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Created July 4, 2016 13:30
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"classId": "2945482443380251551.ExampleClass1",
"id": "2945482443380251551.ExampleObject1",
"accountId": "1234567890",
"accountName": "Jane Doe",
"barcode": {
"alternateText": "12345",
"type": "qrCode",
"value": "28343E3"
"classId": "#{issuerId}.#{classId}",
"id": "#{issuerId}.#{objectId}",
"textModulesData": [{
"header": "Jane's Baconrista Rewards",
"body": "Save more at your local Mountain View store Jane. " +
"You get 1 bacon fat latte for every 5 coffees purchased. " +
"Also just for you, 10% off all pastries in the Mountain View store."
"linksModuleData": {
"uris": [
"kind": "walletobjects#uri",
"uri": "",
"description": "My Baconrista Account"
"infoModuleData": {
"labelValueRows": [{
"columns": [{
"label": "Next Reward in",
"value": "2 coffees"
}, {
"label": "Member Since",
"value": "01/15/2013"
}, {
"columns": [{
"label": "Local Store",
"value": "Mountain View"
"showLastUpdateTime": "true"
"loyaltyPoints": {
"balance": {
"string": "5000"
"label": "Points",
"pointsType": "points"
"messages": [{
"actionUri": {
"uri": ""
"header": "Jane, welcome to Banconrista Rewards!",
"body": "Thanks for joining our program. Show this message to " +
"our barista for your first free coffee on us!",
"image": {
"sourceUri": {
"uri": ""
"state": "active",
"version": 1
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