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Gulp config for babelify
var gulp = require('gulp');
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream'); // Used to stream bundle for further handling
var browserify = require('browserify');
var watchify = require('watchify');
var gulpif = require('gulp-if');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var streamify = require('gulp-streamify');
var notify = require('gulp-notify');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var cssmin = require('gulp-cssmin');
var gutil = require('gulp-util');
var shell = require('gulp-shell');
var glob = require('glob');
var livereload = require('gulp-livereload');
var jasminePhantomJs = require('gulp-jasmine2-phantomjs');
var babelify = require("babelify");
// External dependencies you do not want to rebundle while developing,
// but include in your application deployment
var dependencies = [
var browserifyTask = function (options) {
// Our app bundler
var appBundler = browserify({
entries: [options.src], // Only need initial file, browserify finds the rest
debug: options.development, // Gives us sourcemapping
cache: {}, packageCache: {}, fullPaths: options.development // Requirement of watchify
// We want to convert JSX to normal javascript
optional: ["runtime"]
// We set our dependencies as externals on our app bundler when developing
(options.development ? dependencies : []).forEach(function (dep) {
// The rebundle process
var rebundle = function () {
var start =;
console.log('Building APP bundle');
.on('error', gutil.log)
.pipe(gulpif(!options.development, streamify(uglify())))
.pipe(gulpif(options.development, livereload()))
.pipe(notify(function () {
console.log('APP bundle built in ' + ( - start) + 'ms');
// Fire up Watchify when developing
if (options.development) {
appBundler = watchify(appBundler);
appBundler.on('update', rebundle);
// We create a separate bundle for our dependencies as they
// should not rebundle on file changes. This only happens when
// we develop. When deploying the dependencies will be included
// in the application bundle
if (options.development) {
var testFiles = glob.sync('./specs/**/*-spec.js');
var testBundler = browserify({
entries: testFiles,
debug: true, // Gives us sourcemapping
transform: [babelify],
cache: {}, packageCache: {}, fullPaths: true // Requirement of watchify
dependencies.forEach(function (dep) {
var rebundleTests = function () {
var start =;
console.log('Building TEST bundle');
.on('error', gutil.log)
.pipe(notify(function () {
console.log('TEST bundle built in ' + ( - start) + 'ms');
testBundler = watchify(testBundler);
testBundler.on('update', rebundleTests);
// Remove react-addons when deploying, as it is only for
// testing
if (!options.development) {
dependencies.splice(dependencies.indexOf('react-addons'), 1);
var vendorsBundler = browserify({
debug: true,
require: dependencies
// Run the vendor bundle
var start = new Date();
console.log('Building VENDORS bundle');
.on('error', gutil.log)
.pipe(gulpif(!options.development, streamify(uglify())))
.pipe(notify(function () {
console.log('VENDORS bundle built in ' + ( - start) + 'ms');
var cssTask = function (options) {
if (options.development) {
var run = function () {
var start = new Date();
console.log('Building CSS bundle');
.pipe(notify(function () {
console.log('CSS bundle built in ' + ( - start) + 'ms');
run();, run);
} else {
// Starts our development workflow
gulp.task('default', function () {
development: true,
src: './app/main.js',
dest: './build'
development: true,
src: './styles/**/*.css',
dest: './build'
gulp.task('deploy', function () {
development: false,
src: './app/main.js',
dest: './dist'
development: false,
src: './styles/**/*.css',
dest: './dist'
gulp.task('test', function () {
return gulp.src('./build/testrunner-phantomjs.html').pipe(jasminePhantomJs());
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