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Last active January 3, 2016 08:29
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#lang racket
(require rackunit)
;; Y combinator derivation in detailed steps
;; (based on Why of Y derivation by Matthias Felleisen)
;; Is it possible to define a recursive function without referrring to itself?
;; Define a simple recursive function which refers to itself.
;; The aim is to remove the call to length from within itself.
(define (length l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length (cdr l)))))
(check-equal? (length '(1 2 3)) 3)
;; Step 1: remove the recursive call to length.
;; Now it will work for length 0 but fail for everything else but its a start.
(define (length0 l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (hukairs (cdr l)))))
;; aptly named as this function should never be called
(define (hukairs)
("ERROR - should not get here"))
(check-equal? (length0 '()) 0)
; (check-equal? (length0 '(x)) 2) FAIL
;; Step 2: now make it work for a list of length 1 by calling length0
(define (length1 l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length0 (cdr l)))))
(check-equal? (length1 '()) 0)
(check-equal? (length1 '(test)) 1)
;; Step 3: now make it work for list of length 2 by calling length1...I see a pattern
(define (length2 l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length1 (cdr l)))))
(check-equal? (length2 '()) 0)
(check-equal? (length2 '(test)) 1)
(check-equal? (length2 '(x y)) 2)
; (check-equal? (length1 '(x y z)) 3) FAIL
;; From here on in, we can just use anonymous functions instead of redefining functions
;; Step 4: rewrite length0 so that length reappears and we pass in the seed function
;; (which ofcourse shouldn't be called for list of length 0.
((lambda (length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length (cdr l)))))) hukairs)
;; -> 0
;; Step 5: rewrite length1 in the same style as above where we immediately call the
;; new function passing in the length0 definition from Step 4
((lambda (length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length (cdr l))))))
((lambda (length) ; 'inlined' definition from step 4
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length (cdr l)))))) hukairs))
;; -> 1
;; Step 6: rewrite length2 in the same style as above...I see a pattern here.
((lambda (length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length (cdr l))))))
((lambda (length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length (cdr l))))))
((lambda (length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length (cdr l)))))) hukairs)))
'(1 2))
;; -> 2
;; Step 7: back to length0 - extract the function which looks like length for length0.
;; Now we call the passed in function with hukairs which should never be called.
((lambda (mk-length)
(mk-length hukairs))
(lambda (length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length (cdr l)))))))
;; -> 0
;; Step 8: repeat the above step for length1 i.e. make another call to the
;; passed in length-like function
((lambda (mk-length)
(mk-length (mk-length hukairs)))
(lambda (length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length (cdr l)))))))
;; -> 1
;; Step 9: repeat for length2....I can see the pattern again.
((lambda (mk-length)
(mk-length (mk-length (mk-length hukairs))))
(lambda (length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length (cdr l)))))))
'(a b))
;; -> 2
;; Step 10: repeat for length3...just to make sure.
((lambda (mk-length)
(mk-length (mk-length (mk-length (mk-length hukairs)))))
(lambda (length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length (cdr l)))))))
'(a b c))
;; -> 3
;; Step 11: back to length0 variant - since we don't care about the hukairs,
;; we could pass mk-length to mk-length instead of hukairs and no one would care.
((lambda (mk-length)
(mk-length mk-length))
(lambda (mk-length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (mk-length (cdr l)))))))
;; -> 0
;; Step 12: in order to create length1, we can now call the passed in function with
;; hukairs function as that will never be called
((lambda (mk-length)
(mk-length mk-length))
(lambda (mk-length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 ((mk-length hukairs) (cdr l)))))))
;; -> 1
;; Step 13: in order to create length2, we can replace hukairs with the passed in
;; mk-length which means that as the recursion process is about to terminate and it
;; requires one more call, it won't call mk-length with hukaris (which was the case
;; in previous steps). Instead it will call the passed-in function (mk-length) with
;; the same passed in function (mk-length) which can reach the termination condition
;; (null? l) or call itself again, if required....MAGIC
((lambda (mk-length)
(mk-length mk-length))
(lambda (mk-length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 ((mk-length mk-length) (cdr l)))))))
'(a b))
;; -> 2
;; Now its just a matter of refactoring and generalizing
;; Step 14: extract the self application and call that length.
((lambda (mk-length)
(mk-length mk-length))
(lambda (mk-length)
((lambda (length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length (cdr l))))))
(lambda (x) ((mk-length mk-length) x)))))
'(a b c))
;; -> 3
;; Step 15: extract the function which looks like length
((lambda (le)
((lambda (mk-length)
(mk-length mk-length))
(lambda (mk-length)
(le (lambda (x) ((mk-length mk-length) x))))))
(lambda (length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (length (cdr l)))))))
'(a b c))
;; -> 3
;; Step 16: separate the function that makes length from the function
;; that looks like length (le). Notice that mk-length is bound separately in two
;; different scopes
(lambda (le)
((lambda (mk-length)
(mk-length mk-length))
(lambda (mk-length)
(le (lambda (x) ((mk-length mk-length) x))))))
;; -> <procedure>
;; Step 17: give the above a name Y and we have arrived at the Y-Combinator
(define (Y le)
((lambda (f) (f f))
(lambda (g) (le (lambda (x) ((g g) x))))))
;; back to where we started from....define a function which look like length....
(define (f mk-length)
(lambda (l)
(if (null? l) 0
(add1 (mk-length (cdr l))))))
;; and pass that to Y to return a function which is length (without referring to itself)
(define length-Y (Y f))
(check-equal? (length-Y '(a b c d e)) 5)
;; also works for factorials and all other functions which can be defined recursively.
;; (fact is not referenced from within the body)
(define (fact n)
((Y (lambda (mk-fact)
(lambda (n)
(if (= n 0) 1
(* n (mk-fact (- n 1))))))) n))
(check-equal? (fact 5) 120)
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