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Created July 31, 2023 17:06
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function loadMapboxGl() {
* Load MapBox Assets
* we either need to load mapbox with requirejs if our customer is using it
* or we need to load it ourselves.
* If we wait write out a script tag that loads it well...HERE BE DRAGONS.
* requirejs could load before mapbox. In this case mapbox will not work and requirejs will not load it. This is the worst case.
* At times this will load mapbox even when requirejs will exist later,
* but this should work since it should be loaded before requirejs.
* To update mapbox-gl, update both the requirejs url, the css and the file app/views/embed/mapbox-gl.js.
if ('mapboxgl' in window) {
if ('requirejs' in window) { // if requirejs is loaded before prolo.js.
requirejs([''], function(mapboxgl) {
window.mapboxgl = mapboxgl;
if ('ProloInitialization' in window) {
} else {
<%=raw'app/views/embed/mapbox-gl.js')) %>
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