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Last active August 30, 2019 14:45
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timeParting.js - Returns {day|julian|yyyy-mm-dd|hh:00|offset|timezone}
var timeParting = {
* @description returns utc offset based on local time (eg//utc-05 = central daylight time, north america)
* a list of utc offsets and timezones can be found here:
* @param pv_date {date}
getTimezoneOffset: function (pv_date) {
var offset = ((pv_date.getTimezoneOffset() / 60) * -1); //multiply by -1 to account for inverted utc offset in JS getTimezoneOffset()
var posOrNeg = (offset > 0) ? "+" : "-";
var tmpOffset = offset + "";
tmpOffset = tmpOffset.split(".");
var offsetLeft = Math.abs(tmpOffset[0]) + "";
var offsetRight = ((tmpOffset[1] === "25") ? "15" : ((tmpOffset[1] === "5") ? "30" : ((tmpOffset[1] === "75") ? "45" : "00")));
//build offset string
offset = posOrNeg +
((offsetLeft < 10) ? "0" + offsetLeft : offsetLeft) //include leading 0, if necessary
((offsetRight === "00") ? "" : ":" + offsetRight); //include partial hour info, if necessary
return ("UTC" + offset);
* @description returns time zone
* @example America/Chicago
getTimezone: function () {
return Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone;
* @param date {date}
* @param granularity {=string} 'hour', defaults to minute ommitted or specified with any other value
getTime: function(date, granularity) {
if(granularity === 'hour') {
return ("0" + date.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":00";
} else {
return ("0" + date.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" + ((date.getMinutes() < 10) ? "0" + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes());
* @description calculates current local date based on browser/client machine; returns date as string
getLocalTime: function () {
var dayName = {
0: "Sunday",
1: "Monday",
2: "Tuesday",
3: "Wednesday",
4: "Thursday",
5: "Friday",
6: "Saturday"
var date = new Date();
var localDate = {
time: this.getTime(date, 'hour'),
weekday: dayName[date.getDay()],
julian: Math.ceil((date - new Date(date.getFullYear(),0,1)) / 86400000),
month: ("0" + (date.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2),
day: ("0" + date.getDate()).slice(-2),
year: date.getFullYear(),
offset: this.getTimezoneOffset(date),
timezone: this.getTimezone()
var retVal =
localDate.weekday + "|" +
localDate.julian + "|" +
localDate.year + "-" + localDate.month + "-" + + "|" +
localDate.time + "|" +
localDate.offset + "|" +
return (retVal);
// timeParting.getLocalTime();
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