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Created October 12, 2020 14:41
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function [a_out, b_out]=dl_kelo(varargin)
% DL_KELO Mean of the diagonal line lengths and their distribution -
% Correction for border lines: KEep LOngest diagonal line (kelo)
% A=dl_kelo(X) computes the mean of the length of the diagonal
% line structures in a recurrence plot X. In this correction, just the
% longest border line (in each triangle) of the RP is counted. All other
% border lines are discarded.
% A=dl_kelo(X,'semi') computes the mean of the length of the diagonal
% line structures in a recurrence plot X using the mentionded correction.
% Not only lines starting AND ending at a border of the RP, but also semi
% border lines - lines, that start OR end at a border of the RP - are
% denoted as border lines. The longest of these count.
% [A B]=dl_kelo(X,'semi') computes the mean A and the lengths of the
% found diagonal lines of the recurrence plot X, stored in B, using the
% correction mentioned above and also accounts for semi-border diagonals.
% In order to get the histogramme of the line lengths, simply call
% HIST(B,[1 MAX(B)]).
% Examples (CRP toolbox needs to be installed):
% x = sin(linspace(0,5*2*pi,1050));
% xe = embed(x,2,50);
% r = rp(xe,.2);
% [l l_dist] = dl_kelo(r);
% subplot(1,2,1)
% imagesc(r), colormap([1 1 1;0 0 0]), axis xy square
% title('underlying RP')
% subplot(1,2,2)
% histogram(l_dist,1000)
% xlim([0 1000])
% xlabel('diagonal line length')
% ylabel('counts')
% title('diagonal line length histogram - kelo correction')
% Copyright (c) 2019-
% K.Hauke Kraemer, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
% Institute of Geosciences, University of Potsdam,
% Germany
% Norbert Marwan, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
% as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
% of the License, or any later version.
X = varargin{1};
styleLib={'normal','semi'}; % the possible borderline-style to look for
type = varargin{2};
if ~isa(type,'char') || ~ismember(type,styleLib)
warning(['Specified RP type should be one of the following possible values:',...
10,sprintf('''%s'' ',styleLib{:})])
type = 'normal';
[Y,~] = size(X);
if issymmetric(X)
[lines(1),borderlines(1)] = getLinesOnDiag(X,-Y+1,type); % init with first (scalar) diagonal
for j=-Y+2:-1
[ll,bl] = getLinesOnDiag(X,j,type);
lines = horzcat(lines,ll);
borderlines = horzcat(borderlines,bl);
% append lines for second triangle
lines = horzcat(lines,lines);
% append longest border lines for second triangle (but exclude LOI)
lines = horzcat(lines,max(borderlines),max(borderlines));
[lines(1),borderlines(1)] = getLinesOnDiag(X,-Y+1,type); % init with first (scalar) diagonal
for j=-Y+2:Y-1
[ll,bl] = getLinesOnDiag(X,j,type);
lines = horzcat(lines,ll);
borderlines = horzcat(borderlines,bl);
borderlines = sort(borderlines,'descend');
% add longest borderlines to lines
lines = horzcat(lines,borderlines(2:3));
% remove lines of length zero (=no line)
zero_lines = lines(:)==0;
lines(zero_lines) = [];
b_out= sort(lines,'descend')';
a_out = mean(b_out);
function [lines, borderline] = getLinesOnDiag(M,j,type)
d = diag(M,j);
border_line_length = length(d);
if ~any(d)
lines = 0;
borderline = 0;
starts = find(diff([0; d],1)==1);
ends = find(diff([d; 0],1)==-1);
lines = zeros(1,numel(starts));
borderline = zeros(1,numel(starts));
if strcmp(type,'normal')
for n=1:numel(starts)
if ends(n) - starts(n) + 1 < border_line_length
lines(n) = ends(n) - starts(n) +1;
elseif ends(n) - starts(n) + 1 == border_line_length
borderline = ends(n) - starts(n) +1;
elseif strcmp(type,'semi')
for n=1:numel(starts)
if ends(n) ~= border_line_length && starts(n) ~=1
lines(n) = ends(n) - starts(n) +1;
borderline(n) = ends(n) - starts(n) +1;
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