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Last active March 26, 2021 21:29
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  • Save hitGovernor/f5d86d0dae33c7d876d31ea8a416465c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save hitGovernor/f5d86d0dae33c7d876d31ea8a416465c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Scrapes the Tealium IQ (TiQ) web interface to retrieve all Data Layer variables, Load Rules, Tags, and Extensions. Output is written to the browser console either using console.table() or as a comma-delimited string, suitable for copy/paste use. To use, you must be logged into TiQ, viewing the Data Layer tab. Feedback is appreciated.
// if the element exists, returns the innerText, otherwise an empty string
function getInnerText(ele) {
if (ele) {
return ele.innerText;
return "";
// executes the query selectors and builds the output
function getAssets(assetInfo) {
document.querySelectorAll(assetInfo.row).forEach(function (row) {
var tmp = {};
tmp.assetType = assetInfo.assetType;
tmp.uid = (assetInfo.uid) ? getInnerText(row.querySelector(assetInfo.uid)) : ""; = ( ? getInnerText(row.querySelector( : "";
tmp.alias = (assetInfo.alias) ? getInnerText(row.querySelector(assetInfo.alias)) : "";
tmp.type = (assetInfo.type) ? getInnerText(row.querySelector(assetInfo.type)) : "";
tmp.isEnabled = (assetInfo.isEnabled) ? ((row.querySelector(assetInfo.isEnabled)) ? true : false) : "";
outputStr += buildRow(tmp);
// builds the csv string
function buildRow(obj) {
var str = "";
str += "\n" + obj.assetType || "";
str += "," + obj.uid || "";
str += "," + || "";
str += "," + obj.alias || "";
str += "," + obj.type || "";
str += "," + obj.isEnabled || "";
return str;
var output = [],
outputStr = "assetType,uid,name,alias,type,isEnabled";
// defines the query selectors for each asset type
var criteria = {
tags: {
row: "div[id*='manage_content_'].manage_container",
assetType: "tag",
uid: "div.cth-cell__uid span.uidValue",
name: "div.cth-cell__name span.title",
alias: "",
type: "div.cth-cell__type div.container_vendor",
isEnabled: "div.cth-cell__activate span.container_status_active"
extensions: {
row: "div[id*='customizations_'].customize_container",
assetType: "extension",
uid: "div.cth-cell__uid div.container_uid",
name: "div.cth-cell__name span.title",
alias: "",
type: "div.cth-cell__type div.container_exType",
isEnabled: "div.cth-cell__activate span.container_status_active"
load_rules: {
row: "div[id*='loadrules_content_'].loadrules_container",
assetType: "load_rule",
uid: "div.cth-cell__uid span.uidValue",
name: "div.cth-cell__name span.title",
alias: "",
type: "",
isEnabled: "div.cth-cell__activate span.container_status_active"
data_layer: {
row: "div[id*='datasources_'].viewItem",
assetType: "data_layer",
uid: "", // row.getAttribute("data-id")
name: "div.cth-cell__name div.item-variable",
alias: "div.cth-cell__name div.item-name-alias",
type: "div.cth-cell__type div.type",
isEnabled: ""
// pulls it all together
for (var obj in criteria) {
// asks the user how they want the output; only 'table' and 'csv' are accepted, all other values do nothing
var userInput = prompt("Sepcify your preferred format:\n\n* table: Displays assets using console.table()\n* csv: Displays assets as a comma-delimited string\n\nNote: Make sure you are in TiQ, with the Data Layer tab selected.", "table", "csv");
if (/^csv$/i.test(userInput)) {
} else if(/^table$/i.test(userInput)) {
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