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jed /
Last active May 31, 2024 18:32
How to set up stress-free SSL on an OS X development machine

How to set up stress-free SSL on an OS X development machine

One of the best ways to reduce complexity (read: stress) in web development is to minimize the differences between your development and production environments. After being frustrated by attempts to unify the approach to SSL on my local machine and in production, I searched for a workflow that would make the protocol invisible to me between all environments.

Most workflows make the following compromises:

  • Use HTTPS in production but HTTP locally. This is annoying because it makes the environments inconsistent, and the protocol choices leak up into the stack. For example, your web application needs to understand the underlying protocol when using the secure flag for cookies. If you don't get this right, your HTTP development server won't be able to read the cookies it writes, or worse, your HTTPS production server could pass sensitive cookies over an insecure connection.

  • Use production SSL certificates locally. This is annoying

sturadnidge /
Last active June 13, 2016 13:21
Minimal Raspbian image builder.
# required build environment packages: binfmt-support qemu qemu-user-static debootstrap kpartx lvm2 dosfstools
# made possible by:
# Klaus M Pfeiffer (
# Alex Bradbury (
klange /
Last active May 23, 2024 13:45
It's a résumé, as a readable and compilable C source file. Since Hacker News got here, this has been updated to be most of my actual résumé. This isn't a serious document, just a concept to annoy people who talk about recruiting and the formats they accept résumés in. It's also relatively representative of my coding style.

Since this is on Hacker News and reddit...

  • No, I don't distribute my résumé like this. A friend of mine made a joke about me being the kind of person who would do this, so I did (the link on that page was added later). My actual résumé is a good bit crazier.
  • I apologize for the use of _t in my types. I spend a lot of time at a level where I can do that; "reserved for system libraries? I am the system libraries".
  • Since people kept complaining, I've fixed the assignments of string literals to non-const char *s.
  • My use of type * name, however, is entirely intentional.
  • If you're using an older compiler, you might have trouble with the anonymous unions and the designated initializers - I think gcc 4.4 requires some extra braces to get them working together. Anything reasonably recent should work fine. Clang and gcc (newer than 4.4, at le