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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Monad in Swift
// A trivial type just for this example
final class Id <A> {
let raw: A
init(_ a: A) { self.raw = a }
// A typeclass of the Monad
infix operator >>| { associativity left precedence 95 }
public protocol Monad {
typealias Elem
func >>| (fa: Self, f: Elem -> Self) -> Self /* (^_^;) ...? */
class func pure(a: Elem) -> Self
// An instance of the Monad typeclass
extension Id: Monad {
typealias Elem = A // from Id<A>
class func pure(a: Elem) -> Id<A> { return Id(a) }
func >>| <A, B>(fa: Id<A>, f: A -> Id<B>) -> Id<B> { return f(fa.raw) }
// test
func pure<A, MA: Monad where MA.Elem == A>(a: A) -> MA {
return MA.pure(a)
let o = Id("(^_^)") >>| { pure($0.utf16Count) } >>| { pure(Double($0*$0)) }
println("\(o.raw)") // ==> 25.0
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