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# Use ARROW KEYS to play, SPACE BAR for pausing/resuming and Esc Key for exiting | |
# Adapted from https://gist.github.com/sanchitgangwar/2158089 | |
import curses | |
from curses import KEY_RIGHT, KEY_LEFT, KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN | |
from random import randint, choice | |
def update_anim(snake, key, symbol): | |
# Calculates the new coordinates of the head of the snake. | |
snake.insert(0, [snake[0][0] + (key == KEY_DOWN and 1) + (key == KEY_UP and -1), snake[0][1] + (key == KEY_LEFT and -1) + (key == KEY_RIGHT and 1)]) | |
# If snake crosses the boundaries, make it enter from the other side | |
if snake[0][0] == 0: snake[0][0] = 18 | |
if snake[0][1] == 0: snake[0][1] = 58 | |
if snake[0][0] == 19: snake[0][0] = 1 | |
if snake[0][1] == 59: snake[0][1] = 1 | |
# Exit if snake crosses the boundaries (Uncomment to enable) | |
#if snake[0][0] == 0 or snake[0][0] == 19 or snake[0][1] == 0 or snake[0][1] == 59: break | |
last = snake.pop() | |
win.addch(last[0], last[1], ' ') | |
win.addch(snake[0][0], snake[0][1], symbol) | |
def get_dir(first, second, dir): | |
""" dir should be "towards" if second should move towards first | |
or "away" if second should move away from first | |
if first is to the NW of second, xdif and ydif are neg.""" | |
x_dif = first[1]-second[1] | |
y_dif = first[0]-second[0] | |
if abs(x_dif) >= abs(y_dif): | |
if dir == "towards": | |
if x_dif<0: | |
return KEY_LEFT | |
else: | |
return KEY_RIGHT | |
else: | |
if x_dif<0: | |
return KEY_RIGHT | |
else: | |
return KEY_LEFT | |
else: | |
if dir == "towards": | |
if y_dif<0: | |
return KEY_UP | |
else: | |
return KEY_DOWN | |
else: | |
if x_dif<0: | |
return KEY_DOWN | |
else: | |
return KEY_UP | |
def get_next_move(you, enemy, food): | |
if randint(0,3)==0: # move randomly 1/4 of the time | |
return(choice(key_choices), choice(key_choices)) | |
else: # move in the best direction | |
return(get_dir(you, enemy, "towards"), get_dir(you, food, "away")) | |
curses.initscr() | |
win = curses.newwin(20, 60, 0, 0) | |
win.keypad(1) | |
curses.noecho() | |
curses.curs_set(0) | |
win.border(0) | |
win.nodelay(1) | |
key = KEY_RIGHT # Initializing values | |
score = 0 | |
endgame = False | |
key_choices = [KEY_LEFT, KEY_RIGHT, KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN] | |
you = [[4,10]] # Initial snake co-ordinates | |
enemy = [[15,30]] | |
food = [[11,20]] # First food co-ordinates | |
win.addch(you[0][0], you[0][1], 'o') | |
win.addch(food[0][0], food[0][1], '*') # Prints the food | |
win.addch(enemy[0][0], enemy[0][1], 'X') | |
try: | |
while key != 27 and endgame == False: # While Esc key is not pressed | |
win.border(0) | |
win.addstr(0, 2, 'Score : ' + str(score) + ' ') # Printing 'Score' and | |
win.addstr(0, 27, " Holly's Game ") | |
win.timeout(520) # Increases the speed of Snake as its length increases | |
prevKey = key # Previous key pressed | |
event = win.getch() | |
key = key if event == -1 else event | |
if key == ord(' '): # If SPACE BAR is pressed, wait for another | |
key = -1 # one (Pause/Resume) | |
while key != ord(' '): | |
key = win.getch() | |
key = prevKey | |
continue | |
if key not in [KEY_LEFT, KEY_RIGHT, KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN, 27]: # If an invalid key is pressed | |
key = prevKey | |
update_anim(you, key, 'o') | |
if you[0] == enemy[0]: | |
endgame = True | |
if you[0] == food[0]: # When snake eats the food | |
food = [] | |
score += 1 | |
while food == []: | |
food = [[randint(1, 18), randint(1, 58)]] # Calculating next food's coordinates | |
if food in you: food = [] | |
win.addch(food[0][0], food[0][1], '*') | |
enemy_move, food_move = get_next_move(you[0], enemy[0], food[0]) | |
update_anim(enemy, enemy_move, 'X') | |
if you[0] == enemy[0]: | |
endgame = True | |
update_anim(food, food_move, '*') #choice(key_choices) | |
if you[0] == food[0]: # When snake eats the food | |
food = [] | |
score += 1 | |
while food == []: | |
food = [[randint(1, 18), randint(1, 58)]] # Calculating next food's coordinates | |
if food in you: food = [] | |
win.addch(food[0][0], food[0][1], '*') | |
finally: | |
curses.endwin() | |
print("\nScore - " + str(score)) |
# Use ARROW KEYS to play, SPACE BAR for pausing/resuming and Esc Key for exiting | |
# Adapted from https://gist.github.com/sanchitgangwar/2158089 | |
import curses | |
from curses import KEY_RIGHT, KEY_LEFT, KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN | |
from random import randint, choice | |
def update_anim(snake, key, symbol): | |
# Calculates the new coordinates of the head of the snake. | |
snake.insert(0, [snake[0][0] + (key == KEY_DOWN and 1) + (key == KEY_UP and -1), snake[0][1] + (key == KEY_LEFT and -1) + (key == KEY_RIGHT and 1)]) | |
# If snake crosses the boundaries, make it enter from the other side | |
if snake[0][0] == 0: snake[0][0] = 18 | |
if snake[0][1] == 0: snake[0][1] = 58 | |
if snake[0][0] == 19: snake[0][0] = 1 | |
if snake[0][1] == 59: snake[0][1] = 1 | |
# Exit if snake crosses the boundaries (Uncomment to enable) | |
#if snake[0][0] == 0 or snake[0][0] == 19 or snake[0][1] == 0 or snake[0][1] == 59: break | |
last = snake.pop() | |
win.addch(last[0], last[1], ' ') | |
win.addch(snake[0][0], snake[0][1], symbol) | |
def get_dir(first, second, dir): | |
""" dir should be "towards" if second should move towards first | |
or "away" if second should move away from first | |
if first is to the NW of second, xdif and ydif are neg.""" | |
x_dif = first[1]-second[1] | |
y_dif = first[0]-second[0] | |
if abs(x_dif) >= abs(y_dif): | |
if dir == "towards": | |
if x_dif<0: | |
return KEY_LEFT | |
else: | |
return KEY_RIGHT | |
else: | |
if x_dif<0: | |
return KEY_RIGHT | |
else: | |
return KEY_LEFT | |
else: | |
if dir == "towards": | |
if y_dif<0: | |
return KEY_UP | |
else: | |
return KEY_DOWN | |
else: | |
if x_dif<0: | |
return KEY_DOWN | |
else: | |
return KEY_UP | |
def get_next_move(you, enemy, food): | |
if randint(0,3)==0: # move randomly 1/4 of the time | |
return(choice(key_choices), choice(key_choices)) | |
else: # move in the best direction | |
return(get_dir(you, enemy, "towards"), get_dir(you, food, "away")) | |
curses.initscr() | |
win = curses.newwin(20, 60, 0, 0) | |
win.keypad(1) | |
curses.noecho() | |
curses.curs_set(0) | |
win.border(0) | |
win.nodelay(1) | |
key = KEY_RIGHT # Initializing values | |
score = 0 | |
endgame = False | |
key_choices = [KEY_LEFT, KEY_RIGHT, KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN] | |
you = [[4,10]] # Initial snake co-ordinates | |
enemy = [[15,30]] | |
food = [[11,20]] # First food co-ordinates | |
win.addch(you[0][0], you[0][1], 'o') | |
win.addch(food[0][0], food[0][1], '*') # Prints the food | |
win.addch(enemy[0][0], enemy[0][1], 'X') | |
try: | |
while key != 27 and endgame == False: # While Esc key is not pressed | |
win.border(0) | |
win.addstr(0, 2, 'Score : ' + str(score) + ' ') # Printing 'Score' and | |
win.addstr(0, 27, " Holly's Game ") | |
win.timeout(520) # Increases the speed of Snake as its length increases | |
prevKey = key # Previous key pressed | |
event = win.getch() | |
key = key if event == -1 else event | |
if key == ord(' '): # If SPACE BAR is pressed, wait for another | |
key = -1 # one (Pause/Resume) | |
while key != ord(' '): | |
key = win.getch() | |
key = prevKey | |
continue | |
if key not in [KEY_LEFT, KEY_RIGHT, KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN, 27]: # If an invalid key is pressed | |
key = prevKey | |
update_anim(you, key, 'o') | |
if you[0] == enemy[0]: | |
endgame = True | |
if you[0] == food[0]: # When snake eats the food | |
food = [] | |
score += 1 | |
while food == []: | |
food = [[randint(1, 18), randint(1, 58)]] # Calculating next food's coordinates | |
if food in you: food = [] | |
win.addch(food[0][0], food[0][1], '*') | |
enemy_move, food_move = get_next_move(you[0], enemy[0], food[0]) | |
update_anim(enemy, enemy_move, 'X') | |
if you[0] == enemy[0]: | |
endgame = True | |
update_anim(food, food_move, '*') #choice(key_choices) | |
if you[0] == food[0]: # When snake eats the food | |
food = [] | |
score += 1 | |
while food == []: | |
food = [[randint(1, 18), randint(1, 58)]] # Calculating next food's coordinates | |
if food in you: food = [] | |
win.addch(food[0][0], food[0][1], '*') | |
finally: | |
curses.endwin() | |
print("\nScore - " + str(score)) |
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/User/Desktop/my work/python test/lol.py", line 1, in
import curses
File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib\curses_init_.py", line 13, in
from _curses import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_curses'
pls help
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/sanji/.PyCharmCE2018.2/config/scratches/scratch_3.py", line 6, in
from curses import KEY_RIGHT, KEY_LEFT, KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN
ImportError: cannot import name 'KEY_RIGHT' from 'curses' (C:\Users\sanji.PyCharmCE2018.2\config\scratches\curses_init_.py)
plese help me to fix this error
Can u provide the curses module that you are using ......
As this error is happening with me
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\workstation228\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\lib_curses_init_.py", line 53, in
NameError: name 'has_key' is not defined
Wow you blew my mind, never tought of it!!! :0
The curses and ncurses (new curses) libraries go back to 1980's and 90's and provide an API to create textual user interfaces (TUI). If you write a command-line application, you should consider using curses to implement functionality you could not otherwise do with standard console output. The text editor nano is a good example of a ncurses application. We will look at how to use this library in Python.
Read more about curses programming from one of the ncurses authors, Thomas E. Dickey, who also worked on xterm and lynx among other things. https://invisible-island.net/. Another author of ncurses was Eric S. Raymond, who has a bunch of awesome writings at http://www.catb.org/~esr/.
The official Python curses tutorial is really good, make sure to check it out as well at https://docs.python.org/3/howto/curses.html. The full API documentation is also available at https://docs.python.org/3/library/curses.html. There are lots of useful functions in the full API that are not covered here. I strongly encourage you to browse the full documentation. This tutorial will serve as an introduction to common tasks.
If you want to check out a simple finished project that uses Python curses, check out the issh DevDungeon project which creates a menu for choosing SSH connections.
The curses package comes with the Python standard library. In Linux and Mac, the curses dependencies should already be installed so there is no extra steps needed. On Windows, you need to install one special Python package, windows-curses available on PyPI to add support.
Needed in Windows only
python -m pip install windows-curses
You can verify everything works by running a Python interpreter and attempting to import curses. If you do not get any errors, you are in good shape.
import curses
Can someone tell me where to learn Python from? Like how do I learn all these classes and what numbers, inputs, etc to use. Advises will be appreciated. Thank you.
thanks for sharing this
i have this problem :
line 65, in
win = curses.newwin(20, 60, 0, 0)
_curses.error: curses function returned NULL
Wow! Nice game. Enjoyed both playing and going through the code.