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Created September 20, 2016 07:24
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use strict;
use warnings;
use URI;
use DateTime;
use Test::More;
package Immutable {
sub new {
my ($class, $obj) = @_;
bless {
obj => $obj,
}, $class;
sub get {
my ($self) = @_;
my $self = shift;
my $method = (split /::/, our $AUTOLOAD)[-1];
return if $method eq 'DESTROY';
my $new_obj = $self->get;
(ref $self)->new($new_obj);
subtest 'URI' => sub {
my $uri = URI->new('');
my $immutable_uri = Immutable->new($uri);
my $immutable_uri2 = $immutable_uri->host('');
my $immutable_uri3 = $immutable_uri->scheme('https');
is $uri->as_string, '';
is $immutable_uri->get->as_string, '';
isa_ok $immutable_uri, 'Immutable';
is $immutable_uri2->get->as_string, '';
isa_ok $immutable_uri2, 'Immutable';
is $immutable_uri3->get->as_string, '';
isa_ok $immutable_uri3, 'Immutable';
is $immutable_uri3->get->host, '';
subtest 'DateTime' => sub {
my $now = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => 1474355978);
my $now_string = $now.q();
my $immutable_datetime = Immutable->new($now);
my $immutable_datetime2 = $immutable_datetime->set_year(2017);
my $immutable_datetime3 = $immutable_datetime->add(years => 2);
is $now, $now_string;
is $immutable_datetime->get->year, 2016;
isa_ok $immutable_datetime, 'Immutable';
is $immutable_datetime2->get->year, 2017;
isa_ok $immutable_datetime2, 'Immutable';
is $immutable_datetime3->get->year, 2018;
isa_ok $immutable_datetime3, 'Immutable';
$immutable_datetime3->get->add(years => 1);
is $immutable_datetime3->get->year, 2018;
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