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Last active December 28, 2021 17:38
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Script finds docks that have bike surplus and bike deficit and proposes steps for Citi BIke employees to rebalance the system
#read in dataframe of projected bike availabilities
#full = pd.read_csv('')
#User inputs to select specific hour and date
month = 12
num_day = 2
hour = 23
#End user inputs
query = full[(full['month'] == month) & (full['num_day'] == num_day) & (full['hour'] == hour)] #filter by the specific data and time to analyze
#Create function to calculate distance, most accurate measure for NYC grid like street layout
def manhattan_distance(start_lat, start_lon, end_lat, end_lon):
dist = distance((start_lat, start_lon), (start_lat, end_lon)).miles + \
distance((end_lat, end_lon), (start_lat, end_lon)).miles
return dist
#Define user input variables
low_bike_threshold = 1/3
high_bike_threshold = 2/3
max_distance = 2
max_bikes_rebalanced = 500
min_cargo_size = 3
#End user input variables
data_low = query[query['avail_bikes_proportion'] <= low_bike_threshold] #find docks with low bike availability
data_high = query[query['avail_bikes_proportion'] >= high_bike_threshold] #find docks with high bike availability
data_low['deficit'] = round((low_bike_threshold - data_low['avail_bikes_proportion']) * data_low['tot_docks']).astype('int') #calculate the bike defecit for low availability docks
data_high['surplus'] = round((data_high['avail_bikes_proportion'] - high_bike_threshold) * data_high['tot_docks']).astype('int') #calculate the bike surplus for high availability docks
data_low = data_low.sort_values(by = 'deficit', ascending = False) #sort docks by deficit quantity
data_high = data_high.sort_values(by = 'surplus', ascending = False) #sort docks by surplus quantity
rebalancing_dict = {} #create empty dictionary to record rebalancing steps
low_copy = data_low.copy() #create copy of low availability dock data frame
high_copy = data_high.copy() #create copy of high availability dock data frame
bikes_rebalanced = 0 #initiate count of bikes rebalanced
for low in low_copy.index: #iterate through low availability docks
if low_copy.loc[low, 'deficit'] == 0: #if there is no deficit move to next dock
for high in high_copy.index: #iterate through high availability docks
if high_copy.loc[high, 'surplus'] == 0: #if there is no surplus move to next dock
if manhattan_distance(low_copy.loc[low, 'latitude'], low_copy.loc[low, 'longitude'],
high_copy.loc[high, 'latitude'], high_copy.loc[high, 'longitude']) < max_distance: #only move bikes between docks based on distance constraint
stations_key = (low_copy.loc[low, 'dock_id'], high_copy.loc[high, 'dock_id']) #record stations
change = min(low_copy.loc[low, 'deficit'], high_copy.loc[high, 'surplus']) # record bikes moved
low_copy.loc[low, 'deficit'] -= change
high_copy.loc[high, 'surplus'] -= change
bikes_rebalanced += change #update count of total bikes moved
if stations_key in rebalancing_dict.keys(): #update log of proposed bike movements
rebalancing_dict[stations_key] += change
rebalancing_dict[stations_key] = change
if low_copy.loc[low, 'deficit'] == 0:
sorted_rebalancing = dict(sorted(rebalancing_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse = True)) #sort by quantity of bikes moved at each step
filtered_rebalancing = {key: value for key, value in sorted_rebalancing.items() if value >= min_cargo_size} # filter out proposed movements by min cargo size between each move
filtered_bikes_rebalanced = 0
final_rebalancing_dict = {}
for k, v in filtered_rebalancing.items(): # sets a cap for maximum number of bikes moved each hour based on staffing capacity
if filtered_bikes_rebalanced < max_bikes_rebalanced:
final_rebalancing_dict[k] = v
filtered_bikes_rebalanced += v
rebalancing_df = pd.DataFrame(final_rebalancing_dict.items(), columns = ['dock_ids', 'num_bikes']) #create data frame to show all proposed rebalancing actions
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