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Created March 3, 2018 23:29
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/* Consider this your server-side file but without the server */
* Special function that handles HTTP GET requests to the published web app.
* @return {HtmlOutput} The HTML page to be served.
function doGet(e) {
var requestedId = e.parameter.zoho_id;
var templ = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('webpage'); = requestRecordFromCRM(requestedId);
return templ.evaluate()
.setTitle('Web Form')
/* - - - - - - - Zoho API - - - - - - - */
/* Data is pulled from Zoho CRM to pre-populate webform */
/*Post/Update record to CRM*/
function postRecordToCRM() {
var authToken = 'INSERT_API_KEY'; //Zoho CRM API key goes here
var xmlData = '<Leads><row no="1"><FL val="Company">Your Company</FL><FL val="First Name">HannahZZZZZ</FL><FL val="Last Name">SmithZZZ</FL><FL val="Email"></FL></row></Leads>';
var zohoPostUrl = '' + authToken + '&scope=crmapi&xmlData=';
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(zohoPostUrl + encodeURIComponent(xmlData));
var sanitizedResponse = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
/*Fetch record data with Lead ID*/
function requestRecordFromCRM(requestedId) {
//var requestedId = 'INSERT_API_KEY'; //Sample record id
var authToken = 'INSERT_API_KEY'; //Zoho CRM API key goes here
var zohoRequestUrl = '' + authToken + '&scope=crmapi&id=' + requestedId;
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(zohoRequestUrl);
var sanitizedResponse = (response.getContentText());
//complete sample zoho api call (remember to replace api key)
/*Sanitize json*/
var output = JSON.parse(sanitizedResponse);
//uncomment Logger.log(output);
/*Declare the variables you want to print*/
var parsedOutput = output.response.result.Leads.row.FL;
var recordObj = {}
/*Equate variable value to corresponding key-value pair returned by api response*/
for (var i = 0; i < output.response.result.Leads.row.FL.length; i++) {
Logger.log(output.response.result.Leads.row.FL[i].val+" ==== "+output.response.result.Leads.row.FL[i].content);
var fl=output.response.result.Leads.row.FL[i];
if (fl.val == 'Width') {recordObj.width = fixinput(fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'Length') {recordObj.length = fixinput(fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'Height') {recordObj.height = fixinput(fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'Street') {recordObj.street = fixinput(fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'City') { =fixinput( fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'State') {recordObj.state = fixinput(fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'Country') { = fixinput(fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'Zip Code') { = fixinput(fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'Lead Name') {recordObj.leadName = fixinput(fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'First Name') {recordObj.firstName =fixinput( fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'Last Name') {recordObj.lastName =fixinput( fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'Phone') { = fixinput(fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'Email') { = fixinput(fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'Lead Owner') {recordObj.leadOwner = fixinput(fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'Standard Cost') {recordObj.standardPrice = fixinput(fl.content);}
if (fl.val == 'Building Price') { =fixinput( fl.content);}
return (recordObj);
function fixinput(input) {
//uncomment Logger.log(input);
return input;
function debug() {
/* - - - - - - - PDF Layer API - - - - - - - */
/* High quality HTML to PDF conversion API */
/* Convert HTML to PDF */
function convertToPDF(html) {
var authKey = 'INSERT_API_KEY'; //PDF Layer API key goes here
var creator = 'hkdeven';
var documentName = 'WebForm.pdf';
/* PDF Layer only reads inline-css, unless you pass a css_url parameter with the API call - remember, plain css only */
var cssUrl = ''; //Link to your external css file, if applicable
var encodedUrl = encodeURI("" +
"?access_key=" + authKey +
"&creator=" + creator +
"&document_name=" + documentName +
"&dpi=300" +
"&page_size=A4" +
"&margin_top=0" +
"&margin_bottom=0" +
"&margin_left=0" +
"&margin_right=0" +
"&use_print_media=1" +
"&css_url=" + cssUrl);
var payload = {
'document_html': html
var request = {
'method' : 'POST',
'payload' : payload
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(encodedUrl, request);
var obj = {}
obj.headers = response.getAllHeaders();
obj.responseCode = response.getResponseCode();
if (obj.headers['Content-Type'] == MimeType.PDF) {
/* PDF file for client-side webpage */
obj.response = Utilities.base64Encode(response.getContent());
return JSON.stringify(obj);
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