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Created December 24, 2016 00:11
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// Created by Gregory McQuillan on 12/23/16.
// Copyright (c) 2016 One Big Function. All rights reserved.
import WebRTC
import Foundation
class ARDSDPUtils {
* Updates the original SDP description to instead prefer the specified
* video codec. We do this by placing the specified codec at the beginning of
* the codec list if it already exists in the sdp.
* NOTE: renamed this because it seems more or less like a factory method.
static func makeDescriptionFor(description: RTCSessionDescription,
preferringCodec codec: String)
-> RTCSessionDescription {
//Supposedly this was copied from
let lineSeparator = "\n"
var lines = description.sdp.components(separatedBy: lineSeparator)
// note: m is not an abbreviation, it refers to lines that begin m=...
var mLineIndex = -1
let codecRtpMap: String?
// a=rtpmap:<payload type> <encoding name>/<clock rate>
// [/<encoding parameters>]
let pattern = "^a=rtpmap:(\\d+) \(codec)(/\\d+)+[\r]?$"
for i in (0 ..< lines.count) where mLineIndex == -1 || codecRtpMap == nil {
let line = lines[i]
if line.hasPrefix("m=video") {
mLineIndex = i
// note: original code uses NSRegularExpression which brought me into
// a world of pain, so I changed it to use range(of:options:)
if let codecMatches = line.range(of: pattern, options: .regularExpression) {
codecRtpMap = line.substring(with: codecMatches)
if mLineIndex == -1 {
RTCLogEx(.warning, "No m=video line, so can't prefer \(codec)")
return description
// note: uw stands for unwrapped
guard let uwCodecRtpMap = codecRtpMap else {
RTCLogEx(.warning, "No rtpmap for \(codec)")
return description
let mLineSeparator = " "
let origMLineParts
= lines[mLineIndex].components(separatedBy: mLineSeparator)
if origMLineParts.count > 3 {
var newMLineParts = [String](repeating: "", count: origMLineParts.count)
// format is: m=<media> <port> <proto> <fmt>
// note: var++ is removed in Swift 3, so i had to make due
var origPartIndex = 1
origPartIndex += 1
origPartIndex += 1
origPartIndex += 1
while origPartIndex < origMLineParts.count {
origPartIndex += 1
if uwCodecRtpMap != origMLineParts[origPartIndex] {
else {
// if origMLineParts.count is <= 3
RTCLogEx(.warning, "Wrong SDP media description format: "
+ "\(lines[mLineIndex])")
let mangledSdpString = lines.joined(separator: lineSeparator)
return RTCSessionDescription(type: description.type, sdp: mangledSdpString)
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