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Last active October 25, 2017 08:13
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Numerical methods notes
Funkcja plot
Plot[x^2, {x, -Pi, Pi]
Plot[x^2, {x, -Pi, Pi}, PlotStyle -> {Orange, Thickness[0.0067]}]
Plot[x^2, {x, -Pi, Pi},
PlotStyle -> {Orange, Thickness[0.0067], Dashing[{.03, .03}]}]
Show[r1, r2, PlotRange -> All, PlotLabel -> "sratatata"]
E = Table[Cos[ArcTan[2]], {23, 4, 34323423424345}] //nie dziala
ListPlot[E, PlotStyle -> [Pink]]
Do[tresc, {iterator, start, stop, krok}]
dwwjw[w_,v_] := Module[{t, n = Length[w], m = Length[v]},
t = Table[byleco, {n+m}];
Do [t[[i]]=w[[i]], {i, n}];
Do [t[[i+n]]=v[[i]], {i, m}];
Print[Join[w, v]];
w1 = {"a", "b", "c", 1, 2, 56};
w2 = {"d", "e", "f", "lalalala"};
dwwjw[w1, w2]
In[51]:= skew[v_] := Module[{n = Length[v], suma=0 },
Do[suma = suma + v[[i]]^2,{i, n}];
w = {1, 2, 3, 4, 2};
Out[53]= 34
In[55]:= polpi[f_] := Module[{}, Print[Sqrt[skew[f]]//N]]
In[54]:= polpi[w]
tp[p_] := Module[{t},
t = Table[1, {i, p + 1}, {j, i}];
Do[t[[i, j]] = t[[i - 1, j - 1]] + t[[i - 1, j]], {i, 3, p + 1}, {j,
2, i - 1}];
Print[t // MatrixForm]
(*szukanie elementu minimalnego*)
elmin[w_] := Module[{m = w[[1]], d = Length[w], ile=0, gdzie={}},
Do[If[w[[i]]<m, m=w[[i]]], {i,2,d}];
Do[If[w[[i]]==m,ile++;gdzie=Append[gdzie, i]], {i, d}];
Print["Elementem minimalnym tablicy jest ", m ,"i ma indeks ", gdzie, " występuje tyle razy: ", ile]
t = {0, -2, 3, Pi, -E, 1, -3};
(* Sumuje Z *)
zorro[w_, z_] := Module[{m ,s=0},
m = Table[RandomInteger[{-z,z}],{w}, {w}];
If[w==1, Return[m[[1,1]]]]
Do[s+= m[[1,i]], {i,w}];
Do[s+=m[[w-i+1, i]], {i,2,w-1}];
Print[m // MatrixForm];
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