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.instantOdds.underStatus, "z-red": 1 === e.instantOdds.underStatus
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.instantOdds.under ? e.instantOdds.under : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-5"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("formatDate")(e.instantOdds.oddsTime)))])]), t._v(" "), a("p", [a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-title"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.companyName))])]), t._v(" "), a("p", [a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-1"
}, [t._v("初")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-2 c-num"
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.initialOdds.over ? e.initialOdds.over : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-3 c-num"
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.initialOdds.goalLine ? e.initialOdds.goalLine : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-4 c-num"
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.initialOdds.under ? e.initialOdds.under : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-5"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("formatDate")(e.initialOdds.oddsTime)))])])])])
}))]) : t._e()])]), t._v(" "), a("noData", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.oddsList.length && "tab1" === t.zhishuTab || !t.ballList.length && "tab2" === t.zhishuTab,
expression: "(!oddsList.length&&zhishuTab==='tab1')||(!ballList.length&&zhishuTab==='tab2')"
attrs: {
text: "该赛事没有指数数据",
icon: "noData",
top: "4rem",
height: "calc(100vh + -1.7rem)"
})], 1)
i = [function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("p", [a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-title"
}, [t._v("欧赔")])])
}, function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("p", [a("span", {
staticClass: "col c-title"
}, [t._v("亚盘")])])
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
QrE5: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
expression: "show"
staticClass: "loading_hc"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "loading_gif"
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
"Qu+y": function(t, e) {},
"RCn+": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("KRcA"),
n = a("pNu5"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
RSot: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "message"
}, [a("top-bar", {
attrs: {
text: t.topBarText
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "message-list"
}, t._l(t.msgList, function(e, s) {
return a("div", {
key: s,
staticClass: "message-item",
class: {
"is-read": e.isRead
on: {
click: function(a) {
t.messageJump(e.redirectType, e)
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "msg-top"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "msg-icon",
class: {
"icon-msg-system-read": e.isRead && 1 == e.msgTypeId, "icon-msg-system-un-read": !e.isRead && 1 == e.msgTypeId, "icon-msg-activity-read": e.isRead && 1 != e.msgTypeId, "icon-msg-activity-un-read": !e.isRead && 1 != e.msgTypeId
}), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.msgTypeName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "msg-time"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.msgTime))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "title"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.msgTitle))]), t._v(" "), e.msgImage ? a("div", {
staticClass: "pic"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t._f("messageImg")([e.msgImage, 690, 260]),
alt: ""
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 == e.msgTypeId && e.msgAbstract ? a("div", {
staticClass: "des"
}, t._l(e.msgAbstract, function(e) {
return a("li", [ ? a("span", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), e.keywords ? a("span", {
staticClass: "keywords",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(e.keywords)
}) : t._e()])
})) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 != e.msgTypeId && e.msgAbstract ? a("div", {
staticClass: "des"
}, [a("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(e.msgAbstract)
})]) : t._e()])
})), t._v(" "), t.noData ? a("div", {
staticClass: "no-data"
}, [a("v-no-data", {
attrs: {
icon: "icon-no-message",
text: "还没有收到任何消息"
})], 1) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.msgList.length > 0 && t.loading ? a("div", {
staticClass: "scroll-load"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "icon-load-more"
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.noMore ? a("div", {
staticClass: "no-more"
}, [t._v("没有更多了")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("loading", {
attrs: {
show: t.loadingShow
})], 1)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
Rlq9: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("sfc1"),
i = a("tgkp"),
n = a("8Pq/"),
o = a("4jz1"),
r = a("Lqi7"),
c = a("/h2A"),
l = a("gH2e"),
d = a("Ozo/");
e.a = {
name: "exchangeRecord",
data: function() {
return {
noDataShow: !1,
isError: !1,
timeTimer: null,
firstRequestTime: 0,
requestTime: 0,
emptyText: "还没有兑换任何礼物",
isLoading: !0,
data: {
noMore: !1,
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
successExchange: !1,
list: []
shellShow: !1,
address: {
address: "",
receiver: "",
mobile: ""
exchangeInfo: {},
currentTab: null,
exchangeRecordScroll: null
computed: {
phoneLogin: function() {
return this.$store.state.userInfo && /^yd\.|@(tencent|wx|sina)\.163\.com$/.test(this.$store.state.userInfo.account)
activated: function() {
this.getData(!0), this.exchangeRecordScroll = new d.e({
pullUpCallback: this.pullUp,
contentObj: this.$refs.nCoinContent,
loadingObj: this.$refs.nCoinLoad.$el
methods: {
reload: function() {
var t = this;
this.isError = !1, this.isLoading = !0, setTimeout(function() {
}, 500)
closeShell: function() {
this.shellShow = !1
refresh: function() {
pullUp: function(t) { || this.getData(!1, t)
getData: function(t, e) {
var s = this,
i = void 0,
o = void 0;
t ? (o = 0, i = < ? :, = !1) : (i =, o =, a.i(n.a)("getExchangeLog", {
urlParams: {
limit: i,
offset: o
}).then(function(a) {
if (e && e(), s.isLoading = !1, s.requestTime <= 30 && clearInterval(s.timeTimer), 200 === a.code) {
if (s.isError) return;
if ( = t ? : [].concat(,, !
for (var i = o; i <= - 1; i++)
if (4 ===[i].orderStatus || 7 ===[i].orderStatus) {[i].successExchange = !0, = !0;
} =, < && && ( = !0), && s.exchangeRecordScroll.noMore(!0), <= 0 && (s.noDataShow = !0)
} else e && e()
}, function(t) {
t && ! && (s.isLoading = !1, s.isError = !0)
}).catch(function() {
e && e(), s.isLoading = !1, s.isError = !0
progress: function(t) {
7 !== t.item.orderStatus && 4 !== t.item.orderStatus && this.$
components: {
VNav: s.a,
noData: i.a,
VPullLoad: o.a,
exchangeShell: r.a,
VLoading: c.a,
VError: l.a
beforeRouteLeave: function(t, e, a) {
this.exchangeRecordScroll.unbind(), a()
SEYx: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "coupon-wap",
on: {
touchmove: function(t) {
}, [a("topBar", {
attrs: {
text: t.topBarText
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "tab"
}, [a("ul", [a("li", {
class: {
current: 0 === t.currentTab
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("未使用")]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
class: {
current: 1 === t.currentTab
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("已使用")]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
class: {
current: 2 === t.currentTab
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("已过期")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "line",
class: {
wapUsed: 1 === t.currentTab, wapNotUse: 0 === t.currentTab, wapexpired: 2 === t.currentTab
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "content"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "wap-cou",
class: {
wapUsed: 1 === t.currentTab, wapNotUse: 0 === t.currentTab, wapexpired: 2 === t.currentTab
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "notUse list"
}, [a("scroll", {
staticClass: "scroll-list",
attrs: {
data: t.notUse.list,
pullup: t.pullup
on: {
scrollToEnd: function(e) {
}, [a("ul", {
ref: "coupons",
staticClass: "coupons-list"
}, [t._l(t.notUse.list, function(e) {
return a("li", {
staticClass: "bg-coupons-notuse"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "c_l"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "c_l_t"
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.moneyOrDiscount))]), t._v(t._s(1 === e.couponType ? "折" : "红豆"))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_l_b"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.couponUseMode))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_r"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "c_r_t"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.wrapName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_r_b"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.validEndDate) + "到期 "), a("span", {
staticClass: "remind"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.expirationTips))])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_b"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.couponDesc))])])
}), t._v(" "), a("li", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.notUse.isloading,
expression: "notUse.isloading"
}, [a("div", {
ref: "loadMore",
staticClass: "load_more"
}, [a("i")])])], 2)])], 1), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "used list"
}, [a("scroll", {
staticClass: "scroll-list",
attrs: {
data: t.used.list,
pullup: t.pullup
on: {
scrollToEnd: function(e) {
}, [a("ul", {
ref: "coupons",
staticClass: "coupons-list"
}, [t._l(t.used.list, function(e) {
return a("li", {
staticClass: "bg-coupons-expired"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "c_l"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "c_l_t"
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.moneyOrDiscount))]), t._v(t._s(1 === e.couponType ? "折扣" : "红豆"))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_l_b"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.couponUseMode))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_r"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "c_r_t"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.wrapName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_r_b"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.useTime) + "使用")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_b"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.couponDesc))])])
}), t._v(" "), a("li", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.used.isloading,
expression: "used.isloading"
}, [a("div", {
ref: "loadMore",
staticClass: "load_more"
}, [a("i")])])], 2)])], 1), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "expired list"
}, [a("scroll", {
staticClass: "scroll-list",
attrs: {
data: t.expired.list,
pullup: t.pullup
on: {
scrollToEnd: function(e) {
}, [a("ul", {
ref: "coupons",
staticClass: "coupons-list"
}, [t._l(t.expired.list, function(e) {
return a("li", {
staticClass: "bg-coupons-expired"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "c_l"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "c_l_t"
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.moneyOrDiscount))]), t._v(t._s(1 === e.couponType ? "折" : "红豆"))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_l_b"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.couponUseMode))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_r"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "c_r_t"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.wrapName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_r_b"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.validEndDate) + "过期")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_b"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.couponDesc))])])
}), t._v(" "), a("li", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.expired.isloading,
expression: "expired.isloading"
}, [a("div", {
ref: "loadMore",
staticClass: "load_more"
}, [a("i")])])], 2)])], 1)])])], 1)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
"SQ+e": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement;
return t._m(1)
i = [function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", [a("span")])
}, function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "list-empty"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "icon i-list-empty"
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "txt"
}, [t._v("暂无数据")]), t._v(" "), t._m(0)])
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
Sy7A: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "mall-exchange"
}, [a("v-nav", [t._v("兑换")]), t._v(" "), t.isLoading ? a("v-loading") : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.isError && !t.isLoading ? a("v-error", {
staticClass: "error-model",
on: {
reload: t.reload
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.product ? a("div", {
staticClass: "exchange-detail"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "mall-img"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t.product.image + "?imageView&thumbnail=750y750&quality=85"
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "title"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "name"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "value"
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staticClass: "in-title"
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innerHTML: t._s(t.product.description)
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domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.product.introduction)
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click: function(e) {
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ref: "shell"
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r = s,
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render: s,
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VRCT: function(t, e, a) {
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n = a("fmoN"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-3c767a9c", null);
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n = a("fZjL"),
o = a.n(n),
r = a("Dd8w"),
c = a.n(r),
l = a("NYxO"),
d = a("Ozo/"),
h = a("4JkW"),
u = a("/h2A"),
m = a("tgkp"),
v = a("9Skz"),
p = a("8Pq/");
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nCoin: 0,
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betPause: !1,
animation: !1,
betTimer: null,
betListTimer: null,
checkOrderTimer: null,
betOrderList: {
4: [],
5: []
betOrderNoData: {
4: {
icon: "icon-noOrders",
text: "还没有下单<br/>速速去“我的选择”里下单吧"
5: {
icon: "icon-noData",
text: "还没有选择<br/>快去参与竞猜吧"
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navFlag: function() {
return this.betListCount > 0 || this.betOrderList[4].length > 0 || this.betOrderList[5].length > 0 || this.betWaitArr.length > 0
mounted: function() {
var t = this,
e = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("localBetList")),
s = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("localBetListPrice"));
e && o()(e).length > 0 && (this.isLocal = !0, o()(e).forEach(function(a) {
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e[a].maxErr && (e[a].maxErr = !1, i = 0), e[a].minErr && (e[a].minErr = !1, i = 0), (parseInt(i) < 100 || parseInt(i) > e[a].maxStakeLimit) && (i = 0), t.setBetList({
type: 0,
selectionId: a,
bet: e[a]
}), t.setBetListPrice({
id: a,
val: i
})), this.betListCount > 0 && (this.betTimer = setInterval(this.checkSelectionId, 3e3)), this.isLogin && (this.getUserPrice(), this.getOrderList(4), this.getOrderList(5)), a.i(d.c)(this.$refs.betEle, ".odds-list .bet-order-list-0 .bet-order-list-1 .agreement-content")
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showBet: function(t) {
this.betNavIndex = t, 1 !== t && (this.betSuccess = !1, this.keyboardShow = !1, this.allRequestPrice = 0)
activeKeyboard: function(t, e) {
this.oddsChange || (this.keyboardShow = t, this.inputIndex = t ? e : "", t && ("all" === e ? 0 === parseInt(this.allRequestPrice) && (this.allRequestPrice = "") : 0 === parseInt(this.betListPrice[e]) && this.$set(this.betListPrice, e, "")))
docReady: function(t) {
var e = document.readyState;
"complete" === e || "interactive" === e ? t() : document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", t)
setMoney: function(t, e) {
var a = this;
switch (t) {
case "money":
if (!e) return;
"all" === this.inputIndex ? (this.allRequestPrice = e.toString(), this.averageValue(this.allRequestPrice)) : (this.allRequestPrice !== e && (this.allRequestPrice = 0), this.setBetListPrice({
id: this.inputIndex,
val: e
}), parseInt(this.betListPrice[this.inputIndex]) > this.betList[this.inputIndex].maxStakeLimit && this.setErr(this.betList[this.inputIndex], "maxErr", !0, function() {
a.$set(a.betListPrice, a.inputIndex, "0")
case "value":
if ("all" === this.inputIndex) {
if (0 !== this.allRequestPrice && "0" !== this.allRequestPrice || (this.allRequestPrice = ""), this.allRequestPrice.length > 11) return;
this.allRequestPrice = this.allRequestPrice.toString() + e, this.averageValue(this.allRequestPrice)
} else {
if (0 !== this.betListPrice[this.inputIndex] && "0" !== this.betListPrice[this.inputIndex] || this.setBetListPrice({
id: this.inputIndex,
val: ""
}), this.betListPrice[this.inputIndex].length > 11) return;
id: this.inputIndex,
val: this.betListPrice[this.inputIndex].toString() + e
}), parseInt(this.betListPrice[this.inputIndex]) > this.betList[this.inputIndex].maxStakeLimit && this.setErr(this.betList[this.inputIndex], "maxErr", !0, function() {
a.$set(a.betListPrice, a.inputIndex, "0")
}), this.allRequestPrice = 0
case "del":
if ("all" === this.inputIndex) {
if (this.allRequestPrice) {
var s = this.allRequestPrice.toString();
this.allRequestPrice = s.slice(0, s.length - 1), this.averageValue(this.allRequestPrice, "del")
} else if (this.betListPrice[this.inputIndex]) {
var i = this.betListPrice[this.inputIndex].toString();
id: this.inputIndex,
val: i.slice(0, i.length - 1)
}), this.allRequestPrice = 0
case "done":
this.keyboardShow = !1, this.inputIndex = ""
setUserMoney: function() {
var t = this,
e = 0,
s = 0;
o()(this.betListPrice).forEach(function(a) {
parseInt(t.betListPrice[a]) && (e += parseInt(t.betListPrice[a]), s += parseInt(t.betListPrice[a]) * t.betList[a].requestPrice)
}), this.betMoney = a.i(h.a)(e), this.returnMoney = a.i(h.a)(s), >= e ? ( = - e, this.userCapital.nCoin = this.mallUserInfo.nCoin) : this.mallUserInfo.nCoin + >= e ? ( = 0, this.userCapital.nCoin = this.mallUserInfo.nCoin + - e) : ( = 0, this.userCapital.nCoin = 0)
averageValue: function(t, e) {
var a = this;
o()(this.betListPrice).forEach(function(s) {
1 === a.betList[s].marketStatus && a.setBetListPrice({
id: s,
val: t
}), "del" !== e && parseInt(a.betListPrice[s]) > a.betList[s].maxStakeLimit && a.setErr(a.betList[s], "maxErr", !0, function() {
a.$set(a.betListPrice, s, "0")
setErr: function(t, e, a, s) {
var i = this;
this.$set(t, e, a), t.timeoutId && clearTimeout(t.timeoutId), t.timeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
i.$set(t, e, !a), s && s(), t.timeoutId = null
}, 1e3)
setId: function(t) {
return "odds" + t
getUserPrice: function() {
var t = this;
a.i(p.a)("userPrice").then(function(e) {
200 === e.code && (t.userPrice =
createOrder: function() {
var t = this;
if (this.keyboardShow = !1, this.inputIndex = "", this.$store.state.betAgreement) return void(this.betAgreementShow = !0);
if (!this.isLogin) return void this.$modal.confirm({
content: "您尚未登录,<br/>是否选择去登录",
opacity: .7,
okText: "去登录",
ok: function() {
var e = parseInt(this.betMoney.replace(/,/g, ""));
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var s = [];
if (o()(this.betList).forEach(function(e) {
parseInt(t.betListPrice[e]) > t.betList[e].maxStakeLimit && t.setErr(t.betList[e], "maxErr", !0, function() {
t.$set(t.betListPrice, e, "0")
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t.$set(t.betListPrice, e, "0")
}), parseInt(t.betListPrice[e]) >= 100 && parseInt(t.betListPrice[e]) <= t.betList[e].maxStakeLimit && 1 === t.betList[e].marketStatus && s.push({
eventId: t.betList[e].eventId,
marketId: t.betList[e].marketId,
selectionId: t.betList[e].selectionId,
requestAmount: parseInt(t.betListPrice[e]),
requestPrice: t.betList[e].requestPrice
}), this.mallUserInfo.nCoin + < e) return void this.$modal.confirm({
content: "您的竞猜金额不足,<br/>您可以购买交叉赛获取更多<br/>竞猜金额",
opacity: .7,
okText: "去获取",
ok: function() {
s.length <= 0 || e <= 0 || (this.betListLoading = !0, a.i(p.a)("tcmOrder", {
method: "post",
data: {
orderParams: i()(s).toString()
}).then(function(e) {
t.betListLoading = !1, 200 === e.code ? (t.betListLoading = !1, {
e.errorCode || (t.setBetList({
type: 1,
selectionId: e.selectionId
}), t.betWaitArr.push(e.tcmBaseOrderId))
}), t.betWaitArr.length > 0 && (t.betListCount > 0 && t.$modal.toast({
title: "已添加到我的下单<br>正在处理中",
time: 1e3
}), t.checkOrderTimer && clearInterval(t.checkOrderTimer), t.checkOrderTimer = setInterval(t.checkOrderId, 3e3)), t.betListCount <= 0 && (t.betSuccess = !0)) : (t.betListLoading = !1, t.$modal.toast({
title: e.message,
time: 1e3
}, function(e) {
title: "网络异常,请稍后重新竞猜"
}), t.betListLoading = !1
checkSelectionId: function() {
var t = this,
e = o()(this.betList);
if (e.length <= 0) return void clearInterval(this.betTimer);
a.i(p.a)("tcmQuerySelectionId", {
params: {
tcmSelectionIds: e.join(",")
}).then(function(e) {
if (200 === e.code) {
var a = 0; {
t.betList[e.tcmSelectionId] && (t.betList[e.tcmSelectionId].maxStakeLimit === e.maxStakeLimit && t.betList[e.tcmSelectionId].requestPrice === e.backOdds || (t.$set(t.betList[e.tcmSelectionId], "oddsChange", !0), t.tcmMatchPause || (t.oddsChange = !0), t.inputIndex = "", t.keyboardShow = !1), e.isBetting && (e.marketStatus = 3), 1 !== e.marketStatus && a++, t.$set(t.betList[e.tcmSelectionId], "maxStakeLimit", e.maxStakeLimit), t.$set(t.betList[e.tcmSelectionId], "requestPrice", e.backOdds), t.$set(t.betList[e.tcmSelectionId], "marketStatus", e.marketStatus), t.$set(t.betList[e.tcmSelectionId], "status", e.eventStatus), t.$set(t.betList[e.tcmSelectionId], "homeTeamScore", e.homeTeamScore), t.$set(t.betList[e.tcmSelectionId], "awayTeamScore", e.awayTeamScore), 1 !== e.marketStatus && (t.$set(t.betListPrice, e.tcmSelectionId, 0), t.inputIndex === e.tcmSelectionId && (t.inputIndex = "", t.keyboardShow = !1)))
}), a >= t.betListCount && a > 0 ? (t.betPause = !0, t.inputIndex = "", t.keyboardShow = !1) : t.betPause = !1
checkOrderId: function() {
var t = this;
if (this.betWaitArr.length <= 0) return void clearInterval(this.checkOrderTimer);
a.i(p.a)("checkBetOrder", {
method: "post",
data: {
tcmBaseOrderId: this.betWaitArr.join(",")
}).then(function(e) {
200 === e.code && {
if (0 !== e.orderInfo.orderStatus) {
!!window.localStorage.getItem("betNotifyShow") || t.$store.state.betNotify.push(e), t.betWaitArr.splice(t.betWaitArr.indexOf(e.orderInfo.tcmBaseOrderId), 1)
acceptChange: function() {
var t = this;
this.oddsChange = !1, o()(this.betList).forEach(function(e) {
t.betList[e].oddsChange = !1
betOrderSwitch: function(t) {
var e = this;
this.orderNavIndex = t, 4 === t ? (this.betListTimer && clearInterval(this.betListTimer), this.betListTimer = setInterval(function() {
}, 3e3)) : (clearInterval(this.betListTimer), this.getOrderList(5))
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a.i(p.a)("tcmOrderList", {
params: {
listType: t,
offset: 0,
size: 1e3
}).then(function(a) {
200 === a.code && (e.betOrderList[t] =
refreshBetOrder: function() {
4 === this.orderNavIndex && this.getOrderList(4)
getCredit: function() {
this.isLogin ? : this.$modal.confirm({
content: "您尚未登录,<br/>是否选择去登录",
opacity: .7,
okText: "去登录",
ok: function() {
betAgreementChoose: function() {
this.betAgreementCheck = !this.betAgreementCheck
setBetAgreementNotShow: function() {
this.betAgreementCheck && (this.betAgreementShow = !1, this.$store.state.betAgreement = !1, window.localStorage.setItem("BetAgreementNotShow", !0))
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VLoading: u.a,
VNoData: m.a,
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watch: {
isLogin: function(t) {
t && (this.getUserPrice(), this.getOrderList(4), this.getOrderList(5))
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e.docReady(function() {
document.querySelector(".odds-list").scrollTop = document.getElementById("odds" + e.inputIndex).offsetTop - document.querySelector(".bet-list .my-info").clientHeight
}, 300)
betListPrice: {
deep: !0,
handler: function() {
betList: {
deep: !0,
handler: function() {}
betListCount: function(t, e) {
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this.betListCountTemp = e, setTimeout(function() {
a.betListCountTemp = a.betListCount
}, 150), this.inputIndex = "", 1 !== t || 0 !== e || this.isLocal || (this.checkSelectionId(), this.betNavIndex = 1, this.betTimer && clearInterval(this.betTimer), this.betTimer = setInterval(this.checkSelectionId, 1e3)), this.isLocal = !1, 0 === t && (this.oddsChange = !1, this.betPause = !1, clearInterval(this.betTimer))
betNavIndex: function(t, e) {
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}, 3e3)) : clearInterval(this.betListTimer)
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inputIndex: function(t, e) {
"all" === e && "" === this.allRequestPrice && (this.allRequestPrice = "0"), "" !== e && "all" !== e && "" === this.betListPrice[e] && this.$set(this.betListPrice, e, "0")
tcmMatchPause: function(t) {
var e = this;
t && (this.inputIndex = "", this.keyboardShow = "", o()(this.betListPrice).forEach(function(t) {
e.betListPrice[t] = "0"
mallUserInfo: function(t) {
this.userCapital.nCoin = this.mallUserInfo.nCoin || 0, = || 0, this.setUserMoney()
$route: function(t, e) {
this.betNavIndex = ""
betWaitArr: function() {
this.getMallUserInfo(), this.getUserPrice(), this.getOrderList(4), this.getOrderList(5)
W0JJ: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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i = a.n(s),
n = a("07rk"),
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r = a("kwUQ"),
c = a("8Pq/"),
l = a("GAzl"),
d = a("NYxO");
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ballDetail: [],
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methods: i()({}, a.i(d.c)(["setEnterTimer", "clearEnterTimer"]), {
changeCompany: function(t) {
this.isEnter && (this.fcsIndex = t.index)
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urlParams: {
matchInfoId: t
}).then(function(t) {
200 === t.code && && (e.ballDetail =, e.matchType =
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watch: {
$route: function(t) {
"matchBallDetail" === && this.$route.params.matchInfoId && parseInt(t.params.matchInfoId, 10) !== this.matchInfoId && (this.matchInfoId = parseInt(this.$route.params.matchInfoId, 10), this.getBallDetail(this.matchInfoId)), "matchBallDetail" === && this.$route.params.fcsCID && t.params.fcsCID !== this.fcsIndex && (this.fcsIndex = parseInt(this.$route.params.fcsCID, 10))
W1PZ: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "exchangeRecord"
}, [a("v-nav", [t._v("兑换记录"), t.phoneLogin ? a("span", {
staticClass: "message",
on: {
click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.$router.push({
path: "/message"
}, [t._v("消息中心")]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), t.isLoading ? a("v-loading", {
staticClass: "error-model"
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.isError ? a("v-error", {
staticClass: "error-model",
on: {
reload: t.reload
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
ref: "nCoinContent",
staticClass: "exchange-record-content"
}, t._l(, function(e) {
return a("div", {
key: e.exchangeOrderId,
staticClass: "list",
class: {
separate: e.successExchange
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "item_1"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "name"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.productName))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "integral"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.cost))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "item_2"
}, [t._v("[ " + t._s(e.subtitle) + " ]")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "time"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.orderTime))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.progress,
item: e
expression: "{methods: progress, item: item}"
staticClass: "progress",
class: {
blue: 7 !== e.orderStatus && 4 !== e.orderStatus
}, [t._v(t._s(e.statusDesc)), 7 !== e.orderStatus && 4 !== e.orderStatus && 3 !== e.productType ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-blue"
}) : t._e()])])
})), t._v(" "), a("v-pull-load", {
ref: "nCoinLoad"
}), t._v(" "), ? a("div", {
staticClass: "no-more"
}, [t._v("没有更多了")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("no-data", {
staticClass: "no-data",
attrs: {
show: t.noDataShow,
text: t.emptyText
}), t._v(" "), a("exchange-shell", {
ref: "shell",
attrs: {
shellShow: t.shellShow,
exchangeInfo: t.exchangeInfo,
address: t.address,
currentTab: t.currentTab
on: {
submitAddressCompleted: t.refresh
})], 1)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
W2uY: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("XAp6"),
n = a("D6fe"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-265b0f3c", null);
e.a = c.exports
W49Q: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "freeScheme-wap",
on: {
touchmove: function(t) {
}, [a("topBar", {
attrs: {
text: t.topBarText
}), t._v(" "), t.freeData.allList.length ? a("div", {
staticClass: "freeProgram-wap"
}, [a("scroll", {
staticClass: "list",
attrs: {
pullup: t.pullup,
data: t.freeData.allList
on: {
scrollToEnd: t.getList
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "freeProgram"
}, [t.freeData.threads.length > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "threads"
}, t._l(t.freeData.threads, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "free-list"
}, [a("div", [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "expert"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'expert'}}"
staticClass: "img"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: + "?imageView&thumbnail=100y100&quality=85"
on: {
error: t.setError
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", [a("div", {
staticClass: "item"
}, [a("span", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "expert"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'expert'}}"
staticClass: "expert-name"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), a("span", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "planDetail"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'planDetail'}}"
staticClass: "text-free"
}, [t._v("免费")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "planDetail"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'planDetail'}}"
staticClass: "item"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "introduction"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon-blue"
}, [t._v(t._s(]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon-red"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "连红")]) : t._e()])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "planDetail"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'planDetail'}}"
staticClass: "text"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.threadTitle))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "matchDetail"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'matchDetail'}}"
staticClass: "match"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "categoryId"
}, [t._v("[" + t._s(1 == e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? "足" : "篮") + "]")]), a("div", {
staticClass: "type"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.earliestMatch.leagueName.slice(0, 5)))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "matchinfo"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamName"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 == e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? e.earliestMatch.homeName : e.earliestMatch.guestName))]), t._v(" "), 3 === e.earliestMatch.matchStatus ? a("span", {
staticClass: "vs"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 == e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? e.earliestMatch.homeScore : e.earliestMatch.guestScore) + " : " + t._s(1 == e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? e.earliestMatch.guestScore : e.earliestMatch.homeScore))]) : a("span", {
staticClass: "vs"
}, [t._v("vs")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamName"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 == e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? e.earliestMatch.guestName : e.earliestMatch.homeName))])]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "jumpInfo"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "arrow arrow-right-black"
})]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "time bg-line"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.earliestMatch.matchTime))])])])])
})) : t._e(), t._v(" "), && !t.isMeiZu ? a("div", {
staticClass: "news"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "newsTitle"
}, [t._v("策略研究")]), t._v(" "), t._l(, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "free-news"
}, [a("a", {
attrs: {
href: t.isMeiZu ? "" + e.docId : "" + e.docId
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "news-title"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.title))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "news-source"
}, [a("div", [t._v(t._s(e.source))]), t._v(" "), a("div", [t._v(t._s(e.publishTime))])])])])
})], 2) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.isRequest,
expression: "isRequest"
ref: "loadMore",
staticClass: "load_more"
}, [a("i")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.nomore &&,
expression: "nomore &&"
}, [t._v("没有更多了")])])])], 1) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("loading", {
attrs: {
show: t.loadingShow
})], 1)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
WIuo: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("JAH5"),
n = a("U/AP"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
WMh7: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("VtuS"),
n = a("YZUJ"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-f211fbae", null);
e.a = c.exports
WudN: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("Dd8w"),
i = a.n(s),
n = a("kwUQ"),
o = a("8Pq/"),
r = a("GAzl"),
c = a("NYxO"),
l = a("44dg"),
d = a("Ozo/");
e.a = {
data: function() {
return {
topBarText: "免费方案",
pullup: !0,
freeData: {
new: {
offset: 0,
limit: 10,
list: []
threads: [],
allList: []
isRequest: !1,
nomore: !1,
loadingShow: !0
computed: {
isMeiZu: function() {
return /wap_meizu/gi.test(this.$store.state.partner)
created: function() {
methods: i()({}, a.i(c.c)(["setEmpty"]), {
setError: function(t) {
a.i(d.f)(t, "avator")
jump: function(t, e) {
var a =;
"matchDetail" === a ? this.$router.push("/matchDetail/" + : "expert" === a ? this.$router.push("/expertDetail/" + : "planDetail" === a && this.$router.push("/planDetail/" +
getList: function() {
var t = this;
this.isRequest || this.nomore || (this.isRequest = !0, a.i(o.a)("freePage", {
urlParams: {
}).then(function(e) {
200 === e.code ? (t.loadingShow = !1, t.freeData.threads = t.freeData.threads.concat(, =, +=, t.freeData.allList =, t.isMeiZu ? t.nomore = < : t.nomore = <, t.isRequest = !1) : t.setEmpty({
show: !0,
text: "点击屏幕,重新加载",
btnShow: !1,
btnText: "",
icon: "error",
jumpLink: "err"
}).catch(function(e) {
e && t.setToast({
show: !0,
text: "请求出错,请稍后再试"
components: {
topBar: n.a,
scroll: r.a,
loading: l.a
WvdX: function(t, e) {},
XAp6: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("Dd8w"),
i = a.n(s),
n = a("sfc1"),
o = a("tgkp"),
r = a("/h2A"),
c = a("8Vv2"),
l = a("9Skz"),
d = a("gH2e"),
h = a("NYxO"),
u = a("8Pq/");
e.a = {
name: "historyBet",
data: function() {
return {
emptyShow: !1,
icon: "icon-noOrders",
emptyText: "暂时还没有订单啊,此处空页面还需修改",
currentTab: null,
currentList: [1, 2, 3],
isLoading: !1,
data: {
1: {
isLoading: !0,
size: 10,
offset: 0,
noMore: !1,
isError: !1,
list: [],
emptyText: "暂时没有已结算订单"
2: {
isLoading: !0,
size: 10,
offset: 0,
noMore: !1,
isError: !1,
list: [],
icon: "icon-noOrders",
emptyText: "还没有下单<br>速速去“我的选择”里下单吧"
3: {
isLoading: !0,
size: 10,
offset: 0,
noMore: !1,
isError: !1,
list: [],
emptyText: "您没有未成功订单"
scrollTop: {
1: 0,
2: 0,
3: 0
timer: null
computed: i()({}, a.i(h.b)(["showOddsNav"])),
created: function() {
this.currentTab = parseInt(this.$route.params.type), this.getList(this.currentTab)
activated: function() {
methods: {
reload: function() {[this.currentTab].isLoading = !0,[this.currentTab].isError = !1
onCallback: function() {
this.isLoading || this.getList(2, !0)
refresh: function(t) {
var e = this;
this.timer && clearInterval(this.timer), this.timer = setInterval(function() {
e.getList(e.currentTab, !0)
}, 3e3)
pullUpList1: function(t) {
clearInterval(this.timer),[1].noMore || this.getList(1, !1, t)
pullUpList2: function(t) {
clearInterval(this.timer),[2].noMore || this.getList(2, !1, t)
pullUpList3: function(t) {
clearInterval(this.timer),[3].noMore || this.getList(3, !1, t)
getList: function(t, e, s) {
var i = this,
n = void 0,
o = void 0;
e ? (n = 0, o =[t].list.length >[t].size ?[t].list.length :[t].size) : (n =[t].offset, o =[t].size), this.isLoading = !0, a.i(u.a)("tcmOrderList", {
params: {
listType: t,
offset: n,
size: o
}).then(function(a) {
s && s(), i.isLoading = !1,[t].isLoading = !1,[t].isError = !1, 200 === a.code ? (e ?[t].list = : ([t].list = [].concat([t].list,,[t].offset =[t].list.length), <[t].size && ([t].noMore = !0), e && ([t].list = : s && (s(), i.refresh(t))
}, function(e) {
e && ![t].list.length && ([t].isLoading = !1,[t].isError = !0)
getScrollRef: function(t) {
return 1 === t ? this.$refs.list1 || "" : 2 === t ? this.$refs.list2 || "" : 3 === t ? this.$refs.list3 || "" : void 0
changeTab: function(t) {
path: "/historyBet/" + t
beforeRouteUpdate: function(t, e, a) {
var s = parseInt(t.params.type);
this.currentTab = s, this.getScrollRef(parseInt(e.params.type)) && (this.scrollTop[parseInt(e.params.type)] = this.getScrollRef(parseInt(e.params.type)).$el.scrollTop), this.getScrollRef(s) && (this.getScrollRef(s).$el.scrollTop = this.scrollTop[s]),[s].list.length <= 0 && ![s].noMore && this.getList(s), a()
beforeRouteLeave: function(t, e, a) {
var s = parseInt(e.params.type);
this.getScrollRef(s) && (this.scrollTop[s] = this.getScrollRef(s).$el.scrollTop), a()
components: {
VNav: n.a,
noData: o.a,
VScroll: c.a,
betCom: l.a,
VLoading: r.a,
VError: d.a
watch: {
$route: function(t, e) {
this.currentTab = parseInt(t.params.type)
XEME: function(t, e) {},
XH4J: function(t, e) {},
"XJr+": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("//Fk"),
i = a.n(s),
n = a("Dd8w"),
o = a.n(n),
r = a("NYxO"),
c = a("8Pq/"),
l = a("FCHv");
e.a = {
name: "matchLive",
data: function() {
return {
title: "赛事直播",
isRequest: !1,
isNoData: !1,
liveStats: {
liveData: "",
limit: 10,
noMoreData: !1,
needMoreData: !0,
categoryId: 0,
scrollLoading: !1,
scrollBottom: 50,
timer: null
props: {
matchInfoId: {
type: Number,
default: null
isLive: {
type: Boolean,
default: !1
computed: {},
created: function() {
this.loadRefresh(this.isRequest, 0, this.liveStats.limit, 0)
mounted: function() {
window.addEventListener("scroll", this.scrollEvent)
methods: o()({}, a.i(r.c)(["setIsBeing"]), {
getMatchLive: function(t, e) {
var s = this;
return new i.a(function(i, n) {
a.i(c.a)("matchLive", {
urlParams: {
matchInfoId: s.matchInfoId,
offset: t,
limit: e
}).then(function(t) {
}).catch(function(t) {
t && n(t)
loadRefresh: function(t, e, a, s) {
var i = this;
t || this.getMatchLive(e, a).then(function(t) {
if (200 === t.code && {
i.isRequest = !1, i.liveStats.categoryId =;
var e = i.categoryData( || [];
0 === s ? (i.setIsBeing(!1), i.liveStats.liveData = e, e.length < i.liveStats.limit && (i.liveStats.noMoreData = !0, i.liveStats.needMoreData = !1), i.liveStats.liveData.length < 1 ? i.isNoData = !0 : i.isNoData = !1) : (i.liveStats.liveData = i.liveStats.liveData.concat(e), i.liveStats.scrollLoading = !1, e.length < i.liveStats.limit && (i.liveStats.noMoreData = !0, i.liveStats.needMoreData = !1))
} else 0 === s ? (i.setIsBeing(!1), i.isNoData = !0) : (i.liveStats.scrollLoading = !1, i.liveStats.noMoreData = !0)
}, function() {
0 === s ? (i.setIsBeing(!1), i.isNoData = !0) : (i.liveStats.scrollLoading = !1, i.liveStats.noMoreData = !0)
scrollEvent: function() {
if (this.isLive) {
var t = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop,
e = document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;
(document.body.scrollHeight || document.documentElement.scrollHeight) - t - e - 75 <= this.liveStats.scrollBottom && 0 !== t && !this.liveStats.scrollLoading && !this.liveStats.noMoreData && (this.liveStats.scrollLoading = !0, this.liveStats.liveData.length >= 10 && (this.loadRefresh(this.isRequest, this.liveStats.liveData.length, this.liveStats.limit, 1), this.isRequest = !0))
categoryData: function(t) {
return 1 === t.lotteryCategoryId ? t.soccerTextLiveList : t.basketballTextLiveList
dataInit: function() {
return {
liveData: "",
limit: 20,
noMoreData: !1,
categoryId: 0,
scrollLoading: !1,
scrollBottom: 50,
timer: null
watch: {
matchInfoId: function() {
this.isNoData = !1, this.liveStats = {
liveData: "",
limit: 10,
noMoreData: !1,
needMoreData: !0,
categoryId: 0,
scrollLoading: !1,
scrollBottom: 50,
timer: null
}, this.loadRefresh(this.isRequest, 0, this.liveStats.limit, 0)
components: {
noData: l.a
XYx6: function(t, e) {},
YGuq: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("kwUQ"),
i = a("8Pq/"),
n = a("4JkW"),
o = a("44dg"),
r = a("tgkp");
e.a = {
name: "message",
data: function() {
return {
topBarText: "消息中心",
msgList: [],
limit: 10,
noData: !1,
noMore: !1,
loading: !1,
loadingShow: !0
mounted: function() {
this.queryMessage(), window.addEventListener("scroll", this.scrollMessage)
components: {
TopBar: s.a,
loading: o.a,
VNoData: r.a
filters: {
messageImg: n.j
methods: {
queryMessage: function() {
var t = this;
a.i(i.a)("messageList", {
urlParams: {
offset: this.msgList.length,
limit: this.limit
}).then(function(e) {
200 === e.code ? (t.loadingShow = !1, {
1 === e.msgTypeId && (e.msgAbstract = JSON.parse(e.msgAbstract)), t.msgList.push(e)
}), < t.limit && (t.noMore = !0), t.msgList.length < 1 && (t.noData = !0), t.loading = !1) : (t.msgList.length < 1 && (t.noData = !0), t.loading = !1)
}, function(e) {
t.msgList.length < 1 && (t.noData = !0), t.loading = !1
messageJump: function(t, e) {
switch (e.isRead || a.i(i.a)("msgUpdateStatus", {
method: "post",
data: {
msgLogId: e.msgLogId
}).then(function(t) {
200 === t.code && (e.isRead = !0)
}), t) {
case 1:
case 2:
path: "/expertDetail/" + e.msgLink
case 3:
path: "/matchDetail/" + e.msgLink
case 4:
path: "/planDetail/" + e.msgLink
case 5:
case 6:
path: "/freeScheme"
case 7:
path: "/match"
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
case 14:
path: "/coupon"
case 15:
case 16:
path: "/recharge"
case 17:
path: "/balance"
case 18:
path: "/myOrder"
case 19:
path: "/crossTradeList"
case 20:
case 21:
case 22:
case 23:
case 24:
case 25:
case 26:
case 27:
case 28:
case 29:
case 30:
path: "/openCrossTrade"
case 31:
path: "/mall"
scrollMessage: function() {
if (!this.loading) {
var t = document.documentElement.clientHeight || window.innerWidth || document.body.clientHeight,
e = document.documentElement.scrollHeight || document.body.scrollHeight;
(document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop) + t + 80 > e && !this.noMore && !this.loading && (this.loading = !0, this.queryMessage())
beforeRouteLeave: function(t, e, a) {
window.removeEventListener("scroll", this.scrollMessage), a()
YLi6: function(t, e) {},
YZUJ: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
ref: "betEle",
staticClass: "bet"
}, [a("transition", {
attrs: {
name: "showCover"
}, ["" != t.betNavIndex ? a("div", {
staticClass: "bet-cover",
on: {
click: function(e) {
touchmove: function(t) {
}) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "bet-main",
class: {
open: "" !== t.betNavIndex
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click: function(t) {
}, ["" != t.betNavIndex ? a("div", {
staticClass: "bet-close icon-close",
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click: function(e) {
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.showOddsNav || "" !== t.betNavIndex,
expression: "showOddsNav || betNavIndex!==''"
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staticClass: "my-choose-click",
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current: 1 === t.betNavIndex
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click: function(e) {
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class: {
"my-choose-hover-icon": 1 === t.betNavIndex
}), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("我的选择"), t.betListCount > 0 ? a("i", [t._v("("), a("b", [t._v("8"), a("transition", {
attrs: {
name: "count-animate"
}, [t.betListCountTemp !== t.betListCount ? a("div", {
key: t.betListCountTemp,
staticClass: "count-animate-item"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.betListCountTemp))]) : t._e(), t.betListCount === t.betListCountTemp ? a("div", {
key: t.betListCount,
staticClass: "count-animate-item"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.betListCount))]) : t._e()])], 1), t._v(")")]) : t._e()])]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
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current: 2 === t.betNavIndex
on: {
click: function(e) {
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"my-bet-hover-icon": 2 === t.betNavIndex
}), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("我的下单"), t.betOrderList[4].length > 0 || t.betWaitArr.length > 0 ? a("i", [t._v("("), t.betWaitArr.length > 0 ? a("i", [t._v(t._s(t.betWaitArr.length) + "/")]) : t._e(), t._v(t._s(t.betOrderList[4].length) + ")")]) : t._e()])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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show: 1 === t.betNavIndex, "trans-300": t.animation
}, [t.betListLoading ? a("div", {
staticClass: "bet-list-loading"
}, [a("v-loading")], 1) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "my-info"
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staticClass: "removeAll",
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click: function(e) {
type: 2
}, [t._v("全部清除")]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v(t._s(t._f("valueToCH")(t.userCapital.nCoin)))]), t._v(" N币 "), a("span", [t._v(t._s(t._f("valueToCH")(]), t._v(" 积分\n "), a("div", {
staticClass: "credit get-credit-click",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "icon credit_bet"
}), t._v(" "), a("i", [t._v("获取积分")])])]), t._v(" "), t.betListCount > 0 ? a("div", {
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"odds-keyboard": t.keyboardShow && t.betListCount <= 1 && !t.oddsChange && !t.betPause && !t.tcmMatchPause, showAll: t.betListCount > 1 && !t.oddsChange && !t.betPause && !t.tcmMatchPause, "showAll-keyboard": t.betListCount > 1 && t.keyboardShow && !t.oddsChange && !t.betPause && !t.tcmMatchPause
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click: function(e) {
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attrs: {
name: "bet-list-animate",
tag: "div"
}, t._l(t.betList, function(e, s, i) {
return a("li", {
key: s,
attrs: {
id: t.setId(s)
}, [a("div", {
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class: {
canNot: 1 !== e.marketStatus || t.tcmMatchPause
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click: function(e) {
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staticClass: "main"
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.selectionName))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
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"bet-change": e.oddsChange && 1 === e.marketStatus
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staticClass: "score"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeTeamScore + ":" + e.awayTeamScore))]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "info"
}, [t._v("\n " + t._s(e.playTypeName) + "\n "), 1 !== e.marketStatus || e.maxErr || e.minErr || t.tcmMatchPause ? t._e() : a("span", [t._v("预返还 " + t._s(t._f("formatMoney")(parseInt(t.betListPrice[s]) * e.requestPrice)) + "N币")]), t._v(" "), 1 === e.marketStatus && e.maxErr ? a("span", {
staticClass: "err"
}, [t._v("竞猜金额超过最大值")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 === e.marketStatus && e.minErr ? a("span", {
staticClass: "err"
}, [t._v("竞猜金额必须大于100")]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "team"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "league text-ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.competitionName))]), a("i", {
staticClass: "text-ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeName))]), a("i", {
staticClass: "text-ellipsis"
}, [t._v(" VS ")]), a("i", {
staticClass: "text-ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.awayName))])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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on: {
click: function(e) {
type: 1,
selectionId: s
}, [a("i", {
staticClass: "recycle-icon"
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staticClass: "odds-value text-right",
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active: t.inputIndex === s, err: e.maxErr || e.minErr, pause: t.oddsChange
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click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.activeKeyboard(!0, s)
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(t.betListPrice[s]))])]), t._v(" "), 1 === e.marketStatus || t.tcmMatchPause ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-value-pause"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("marketStatus2CH")(e.marketStatus)))]), t._v(" "), t.tcmMatchPause ? a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-value-pause"
}, [t._v("暂停中")]) : t._e()])
}))], 1) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.betListCount > 1 && !t.oddsChange && !t.betPause && !t.tcmMatchPause ? a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-all",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("全部选项等额竞猜\n "), a("div", {
staticClass: "setValue"
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click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.activeKeyboard(!0, "all")
}, [a("i", [t._v(t._s(t.allRequestPrice))])])])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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"keyboard-height": t.keyboardShow && t.betListCount > 0 && !t.oddsChange && !t.betPause && !t.tcmMatchPause
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contextmenu: function(t) {
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staticClass: "money"
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"w-50": "" === t.inputIndex || "all" === t.inputIndex
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click: function(e) {
t.setMoney("money", t.userPrice[0])
}, [t._v(t._s(t.userPrice[0] || " "))]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
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"w-50": "" === t.inputIndex || "all" === t.inputIndex
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click: function(e) {
t.setMoney("money", t.userPrice[1])
}, [t._v(t._s(t.userPrice[1] || " "))]), t._v(" "), "" != t.inputIndex && "all" != t.inputIndex ? a("li", {
staticClass: "max-stake-limit",
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click: function(e) {
t.setMoney("money", t.betList[t.inputIndex].maxStakeLimit)
}, [t._v("最大" + t._s(t.betList[t.inputIndex].maxStakeLimit))]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("ul", [a("li", {
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click: function(e) {
t.setMoney("value", 1)
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click: function(e) {
t.setMoney("value", 2)
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staticClass: "keyboard-num",
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click: function(e) {
t.setMoney("value", 3)
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click: function(e) {
t.setMoney("value", 4)
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click: function(e) {
t.setMoney("value", 5)
}, [t._v("5")]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
staticClass: "keyboard-num",
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click: function(e) {
t.setMoney("value", 6)
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staticClass: "keyboard-num",
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click: function(e) {
t.setMoney("value", 7)
}, [t._v("7")]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
staticClass: "keyboard-num",
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click: function(e) {
t.setMoney("value", 8)
}, [t._v("8")]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
staticClass: "keyboard-num",
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click: function(e) {
t.setMoney("value", 9)
}, [t._v("9")]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
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click: function(e) {
t.setMoney("value", 0)
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click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "icon keyboard-del"
})]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("确定")])])])]), t._v(" "), t.betListCount > 0 && !t.oddsChange && !t.betPause && !t.tcmMatchPause ? a("div", {
staticClass: "btn bet-submit-click",
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click: function(e) {
}, [a("h3", [t._v("立即竞猜")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("竞猜额" + t._s(t.betMoney) + " 预返还" + t._s(t.returnMoney) + "N币")])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), !t.oddsChange || t.betPause || t.tcmMatchPause ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "btn-change",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", [t._v("接受")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "btn-change-tip",
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click: function(e) {
if (!("button" in e) && t._k(e.keyCode, "parent", void 0, e.key)) return null;
}, [t._v("您选择的竞猜项,倍数或者有效性有变化")])]), t._v(" "), t.betPause || t.tcmMatchPause ? a("div", {
staticClass: "btn-pause"
}, [t._v("竞猜")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.betSuccess ? a("div", {
staticClass: "bet-success"
}, [t._m(0)]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), !t.betSuccess && t.betListCount <= 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "bet-noData"
}, [a("v-no-data", {
attrs: {
text: "还没有选择<br />快去参与竞猜吧"
})], 1) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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show: 2 == t.betNavIndex, "trans-300": t.animation
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staticClass: "bet-order-list-nav"
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class: {
current: 4 === t.orderNavIndex
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", [t._v("已下单")])]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
class: {
current: 5 === t.orderNavIndex
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", [t._v("未成功")])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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staticClass: "trans-300",
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orderErr: 5 === t.orderNavIndex
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staticClass: "bet-order-list-0"
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key: e.orderInfo.tcmBaseOrderId,
staticClass: "bet-order-list-item"
}, [a("bet-com", {
attrs: {
"on-callback": t.refreshBetOrder,
showIcon: !1,
betData: e
})], 1)
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staticClass: "bet-noData"
}, [a("v-no-data", {
attrs: {
icon: t.betOrderNoData[4].icon,
text: t.betOrderNoData[4].text
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staticClass: "bet-order-list-1"
}, [t._l(t.betOrderList[5], function(e) {
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key: e.orderInfo.tcmBaseOrderId,
staticClass: "bet-order-list-item"
}, [a("bet-com", {
attrs: {
"on-callback": t.refreshBetOrder,
showIcon: !1,
betData: e
})], 1)
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staticClass: "bet-noData"
}, [a("v-no-data", {
attrs: {
icon: t.betOrderNoData[5].icon,
text: t.betOrderNoData[5].text
})], 1) : t._e()], 2)])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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value: t.betAgreementShow,
expression: "betAgreementShow"
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staticClass: "agreement-main"
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staticClass: "agreement-header"
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}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "icon reminder-icon",
class: {
"reminder-icon-choose": t.betAgreementCheck
on: {
click: function(e) {
}), a("span", [t._v("我了解并同意"), a("i", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
path: "/rule"
}, [t._v("《竞猜活动规则》")])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "agreement-btn",
class: {
gray: !t.betAgreementCheck
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("我同意")])])])])], 1)
i = [function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "tag"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tag-icon sand-clock-icon"
}), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("已添加到我的下单"), a("br"), t._v("正在处理中")])])
}, function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "agreement-content scroll-y"
}, [a("p", [t._v("“竞猜活动”(以下称“本次活动”)为网易红彩(以下称“本平台”)的平台活动。用户在参与本次活动之前,应请认真阅读并充分理解本次活动的活动规则及法律条款(以下合称为“活动规则及相关条款”)。如用户参与本次活动,则应视为用户已完整阅读、充分理解并同意活动规则及相关条款。如用户对活动规则及相关条款的任何部分存有异议,或者无法准确理解,请不要参与本次活动。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("本次活动的活动规则及相关条款由本平台设定,本平台亦可在本次活动进行期间,根据本次活动的实际情况,自主地对活动规则及相关条款进行变动或调整,并公布于本次活动的相应页面。活动规则及相关条款更新后,将于公布之时起生效,如用户不同意接受该等更新,应请停止参与本次活动。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("本次活动作为本平台的平台活动,本平台发布及不定时更新的平台规范(包括但不限于"), a("a", {
attrs: {
href: ""
}, [t._v("《网易红彩服务条款》")]), t._v(",以下称“平台规范”)同样适用于本次活动。活动规则及相关条款应作为对本次活动的特别约定,构成平台规范的组成部分:如活动规则及相关条款中的任何内容与平台规范冲突或不一致,以本活动规则及相关条款为准;本活动规则及相关条款中未涉及的部分,应依照平台规范。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("1、"), a("i", {
staticClass: "underline"
}, [t._v("为本次活动的公平性,用户不应以任何作弊的或其他不正当的行为(包括但不限于恶意刷等任何的技术或人工手段)参与本次活动,不应利用系统漏洞来获得不正当的非法利益。本平台不承认上述不正当行为和利益的效力;如经发现,本平台将有权取消其参与本次活动的资格和其因参与本次活动而获得的全部奖励(包括但不限于取消其因参与本次活动而获得的积分、N币、获得/兑换的奖品和/或其他奖励,以下同)。若因此造成损失,本平台不会做出任何补偿或赔偿。")])]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("2、用户参与本次活动的所有行为,应符合法律法规、相关政策及相关平台规范,无任何不良、非法或侵权内容,无任何广告或推广信息(本平台及其关联公司的产品或服务除外)。否则,如经发现,本平台将有权取消其参与本次活动的资格和其因参与本次活动而获得的全部奖励,同时依照相关平台规则进行处罚。若因此造成损失,本平台不会做出任何补偿或赔偿。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("3、用户了解,本平台并不保证本次活动不会出现中断,若因此造成损失,本平台不承担责任。同时,为本平台和/或本次活动的运营需要,本平台有权依照自主决定随时修改、暂停或终止本次活动及相关服务,而无需为此做出任何补偿、赔偿或承担任何责任。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("4、如用户在参与本次活动期间,因个人操作不当,或者电信运营商故障、计算机病毒或黑客攻击、技术问题、网络或电脑故障、系统不稳定性、政府管制、法律或政策变动以及其他各种第三方或不可抗力原因,无法参与本次活动或遭受任何损失,本平台不承担责任。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("5、如用户因参与本次活动,依照相关活动规则获得任何积分、N币的具体数量将以本平台统计的数字为准。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("6、请用户了解,本平台并不保证在本次活动中提供的任何信息或内容(包括但不限于玩法倍数等本次活动相关数据,以及比赛相关数据等)的真实性与准确性,如用户需利用在本次活动中获知的信息或内容进行任何其他行为,应请自行对相关信息或内容进行核实后使用,并对使用后果自行负责。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("7、请用户了解,本次活动的相关信息(包括但不限于奖品信息等)仅于本次活动官方页面发布,本平台并未委托任何第三方机构或个人通知用户中奖或进行其他本次活动相关行为,如有任何人冒用本平台名义进行上述行为,请用户予以警惕、切勿轻信,否则因此造成损失的,本平台不承担责任。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("8、"), a("i", {
staticClass: "underline"
}, [t._v("任何人不应利用本次活动进行博彩类行为,如经发现,本平台将有权取消其参与本次活动的资格和其因参与本次活动而获得的全部奖励;如已构成犯罪,本平台有权移交司法机关处理,因此给本平台造成损失的,应承担赔偿责任。")])])])
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
YaEn: function(t, e, a) {
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l = a("b0OY"),
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m = a("WIuo"),
v = a("bEy1"),
p = a("C5w1"),
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_ = a("/p7w"),
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w = a("yByS"),
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I = a("exF3"),
x = a("VRCT"),
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L = a("LPcO"),
D = a("8R2c"),
S = a("bJEe"),
k = a("W2uY"),
M = a("7L4L"),
N = a("DK2u"),
E = a("L5Za"),
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title: "帮助中心",
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component: u.a,
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title: "充值",
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}, {
path: "/feedback",
name: "feedback",
component: v.a,
meta: {
title: "意见反馈",
keepAlive: !1
}, {
path: "/expert/:dataType",
name: "expert",
component: p.a,
meta: {
title: "专家列表",
keepAlive: !0,
currentTab: 1
}, {
path: "/expertDetail/:userId",
name: "expertDetail",
component: f.a,
meta: {
title: "专家个人页",
keepAlive: !1
}, {
path: "/planDetail/:threadId",
name: "planDetail",
component: _.a,
meta: {
title: "方案详情",
keepAlive: !1
}, {
path: "/match",
name: "match",
component: g.a,
meta: {
title: "赛事列表",
keepAlive: !0,
currentTab: 2
}, {
path: "/matchDetail/:matchInfoId",
name: "matchDetail",
component: w.a,
meta: {
title: "赛事详情",
keepAlive: !1
}, {
path: "/matchOddsDetail/:matchInfoId/:fcsCID/:fcsTab",
name: "matchOddsDetail",
component: C.a,
meta: {
title: "指数详情-欧赔亚盘",
keepAlive: !1
}, {
path: "/matchBallDetail/:matchInfoId/:fcsCID",
name: "matchBallDetail",
component: b.a,
meta: {
title: "指数详情-大小球",
keepAlive: !1
}, {
path: "/message/",
name: "message",
component: y.a,
meta: {
title: "消息中心",
keepAlive: !1
}, {
path: "/crossTradeList",
name: "crossTradeList",
component: P.a,
meta: {
title: "交叉赛列表",
keepAlive: !0
}, {
path: "/openCrossTrade",
name: "openCrossTrade",
component: E.a,
meta: {
title: "购买交叉赛",
keepAlive: !0
}, {
path: "/tcmmatchlist/:type",
name: "tcmMatchList",
component: M.a,
meta: {
showBet: !0,
keepAlive: !0
}, {
path: "/tcmmatch/:id",
name: "tcmMatchDetail",
component: N.a,
meta: {
showBet: !0,
keepAlive: !0
}, {
path: "/mall",
name: "mall",
component: I.a,
meta: {
title: "商城首页",
showBet: !0,
keepAlive: !0
}, {
path: "/malllist",
name: "mallList",
component: x.a,
meta: {
title: "商城兑换",
keepAlive: !0
}, {
path: "/exchange/:productId",
name: "exchange",
component: T.a,
meta: {
title: "兑换详情",
keepAlive: !1
}, {
path: "/pointsRecord",
name: "pointsRecord",
component: D.a,
meta: {
title: "积分记录",
keepAlive: !0
}, {
path: "/exchangeRecord",
name: "exchangeRecord",
component: S.a,
meta: {
title: "兑换记录",
keepAlive: !0
}, {
path: "/historyBet/:type",
name: "historyBet",
component: k.a,
meta: {
title: "历史竞猜",
showBet: !0,
keepAlive: !0
}, {
path: "/tcmrule",
name: "tcmRule",
component: L.a,
meta: {
title: "规则",
keepAlive: !0
Ynxh: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
e.a = {
props: {
fixed: {
type: Boolean,
default: !0
methods: {
backTo: function() {
ZMHm: function(t, e) {},
ZclL: function(t, e) {},
a7Ay: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "my-order-wap",
on: {
touchmove: function(t) {
}, [a("topBar", {
attrs: {
text: t.topBarText
}), t._v(" "), t.myOrder.list.length ? a("div", {
staticClass: "order-list"
}, [a("scroll", {
staticClass: "scroll-list",
attrs: {
data: t.myOrder.list,
pullup: t.pullup
on: {
scrollToEnd: t.getMyOrder
}, [a("div", [t._l(t.myOrder.list, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "list"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "order-status"
}, [a("p", [t._v(t._s(e.orderTime) + " 购买")]), t._v(" "), 2 === e.orderStatus ? a("div", {
staticClass: "retreat"
}, [t._v("退")]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "match-info"
}, [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "expert"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'expert'}}"
staticClass: "img"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: e.avatar + "?imageView&thumbnail=80y80&quality=85"
on: {
error: t.setError
}), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "nickname"
}, [t._v("\n " + t._s(e.nickname) + "\n "), a("span", {
staticClass: "time"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.orderPrice) + t._s(e.orderUnit))])]), t._v(" "), e.isWin && 3 === e.plock ? a("span", {
staticClass: "hitRateValue"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.hitRateValue))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 3 === e.plock ? a("span", {
staticClass: "isWin",
class: {
red: 1 === e.isWin, black: 0 === e.isWin
}, [t._v(t._s(e.isWin ? "红" : "黑"))]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "planDetail"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'planDetail'}}"
staticClass: "threadTitle"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.threadTitle))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
data: {
item: e,
type: "matchDetail"
expression: "{methods:jump, data:{item:item, type:'matchDetail'}}"
staticClass: "team"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "type"
}, [t._v("[" + t._s(1 === e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? "足" : 2 === e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? "篮" : "") + "]")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "leagueName"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.earliestMatch.leagueName.slice(0, 5)))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "teamName"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "homeName"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? e.earliestMatch.homeName : e.earliestMatch.guestName))]), t._v(" "), 2 === e.plock || 3 === e.plock ? a("span", {
staticClass: "vs"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.earliestMatch.homeScore) + " : " + t._s(e.earliestMatch.guestScore))]) : a("span", {
staticClass: "vs"
}, [t._v("vs")]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "guestName"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? e.earliestMatch.guestName : e.earliestMatch.homeName))])]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "matchTime"
}, [t._v("\n " + t._s(e.earliestMatch.matchTime) + "\n ")])])])])
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.loading,
expression: "loading"
ref: "loadMore",
staticClass: "load_more"
}, [a("i")])], 2)])], 1) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("loading", {
attrs: {
show: t.loadingShow
})], 1)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
ap8y: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "crossTradeList"
}, [a("topBar", {
attrs: {
text: t.topBarText
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
ref: "indexContent"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "top-info"
}, [t.isLogin && 3 === t.orderStatus ? a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
type: "open"
expression: "{methods: jump, type: 'open'}"
staticClass: "renewals-bar"
}, [a("span", [t._v("剩余" + t._s(t.remaingGroup) + "组, 有效期至" + t._s(t.expirationDate))]), t._v(" "), t.showReminding ? a("span", {
staticClass: "renewals"
}, [t._v("续费 "), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-right"
})]) : t._e()]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "introduction"
}, [t._v("\n 交叉赛泛指在一类赛事中,同一家公司针对两场比赛给出相同或相似的数据。当出现这种情况时,两场比赛的结果有极大概率按照规律出现,交叉赛数据服务可以更好的帮助您找出这一类赛事。\n "), t.isLogin && 3 === t.orderStatus ? t._e() : a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
type: "open"
expression: "{methods: jump, type: 'open'}"
staticClass: "open"
}, [t._v("开通赠积分")])])]), t._v(" "), 3 == t.orderStatus ? a("div", {
staticClass: "cross-title"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "cross-number"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.showTips))]), t._v(" "), t.list.crossTradeCardList.length > 0 ? a("p", {
staticClass: "cross-remind"
}, [t._v("若有比赛取消、延期或已结束的情况,会导致组数不一样")]) : t._e()]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "match-content"
}, [t._l(t.list.crossTradeCardList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "list"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "company"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), t._l(e.matchList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
id: e.matchInfoId,
type: "matchDetail"
expression: "{methods: jump, id:match.matchInfoId, type: 'matchDetail'}"
staticClass: "match"
}, [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
id: e.matchInfoId,
type: "matchDetail"
expression: "{methods: jump, id:match.matchInfoId, type: 'matchDetail'}"
staticClass: "match-info"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "time"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.matchDate) + " " + t._s(e.matchTime))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "isEnd"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("CrossMatchStatus")(e.matchStatus)))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "leagueName"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueName))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "confrontation"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "home inline"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.home))]), t._v(" "), a("img", {
staticClass: "home-icon inline",
attrs: {
src: t._f("teamIcon")([e.homeIcon, 100, 100])
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "score inline"
}, [t._v(t._s(2 == e.matchStatus || 3 == e.matchStatus ? e.homeScore + " : " + e.guestScore : " VS "))]), t._v(" "), a("img", {
staticClass: "guest-iocn inline",
attrs: {
src: t._f("teamIcon")([e.guestIcon, 100, 100])
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "guest inline"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guest))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "odds"
}, [a("span", [t._v("初")]), a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.originalOdds.w))]), a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.originalOdds.d))]), a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.originalOdds.l))]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("即")]), a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.originalOdds.w))]), a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.originalOdds.d))]), a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.originalOdds.l))]), t._v(" "), e.threadCount ? a("div", {
staticClass: "threadCount"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.threadCount) + "个方案数 "), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-right"
})]) : t._e()])])
})], 2)
}), t._v(" "), t.list.historyCrossTradeCardList.length ? a("div", {
staticClass: "history"
}, [a("span", [t._v("历史回顾")])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t._l(t.list.historyCrossTradeCardList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "list"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "company"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), t._l(e.matchList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
id: e.matchInfoId,
type: "matchDetail"
expression: "{methods: jump, id:match.matchInfoId, type: 'matchDetail'}"
staticClass: "match"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "match-info"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "time"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.matchDate) + " " + t._s(e.matchTime))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "isEnd"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("CrossMatchStatus")(e.matchStatus)))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "leagueName"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueName))]), e.oddsAsiaResult ? a("span", {
staticClass: "isWin",
class: {
go: 0 === e.oddsAsiaResult.resultStatus, win: 1 === e.oddsAsiaResult.resultStatus, fail: -1 === e.oddsAsiaResult.resultStatus
}, [t._v(t._s(e.oddsAsiaResult.drawsConcede) + t._s(-1 === e.oddsAsiaResult.resultStatus ? "输" : 0 === e.oddsAsiaResult.resultStatus ? "走" : "赢"))]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "confrontation"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "home inline"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.home))]), t._v(" "), a("img", {
staticClass: "home-icon inline",
attrs: {
src: t._f("teamIcon")([e.homeIcon, 100, 100])
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "score inline"
}, [t._v(t._s(2 == e.matchStatus || 3 == e.matchStatus ? e.homeScore + " : " + e.guestScore : " VS "))]), t._v(" "), a("img", {
staticClass: "guest-iocn inline",
attrs: {
src: t._f("teamIcon")([e.guestIcon, 100, 100])
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "guest inline"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guest))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "odds"
}, [a("span", [t._v("初")]), a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.originalOdds.w))]), a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.originalOdds.d))]), a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.originalOdds.l))]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("即")]), a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.originalOdds.w))]), a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.originalOdds.d))]), a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.originalOdds.l))]), t._v(" "), e.threadCount ? a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.jump,
id: e.matchInfoId,
type: "matchDetail"
expression: "{methods: jump, id:match.matchInfoId, type: 'matchDetail'}"
staticClass: "threadCount"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.threadCount) + "个方案数 "), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-right"
})]) : t._e()])])
})], 2)
})], 2)]), t._v(" "), a("v-pull-load", {
ref: "indexLoad"
}), t._v(" "), t.list.noMore ? a("div", {
staticClass: "nomore"
}, [t._v("没有更多了")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("loading", {
attrs: {
show: t.loadingShow
})], 1)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
b0As: function(t, e) {},
b0OY: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("gbFa"),
n = a("a7Ay"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
bEy1: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("9WJr"),
n = a("18sJ"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
bJEe: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("Rlq9"),
n = a("W1PZ"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-391fa533", null);
e.a = c.exports
c5K8: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
attrs: {
id: "matchAnaly"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "analy_tab",
class: t.isFixed ? "isFixed" : ""
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tab_con"
}, [a("div", {
class: "tab1" === t.analyTab ? "cur" : "",
on: {
click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.changeTab("tab1")
}, [t._v("数据")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
class: "tab2" === t.analyTab ? "cur" : "",
on: {
click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.changeTab("tab2")
}, [t._v("情报")])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "analy_con"
}, [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: "tab1" === t.analyTab,
expression: "analyTab==='tab1'"
staticClass: "analy_data"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "modules"
}, [a("h3", [t._v("积分排名")]), t._v(" "), t.matchData.range.matchBaseInfo ? a("div", {
staticClass: "range"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "teamName"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.dataCategory ? t.matchData.range.matchBaseInfo.homeTeamName : t.matchData.range.matchBaseInfo.guestTeamName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
expression: ""
staticClass: "row-head"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row28 text-left"
}, [t._v(" ")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row41 text-center"
}, [t._v("排名")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row41 text-center"
}, [t._v("场次")]), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v("胜/平/负")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v("进/失")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v("胜/负")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v("得/失/净")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row35 text-right"
}, [t._v("积分")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row35 text-right"
}, [t._v("胜率")]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
expression: ""
staticClass: "row-body"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row28 text-left c999"
}, [t._v("总")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row41 text-center",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s( || "-")
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row41 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "/" + t._s( + "/" + t._s(]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "/" + t._s(]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "/" + t._s(]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "/" + t._s( + "/" + t._s(]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row35 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row35 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.range.homeTeam.home,
expression: "matchData.range.homeTeam.home"
staticClass: "row-body"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row28 text-left c999"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.dataCategory ? "主" : "客"))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row41 text-center",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.matchData.range.homeTeam.home.rank || "-")
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row41 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "/" + t._s(t.matchData.range.homeTeam.home.draw) + "/" + t._s(t.matchData.range.homeTeam.home.loss))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.range.homeTeam.home.score) + "/" + t._s(t.matchData.range.homeTeam.home.lossScore))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "/" + t._s(t.matchData.range.homeTeam.home.loss))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.range.homeTeam.home.score) + "/" + t._s(t.matchData.range.homeTeam.home.lossScore) + "/" + t._s(t.matchData.range.homeTeam.home.scoreDiff))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row35 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.range.homeTeam.home.point))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row35 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.range.homeTeam.home.winRate))]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !,
expression: "!"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("暂无数据")])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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name: "show",
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value: t.matchData.range.matchBaseInfo,
expression: "matchData.range.matchBaseInfo"
staticClass: "range"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "teamName"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.dataCategory ? t.matchData.range.matchBaseInfo.guestTeamName : t.matchData.range.matchBaseInfo.homeTeamName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
expression: ""
staticClass: "row-head"
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staticClass: "row row28 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v("胜/平/负")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v("进/失")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v("胜/负")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v("得/失/净")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row35 text-right"
}, [t._v("积分")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row35 text-right"
}, [t._v("胜率")]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
expression: ""
staticClass: "row-body"
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staticClass: "row row28 text-left c999"
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staticClass: "row row41 text-center",
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innerHTML: t._s( || "-")
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staticClass: "row row41 text-center"
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staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "/" + t._s( + "/" + t._s(]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "/" + t._s(]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "/" + t._s(]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "/" + t._s( + "/" + t._s(]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row35 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row35 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.range.guestTeam.guest,
expression: "matchData.range.guestTeam.guest"
staticClass: "row-body"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row28 text-left c999"
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staticClass: "row row41 text-center",
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.matchData.range.guestTeam.guest.rank || "-")
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staticClass: "row row41 text-center"
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staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "/" + t._s(t.matchData.range.guestTeam.guest.draw) + "/" + t._s(t.matchData.range.guestTeam.guest.loss))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.range.guestTeam.guest.score) + "/" + t._s(t.matchData.range.guestTeam.guest.lossScore))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s( + "/" + t._s(t.matchData.range.guestTeam.guest.loss))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row100 text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.range.guestTeam.guest.score) + "/" + t._s(t.matchData.range.guestTeam.guest.lossScore) + "/" + t._s(t.matchData.range.guestTeam.guest.scoreDiff))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row35 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.range.guestTeam.guest.point))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row35 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.range.guestTeam.guest.winRate))]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !,
expression: "!"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("暂无数据")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.range.matchBaseInfo,
expression: "!matchData.range.matchBaseInfo"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("暂无数据")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "modules"
}, [a("h3", [t._v("交锋战绩")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.meeting.homeMeetingList && t.matchData.meeting.allMeetingList.length > 0,
expression: "matchData.meeting.homeMeetingList && matchData.meeting.allMeetingList.length>0"
staticClass: "switchBtn"
}, [a("ul", [a("li", {
class: {
current: t.matchData.meetingSwitch
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("全部")]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
class: {
current: !t.matchData.meetingSwitch
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("主场")])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.meetingSwitch && t.matchData.meeting.homeMeetingList && t.matchData.meeting.allMeetingList.length > 0,
expression: "matchData.meetingSwitch && matchData.meeting.homeMeetingList && matchData.meeting.allMeetingList.length>0"
staticClass: "matchList"
}, [t._m(0), t._v(" "), t._l(t.matchData.meeting.allMeetingList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "row-body"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
}, [a("p", [t._v(t._s("20" + e.matchTime.split("-")[0]))]), a("p", [t._v(t._s(e.matchTime.split("-")[1] + "/" + e.matchTime.split("-")[2]))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueMatchName.slice(0, 4)))]), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right",
class: {
home: e.homeId === t.matchData.matchInfo.homeId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeScore + ":" + e.guestScore))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left",
class: {
home: e.guestId === t.matchData.matchInfo.homeId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestName.slice(0, 6)))])]) : a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right",
class: {
home: e.guestId === t.matchData.matchInfo.homeId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestScore + ":" + e.homeScore))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left",
class: {
home: e.homeId === t.matchData.matchInfo.homeId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeName.slice(0, 6)))])]), t._v(" "), "number" == typeof e.handicap ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right",
class: {
loss: 0 === e.status, win: 1 === e.status, draw: 2 == e.status
}, [a("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s("number" == typeof e.handicap ? e.handicap : "&nbsp;")
}), a("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.handStatus[e.status] || "&nbsp;")
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), "number" != typeof e.handicap ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v("-")]) : t._e()])
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.meetingSwitch && t.matchData.meeting.homeMeetingList && t.matchData.meeting.homeMeetingList.length > 0,
expression: "!matchData.meetingSwitch && matchData.meeting.homeMeetingList && matchData.meeting.homeMeetingList.length>0"
staticClass: "matchList"
}, [t._m(1), t._v(" "), t._l(t.matchData.meeting.homeMeetingList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "row-body"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
}, [a("p", [t._v(t._s("20" + e.matchTime.split("-")[0]))]), a("p", [t._v(t._s(e.matchTime.split("-")[1] + "/" + e.matchTime.split("-")[2]))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueMatchName.slice(0, 4)))]), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeScore + ":" + e.guestScore))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestName.slice(0, 6)))])]) : a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestScore + ":" + e.homeScore))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeName.slice(0, 6)))])]), t._v(" "), "number" == typeof e.handicap ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right",
class: {
loss: 0 === e.status, win: 1 === e.status, draw: 2 == e.status
}, [a("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s("number" == typeof e.handicap ? e.handicap : "&nbsp;")
}), a("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.handStatus[e.status] || "&nbsp;")
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), "number" != typeof e.handicap ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v("-")]) : t._e()])
})], 2), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.meeting.allMeetingList || t.matchData.meeting.allMeetingList.length < 1,
expression: "!matchData.meeting.allMeetingList || matchData.meeting.allMeetingList.length<1"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("暂无数据")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.meetingSwitch && (!t.matchData.meeting.homeMeetingList || t.matchData.meeting.homeMeetingList.length < 1),
expression: "!matchData.meetingSwitch && (!matchData.meeting.homeMeetingList || matchData.meeting.homeMeetingList.length<1)"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("暂无数据")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "modules"
}, [a("h3", [t._v("盘路历史详情")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamName,
expression: "matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamName"
staticClass: "teamMatch"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "teamName history"
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamName))]), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.beyond,
expression: "matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.beyond"
staticClass: "history-tag"
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directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.allMatchList && t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.allMatchList.length > 0,
expression: "matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.allMatchList && matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.allMatchList.length>0"
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.continuousSpieltag || t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.historicHigh,
expression: "matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.continuousSpieltag || matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.historicHigh"
staticClass: "teamInfo"
}, [a("span", [t._v("近期连" + t._s(t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.continuousType ? "输" : "赢") + ":" + t._s(t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.continuousSpieltag))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "vertical"
}), a("span", [t._v("近3年最高:" + t._s(t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.historicHigh))])]), t._v(" "), a("ul", [a("li", {
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current: t.matchData.homeSwitch
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click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("全部")]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
class: {
current: !t.matchData.homeSwitch
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click: function(e) {
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.homeSwitch && t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.allMatchList && t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.allMatchList.length > 0,
expression: "matchData.homeSwitch && matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.allMatchList && matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.allMatchList.length>0"
staticClass: "matchList"
}, [t._m(2), t._v(" "), t._l(t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.allMatchList, function(e) {
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staticClass: "row-body"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
}, [a("p", [t._v(t._s("20" + e.matchTime.split("-")[0]))]), a("p", [t._v(t._s(e.matchTime.split("-")[1] + "/" + e.matchTime.split("-")[2]))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueMatchName.slice(0, 4)))]), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right",
class: {
home: e.homeId === t.matchData.matchInfo.homeId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeScore + ":" + e.guestScore))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left",
class: {
home: e.guestId === t.matchData.matchInfo.homeId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestName.slice(0, 6)))])]) : a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right",
class: {
home: e.guestId === t.matchData.matchInfo.guestId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestScore + ":" + e.homeScore))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left",
class: {
home: e.homeId === t.matchData.matchInfo.guestId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeName.slice(0, 6)))])]), t._v(" "), "number" == typeof e.handicap ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right",
class: {
loss: 0 === e.status, win: 1 === e.status, draw: 2 == e.status
}, [a("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s("number" == typeof e.handicap ? e.handicap : "&nbsp;")
}), a("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.handStatus[e.status] || "&nbsp;")
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), "number" != typeof e.handicap ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v("-")]) : t._e()])
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.homeSwitch && t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamMatchList && t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamMatchList.length > 0,
expression: "!matchData.homeSwitch && matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamMatchList && matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamMatchList.length>0"
staticClass: "matchList"
}, [t._m(3), t._v(" "), t._l(t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamMatchList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "row-body"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
}, [a("p", [t._v(t._s("20" + e.matchTime.split("-")[0]))]), a("p", [t._v(t._s(e.matchTime.split("-")[1] + "/" + e.matchTime.split("-")[2]))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueMatchName.slice(0, 4)))]), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeScore + ":" + e.guestScore))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestName.slice(0, 6)))])]) : a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestScore + ":" + e.homeScore))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeName.slice(0, 6)))])]), t._v(" "), "number" == typeof e.handicap ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right",
class: {
loss: 0 === e.status, win: 1 === e.status, draw: 2 == e.status
}, [a("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s("number" == typeof e.handicap ? e.handicap : "&nbsp;")
}), a("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.handStatus[e.status] || "&nbsp;")
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), "number" != typeof e.handicap ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v("-")]) : t._e()])
})], 2), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.allMatchList || t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.allMatchList.length < 1,
expression: "!matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.allMatchList || matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.allMatchList.length<1"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("暂无数据")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.homeSwitch && (!t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamMatchList || t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamMatchList.length < 1),
expression: "!matchData.homeSwitch && (!matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamMatchList || matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamMatchList.length<1)"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("暂无数据")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamName,
expression: "matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamName"
staticClass: "teamMatch"
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staticClass: "teamName history"
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamName))]), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.beyond,
expression: "matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.beyond"
staticClass: "history-tag"
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directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.allMatchList && t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.allMatchList.length > 0,
expression: "matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.allMatchList && matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.allMatchList.length>0"
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.continuousSpieltag || t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.historicHigh,
expression: "matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.continuousSpieltag || matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.historicHigh"
staticClass: "teamInfo"
}, [a("span", [t._v("近期连" + t._s(t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.continuousType ? "输" : "赢") + ":" + t._s(t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.continuousSpieltag))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "vertical"
}), a("span", [t._v("近3年最高:" + t._s(t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.historicHigh))])]), t._v(" "), a("ul", [a("li", {
class: {
current: t.matchData.guestSwitch
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("全部")]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
class: {
current: !t.matchData.guestSwitch
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.dataCategory ? "客场" : "主场"))])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.guestSwitch && t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.allMatchList && t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.allMatchList.length > 0,
expression: "matchData.guestSwitch && matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.allMatchList && matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.allMatchList.length>0"
staticClass: "matchList"
}, [t._m(4), t._v(" "), t._l(t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.allMatchList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "row-body"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
}, [a("p", [t._v(t._s("20" + e.matchTime.split("-")[0]))]), a("p", [t._v(t._s(e.matchTime.split("-")[1] + "/" + e.matchTime.split("-")[2]))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueMatchName.slice(0, 4)))]), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right",
class: {
home: e.homeId === t.matchData.matchInfo.guestId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeScore + ":" + e.guestScore))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left",
class: {
home: e.guestId === t.matchData.matchInfo.guestId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestName.slice(0, 6)))])]) : a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right",
class: {
home: e.guestId === t.matchData.matchInfo.homeId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestScore + ":" + e.homeScore))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left",
class: {
home: e.homeId === t.matchData.matchInfo.homeId
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeName.slice(0, 6)))])]), t._v(" "), "number" == typeof e.handicap ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right",
class: {
loss: 0 === e.status, win: 1 === e.status, draw: 2 == e.status
}, [a("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s("number" == typeof e.handicap ? e.handicap : "&nbsp;")
}), a("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.handStatus[e.status] || "&nbsp;")
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), "number" != typeof e.handicap ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v("-")]) : t._e()])
})], 2), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.guestSwitch && t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamMatchList && t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamMatchList.length > 0,
expression: "!matchData.guestSwitch && matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamMatchList && matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamMatchList.length>0"
staticClass: "matchList"
}, [t._m(5), t._v(" "), t._l(t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamMatchList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "row-body"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
}, [a("p", [t._v(t._s("20" + e.matchTime.split("-")[0]))]), a("p", [t._v(t._s(e.matchTime.split("-")[1] + "/" + e.matchTime.split("-")[2]))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueMatchName.slice(0, 4)))]), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeScore + ":" + e.guestScore))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestName.slice(0, 6)))])]) : a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guestScore + ":" + e.homeScore))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeName.slice(0, 6)))])]), t._v(" "), "number" == typeof e.handicap ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right",
class: {
loss: 0 === e.status, win: 1 === e.status, draw: 2 == e.status
}, [a("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s("number" == typeof e.handicap ? e.handicap : "&nbsp;")
}), a("p", {
domProps: {
innerHTML: t._s(t.handStatus[e.status] || "&nbsp;")
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), "number" != typeof e.handicap ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v("-")]) : t._e()])
})], 2), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.allMatchList || t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.allMatchList.length < 1,
expression: "!matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.allMatchList || matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.allMatchList.length<1"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.guestSwitch && (!t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamMatchList || t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamMatchList.length < 1),
expression: "!matchData.guestSwitch && (!matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamMatchList || matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamMatchList.length<1)"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
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directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamName && !t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamName,
expression: "!matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamName && !matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamName"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("暂无数据")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamName && !t.matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamName,
expression: "!matchData.dishroad.homeMatchInfo.teamName && !matchData.dishroad.guestMatchInfo.teamName"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
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staticClass: "modules"
}, [a("h3", [t._v("未来赛事")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.fixture.homeTeam.teamName,
expression: "matchData.fixture.homeTeam.teamName"
staticClass: "teamMatch"
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staticClass: "teamName"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.fixture.homeTeam.teamName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "matchList"
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.fixture.homeTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList && t.matchData.fixture.homeTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList.length > 0,
expression: "matchData.fixture.homeTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList && matchData.fixture.homeTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList.length>0"
staticClass: "row-head"
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staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [t._v("赛事对阵")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v("间隔")])]), t._v(" "), t._l(t.matchData.fixture.homeTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "row-body"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
}, [a("p", [t._v(t._s("20" +"-")[0]))]), a("p", [t._v(t._s("-")[1] + "/" +"-")[2]))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueMatchName.slice(0, 4)))]), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeTeamName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v("VS")]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guesteTeamName.slice(0, 6)))])]) : a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guesteTeamName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v("VS")]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeTeamName.slice(0, 6)))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.timeInterval + "天"))])])
})], 2), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.fixture.homeTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList || t.matchData.fixture.homeTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList.length < 1,
expression: "!matchData.fixture.homeTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList || matchData.fixture.homeTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList.length<1"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("暂无数据")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.fixture.guestTeam.teamName,
expression: "matchData.fixture.guestTeam.teamName"
staticClass: "teamMatch"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "teamName"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.fixture.guestTeam.teamName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchData.fixture.guestTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList && t.matchData.fixture.guestTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList.length > 0,
expression: "matchData.fixture.guestTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList && matchData.fixture.guestTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList.length>0"
staticClass: "matchList"
}, [t._m(6), t._v(" "), t._l(t.matchData.fixture.guestTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "row-body"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
}, [a("p", [t._v(t._s("20" +"-")[0]))]), a("p", [t._v(t._s("-")[1] + "/" +"-")[2]))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueMatchName.slice(0, 4)))]), t._v(" "), 1 === t.dataCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeTeamName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v("VS")]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guesteTeamName.slice(0, 6)))])]) : a("div", {
staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.guesteTeamName.slice(0, 6)))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-48 bold text-center"
}, [t._v("VS")]), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row-73 text-left"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.homeTeamName.slice(0, 6)))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.timeInterval + "天"))])])
})], 2), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.fixture.guestTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList || t.matchData.fixture.guestTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList.length < 1,
expression: "!matchData.fixture.guestTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList || matchData.fixture.guestTeam.appTeamFixtureDetailDtoList.length<1"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("暂无数据")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchData.fixture.guestTeam.teamName && !t.matchData.fixture.guestTeam.teamName,
expression: "!matchData.fixture.guestTeam.teamName && !matchData.fixture.guestTeam.teamName"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("暂无数据")])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: "tab2" === t.analyTab,
expression: "analyTab==='tab2'"
staticClass: "analy_report"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "modules"
}, [a("h3", [t._v("伤停信息")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "teamInfo"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "teamName"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.reportCategory ? t.matchReport.matchBaseInfo.homeTeamName : t.matchReport.matchBaseInfo.guestTeamName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchReport.injure.homeInjure && t.matchReport.injure.homeInjure.length > 0,
expression: "matchReport.injure.homeInjure && matchReport.injure.homeInjure.length>0"
staticClass: "row-head"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket",
class: {
rowFoot: 1 === t.reportCategory
}, [t._v("球员")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket",
class: {
rowFoot: 1 === t.reportCategory
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.reportCategory ? "状态" : "位置"))]), t._v(" "), 1 !== t.reportCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket"
}, [t._v("受伤部位")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket",
class: {
rowFoot: 1 === t.reportCategory
}, [t._v("出战")])]), t._v(" "), t._l(t.matchReport.injure.homeInjure, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "row-body"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket",
class: {
rowFoot: 1 === t.reportCategory
}, [t._v(t._s(e.playerName.slice(0, 7)))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket",
class: {
rowFoot: 1 === t.reportCategory
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.reportCategory ? e.state : e.position))]), t._v(" "), 1 !== t.reportCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.part))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket",
class: {
rowFoot: 1 === t.reportCategory
}, [t._v(t._s(e.onPlay.slice(0, 7)))])])
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directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchReport.injure.homeInjure || t.matchReport.injure.homeInjure.length < 1,
expression: "!matchReport.injure.homeInjure || matchReport.injure.homeInjure.length<1"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("无人受伤")])], 2), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "teamInfo"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "teamName"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.reportCategory ? t.matchReport.matchBaseInfo.guestTeamName : t.matchReport.matchBaseInfo.homeTeamName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchReport.injure.guestInjure && t.matchReport.injure.guestInjure.length > 0,
expression: "matchReport.injure.guestInjure && matchReport.injure.guestInjure.length>0"
staticClass: "row-head"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket",
class: {
rowFoot: 1 === t.reportCategory
}, [t._v("球员")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket",
class: {
rowFoot: 1 === t.reportCategory
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.reportCategory ? "状态" : "位置"))]), t._v(" "), 1 !== t.reportCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket"
}, [t._v("受伤部位")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket",
class: {
rowFoot: 1 === t.reportCategory
}, [t._v("出战")])]), t._v(" "), t._l(t.matchReport.injure.guestInjure, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "row-body"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket",
class: {
rowFoot: 1 === t.reportCategory
}, [t._v(t._s(e.playerName.slice(0, 7)))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket",
class: {
rowFoot: 1 === t.reportCategory
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.reportCategory ? e.state : e.position))]), t._v(" "), 1 !== t.reportCategory ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.part))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row rowBasket",
class: {
rowFoot: 1 === t.reportCategory
}, [t._v(t._s(e.onPlay.slice(0, 7)))])])
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directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchReport.injure.guestInjure || t.matchReport.injure.guestInjure.length < 1,
expression: "!matchReport.injure.guestInjure || matchReport.injure.guestInjure.length<1"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("无人受伤")])], 2)]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "modules"
}, [a("h3", [t._v("事件影响")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "teamInfo"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "teamName"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.reportCategory ? t.matchReport.matchBaseInfo.homeTeamName : t.matchReport.matchBaseInfo.guestTeamName))]), t._v(" "), t._l(t.matchReport.event.homeEvent, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "eventItem"
}, [a("span", {
class: {
up: 0 === e.upDown, down: 1 === e.upDown, cen: 2 === e.upDown
}, [t._v(t._s(0 === e.upDown ? "有利" : 2 === e.upDown ? "中立" : "不利"))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "info"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.title))])])
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directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchReport.event.homeEvent || t.matchReport.event.homeEvent.length < 1,
expression: "!matchReport.event.homeEvent || matchReport.event.homeEvent.length<1"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("暂无事件")])], 2), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchReport.event.guestEvent && t.matchReport.event.guestEvent.length > 0,
expression: "matchReport.event.guestEvent && matchReport.event.guestEvent.length>0"
staticClass: "teamInfo"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "teamName"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.reportCategory ? t.matchReport.matchBaseInfo.guestTeamName : t.matchReport.matchBaseInfo.homeTeamName))]), t._v(" "), t._l(t.matchReport.event.guestEvent, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "eventItem"
}, [a("span", {
class: {
up: 0 === e.upDown, down: 1 === e.upDown, cen: 2 === e.upDown
}, [t._v(t._s(0 === e.upDown ? "有利" : 2 === e.upDown ? "中立" : "不利"))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "info"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.title))])])
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchReport.event.guestEvent || t.matchReport.event.guestEvent.length < 1,
expression: "!matchReport.event.guestEvent || matchReport.event.guestEvent.length<1"
staticClass: "noData text-center"
}, [t._v("暂无事件")])], 2)])])])])
i = [function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "row-head"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [t._v("赛事对阵")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v("盘路")])])
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var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
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staticClass: "row-head"
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staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [t._v("赛事对阵")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v("盘路")])])
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var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
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staticClass: "row-head"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
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staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
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e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
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staticClass: "row-head"
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staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [t._v("赛事对阵")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v("盘路")])])
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var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "row-head"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
}, [t._v("时间")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [t._v("赛事对阵")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v("盘路")])])
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var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "row-head"
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staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
}, [t._v("赛事对阵")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v("盘路")])])
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e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
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staticClass: "row-head"
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staticClass: "row row52 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row50 text-left"
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staticClass: "row row195 text-center"
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staticClass: "row row48 text-right"
}, [t._v("盘路")])])
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render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
c5QD: function(t, e) {},
d4JF: function(t, e) {},
dei4: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "pointsRecord"
}, [a("v-nav", [t._v("积分记录")]), t._v(" "), t.isLoading ? a("v-loading", {
staticClass: "loading-model"
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staticClass: "error-model",
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reload: t.reload
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ref: "pointsContent",
staticClass: "points-content"
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return a("div", {
key: e.userCreditId,
staticClass: "list"
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staticClass: "item_1"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "name"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.description))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "integral"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.creditChange))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "item_2"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "time"
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name: "tap",
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value: {
methods: t.jump
expression: "{methods: jump}"
staticClass: "look"
}, [t._v("查看"), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-more"
})]) : t._e()])])
})), t._v(" "), a("v-pull-load", {
ref: "pointsLoad"
}), t._v(" "), && ? a("div", {
staticClass: "no-more"
}, [t._v("没有更多了")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("no-data", {
staticClass: "no-data",
attrs: {
show: t.emptyShow,
text: t.emptyText
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i = [],
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render: s,
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e.a = n
eAJP: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
e.a = {
name: "ListEmpty"
eBEx: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
ref: "matchDetail",
class: {
loaded: Object.keys(t.matchInfo).length > 3
attrs: {
id: "match_detail"
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click: t.fixedheader
}, [Object.keys(t.matchInfo).length > 3 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "fixedheader"
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staticClass: "fixedCon-bg",
style: {
opacity: t.scrollTop / t.scrollValue * 5 / 4
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name: "show",
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value: t.scrollTop >= t.scrollValue / 5 * 4,
expression: "scrollTop>=scrollValue/5*4"
staticClass: "fixedcon"
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staticClass: "t_l"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.matchInfo.lotteryCategoryId ? t.matchInfo.homeTeam.teamName : t.matchInfo.guestTeam.teamName))]), t._v(" "), 3 != t.matchInfo.matchStatus && 2 != t.matchInfo.matchStatus ? a("div", {
staticClass: "t_vs"
}, [t._v("VS")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 3 == t.matchInfo.matchStatus || 2 == t.matchInfo.matchStatus ? a("div", {
staticClass: "t_vs"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.matchInfo.lotteryCategoryId ? t.matchInfo.homeScore : t.matchInfo.guestScore) + ":" + t._s(1 === t.matchInfo.lotteryCategoryId ? t.matchInfo.guestScore : t.matchInfo.homeScore))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "t_r"
}, [t._v(t._s(2 === t.matchInfo.lotteryCategoryId ? t.matchInfo.homeTeam.teamName : t.matchInfo.guestTeam.teamName))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "re_btn bg-re-btn",
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click: function(e) {
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directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.scrollTop < 10,
expression: "scrollTop<10"
staticClass: "follow_btn",
class: !0 === t.matchInfo.hasFollowed ? "bg-followed-btn2" : "bg-follow-btn2",
on: {
click: function(e) {
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), Object.keys(t.matchInfo).length > 3 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "header"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "h_tit"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchInfo.leagueMatch.leagueName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "h_info"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchInfo.matchTime)), a("span", [t._v(t._s(t.matchStatus[t.matchInfo.matchStatus - 1]))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "h_desc"
}, [a("div", {
class: 1 === t.matchInfo.lotteryCategoryId ? "h_home" : "h_guest"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "t_icon"
}, [a("p", [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t.matchInfo.homeTeam.teamIcon ? t.matchInfo.homeTeam.teamIcon + "?imageView&thumbnail=100y100&quality=85" : ""
on: {
error: t.setError
})])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "t_name"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchInfo.homeTeam.teamName))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "h_c"
}, [3 != t.matchInfo.matchStatus && 2 != t.matchInfo.matchStatus ? a("div", {
staticClass: "h_vs"
}, [t._v("VS")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 3 == t.matchInfo.matchStatus || 2 == t.matchInfo.matchStatus ? a("div", {
staticClass: "h_vs"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === t.matchInfo.lotteryCategoryId ? t.matchInfo.homeScore : t.matchInfo.guestScore) + ":" + t._s(1 === t.matchInfo.lotteryCategoryId ? t.matchInfo.guestScore : t.matchInfo.homeScore))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.matchInfo.threadCount > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "h_num"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "h_num_bg"
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "h_num_con"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchInfo.threadCount) + "种方案")])]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
class: 2 === t.matchInfo.lotteryCategoryId ? "h_home" : "h_guest"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "t_icon"
}, [a("p", [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t.matchInfo.guestTeam.teamIcon ? t.matchInfo.guestTeam.teamIcon + "?imageView&thumbnail=100y100&quality=85" : ""
on: {
error: t.setError
})])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "t_name"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchInfo.guestTeam.teamName))])])])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), Object.keys(t.matchInfo).length > 3 ? a("div", {
ref: "tab",
staticClass: "tab",
class: {
isFixed: t.scrollTop >= t.scrollValue
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staticClass: "tab-item",
class: {
cur: "tab1" === t.tabIdx
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click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.changeTab("tab1")
}, [t._v("方案")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-item",
class: {
cur: "tab2" === t.tabIdx
on: {
click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.changeTab("tab2")
}, [t._v("分析")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-item",
class: {
cur: "tab3" === t.tabIdx
on: {
click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.changeTab("tab3")
}, [t._v("直播")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "tab-item",
class: {
cur: "tab4" === t.tabIdx
on: {
click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.changeTab("tab4")
}, [t._v("指数")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "tab_line",
class: t.tabIdx
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), Object.keys(t.matchInfo).length > 3 ? a("div", {
ref: "matchCon",
staticClass: "match_con"
}, [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: "tab1" === t.tabIdx,
expression: "tabIdx==='tab1'"
staticClass: "matchPlanWrap"
}, [a("matchPlan", {
attrs: {
matchInfoId: t.matchInfoId,
isPlan: t.isPlan
})], 1), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: "tab2" === t.tabIdx,
expression: "tabIdx==='tab2'"
staticClass: "matchAnalyzeWrap"
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attrs: {
matchInfoId: t.matchInfoId,
isFixed: t.scrollTop >= t.scrollValue,
scrollTop: t.scrollTop
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directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: "tab3" === t.tabIdx,
expression: "tabIdx==='tab3'"
staticClass: "matchLiveWrap"
}, [a("matchLive", {
attrs: {
matchInfoId: t.matchInfoId,
isLive: t.isLive
})], 1), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: "tab4" === t.tabIdx,
expression: "tabIdx==='tab4'"
staticClass: "matchZhishuWrap"
}, [a("matchZhishu", {
attrs: {
matchInfoId: t.matchInfoId,
isFixed: t.scrollTop >= t.scrollValue,
scrollTop: t.scrollTop
})], 1)]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.matchInfo.tcmEntrance && !t.isMeiZu ? a("div", {
staticClass: "tcm-entrance",
on: {
click: function(e) {
path: "/tcmmatchlist/0"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t.matchInfo.tcmEntrance.img,
alt: ""
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("appLead", {
ref: "appLead"
}), t._v(" "), a("loading", {
attrs: {
show: Object.keys(t.matchInfo).length <= 3
})], 1)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
eHry: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("W0JJ"),
n = a("BdGw"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
eYm1: function(t, e) {},
exF3: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("2A+C"),
n = a("7Myl"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
"f+qC": function(t, e) {},
fItf: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return t.oddsDetail.length > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "wrap-ZSXQ-1 p-ZSXQ",
attrs: {
id: "matchOddsDetail"
on: {
touchmove: function(t) {
}, [a("topBar", {
attrs: {
text: "赔率详情"
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "m-comp"
}, [a("header", [t._v("公司")]), t._v(" "), a("ul", {
staticClass: "comp-list"
}, t._l(t.oddsDetail, function(e, s) {
return a("li", {
class: {
"z-fcs": s === t.fcsIndex
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v(t._s(e.companyName))])
}))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "m-odds"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tabs"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tabs_con"
}, [a("span", {
class: {
"z-fcs": "OuPei" === t.fcsTab
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("欧赔")]), a("span", {
class: {
"z-fcs": "YaPan" === t.fcsTab
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("亚盘")])])]), t._v(" "), 1 === t.matchType && "OuPei" === t.fcsTab ? a("div", {
staticClass: "grid-row z-title"
}, [a("span", [t._v("主胜")]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("平局")]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("客胜")]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("变化时间")])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 !== t.matchType || "OuPei" !== t.fcsTab || t.isEmpty ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-list"
}, [a("scroll", {
staticClass: "list scroll",
attrs: {
data: t.oddsDetail[t.fcsIndex].europeOddsList,
pullup: !0,
able: !1,
needRefresh: t.needRefresh
}, [a("div", t._l(t.oddsDetail[t.fcsIndex].europeOddsList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "grid-row"
}, [a("span", {
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.homeWinUpState, "z-red": 1 === e.homeWinUpState
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.homeWinUp ? e.homeWinUp : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.drawsConcedeState, "z-red": 1 === e.drawsConcedeState
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.drawsConcede ? e.drawsConcede : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.guestLossDownState, "z-red": 1 === e.guestLossDownState
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.guestLossDown ? e.guestLossDown : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "c-time"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("formatDate")(e.oddsTime)))])])
}))])], 1), t._v(" "), 1 === t.matchType && "YaPan" === t.fcsTab ? a("div", {
staticClass: "grid-row z-title"
}, [a("span", [t._v("主赔")]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("让球")]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("客赔")]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("变化时间")])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 1 !== t.matchType || "YaPan" !== t.fcsTab || t.isEmpty ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-list"
}, [a("scroll", {
staticClass: "list scroll",
attrs: {
data: t.oddsDetail[t.fcsIndex].oddsChangeInfoList,
pullup: !0,
able: !1,
needRefresh: t.needRefresh
}, [a("div", t._l(t.oddsDetail[t.fcsIndex].oddsChangeInfoList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "grid-row odd-change"
}, [a("div", {
class: {
hasChange: e.hasChange
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.homeWinUp ? e.homeWinUp : "-"))]), e.hasChange && 1 == e.highlightPlace ? a("span", {
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.upOrLow, "z-red": 1 === e.upOrLow
}, [t._v("("), a("i", {
staticClass: "trend",
class: {
"i-arrow-top": 1 === e.upOrLow, "i-arrow-down": 2 === e.upOrLow
}), t._v(t._s(e.highlightValue) + ")")]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
class: {
hasChange: e.hasChange
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.drawsConcede ? e.drawsConcede : "-"))]), e.hasChange && 2 == e.highlightPlace ? a("span", {
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.upOrLow, "z-red": 1 === e.upOrLow
}, [t._v("("), a("i", {
staticClass: "trend",
class: {
"i-arrow-top": 1 === e.upOrLow, "i-arrow-down": 2 === e.upOrLow
}), t._v(t._s(e.highlightValue) + ")")]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
class: {
hasChange: e.hasChange
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.guestLossDown ? e.guestLossDown : "-"))]), e.hasChange && 3 == e.highlightPlace ? a("span", {
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.upOrLow, "z-red": 1 === e.upOrLow
}, [t._v("("), a("i", {
staticClass: "trend",
class: {
"i-arrow-top": 1 === e.upOrLow, "i-arrow-down": 2 === e.upOrLow
}), t._v(t._s(e.highlightValue) + ")")]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c-time",
class: {
hasChange: e.hasChange
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(t._f("format")(e.oddsTime)))]), e.hasChange ? a("span") : t._e()])])
}))])], 1), t._v(" "), 2 === t.matchType && "OuPei" === t.fcsTab ? a("div", {
staticClass: "grid-row z-title"
}, [a("span", [t._v("客胜")]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("主胜")]), t._v(" "), a("span"), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("变化时间")])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 !== t.matchType || "OuPei" !== t.fcsTab || t.isEmpty ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-list"
}, t._l(t.oddsDetail[t.fcsIndex].europeOddsList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "grid-row"
}, [a("span", {
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.guestLossDownState, "z-red": 1 === e.guestLossDownState
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.guestLossDown ? e.guestLossDown : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.homeWinUpState, "z-red": 1 === e.homeWinUpState
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.homeWinUp ? e.homeWinUp : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span"), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "c-time"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("format")(e.oddsTime)))])])
})), t._v(" "), 2 === t.matchType && "YaPan" === t.fcsTab ? a("div", {
staticClass: "grid-row z-title"
}, [a("span", [t._v("客赔")]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("让分")]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("主赔")]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("变化时间")])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 !== t.matchType || "YaPan" !== t.fcsTab || t.isEmpty ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-list"
}, [a("scroll", {
staticClass: "list scroll",
attrs: {
data: t.oddsDetail[t.fcsIndex].asiaOddsList,
pullup: !0,
able: !1
}, [a("div", t._l(t.oddsDetail[t.fcsIndex].asiaOddsList, function(e) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "grid-row"
}, [a("span", {
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.guestLossDownState, "z-red": 1 === e.guestLossDownState
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.guestLossDown ? e.guestLossDown : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.drawsConcede ? e.drawsConcede : "-")), e.drawsConcedeState ? a("i", {
staticClass: "trend",
class: {
"i-arrow-top": 1 === e.drawsConcedeState, "i-arrow-down": 2 === e.drawsConcedeState
}) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
class: {
"z-grn": 2 === e.homeWinUpState, "z-red": 1 === e.homeWinUpState
}, [t._v(t._s("number" == typeof e.homeWinUp ? e.homeWinUp : "-"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "c-time"
}, [t._v(t._s(t._f("format")(e.oddsTime)))])])
}))])], 1), t._v(" "), t.isEmpty ? a("list-empty") : t._e()], 1)], 1) : t._e()
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
fVVp: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
attrs: {
id: "personalPage"
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touchmove: function(t) {
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staticClass: "personal-wap"
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staticClass: "list"
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staticClass: "personal-info"
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staticClass: "info"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "img"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t.userInfo.avatar + "?imageView&thumbnail=200y200&quality=85"
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error: t.setError
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "info-right"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "name-wrapper"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "user-nickname"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.userInfo.nickname))]), t._v(" "), t.isMeiZu ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "login-out",
on: {
click: t.loginOut
}, [t._v("退出")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "bean",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "icon bg-huangdou"
}), t._v("\n " + t._s(t.userInfo.redCurrency) + "\n 红豆\n ")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "recharge-btn",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("充值"), a("span", {
staticClass: "arrow arrow-right-white"
})])])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.isLogin ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "personal-info"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "info"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "img",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("登录")]), t._v(" "), t.isMeiZu ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "info-right notLogin"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "wangyi",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("网易通行证登录/注册")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "login-type"
}, [a("div", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "icon bg-weibo"
}), t._v("微博登录")])])])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "info-list"
}, [a("ul", [t.$store.state.tcmEntrance && !t.isMeiZu ? a("li", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
path: "/mall"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "icon icon-user-mall"
}), t._v("\n 积分商城\n "), a("span", {
staticClass: "arrow arrow-right"
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("li", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "icon bg-order"
}), t._v("\n 我的订单\n "), a("span", {
staticClass: "arrow arrow-right"
})]), t._v(" "), a("li", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "icon icon-message"
}), t._v("\n 消息中心\n "), t.msgCount ? a("div", {
staticClass: "msg-count"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.msgCount))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "arrow arrow-right"
})]), t._v(" "), t.$store.state.partner ? a("li", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "icon bg-coupons"
}), t._v("\n 优惠券\n "), a("span", {
staticClass: "arrow arrow-right"
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("router-link", {
attrs: {
to: "feedback",
tag: "li"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "icon bg-opinion"
}), t._v("\n 意见反馈\n "), a("span", {
staticClass: "arrow arrow-right"
})]), t._v(" "), a("router-link", {
attrs: {
to: "helpCenter",
tag: "li"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "icon bg-help"
}), t._v("\n 帮助中心\n "), a("span", {
staticClass: "arrow arrow-right"
})])], 1)]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.toastShow,
expression: "toastShow"
staticClass: "toast"
}, [t._v("请在微信客户端打开链接")])])])], 1), t._v(" "), a("navigation")], 1)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
fa5T: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("Kl+P"),
n = a("tp0l"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
fmoN: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "mall-list"
}, [a("v-nav", {
attrs: {
fixed: !0
}, [t._v("商城兑换"), t.phoneLogin ? a("span", {
staticClass: "history",
on: {
click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.$router.push({
path: "/exchangeRecord"
}, [t._v("兑换记录")]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "mall-list-top"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "top-content"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "quantity"
}, [t._v("\n " + t._s(t._f("valueToCH")(t.mallUserInfo.nCoin)) + " "), a("span", {
staticClass: "unit"
}, [t._v("N币")])]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "mallToMatchList",
on: {
click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.$router.push({
path: "/tcmmatchlist/0"
}, [t._v("参与竞猜赢N币 去竞猜"), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon icon-arrow-right"
})])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "bg-icon bg-mall"
})]), t._v(" "), t.isLoading ? a("v-loading") : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.isError ? a("v-error", {
staticClass: "error-model",
on: {
reload: t.reload
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.betNotifyShow ? a("div", {
staticClass: "mall-notify"
}, t._l(t.$store.state.betNotify, function(t, e) {
return a("v-bet-notify", {
key: e,
attrs: {
notifyData: t,
arrayKey: e
})) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
ref: "mallContent",
staticClass: "mall-list-content",
class: {
"notify-tip": t.betNotifyShow
}, t._l(t.mallList.list, function(e, s) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "item",
on: {
click: function(a) {
a.stopPropagation(), t.$router.push({
path: "/exchange/" + e.productId
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "img"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t._f("mallIcon")([e.image, 370, 370])
on: {
error: t.setError
})]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "name"
}, [t._v(t._s(]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "value"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.price) + " "), a("span", {
staticClass: "unit"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.currency))])])])
})), t._v(" "), a("p", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.mallList.noMore && t.mallList.list.length,
expression: "mallList.noMore && mallList.list.length"
staticClass: "no-more"
}, [t._v("没有更多了")]), t._v(" "), a("v-pull-load", {
ref: "mallLoad"
})], 1)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
fto2: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("fZjL"),
i = a.n(s),
n = a("Dd8w"),
o = a.n(n),
r = a("4JkW"),
c = a("NYxO");
e.a = {
name: "matchAgainst",
props: {
matchData: {
type: Object,
default: void 0
data: function() {
return {
gameTime: "",
gameTimer: null,
notSale: !1
computed: o()({}, a.i(c.b)("bet", ["betList", "betListCount"])),
mounted: function() {
this.setGameTime(), this.setSale()
methods: o()({}, a.i(c.c)("bet", ["setBetList"]), {
selectOdds: function(t, e) {
if (this.betList[e.tcmSelectionId]) this.setBetList({
type: 1,
selectionId: e.tcmSelectionId
else {
if (this.$store.state.tcmMatchPause) return void this.$modal.toast({
title: "竞猜暂停中",
time: 1e3
if (t.allowBetting || 1 !== t.status && 2 !== t.status || 1 !== e.marketStatus) return;
this.betListCount >= 9 && this.$modal.alert({
opacity: .7,
title: "抱歉,最多只能选择9条"
var a = {
competitionName: t.competitionName,
awayName: t.awayName,
awayTeamScore: t.awayTeamScore,
homeName: t.homeName,
homeTeamScore: t.homeTeamScore,
status: t.status,
marketStatus: 1,
maxStakeLimit: e.maxStakeLimit,
eventId: t.tcmEventId,
selectionName: e.selectionName,
playTypeName: "全场胜平负",
marketId: e.tcmMarketId,
selectionId: e.tcmSelectionId,
requestPrice: e.backOdds
type: 0,
selectionId: e.tcmSelectionId,
bet: a
setGameTime: function() {
var t = this,
e = this.matchData.liveTime;
e && (e.secondHalfTimeEnd ? this.gameTime = 5400 : e.secondHalfTimeStart ? (this.gameTime = Math.floor((e.serviceTime - e.secondHalfTimeStart) / 1e3) + 2700, this.gameTimer = setInterval(function() {
}, 1e3)) : e.firstHalfTimeEnd ? this.gameTime = 2700 : (this.gameTime = Math.floor((e.serviceTime - e.firstHalfTimeStart) / 1e3), this.gameTimer = setInterval(function() {
}, 1e3)))
setValToTime: function(t) {
var e = t % 60 > 9 ? t % 60 : "0" + t % 60;
return Math.floor(t / 60) + "'" + e + "''"
setSale: function() {
var t = this;
this.notSale = !1, this.matchData.selectionList.forEach(function(e) {
0 === e.marketStatus && (t.notSale = !0)
dateToCH: function(t) {
var e = new Date,
a = e.getFullYear(),
s = e.getMonth(),
i = e.getDate(),
n = t.split("/");
return parseInt(n[0]) - 1 === s && parseInt(n[1]) === i ? "今天" : new Date(a, parseInt(n[0]) - 1, n[1]).getTime() === new Date(a, s, i).getTime() + 864e5 ? "明天" : new Date(a, parseInt(n[0]) - 1, n[1]).getTime() === new Date(a, s, i).getTime() + 1728e5 ? "后天" : t.replace("/", ".")
filters: {
matchStatus: r.f,
teamIcon: r.g,
zeroToCH: r.h
watch: {
matchData: function(t, e) {
if (this.setSale(), 2 === t.status && t.liveTime && !this.gameTime) return this.gameTimer && clearInterval(this.gameTimer), void this.setGameTime();
if (t.liveTime && !e.liveTime) this.gameTimer && clearInterval(this.gameTimer), this.setGameTime();
else if (t.liveTime && e.liveTime) {
var a = !1;
i()(t.liveTime).forEach(function(s) {
t.liveTime[s] !== e.liveTime[s] && (a = !0)
}), a && (this.gameTimer && clearInterval(this.gameTimer), this.setGameTime())
"g/nS": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("Dd8w"),
i = a.n(s),
n = a("NYxO"),
o = a("Ozo/");
e.a = {
name: "credit-coin",
data: function() {
return {}
activated: function() {
a.i(o.c)(this.$refs.creditCoinEle, ".credit-coin-main")
methods: i()({}, a.i(n.c)(["setPopShow"]), {
goToMatchList: function() {
this.toggleModel(), this.$router.push({
path: "/tcmmatchlist/0"
toggleModel: function() {
gH2e: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("6tf9"),
n = a("9RMr"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-15018848", null);
e.a = c.exports
gSf3: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("sZJM"),
n = a("q4NT"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
gbFa: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("Dd8w"),
i = a.n(s),
n = a("kwUQ"),
o = a("8Pq/"),
r = a("GAzl"),
c = a("NYxO"),
l = a("Ozo/"),
d = a("44dg");
e.a = {
data: function() {
return {
topBarText: "我的订单",
pullup: !0,
loading: !1,
loadingShow: !0,
myOrder: {
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
list: []
created: function() {
methods: i()({}, a.i(c.c)(["setEmpty", "setToast"]), {
jump: function(t, e) {
var a =;
"matchDetail" === a ? this.$router.push("/matchDetail/" + : "expert" === a ? this.$router.push("/expertDetail/" + : "planDetail" === a && this.$router.push("/planDetail/" +
getMyOrder: function() {
var t = this;
this.loading || this.nomore || (this.loading = !0, a.i(o.a)("orderList", {
urlParams: {
limit: this.myOrder.limit,
offset: this.myOrder.offset
}).then(function(e) {
200 === e.code && (t.loadingShow = !1, t.myOrder.list = t.myOrder.list.concat(, t.myOrder.offset +=, < t.myOrder.limit && (t.nomore = !0, t.myOrder.list.length || t.setEmpty({
show: !0,
text: "暂未购买任何文章",
btnShow: !0,
btnText: "去看看",
icon: "noCoupon",
jumpLink: "/index"
})), t.loading = !1)
}).catch(function(e) {
e && t.setToast({
show: !0,
text: "请求出错,请稍后再试"
goToDetail: function(t, e) {
if (e && void 0 !== e) {
var a;
"expert" === t ? a = "/expertDetail/" + e : "plan" === t && (a = "/planDetail/" + e), this.$router.push(a)
setError: function(t) {
a.i(l.f)(t, "avator")
components: {
topBar: n.a,
scroll: r.a,
loading: d.a
gn4M: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
ref: "creditCoinEle",
staticClass: "credit-coin"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "credit-coin-main"
}, [1 == t.$store.state.popInfo.loginPopNCoin ? a("div", {
staticClass: "coin-model bg-first-coin"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "title"
}, [t._v("恭喜您在竞猜中赢得")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "num"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.$store.state.popInfo.winCoinValue)), a("span", {
staticClass: "unit"
}, [t._v("N币")])]), t._v(" "), t._m(0), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "btn",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("继续竞猜")])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "icon icon-close",
on: {
click: function(e) {
i = [function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("p", {
staticClass: "tip"
}, [t._v("N币可以去商城兑换"), a("br"), t._v("也可以继续参与竞猜")])
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
i7EQ: function(t, e) {},
iWzf: function(t, e) {},
j5y4: function(t, e) {},
j6Ch: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "plan-detail",
class: {
"pb-100": t.planData.tcmEntrance && 1 === t.planData.showContent && !t.isMeiZu, "pb-110": t.planData.canPurchase && 0 == t.planData.showContent && !t.paySuccess
}, [a("topBar", {
attrs: {
text: "方案详情"
}), t._v(" "), Object.keys(t.planData).length > 2 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "expert_con"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "com_title"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.planData.title))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "com_info"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "com_time"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.planData.publishTime))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "hei_hong",
class: 2 === t.planData.plock ? "underway" : 3 !== t.planData.plock ? "" : t.planData.hitRateValue ? "hong" : "hei"
}, [t._v(t._s(2 === t.planData.plock ? "进行中" : 3 !== t.planData.plock ? "" : t.planData.hitRateValue ? "红" : "黑"))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "expert_info",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "avatar"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t.expertData.avatar ? t.expertData.avatar + "?imageView&thumbnail=80y80&quality=85" : ""
on: {
error: t.setError
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "other"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "nickname"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.expertData.nickname))]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "slogan"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.expertData.slogan))])]), t._v(" "), t.isMeiZu ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "follow_btn",
class: t.expertData.hasFollowed ? "bg-followed-btn" : "bg-follow-btn",
on: {
click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.followBtn("expert", t.expertData.hasFollowed)
})])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.matchList.length > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "result_wrap"
}, t._l(t.matchList, function(e, s) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "result",
class: 0 === s ? "first" : ""
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "result_info"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "result_kind"
}, [t._v("[" + t._s(1 === e.categoryId ? "足" : "篮") + "]")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "result_name bg-line"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.leagueName))]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "result_time"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.matchTime))]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "result_state",
class: "status" + e.matchStatus
}, [t._v(t._s(t.status[e.matchStatus]))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "result_team",
on: {
click: function(a) {
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row2"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamname"
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === e.categoryId ? e.homeTeam.teamName : e.guestTeam.teamName))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamicon",
style: {
backgroundImage: "url(" + (1 === e.categoryId ? e.homeTeam.teamIcon : e.guestTeam.teamIcon) + ")"
})]), t._v(" "), 1 === e.categoryId ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row3"
}, [t._v(t._s(2 === e.matchStatus || 3 === e.matchStatus ? e.homeScore + ":" + e.guestScore : "vs"))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === e.categoryId ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row3"
}, [t._v(t._s(2 === e.matchStatus || 3 === e.matchStatus ? e.guestScore + ":" + e.homeScore : "vs"))]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row4"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamicon",
style: {
backgroundImage: "url(" + (2 === e.categoryId ? e.homeTeam.teamIcon : e.guestTeam.teamIcon) + ")"
}), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamname"
}, [t._v(t._s(2 === e.categoryId ? e.homeTeam.teamName : e.guestTeam.teamName))])])]), t._v(" "), t._l(e.playVoList, function(i, n) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "result_con"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "result_tit"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row1"
}, [t._v(t._s(i.playName))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "result_num",
class: "kind" + e.categoryId
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row1"
}, [t._v(t._s(i.concede))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row_r"
}, t._l(i.itemVoList, function(e, s) {
return a("div", {
class: "row" + (s + 2) + " " + (e.isRecommend ? "cur" : "")
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "col1"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.playItemName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col2"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.odds))]), t._v(" "), e.isMRecommend ? a("div", {
staticClass: "zhutui"
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), e.isMatchResult ? a("div", {
staticClass: "xuanzhong"
}) : t._e()])
})), t._v(" "), t._l(i.itemVoList, function(e) {
return 1 == e.isMatchResult ? a("div", {
staticClass: "states",
class: e.isMatchResult == e.isRecommend ? "hit" : "not-hit"
}) : t._e()
})], 2), t._v(" "), e.playVoList[0].extraOddsList ? a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: 3 === e.matchStatus,
expression: "item.matchStatus === 3"
ref: "oddsBtn" + s + "_" + n,
refInFor: !0,
staticClass: "odds_btn",
on: {
click: function(e) {
t.oddBtn(s + "_" + n)
}, [t._v("澳彩和wellbet赔率变化 "), a("span")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), i.extraOddsList ? a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: 3 !== e.matchStatus,
expression: "item.matchStatus !== 3"
ref: "oddsChange" + s + "_" + n,
refInFor: !0,
staticClass: "odds_change"
}, t._l(i.extraOddsList, function(s, i) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "oddsList",
class: "oddsList" + i
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "row1"
}, [t._v(t._s(s.oddsCompany))]), t._v(" "), t._m(0, !0), t._v(" "), 2 === e.categoryId ? a("div", {
staticClass: "row_l"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "col1"
}, [t._v(t._s(s.originConcedeScore))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col2"
}, [t._v(t._s(s.currentConcedeScore))])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "row_r"
}, t._l(s.itemOddsList, function(e, s) {
return a("div", {
class: "row" + (s + 3)
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "col1"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.originOdds))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "col2",
class: 1 === e.currentOddsChange ? "red" : -1 === e.currentOddsChange ? "green" : ""
}, [t._v(t._s(e.currentOdds))])])
})) : t._e()])
})], 2)
})) : t._e(), t._v(" "), Object.keys(t.planData).length > 2 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "recommend"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "recom_tit"
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staticClass: "recom_con"
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expression: "payStatus === 'endpay' && planData.canPurchase === true"
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}, [a("span", [t._v("本方案中有比赛已开始,")]), t._v("但您仍可继续购买。")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "pay_text"
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staticClass: "pay_time"
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staticClass: "time"
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staticClass: "endpay"
}, [t._v("方案售卖已结束")]) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), t.planData.content && 1 === t.planData.showContent ? a("div", {
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innerHTML: t._s(t.planData.content)
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staticClass: "seemore bg-seemore",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("查看更多")])]) : t._e()])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.planData.tcmEntrance && 0 === t.planData.showContent && !t.isMeiZu ? a("div", {
staticClass: "tcm-entrance",
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click: function(e) {
path: "/tcmmatchlist/0"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t.planData.tcmEntrance.img,
alt: ""
})]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.planData.tcmEntrance && 1 === t.planData.showContent && !t.isMeiZu ? a("div", {
staticClass: "tcm-entrance-btn",
on: {
click: function(e) {
path: "/tcmmatchlist/0"
}, [t._v("\n 参与竞猜\n ")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "tips_wrap"
}, [t._v("\n 观点建议仅供参考,投注需谨慎\n ")]), t._v(" "), !t.planData.canPurchase && 2 == t.planData.plock && t.planData.price > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "no_buy"
}, [t._v("\n 比赛进行中,无法购买\n ")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), Object.keys(t.planData).length > 2 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "pay_wrap"
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staticClass: "pay_cons"
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staticClass: "pay_con",
class: {
nocoupon: !t.planData.couponInfo || !t.planData.couponInfo.userCouponId
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staticClass: "price"
}, [t._v(t._s("需支付:" + (t.curCoupon.userCouponId ? t.curCoupon.realCost : t.planData.price) + "红豆")), a("span", {
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expression: "curCoupon.userCouponId"
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click: function(e) {
t.showCoupon = !0
}, [t._v(t._s(t.curCoupon.userCouponId ? t.curCoupon.buyThreadTips : "有" + t.couponData.length + "张优惠券可用"))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "pay_btn",
on: {
click: function(e) {
t.payShow = !0
}, [t._v("立即支付")])]) : t._e()]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.couponData.length > 0 ? a("div", {
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value: t.showCoupon,
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click: function(e) {
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staticClass: "bmask"
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ref: "coupons",
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ref: "c" + e.userCouponId,
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staticClass: "cur",
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click: function(a) {
t.curCouponF(e.userCouponId, e.buyThreadTips, e.realCost)
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staticClass: "c_l"
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staticClass: "c_l_t"
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staticClass: "c_l_b"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.couponUseMode))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_r"
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staticClass: "c_r_t"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.wrapName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_r_b"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.validEndDate) + "到期")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_b"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.couponDesc))])]) : t._e()
}), t._v(" "), t._l(t.couponData, function(e) {
return t.planData.couponInfo.userCouponId !== e.userCouponId ? a("li", {
ref: "c" + e.userCouponId,
refInFor: !0,
on: {
click: function(a) {
t.curCouponF(e.userCouponId, e.buyThreadTips, e.realCost)
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "c_l"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "c_l_t"
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.moneyOrDiscount))]), t._v(t._s(1 == e.couponType ? "折" : "红豆"))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_l_b"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.couponUseMode))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_r"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "c_r_t"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.wrapName))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_r_b"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.validEndDate) + "到期")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c_b"
}, [t._v(t._s("满直减" === e.couponUseMode ? "全平台通用,网易红彩内够满" + parseInt(e.couponUseMode, 10) + "红豆可用" : "全平台通用,网易红彩内所有方案均可使用"))])]) : t._e()
})], 2), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "unUseCoupon",
on: {
click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.unUseCoupon()
}, [t._v("不使用优惠券")])])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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innerHTML: t._s(t.paySuccess ? t.pay_popup_text : "购买文章需要消耗" + (t.curCoupon.userCouponId ? t.curCoupon.realCost : t.planData.price) + "红豆<br/>确定购买吗?")
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staticClass: "l_btn",
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click: function(e) {
t.payShow = !1
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staticClass: "r_btn",
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click: function(e) {
t.paySuccess ? t.downLoad() : t.postPayment(t.threadId, t.curCoupon.userCouponId)
}, [t._v(t._s(t.paySuccess ? "去下载" : "立即购买"))])])]), t._v(" "), a("appLead", {
ref: "appLead"
}), t._v(" "), a("loading", {
attrs: {
show: Object.keys(t.planData).length <= 2
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current: 1 == t.$route.meta.currentTab
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current: 2 == t.$route.meta.currentTab
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resetHeight: function() {
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t.length !== e.length && && this.resetHeight()
lv8B: function(t, e) {},
mJ8Z: function(t, e, a) {
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n = a("DaMy"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
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path: "/tcmmatch/" + t.matchData.tcmEventId
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staticClass: "time-icon clock-icon"
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staticClass: "time"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.gameTime ? t.setValToTime(t.gameTime) : t.matchData.eventTime))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "team text-ellipsis text-right"
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staticClass: "team text-ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchData.awayName))])])
i = [],
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n = a("Dd8w"),
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r = a("sfc1"),
c = a("SybL"),
l = a("8Vv2"),
d = a("/h2A"),
h = a("tgkp"),
u = a("gH2e"),
m = a("jqkX"),
v = a("NYxO"),
p = a("8Pq/"),
f = a("Ozo/");
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list: [],
all: !1,
object: {},
id: []
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list: [],
all: !1,
object: {},
id: []
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path: "/historyBet/1"
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clearInterval(this.matchListTimer), this.getMatchList(2, this.matchList[2].length, t)
getMatchCount: function() {
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a.i(p.a)("tcmMatchCount").then(function(e) {
200 === e.code && (t.matchCount =
getLeagueList: function() {
var t = this;
a.i(p.a)("tcmLeagueList").then(function(e) {
if (200 === e.code) {
var a =,
s = t.league.all;
t.league = {
all: !1,
object: {},
id: []
}, s ? t.league.list.forEach(function(e) {
t.$set(e, "choose", !0),, t.$set(t.league.object, e.tcmCompetitionId, e)
}) : a.length > 0 && (t.league.list.forEach(function(e) {
a.indexOf(e.tcmCompetitionId) > -1 && (t.$set(e, "choose", !0),, t.$set(t.league.object, e.tcmCompetitionId, e))
}), >= t.league.list.length && (t.league.all = !0)), t.leagueTemp = JSON.parse(i()(t.league))
getMatchList: function(t, e, s) {
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e = e || 0;
var n = this.defaultLimit;
0 === e && this.matchList[t].length >= this.defaultLimit && (n = Math.min(this.matchList[t].length, 200));
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0: "tcmMatchListHandpick",
1: "tcmMatchListStarting",
2: "tcmMatchListNotStart"
r = {
offset: e || 0,
limit: n
!this.league.all && > 0 && 2 === t && (r.tcmCompetitionIds =",")), a.i(p.a)(o[t], {
methods: "get",
params: r
}).then(function(a) {
s && (s(), i.setInt()), 200 === a.code && (i.matchList[t] = e <= 0 ? : [].concat(i.matchList[t],, < i.defaultLimit && (i.noMore[t] = !0), 0 === t && i.matchList[t].length >= 20 && (i.noMore[t] = !0)), i.isLoading[i.matchType] = !1, i.isError = !1
}, function(t) {
i.isError = !0, i.isLoading[i.matchType] = !1, t && s && (s(), i.setInt())
showSearch: function(t) {
this.searchShow = t, this.league = JSON.parse(i()(this.leagueTemp))
selectLeague: function(t, e, a) {
var s = this;
0 === t ? this.league.all ? (this.league.all = !1, this.league.list.forEach(function(t) {
s.$set(t, "choose", !1)
}), = [], this.league.object = {}) : (this.league.all = !0, = [], this.league.list.forEach(function(t) {
s.$set(t, "choose", !0),, s.$set(s.league.object, t.tcmCompetitionId, t)
})) : this.league.list[a].choose ? (this.$set(this.league.list[a], "choose", !1),, 1), this.$delete(this.league.object, e), < this.league.list.length && (this.league.all = !1)) : (this.$set(this.league.list[a], "choose", !0),, this.$set(this.league.object, e, this.league.list[a]), >= this.league.list.length && (this.league.all = !0))
submitLeague: function() {
this.leagueTemp = JSON.parse(i()(this.league)), this.noMore[2] = !1, this.showSearch(!1), clearInterval(this.matchListTimer), this.getMatchList(2), this.setInt()
resetLeague: function() {
var t = this;
this.league.all = !1, this.league.list.forEach(function(e) {
t.$set(e, "choose", !1)
}), = [], this.league.object = {}
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e || this.showMore && (this.showMore = !1)
setInt: function() {
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this.matchListTimer && clearInterval(this.matchListTimer), this.betPauseTimer && clearInterval(this.betPauseTimer), this.matchListTimer = setInterval(function() {
t.isError || t.getMatchList(t.matchType)
}, 3e3), this.betPauseTimer = setInterval(function() {
t.getMatchPause(), t.getMatchCount()
}, 6e4)
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VNoData: h.a,
VError: u.a,
VBetNotify: m.a
beforeRouteUpdate: function(t, e, a) {
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this.searchShow = !1, this.showMore = !1, clearInterval(this.matchListTimer), clearInterval(this.betPauseTimer), this.getScrollRef(parseInt(e.params.type)) && (this.scrollTop[parseInt(e.params.type)] = this.getScrollRef(parseInt(e.params.type)).$el.scrollTop), document.documentElement.removeEventListener("touchend", this.hideFloatingWindow), a()
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matchType: function() {
this.searchShow = !1
mrnP: function(t, e) {},
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"use strict";
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i = a.n(s),
n = a("Dd8w"),
o = a.n(n),
r = a("8Pq/"),
c = a("Ozo/"),
l = a("4JkW"),
d = a("NYxO"),
h = a("sfc1"),
u = a("/h2A"),
m = a("tgkp"),
v = a("gH2e"),
p = a("7BX6"),
f = a("BtvA"),
_ = a("jqkX");
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matchInfo: "",
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this.matchDetailInit(this.$, c.i.addEvent(window, "scroll", this.scrollFrame), window.addEventListener("scroll", this.scrollNavFixed)
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a.i(c.c)(this.$refs.matchStartEle, ".match-start-scroll")
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matchStatus: l.f,
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zeroToCH: l.h
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matchDetailInit: function(t) {
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a && a.parentNode.removeChild(a), this.matchInfo = "", this.matchId = t, this.loading = !0, this.getMatchInfo(this.matchId), this.matchOdds = {}, this.getMatchOdds(this.matchId)
window.scrollTo(0, this.scrollState), this.scrollFrame(), this.getStartMatch(), this.getMatchPause(), this.matchDetailTimer && clearInterval(this.matchDetailTimer), this.betPauseTimer && clearInterval(this.betPauseTimer), this.matchDetailTimer = setInterval(function() {
e.netError || (e.getMatchInfo(e.matchId), e.getMatchOdds(e.matchId))
}, 3e3), this.betPauseTimer = setInterval(function() {
e.getMatchPause(), e.getStartMatch()
}, 6e4)
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var e = this;
a.i(r.a)("matchDetailInfo", {
params: {
tcmEventId: t
}).then(function(t) {
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e.netError = !1, e.loading = !1
}, function(t) {
e.loading = !1, e.netError = !0
getMatchOdds: function(t) {
var e = this;
a.i(r.a)("matchDetailOdds", {
params: {
tcmEventId: t
}).then(function(t) {
if (200 === t.code) {
e.netError = !1;
var a = [],
s = {},
n = i()(e.matchOdds); {
a.push(t.playType + ""), 9 === t.playType && (t.score = {
home: [],
x: [],
away: []
}, t.selectionList.forEach(function(e) {
e.weight % 3 == 1 && t.score.home.splice(0, 0, e), e.weight % 3 == 2 && t.score.x.splice(0, 0, e), e.weight % 3 == 0 && t.score.away.splice(0, 0, e)
}), t.scoreMax = Math.max(t.score.home.length, t.score.x.length, t.score.away.length)), s[t.playType] = t
for (var o = a.length, r = o; r >= 0; r--) n.indexOf(a[r]) > -1 && n.splice(n.indexOf(a[r]), 1);
n.forEach(function(t) {
e.$delete(e.matchOdds, t)
var c = [1, 3, 5, 6, 8];
2 === e.matchInfo.status && (c = [1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 12]), a.forEach(function(t) {
e.matchOdds[t] && e.matchOdds[t].hasOwnProperty("oddsOpen") ? (s[t].oddsOpen = e.matchOdds[t].oddsOpen, e.$set(e.matchOdds, t, s[t])) : c.indexOf(parseInt(t)) > -1 ? (s[t].oddsOpen = !0, e.$set(e.matchOdds, t, s[t])) : e.$set(e.matchOdds, t, s[t])
errorLoad: function() {
this.loading = !0, this.netError = !1, this.getMatchInfo(this.matchId), this.getMatchOdds(this.matchId)
showMatchStart: function() {
this.matchStartList.length > 0 && (this.matchStartShow = !this.matchStartShow)
showOdds: function(t) {
this.$set(this.matchOdds[t], "oddsOpen", !this.matchOdds[t].oddsOpen)
selectOdds: function(t, e, a) {
if (this.betList[e.tcmSelectionId]) this.setBetList({
type: 1,
selectionId: e.tcmSelectionId
else {
if (this.$store.state.tcmMatchPause) return void this.$modal.toast({
title: "竞猜暂停中",
time: 1e3
if (t.allowBetting || 1 !== a.status || 1 !== t.status && 2 !== t.status) return;
this.betListCount >= 9 && this.$modal.alert({
opacity: .7,
title: "抱歉,最多只能选择9条"
var s = {
competitionName: t.competitionName,
awayName: t.awayName,
awayTeamScore: t.awayTeamScore,
homeName: t.homeName,
homeTeamScore: t.homeTeamScore,
status: t.status,
marketStatus: 1,
maxStakeLimit: e.maxStakeLimit,
eventId: t.tcmEventId,
selectionName: e.selectionName,
playTypeName: a.playName,
marketId: e.tcmMarketId,
selectionId: e.tcmSelectionId,
requestPrice: e.backOdds
type: 0,
selectionId: e.tcmSelectionId,
bet: s
getStartMatch: function() {
var t = this;
a.i(r.a)("tcmMatchListStarting", {
methods: "get",
params: {
offset: 0,
limit: 100
}).then(function(e) {
200 === e.code && (t.matchStartList =, t.matchStartList.forEach(function(e, a) {
parseInt(t.matchId) === e.tcmEventId && t.matchStartList.splice(a, 1)
}), setTimeout(function() {
t.startAniHeight = t.$refs.matchStartEle.clientHeight
}, 500))
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VBetNotify: _.a
beforeRouteUpdate: function(t, e, a) {
this.matchDetailInit(, a()
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"n+DD": function(t, e, a) {
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name: "show",
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staticClass: "toast"
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e.a = n
n7nE: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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i = a.n(s),
n = a("Dd8w"),
o = a.n(n),
r = a("NYxO"),
c = a("8Pq/"),
l = a("FCHv");
e.a = {
name: "matchPlan",
data: function() {
return {
title: "赛事方案",
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isRequest: !1,
planStats: {
limit: 10,
noMoreData: !1,
needMoreData: !0,
scrollLoading: !1,
scrollBottom: 50,
timer: null
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matchInfoId: {
type: Number,
default: null
isPlan: {
type: Boolean,
default: !1
computed: o()({}, a.i(r.b)(["isEnter"])),
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this.loadRefresh(this.isRequest, 0, this.planStats.limit, 0)
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methods: o()({}, a.i(r.c)(["setIsBeing"]), {
toPlanDetail: function(t) {
t && this.isEnter && this.$router.push("/planDetail/" + t)
toExpertDetail: function(t) {
t && this.isEnter && this.$router.push("/expertDetail/" + t)
getMatchPlan: function(t, e) {
var s = this;
return new i.a(function(i, n) {
a.i(c.a)("matchPlan", {
urlParams: {
matchInfoId: s.matchInfoId,
offset: t,
limit: e
}).then(function(t) {
}).catch(function(t) {
t && n(t)
loadRefresh: function(t, e, a, s) {
var i = this;
t || this.getMatchPlan(e, a).then(function(t) {
if (200 === t.code && {
i.isRequest = !1;
var e = || [];
0 === s ? (i.setIsBeing(!1), i.matchPlanData = [], i.matchPlanData = e, e.length < i.planStats.limit && (i.planStats.noMoreData = !0, i.planStats.needMoreData = !1)) : (i.matchPlanData = i.matchPlanData.concat(e), i.planStats.scrollLoading = !1, e.length < i.planStats.limit && (i.planStats.noMoreData = !0, i.planStats.needMoreData = !1))
} else 0 === s ? i.setIsBeing(!1) : (i.planStats.scrollLoading = !1, i.planStats.noMoreData = !0, i.planStats.needMoreData = !1)
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0 === s ? i.setIsBeing(!1) : (i.planStats.scrollLoading = !1, i.planStats.noMoreData = !0, i.planStats.needMoreData = !1)
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components: {
noData: l.a
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matchInfoId: function() {
this.matchPlanData = [], this.planStats = {
limit: 10,
noMoreData: !1,
scrollLoading: !1,
scrollBottom: 50,
timer: null
}, this.loadRefresh(this.isRequest, 0, this.planStats.limit, 0)
nAYm: function(t, e, a) {
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e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
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staticClass: "topBar bg-linear"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "re_btn bg-re-btn",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}), t._v("\n " + t._s(t.text) + "\n\t")])
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
oHKx: function(t, e, a) {
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name: "noData",
props: {
show: {
type: Boolean,
default: !0
text: {
type: String,
default: ""
icon: {
type: String,
default: "icon-noData"
oMLL: function(t, e) {},
oOWO: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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i = a("8Pq/"),
n = a("/h2A"),
o = a("gH2e"),
r = a("Lqi7"),
c = a("yIQJ");
e.a = {
name: "exchange",
data: function() {
return {
show: !1,
isError: !1,
product: null,
productId: null,
isLoading: !0
computed: {
phoneLogin: function() {
return this.$store.state.userInfo && /^yd\.|@(tencent|wx|sina)\.163\.com$/.test(this.$store.state.userInfo.account)
created: function() {
methods: {
reload: function() {
var t = this;
this.isError = !1, this.isLoading = !0, setTimeout(function() {
}, 500)
productInit: function(t) {
this.productId !== t && (this.isLoading = !0, this.productId = t, window.scrollTo(0, 0), this.getProducts(this.productId))
getProducts: function(t) {
var e = this;
a.i(i.a)("productDetails", {
urlParams: {
productId: t
}).then(function(t) {
e.isLoading = !1, 200 === t.code && (e.product =
}, function(t) {
e.isLoading = !1, e.isError = !0
exchange: function() {
this.phoneLogin ? this.$ : a.i(c.a)()
components: {
VNav: s.a,
exchangeShell: r.a,
VLoading: n.a,
VError: o.a
beforeRouteUpdate: function(t, e, a) {
this.productInit(t.params.productId), a()
oq0a: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
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var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
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staticClass: "openCrossTrade"
}, [a("topBar", {
attrs: {
text: t.topBarText
}), t._v(" "), 3 === t.productList.orderStatus ? a("div", {
staticClass: "renewals-bar"
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "title"
}, [t._v("交叉赛服务")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "introduction"
}, [t._v("\n 交叉赛泛指在一类赛事中,同一家公司针对两场比赛给出相同或相似的数据。当出现这种情况时,两场比赛的结果有极大概率按照规律出现,交叉赛数据服务可以更好的帮助您找出这一类赛事。\n ")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "title"
}, [t._v("选择金额")]), t._v(" "), t.productList.creditTips ? a("div", {
staticClass: "limit"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "icon-sigh"
}), t._v("您已超过每日赠送50w积分上限,若再购买交叉赛不享受赠送积分优惠")]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), t.productList.subscribeProductVoList ? a("div", {
staticClass: "cross-price-list"
}, t._l(t.productList.subscribeProductVoList, function(e, s) {
return a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.chooseProduct,
index: s
expression: "{methods: chooseProduct, index: i}"
staticClass: "item",
class: {
last: (s + 1) % 3 == 0, current: s === t.chooseIndex
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "price",
class: {
center: t.productList.creditTips
}, [t._v(t._s(e.dataCount) + "组 " + t._s(e.price) + "元")]), t._v(" "), t.productList.creditTips ? t._e() : a("p", {
staticClass: "integral"
}, [t._v("送" + t._s(e.creditPresent) + "积分")])])
})) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "title"
}, [t._v("请选择支付方式")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "pay-choose"
}, [a("li", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "icon bg-zhifubao"
}), a("span", [t._v("支付宝支付")]), a("div", {
staticClass: "check bg-uncheck",
class: {
"current pay-check-icon": 2 === t.payment, "bg-uncheck": 2 !== t.payment, "bg-redcheck": 2 === t.payment
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "recharge-info"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "agreement"
}, [a("span", {
directives: [{
name: "tap",
rawName: "v-tap",
value: {
methods: t.agree
expression: "{methods:agree}"
class: {
"bg-bluecheck": t.isAgree, "bg-uncheck": !t.isAgree
}), t._v("我已经阅读开通"), a("a", {
attrs: {
href: t.agreementLink,
target: "_self"
}, [t._v("《网易红彩用户充值协议》")])]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("温馨提示:")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("欢迎使用网易红彩赛事数据分析服务(以下简称“本服务”)")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("您在网易红彩相关页面进行充值购买本服务后,就本服务相关问题,再此特别提醒您:")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("1. 您在购买本服务时,本服务即刻生效。本服务自购买起300天过后过期,有效期届满,本服务终止")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("2. 本服务有效期内,基于相关体育赛事自身原因(包括但不限于赛事暂停、取消、推迟等),本服务可能会出现相关数据缺失情形,网易红彩对此不承担任何责任。")]), t._v(" "), a("p", [t._v("3. 购买交叉赛成功后,赠送给您的积分可以参与网易红彩积分商城的竞猜。")])])]), t._v(" "), t.productList.subscribeProductVoList ? a("div", {
staticClass: "price-bar"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "pay"
}, [t._v("需支付: " + t._s(t.productList.subscribeProductVoList[t.chooseIndex].price) + "元")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "time"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.productList.subscribeProductVoList[t.chooseIndex].expirationDate))])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("div", {
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name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.showPayTip,
expression: "showPayTip"
staticClass: "payInfo"
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staticClass: "payInfoTip"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "tip"
}, [t._v("请确认支付是否已完成")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "paySuccess",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("支付成功")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "payFailed",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v("支付遇到问题,重新支付")])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
attrs: {
id: "formAli"
})], 1)
i = [],
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staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
oqAf: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("PdBF"),
n = a("vwSy"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
pN2c: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("Dd8w"),
i = a.n(s),
n = a("sfc1"),
o = a("8Pq/"),
r = a("4jz1"),
c = a("/h2A"),
l = a("gH2e"),
d = a("jqkX"),
h = a("Ozo/"),
u = a("4JkW"),
m = a("NYxO");
e.a = {
name: "mall",
data: function() {
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isLoading: !0,
isError: !1,
firstRequestTime: 0,
requestTime: 0,
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offset: 0,
limit: 6,
noMore: !1,
list: []
list: [],
wq: 1,
scroll: null,
scrollTop: 0
computed: i()({}, a.i(m.b)(["mallUserInfo"]), {
betNotifyShow: function() {
return this.$store.state.betNotify.length > 0
phoneLogin: function() {
return this.$store.state.userInfo && /^yd\.|@(tencent|wx|sina)\.163\.com$/.test(this.$store.state.userInfo.account)
activated: function() {
this.getMallUserInfo(), this.getMallList(!0), this.scroll = new h.e({
pullUpCallback: this.pullUp,
contentObj: this.$refs.mallContent,
loadingObj: this.$refs.mallLoad.$el
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methods: i()({}, a.i(m.d)(["getMallUserInfo"]), {
reload: function() {
var t = this;
this.isError = !1, this.isLoading = !0, setTimeout(function() {
}, 500)
timeOut: function() {
var t = this;
this.timeTimer = setInterval(function() {
t.requestTime = ((new Date).getTime() - t.firstRequestTime) / 1e3, t.requestTime >= 30 && (t.isLoading = !1, t.isError = !0, clearInterval(t.timeTimer))
}, 1e3)
pullUp: function(t) {
this.mallList.noMore || this.getMallList(!1, t)
jump: function(t) {
2 === t.type ? this.$router.push({
name: "exchange",
params: {
productId: t.productId
}) : 1 === t.type ? this.$router.push({
path: "/tcmmatchlist/0"
}) : 3 === t.type && this.$router.push({
path: "/exchangeRecord"
getMallList: function(t, e) {
var s = this;
this.mallList.list.length || (this.firstRequestTime = (new Date).getTime(), this.timeOut());
var i = void 0,
n = void 0;
t ? (i = 0, n = this.mallList.list.length > this.mallList.limit ? this.mallList.list.length : this.mallList.limit) : (i = this.mallList.offset, n = this.mallList.limit), a.i(o.a)("mallList", {
urlParams: {
offset: i,
limit: n
}).then(function(a) {
e && e(), s.isLoading = !1, 200 === a.code ? (s.requestTime <= 30 && clearInterval(s.timeTimer), s.mallList.list = t ? : s.mallList.list.concat(, < s.mallList.limit && s.mallList.list.length > 0 && (s.mallList.noMore = !0), s.mallList.noMore && s.scroll.noMore(!0), s.mallList.offset = s.mallList.list.length) : e && e()
}, function(t) {
t && !s.mallList.list.length && (s.isError = !0)
setError: function(t) {
a.i(h.f)(t, "mall")
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VNav: n.a,
VPullLoad: r.a,
VBetNotify: d.a,
VLoading: c.a,
VError: l.a
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valueToCH: u.b,
mallIcon: u.e
beforeRouteLeave: function(t, e, a) {
this.scroll.unbind(), this.scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || window.scrollTop, a(), window.scrollTo(0, 0)
pNu5: function(t, e, a) {
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e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
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staticClass: "activity-wap",
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touchmove: function(t) {
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attrs: {
text: t.topBarText
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touchmove: function(t) {
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pullup: t.pullup
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scrollToEnd: function(e) {
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return a("li", [a("a", {
attrs: {
href: t.redirectUrl
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attrs: {
src: t.imgUrl + "?imageView&thumbnail=335y140&quality=85"
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directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.loading,
expression: "loading"
ref: "loadMore",
staticClass: "load_more"
}, [a("i")])])])], 1), t._v(" "), a("loading", {
attrs: {
show: t.loadingShow
})], 1)
i = [],
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render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
q4NT: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "download-wap-hc"
}, [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.downloadBarShow,
expression: "downloadBarShow"
staticClass: "bar-hc",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._m(0), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "icon-close",
on: {
click: function(e) {
e.stopPropagation(), t.changeShow(e)
i = [function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "bar-text"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "icon_cai"
}), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v("专业足彩预测,下载网易红彩")])])
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
qJ9A: function(t, e) {},
rEQw: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("Ozo/");
e.a = {
name: "modal",
props: ["modal"],
data: function() {
return {
opacity: 0,
okText: "确定",
cancelText: "取消",
reminderCheck: !1,
confirmText: "确定",
timer: null
mounted: function() {
a.i(s.c)(this.$refs.modalEle, ".modal")
methods: {
chooseReminder: function() {
this.reminderCheck = !this.reminderCheck
closeModal: function() { || "alert" !== this.modal.type || ( = !1, this.modal.confirm && this.modal.confirm())
closeConfirm: function() { = !1, this.modal.confirm && this.modal.confirm()
ok: function() { = !1, this.modal.ok && this.modal.ok(this.reminderCheck)
cancel: function() { = !1, this.modal.cancel && this.modal.cancel(this.reminderCheck)
watch: {
modal: {
deep: !0,
handler: function(t) {
var e = this;
if ( || t.time || "toast" === t.type) {
var a = t.time || 2e3;
this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer), this.timer = setTimeout(function() { = !1
}, a)
rxxt: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("PLZA"),
n = a("7j5Y"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
"s7A+": function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
staticClass: "match-detail",
class: {
hideBar: !t.showOddsNav
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "match-detail-nav"
}, [a("v-nav", {
attrs: {
fixed: t.navFixed
}, [t.matchInfo ? a("div", {
staticClass: "match-vs"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "text-ellipsis",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchInfo.homeName))]), t._v(" "), a("i", {
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v(t._s(2 === t.matchInfo.status || 3 === t.matchInfo.status ? t.matchInfo.homeTeamScore + " : " + t.matchInfo.awayTeamScore : "VS"))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "text-ellipsis",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchInfo.awayName))]), t._v(" "), t.matchStartList.length > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "icon",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [t._v(" ")]) : t._e()]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "all-match",
on: {
click: function(e) {
path: "/tcmmatchlist/0"
}, [t._v("全部")])])], 1), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "match-detail-notify"
}, t._l(t.$store.state.betNotify, function(t, e) {
return a("v-bet-notify", {
key: e,
attrs: {
notifyData: t,
arrayKey: e
})), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "match-detail-warp"
}, [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchInfo,
expression: "matchInfo"
staticClass: "match-header"
}, [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: !t.matchFrameUrl,
expression: "!matchFrameUrl"
staticClass: "match-main match-info-bg"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "team-main"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "team-icon"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "pic team-icon-bg"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t._f("teamIcon")([t.matchInfo.homeIcon, 120, 120])
})]), t._v(" "), a("h3", {
staticClass: "text-ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchInfo.homeName))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "match-info"
}, [a("h3", [t._v(t._s(2 === t.matchInfo.status || 3 === t.matchInfo.status ? t.matchInfo.homeTeamScore + " : " + t.matchInfo.awayTeamScore : "VS"))]), t._v(" "), a("h4", {
staticClass: "text-ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchInfo.competitionName))]), t._v(" "), a("h5", {
staticClass: "text-ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchInfo.eventTime) + " " + t._s(t._f("matchStatus")(t.matchInfo.status)))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "team-icon"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "pic team-icon-bg"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t._f("teamIcon")([t.matchInfo.awayIcon, 120, 120])
})]), t._v(" "), a("h3", {
staticClass: "text-ellipsis"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.matchInfo.awayName))])])])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.matchFrameUrl,
expression: "matchFrameUrl"
ref: "matchAnimate",
staticClass: "match-animate"
}, [a("div", {
ref: "frameAnimate",
staticClass: "frame-content",
class: {
"frame-fixed": t.isFixed
})])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "match-odds"
}, t._l(t.matchOdds, function(e, s) {
return 4 != e.status ? a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-item",
class: {
check: e.oddsOpen
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-nav",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.playName))]), a("div", {
staticClass: "arrow-icon arrow-open trans-300"
})]), t._v(" "), a("v-slide-toggle", {
attrs: {
show: e.oddsOpen,
changeData: e.selectionList
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-content"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-content-out"
}, [t._l(e.selectionList, function(s) {
return 9 != e.playType ? a("li", {
staticClass: "selection-click",
class: {
"odds-gray": 1 !== e.status, choose: t.betList[s.tcmSelectionId], widthTwo: 2 === t.setLiWidth(e.playType), widthThird: 3 === t.setLiWidth(e.playType), widthFour: 4 === t.setLiWidth(e.playType)
on: {
click: function(a) {
t.selectOdds(t.matchInfo, s, e)
}, [a("p", [a("span", [t._v(t._s(s.selectionName))])]), t._v(" "), a("p", [s.lastBackOdds < s.backOdds ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-up",
class: {
"arrow-up-gray": 1 !== e.status, "arrow-up-click": t.betList[s.tcmSelectionId]
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), s.lastBackOdds > s.backOdds ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-down",
class: {
"arrow-down-gray": 1 !== e.status, "arrow-down-click": t.betList[s.tcmSelectionId]
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v(t._s(t._f("zeroToCH")(s.backOdds)))])])]) : t._e()
}), t._v(" "), 9 === e.playType ? a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-score"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "score-nav"
}, [a("li", [t._v("主胜")]), t._v(" "), a("li", [t._v("平")]), t._v(" "), a("li", [t._v("客胜")])]), t._v(" "), a("ul", t._l(e.scoreMax, function(s) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-score-box",
class: {
choose: e.score.home[s - 1] && t.betList[e.score.home[s - 1].tcmSelectionId]
}, [e.score.home[s - 1] ? a("li", {
staticClass: "selection-click",
class: {
"odds-gray": 1 !== e.status, choose: t.betList[e.score.home[s - 1].tcmSelectionId]
on: {
click: function(a) {
t.selectOdds(t.matchInfo, e.score.home[s - 1], e)
}, [a("p", [a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.score.home[s - 1].selectionName))])]), t._v(" "), a("p", [e.score.home[s - 1].lastBackOdds < e.score.home[s - 1].backOdds ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-up",
class: {
"arrow-up-gray": 1 !== e.status, "arrow-up-click": t.betList[e.score.home[s - 1].tcmSelectionId]
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), e.score.home[s - 1].lastBackOdds > e.score.home[s - 1].backOdds ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-down",
class: {
"arrow-down-gray": 1 !== e.status, "arrow-down-click": t.betList[e.score.home[s - 1].tcmSelectionId]
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v(t._s(t._f("zeroToCH")(e.score.home[s - 1].backOdds)))])])]) : t._e()])
})), t._v(" "), a("ul", t._l(e.scoreMax, function(s) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-score-box",
class: {
choose: e.score.x[s - 1] && t.betList[e.score.x[s - 1].tcmSelectionId]
}, [e.score.x[s - 1] ? a("li", {
staticClass: "selection-click",
class: {
"odds-gray": 1 !== e.status, choose: t.betList[e.score.x[s - 1].tcmSelectionId]
on: {
click: function(a) {
t.selectOdds(t.matchInfo, e.score.x[s - 1], e)
}, [a("p", [a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.score.x[s - 1].selectionName))])]), t._v(" "), a("p", [e.score.x[s - 1].lastBackOdds < e.score.x[s - 1].backOdds ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-up",
class: {
"arrow-up-gray": 1 !== e.status, "arrow-up-click": t.betList[e.score.x[s - 1].tcmSelectionId]
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), e.score.x[s - 1].lastBackOdds > e.score.x[s - 1].backOdds ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-down",
class: {
"arrow-down-gray": 1 !== e.status, "arrow-down-click": t.betList[e.score.x[s - 1].tcmSelectionId]
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v(t._s(t._f("zeroToCH")(e.score.x[s - 1].backOdds)))])])]) : t._e()])
})), t._v(" "), a("ul", t._l(e.scoreMax, function(s) {
return a("div", {
staticClass: "odds-score-box",
class: {
choose: e.score.away[s - 1] && t.betList[e.score.away[s - 1].tcmSelectionId]
}, [e.score.away[s - 1] ? a("li", {
staticClass: "selection-click",
class: {
"odds-gray": 1 !== e.status, choose: t.betList[e.score.away[s - 1].tcmSelectionId]
on: {
click: function(a) {
t.selectOdds(t.matchInfo, e.score.away[s - 1], e)
}, [a("p", [a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.score.away[s - 1].selectionName))])]), t._v(" "), a("p", [e.score.away[s - 1].lastBackOdds < e.score.away[s - 1].backOdds ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-up",
class: {
"arrow-up-gray": 1 !== e.status, "arrow-up-click": t.betList[e.score.away[s - 1].tcmSelectionId]
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), e.score.away[s - 1].lastBackOdds > e.score.away[s - 1].backOdds ? a("span", {
staticClass: "icon arrow-down",
class: {
"arrow-down-gray": 1 !== e.status, "arrow-down-click": t.betList[e.score.away[s - 1].tcmSelectionId]
}) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("span", [t._v(t._s(t._f("zeroToCH")(e.score.away[s - 1].backOdds)))])])]) : t._e()])
}))]) : t._e()], 2)])])], 1) : t._e()
})), t._v(" "), t.matchInfo || t.netError || t.loading ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "match-no-data"
}, [a("v-no-data", {
attrs: {
icon: "icon-noMatch",
text: "未找到对应比赛"
})], 1), t._v(" "), t.matchInfo || !t.netError || t.loading ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "match-error",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}, [a("v-error")], 1), t._v(" "), t.loading ? a("div", {
staticClass: "match-loading"
}, [a("v-loading")], 1) : t._e()]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "match-start-list trans-300",
style: {
height: t.matchStartShow ? t.startAniHeight + "px" : "0px"
}, [a("div", {
ref: "matchStartEle",
staticClass: "match-start-main"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "match-start-tip"
}, [t._v("竞猜进行中")]), t._v(" "), a("ul", {
staticClass: "scroll-y match-start-scroll"
}, t._l(t.matchStartList, function(t) {
return a("li", [a("v-match-start", {
attrs: {
matchData: t
})], 1)
}))])]), t._v(" "), a("transition", {
attrs: {
name: "showCover"
}, [t.matchStartShow ? a("div", {
staticClass: "match-start-cover",
on: {
click: function(e) {
touchmove: function(t) {
}) : t._e()])], 1)
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
sH8u: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
e.a = {
name: "noData",
props: {
show: {
type: Boolean,
default: !1
text: {
type: String,
default: null
icon: {
type: String,
default: null
top: {
type: String,
default: "50%"
height: {
type: String,
default: "100vh"
btnText: {
type: String,
default: null
btnShow: {
type: Boolean,
default: !1
jumpLink: {
type: String,
default: null
methods: {
tojump: function() {
"err" !== this.jumpLink && this.$router.push(this.jumpLink)
reload: function() {
"err" === this.jumpLink && window.location.reload()
sZJM: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("Dd8w"),
i = a.n(s),
n = a("NYxO"),
o = a("yIQJ");
e.a = {
computed: i()({}, a.i(n.b)(["downloadBarShow"])),
methods: {
changeShow: function() {
this.$store.commit("setDownloadBar", !1)
downLoad: function() {
sfc1: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("Ynxh"),
n = a("DWeh"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-7a3a8a76", null);
e.a = c.exports
t7vj: function(t, e) {},
tgkp: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("oHKx"),
n = a("Jj5F"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, "data-v-dc714dac", null);
e.a = c.exports
tjIT: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
e.a = {
name: "loading"
tp0l: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
attrs: {
id: "expert_detail"
on: {
touchmove: function(t) {
}, [a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: Object.keys(t.expertDetail).length > 0,
expression: "Object.keys(expertDetail).length>0"
staticClass: "fixedheader"
}, [a("div", {
ref: "fixedcon",
staticClass: "fixedcon"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "nickname"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.expertDetail.nickname))]), t._v(" "), t.isMeiZu ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "follow_btn",
class: t.expertDetail.hasFollowed ? "bg-followed-btn2" : "bg-follow-btn2",
on: {
click: function(e) {
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "re_btn bg-re-btn",
on: {
click: function(e) {
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: Object.keys(t.expertDetail).length > 0,
expression: "Object.keys(expertDetail).length>0"
staticClass: "expert_con"
}, [a("scroll", {
staticClass: "list",
attrs: {
data: t.expertPlanList,
listenScroll: !0,
pullup: t.pullup
on: {
scrollToEnd: function(e) {
scroll: t.changeHeader
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "scrollcon"
}, [a("div", {
ref: "header",
staticClass: "header"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "avatar"
}, [a("img", {
attrs: {
src: t.expertDetail.avatar ? t.expertDetail.avatar + "?imageView&thumbnail=120y120&quality=85" : "",
alt: ""
on: {
error: t.setError
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "other"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "nickname"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.expertDetail.nickname))]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "b_other"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "slogan"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.expertDetail.slogan))]), 1 == t.expertDetail.region ? a("span", {
staticClass: "region"
}, [t._v("海外专家")]) : t._e()])]), t._v(" "), t.isMeiZu ? t._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "follow"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "follow_btn",
class: t.expertDetail.hasFollowed ? "bg-followed-btn2" : "bg-follow-btn2",
on: {
click: function(e) {
}), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "fans_num"
}, [t._v("粉丝 " + t._s(t.expertDetail.follower))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "desc"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.expertDetail.description)), a("a", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.expertDetail.descLink,
expression: "expertDetail.descLink"
attrs: {
href: t.expertDetail.descLink
}, [t._v("详情>")])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
ref: "headerMask",
staticClass: "header_mask"
})]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "hit_rate"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "rate"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "rata_num"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.expertDetail.hitRate ? Math.round(100 * t.expertDetail.hitRate) : 0))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "bfh"
}, [t._v("%")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "rate_tit"
}, [t._v("命中率")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "rate_desc"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.expertDetail.bAllRate))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "series"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "series_num"
}, [t._v(t._s(t.expertDetail.conWin))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "series_tit"
}, [t._v("最近连红")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "series_desc"
}, [t._v("最高" + t._s(t.expertDetail.maxWin) + "连红")]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "series_btn",
on: {
click: function(e) {
})])]), t._v(" "), t.expertPlanList.length > 0 ? a("div", {
ref: "projectList",
staticClass: "project_list"
}, [a("ul", t._l(t.expertPlanList, function(e) {
return a("li", {
key: e.threadId,
on: {
click: function(a) {
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "project_title"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.title))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "project_desc"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "desc_kind"
}, [t._v("[" + t._s(1 === e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? "足" : "篮") + "]")]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "desc_name bg-line"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.earliestMatch.leagueName))]), t._v(" "), 1 === e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? a("p", {
staticClass: "desc_vs zq"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamname"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.earliestMatch.homeName))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "score"
}, [t._v(t._s(2 === e.earliestMatch.matchStatus || 3 === e.earliestMatch.matchStatus ? e.earliestMatch.homeScore + ":" + e.earliestMatch.guestScore : "vs"))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamname"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.earliestMatch.guestName))])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), 2 === e.earliestMatch.categoryId ? a("p", {
staticClass: "desc_vs lq"
}, [a("span", {
staticClass: "teamname"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.earliestMatch.guestName))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "score"
}, [t._v(t._s(2 === e.earliestMatch.matchStatus || 3 === e.earliestMatch.matchStatus ? e.earliestMatch.guestScore + ":" + e.earliestMatch.homeScore : "vs"))]), a("span", {
staticClass: "teamname"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.earliestMatch.homeName))])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "desc_time bg-line"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.earliestMatch.matchTime))])]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "project_info"
}, [a("p", {
staticClass: "issue_time bg-line"
}, [t._v(t._s(e.publishTime))]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "price",
class: "showType" + e.showType
}, [t._v(t._s(1 === e.showType ? "查看" : 2 === e.showType ? "免费" : e.price + "红豆")), a("span", {
staticClass: "hongdou bg-hongdou"
})]), t._v(" "), a("p", {
staticClass: "info_r"
}, [a("span", [t._v(t._s(e.hitRateValue))]), t._v(" "), a("span", {
staticClass: "hei_hong",
class: 2 === e.plock ? "underway" : 3 !== e.plock ? "" : e.hitRateValue ? "hong" : "hei"
}, [t._v(t._s(2 === e.plock ? "进行中" : 3 !== e.plock ? "" : e.hitRateValue ? "红" : "黑"))])])])])
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text: "暂无足球赛事",
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btnText: "",
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t[t.length - 1].matchDate === this.tDate.t2 && (this.bDate2 = !0, this.bDatePos())
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query: {
PARTNER: this.$store.state.partner
}), navigator && !navigator.onLine) return void this.setEmpty({
show: !0,
text: "点击屏幕,重新加载",
btnShow: !1,
btnText: "",
icon: "error",
jumpLink: "err"
if (this.setEmpty({
show: !1,
text: "",
btnShow: !1,
btnText: "",
icon: "noCoupon",
jumpLink: ""
}), this.setToast({
show: !1
}), "recharge" !== try {
} catch (t) {}
this.isLogin && this.getPopInfo()
popInfo: {
deep: !0,
handler: function(t) {
1 === t.loginPopNCoin && (this.setPopShow(!0), a.i(h.a)("queryCoinPop", {
method: "post"
}).then(function(t) {
betNotify: function(t) {
var e = this;
t.length > 0 && (this.notifyTimer && clearTimeout(this.notifyTimer), this.notifyTimer = setTimeout(function() {
e.$store.state.betNotify.splice(0, 1)
}, 5e3))
xbnU: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = function() {
var t = this,
e = t.$createElement,
a = t._self._c || e;
return a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
expression: "show"
staticClass: "noData_index_hc",
style: {
height: t.height
on: {
click: t.reload,
touchmove: function(t) {
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "noData_main",
style: {
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "noData_bg",
class: t.icon
}), t._v(" "), a("h2", [t._v(t._s(t.text))]), t._v(" "), a("div", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: t.btnShow,
expression: "btnShow"
staticClass: "btn",
on: {
click: t.tojump
}, [t._v(t._s(t.btnText))])])])
i = [],
n = {
render: s,
staticRenderFns: i
e.a = n
yByS: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
function s(t) {
var i = a("1im/"),
n = a("eBEx"),
o = a("VU/8"),
r = s,
c = o(i.a, n.a, !1, r, null, null);
e.a = c.exports
yIQJ: function(t, e, a) {
"use strict";
var s = a("IcnI");
e.a = function() {
var t = "",
e = "",
a = "",
i = window.navigator.userAgent,
n = function(s) {
window.hongcaiApkUrl && window.hongcaiApkUrl.forEach(function(i) {
s === i.from && (i.url && (e = i.url), i.wxUrl && (a = i.wxUrl), i.iosUrl && (t = i.iosUrl))
}), /micromessenger/gi.test(i) ? window.location.href = a : /iphone/gi.test(i) ? window.location.href = t : window.location.href = e
if (document.getElementById("downloadUrl")) n(s.a.state.partner);
else {
var o = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],
r = document.createElement("script"); = "downloadUrl", r.src = "", r.onload = r.onreadystatechange = function() {
this.readyState && "loaded" !== this.readyState && "complete" !== this.readyState || (n(s.a.state.partner), r.onload = r.onreadystatechange = null)
}, o.appendChild(r)
z9i0: function(t, e) {}
}, [1]);
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