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Last active September 6, 2020 17:41
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Parser combinator for Operator-precedence
package jp.segfault.scala.util
import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
* Parser combinator for Operator-precedence parser(
trait OperatorPrecedenceParsers extends Parsers {
trait Op[+T,U] {
def lhs:Double = 0
def rhs:Double = 0
def parse:Parser[T]
case class Infix[T,U]
( override val lhs:Double
, override val rhs:Double)
( override val parse:Parser[T])(val map:(T,U,U) => U) extends Op[T,U]
case class Prefix[T,U](override val rhs:Double)(override val parse:Parser[T])(val map:(T,U) => U) extends Op[T,U]
case class Suffix[T,U](override val lhs:Double)(override val parse:Parser[T])(val map:(T,U) => U) extends Op[T,U]
def operators[T,U](opseq:Op[T,U]*)(innermost:Parser[U]) = new Parser[U] {
type Ops = List[(Op[T,U],T)]
type Out = List[U]
val (prefixOps, suffixOps) = opseq.partition( _.isInstanceOf[Prefix[_,_]] )
def findPrefix(ops:Ops, out:Out, in:Input):ParseResult[U] = { => e -> e.parse(in))
.collectFirst {
case (op, Success(o, in2)) => findPrefix(op -> o :: ops, out, in2)
.flatMapWithNext(o => in => findSuffix(ops, o :: out, in)))
def fold(lhs:Double, ops:Ops, out:Out):(Ops,Out) =
ops match {
case (op, o)::ops if op.rhs < lhs =>
fold(lhs, ops, (( (op, out): @unchecked ) match {
case (op:Prefix[T,U], x::xs) =>, x) :: xs
case (op:Suffix[T,U], x::xs) =>, x) :: xs
case (op: Infix[T,U], y::x::xs) =>, x, y) :: xs
case _ => ops -> out
def findSuffix(ops:Ops, out:Out, in:Input):ParseResult[U] = => e -> e.parse(in))
.collectFirst {
case (op, Success(o, in)) =>
val $ = fold(op.lhs, ops, out)
(if (op.isInstanceOf[Infix[_,_]])
findPrefix _ else
findSuffix _ ) ((op, o) :: $._1, $._2, in)
.getOrElse(Success(fold(1/0.0, ops, out)._2.head, in))
override def apply(in:Input):ParseResult[U] = findPrefix(Nil, Nil, in)
object Usage extends OperatorPrecedenceParsers with RegexParsers {
def main(args:Array[String]) {
println("result="+ parseAll(root, "7^2+8*(7-3!)").get)
def root:Parser[Int] = operators[Any,Int](
Suffix(100)("!") { (_, n) => (1 to n).product },
Prefix(200)("-") { (_, n) => - n },
Infix(500, 500-1)("+") { (_, a, b) => a + b },
Infix(500, 500-1)("-") { (_, a, b) => a - b },
Infix(400, 400-1)("*") { (_, a, b) => a * b },
Infix(400, 400-1)("/") { (_, a, b) => a / b },
Infix(300-1, 300)("^") { (_, a, b) => Math.pow(a, b).toInt }
) ( "(" ~> root <~ ")" | "\\d+".r ^^ (_.toInt) )
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