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Last active July 22, 2024 17:18
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sudo apt install i3 i3status dmenu i3lock xbacklight feh conky compton rofi
(and i3 gaps?)
i3-gaps # window border
feh # wall paper
rofi # like os X win+l (could open any application)
compton # for conky alpha
conky # manual configuration desktop
i3 # window manager
i3-status # i3 status bar
i3lock # lock screen # shift + $mod + x
sudo apt install numlockx # for numlock on
############ Optinal ####################
download :
sudo python3
sudo apt-get install python3-dev (for netifaces, it is required gcc and etc...)
sudo pip3 install i3pystatus colour netifaces
i3pystatus # for # configure status bar
colour + netifaces # for plugin on status bar
/usr/share/xsessions/ # manage
/usr/share/xgreeters/ # set i3 to default exec
other file & config & code: see
##################### for left capslock to ctrl #####################
vi /etc/default/keyboard
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
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