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Created August 6, 2016 04:41
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" folding settings
set foldmethod=indent "fold based on indent
set foldnestmax=10 "deepest fold is 10 levels
set nofoldenable "dont fold by default
set foldlevel=1 "this is just what i use"
""" za zm zr zM zR
" vim bootstrap +
" file
""" F3 ,e
" buffer
""" ,q ,w
" window
""" <ctrl+w+w> <ctrl+w+h> <ctrl+w+j> <ctrl+w+w> <ctrl+w+k> <ctrl+w+l>
""" ,v ,h
" direction
""" h j k l
" copy/cut/paste
""" :set paste p u <ctrl+r> <home> <end> w d t
" insert
""" o i
" find/replace
""" :%s/old/new/g /find-text n N
" save/close
""" :x :wq ZZ :q :q! :w :w !sudo tee %
" etc ...
" remove ^M
""" :%s/\r//g
" replace
""" :%s/salam/hello &/gc
""" confirm replace , "salam" to "hello salam"
" remove all marks
""" :delm! :delmarks A-Z0-9
" multi-cursor (cd ~/.vim/bundle => clone vim-multiple-cursors => vim ~/.vimrc => NeoBundle 'terryma/vim-multiple-cursors' => source ~/.vimrc)
" multi-cursor on nvim (cd ~/.config/nvim/bundle => git clone => ...)
""" v <ctrl+n>
" macro
""" qq~jwq4@qZZ
""" example :
_________ start _________
a a a a a
b b b b b
c c c c c
d d d d d
e e e e e
_________ end _________
A a a a a
b B b b b
c c C c c
d d d D d
e e e e E
" ignore warning
""" example (in ~/.vimrc):
let g:syntastic_html_tidy_ignore_errors = [
\ 'trimming empty <i>',
\ 'trimming empty <span>',
\ '<input> proprietary attribute \"autocomplete\"',
\ 'proprietary attribute \"role\"',
\ 'proprietary attribute \"hidden\"',
\ 'proprietary attribute \"ng-',
\ '<svg> is not recognized!',
\ 'discarding unexpected <svg>',
\ 'discarding unexpected </svg>',
\ '<rect> is not recognized!',
\ 'discarding unexpected <rect>',
\ 'missing </a> before <div>',
\ 'discarding unexpected </a>'
\ ]
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