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Created January 7, 2020 06:43
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// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function contextualMFA(user, context, cb) {
This rule is designed to demonstrate triggering MFA based on logical/contextual information during authentication.
MFA will be triggered if either of the below conditions are true.
1. Risk Score > 0.5
2. User has preferMFA in user_metadata
The rule will also set the `app_metadata.last_location = geoip.country_code` to detect changing location.
// For Logging Events
const log = global.getLogger
? global.getLogger('Contextual MFA', cb)
: {
callback: cb,
error: console.error,
info: console.log,
debug: console.log
const { callback } = log;
user.user_metadata = user.user_metadata || {};
user.app_metadata = user.app_metadata || {};
context.anomalyDetection = context.anomalyDetection || { confidence: 1 };
// Check if has done MFA in the last 10 minutes
const completedMfa =
context.authentication &&
!!context.authentication.methods.find(method => {
if ( === 'mfa') {
// Require MFA every 10 minutes
const requireMFAAt = method.timestamp + 600 * 1000;
return requireMFAAt >;
return false;
// Enforce MFA on these operations
function isSensitiveOperation() {
const scopes =
(context.request.query && context.request.query.scope) ||
(context.request.body && context.request.body.scope);
if (!scopes) {
return false;
const sensitiveScopes = ['read:payment', 'update:payment'];
const requestedScopes = scopes.split(' ');
return requestedScopes.some(scope => sensitiveScopes.includes(scope));
// Function to trigger MFA
function forceMFA() {
context.multifactor = {
provider: 'any',
allowRememberBrowser: false
// Skip if has already completed MFA
if (completedMfa) {
callback(null, user, context);
// Skip if not user facing app type
if (context.clientMetadata.userApp !== 'true') {
callback(null, user, context);
// Skip if calling from mobile app, biometrics used instead
if (context.clientName === 'Travel0 Mobile') {
callback(null, user, context);
// Check Risk Score from ThisData
if (user.risk && user.risk.score > 0.5) {
`Forcing MFA for user ${} due high risk score of 0.5 > ${user.risk.score}`,
// Check the anomaly detection confidence score;
if (context.anomalyDetection.confidence < 0.8) {
`Forcing MFA for user ${} due low confidence score of 0.8 > ${context.anomalyDetection.confidence}`,
// Check if the current operation is sensitive
if (isSensitiveOperation()) {`Forcing MFA for user ${} due sensitive action`, true);
// Check if User has MFA preference
if (user.user_metadata.preferMFA) {`Forcing MFA for user ${} due user preference`, true);
callback(null, user, context);
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