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Created July 27, 2020 15:53
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Leverages Wistia JS API to monitor specified video milestones
window.videos = {};
wistiaEmbeds.forEach(function (vid) {
window.videos[vid.hashedId()] = {
id: vid.hashedId(),
duration: vid.duration(),
status: {
step_play: false,
step_25: false,
step_50: false,
step_75: false,
step_95: false,
step_end: false
function resetProgressOnComplete(videoId) {
window.videos[vid.hashedId()].status = {
step_play: false,
step_25: false,
step_50: false,
step_75: false,
step_95: false,
step_end: false
function trackProgress(milestone, currentVideo) {
currentVideo.milestone = milestone;
console.log("Video milestone", milestone, "reached for:", currentVideo);
// trigger your direct call rule here
// _satellite.track("dcr:video progress", currentVideo);
function checkProgress(milestone, percent) {
var step = "step_" + milestone;
if (milestone === "play" || milestone === "end") {
if (!window.videos[vid.hashedId()].status[step]) {
window.videos[vid.hashedId()].status[step] = true;
trackProgress(step, window.videos[vid.hashedId()]);
if (milestone === "end") {
} else {
if ((percent * 100) >= milestone) {
if (!window.videos[vid.hashedId()].status[step]) {
window.videos[vid.hashedId()].status[step] = true;
trackProgress(step, window.videos[vid.hashedId()]);
vid.bind('percentwatchedchanged', function (percent, lastPercent) {
checkProgress(25, percent);
checkProgress(50, percent);
checkProgress(75, percent);
checkProgress(95, percent);
vid.bind('play', function () {
vid.bind('end', function () {
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