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CURA G-Code Post Processing Plugin
# Cura PostProcessingPlugin
# Author: Amanda de Castilho
# Date: August 28, 2018
# Modified: September 27, 2020 by HKT
# Description: This plugin shows custom messages about your print on the Status bar...
# Please look at the 3 options
# - Scolling (SCROLL_LONG_FILENAMES) if enabled in Marlin and you arent printing a small item select this option.
# - Name: By default it will use the name generated by Cura (EG: TT_Test_Cube) - Type a custom name in here
# - Max Layer: Enabling this will show how many layers are in the entire print (EG: Layer 1 of 265!)
# Default folder for macOS: /Applications/Ultimaker
# User content folder: /Users/[USER]/Library/Application Support/Cura/4.x/scripts
from ..Script import Script
from UM.Application import Application
class DisplayLayerAndLineOnLCD(Script):
def __init__(self):
def getSettingDataString(self):
return """{
"name": "Display Layer And Line On LCD",
"key": "DisplayLayerAndLineOnLCD",
"metadata": {},
"version": 2,
"label": "Scroll enabled/Small layers?",
"description": "If SCROLL_LONG_FILENAMES is enabled select this setting however, if the model is small disable this setting!",
"type": "bool",
"default_value": false
"label": "Text to display:",
"description": "By default the current filename will be displayed on the LCD. Enter text here to override the filename and display something else.",
"type": "str",
"default_value": ""
"label": "Initial layer number:",
"description": "Choose which number you prefer for the initial layer, 0 or 1",
"type": "int",
"default_value": 0,
"minimum_value": 0,
"maximum_value": 1
"label": "Display max layer?:",
"description": "Display how many layers are in the entire print on status bar?",
"type": "bool",
"default_value": true
def execute(self, data):
max_layer = 0
if self.getSettingValueByKey("name") != "":
name = self.getSettingValueByKey("name")
name = Application.getInstance().getPrintInformation().jobName
if not self.getSettingValueByKey("scroll"):
if self.getSettingValueByKey("maxlayer"):
lcd_text = "M117 "
lcd_text = "M117 Printing Layer "
lcd_text = "M117 Printing " + name + " - Layer "
i = self.getSettingValueByKey("startNum")
total_lines = 0
for layer in data:
lines = layer.split("\n")
total_lines += len(lines)
current_lines = 1
for layer in data:
display_text = lcd_text + str(i)
layer_index = data.index(layer)
lines = layer.split("\n")
for line in lines:
if line.startswith(";LAYER_COUNT:"):
max_layer = line
max_layer = max_layer.split(":")[1]
if self.getSettingValueByKey("startNum") == 0:
max_layer = str(int(max_layer) - 1)
if line.startswith(";LAYER:"):
if self.getSettingValueByKey("maxlayer"):
display_text = display_text + "/" + max_layer + " %" + str(round(100*i/int(max_layer),1)) + " %" + str(round(100*(current_lines-i+1)/total_lines,1))
# + " Line " + str(current_lines-i+1) + "/" + str(total_lines)
if not self.getSettingValueByKey("scroll"):
display_text = display_text + " " + name
if not self.getSettingValueByKey("scroll"):
display_text = display_text + " " + name + "!"
display_text = display_text + "!"
line_index = lines.index(line)
lines.insert(line_index + 1, display_text)
i += 1
current_lines += len(lines)
final_lines = "\n".join(lines)
data[layer_index] = final_lines
return data
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