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Last active June 12, 2024 23:17
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Since I don't know how computers work... I'm always running into issues and for some reason I tend to never read the errors or logs.


I just thought about it for a few moments, but I was trying to figure out how to get ncu to run (Nsight Compute CLI)

ncu --set full -o output python3

I already have ncu installed, but it spits out an error saying something like this

==ERROR== ERR_NVGPUCTRPERM - The user does not have permission to access NVIDIA GPU Performance Counters on the target device 0. For instructions
 on enabling permissions and to get more information see 

ok... so then I prepend sudo and then...

sudo: ncu: command not found

(???) well the reason is actually quite obvious when I think about it because I have all the cuda paths defined on my non-root user .bashrc so of course it can't find it.

Instead of relying on the $PATH variable we should just swap it out with the absolute path.

$(which ncu) --set full -o output python3

Now run it again and I get

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch'                                                                    
==ERROR== The application returned an error code (1). 

Ok now that I'm using my brain again, it's obvious what we need to do. I'm using venv, but as I realize now... sudo is running things as the root user and resolving the path differently. Just do the same thing as before, but for python

$(which ncu) --set full -o output $(which python3)

life is good.

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