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Feature: Stack<T>
In order to store instances of the same specified type in last-in-first-out (LIFO) sequence
As a developer
I want to use a Stack<T>
Scenario: The Stack<T> shall store instances of the same specified type in last-in-first-out (LIFO) order
Given an empty stack
When the pushing the elements:
| Element |
| One |
| Two |
| Three |
Then the elements should be popped in the order:
| Element |
| Three |
| Two |
| One |
Scenario: The Stack<T> shall return the number of elements contained when the property Count is invoked
Given a stack with the elements:
| Element |
| One |
| Two |
| Three |
When counting the elements
Then the result should be 3
Scenario: When the method Push is invoked, the Stack<T> shall inserts the element at the top
Given a stack with the elements:
| Element |
| One |
| Two |
| Three |
When pushing the element "Four"
Then the element "Four" should be on top
Scenario: When the method Pop is invoked, the Stack<T> shall remove and return the element at the top
Given a stack with the elements:
| Element |
| One |
| Two |
| Three |
When popping the element on top
Then the result should be "Three"
And the element "Two" should be on top
Scenario: When the method Peek is invoked, the Stack<T> shall return the element at the top without removing it
Given a stack with the elements:
| Element |
| One |
| Two |
| Three |
When peeking at the element on top
Then the result should be "Three"
And the element "Three" should be on top
Scenario: While an element is present, the Stack<T> shall return true when the method Contains is invoked
Given a stack with the elements:
| Element |
| One |
| Two |
| Three |
When determining if the stack contains the element "Three"
Then the result should be true
Scenario: While an element is not present, the Stack<T> shall return false when the method Contains is invoked
Given a stack with the elements:
| Element |
| One |
| Two |
| Three |
When determining if the stack contains the element "Four"
Then the result should be false
Scenario: If empty and the method Pop is invoked, then the Stack<T> shall throw InvalidOperationException
Given an empty stack
When popping the element on top
Then InvalidOperationException should be thrown
Scenario: If empty and the method Peek is invoked, then the Stack<T> shall throw InvalidOperationException
Given an empty stack
When peeking at the element on top
Then InvalidOperationException should be thrown
Scenario: Where instantiated with a specified collection, the Stack<T> shall be pre-populated with the elements of the collection
Given a stack with the elements:
| Element |
| One |
| Two |
| Three |
Then the stack should contain the elements:
| Element |
| Three |
| Two |
| One |
using Should;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using TechTalk.SpecFlow;
namespace ConductOfCode.Steps
public class StackSteps
private Stack<string> stack;
private string result;
private int count;
private bool contains;
private Exception exception;
[Given(@"an empty stack")]
public void GivenAnEmptyStack()
stack = new Stack<string>();
[Given(@"a stack with the elements:")]
public void GivenAStackWithTheElements(Table table)
var elements = table.Rows.Select(x => x.Values.First()).ToList();
stack = new Stack<string>(elements);
[When(@"the pushing the elements:")]
public void WhenThePushingTheElements(Table table)
var elements = table.Rows.Select(x => x.Values.First()).ToList();
foreach (var element in elements)
[When(@"counting the elements")]
public void WhenCountingTheElements()
count = stack.Count;
[When(@"pushing the element ""(.*)""")]
public void WhenPushingTheElement(string element)
[When(@"popping the element on top")]
public void WhenPoppingTheElementOnTop()
result = stack.Pop();
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex;
[When(@"peeking at the element on top")]
public void WhenPeekingAtTheElementOnTop()
result = stack.Peek();
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex;
[When(@"determining if the stack contains the element ""(.*)""")]
public void WhenDeterminingIfTheStackContainsTheElement(string element)
contains = stack.Contains(element);
[Then(@"the elements should be popped in the order:")]
public void ThenTheElementsShouldBePoppedInTheOrder(Table table)
var elements = table.Rows.Select(x => x.Values.First()).ToList();
foreach (var element in elements)
[Then(@"the result should be (.*)")]
public void ThenTheResultShouldBe(int expected)
[Then(@"the element ""(.*)"" should be on top")]
public void ThenTheElementShouldBeOnTop(string element)
[Then(@"the result should be ""(.*)""")]
public void ThenTheResultShouldBe(string expected)
[Then(@"the result should be true")]
public void ThenTheResultShouldBeTrue()
[Then(@"the result should be false")]
public void ThenTheResultShouldBeFalse()
[Then(@"InvalidOperationException should be thrown")]
public void ThenInvalidOperationExceptionShouldBeThrown()
[Then(@"the stack should contain the elements:")]
public void ThenTheStackShouldContainTheElements(Table table)
var elements = table.Rows.Select(x => x.Values.First()).ToList();
foreach (var element in elements)
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