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Created May 26, 2014 07:44
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Coursera Algo-005 Programming Question Set 2
from math import floor
from sys import setrecursionlimit
Use quick sort to explore pivoting rules.
TODO: Not working.
with open('QuickSort.txt') as f:
ints = [int(line) for line in f.readlines()]
print 'First 5 ints:{}'.format(ints[:5:])
comparisons = 0
def sort_array(array, left, right, pivot_chooser):
global comparisons
if len(array) == 1: return
if left >= right: return
i_pivot = pivot_chooser(array, left, right)
#print 'pivot index', i_pivot
i_pivot = partition_array(array, left, right, i_pivot)
comparisons += right - left - 1
#print 'partitioned', array
sort_array(array, left, i_pivot - 1, pivot_chooser)
sort_array(array, i_pivot + 1, right, pivot_chooser)
return array
def partition_array(array, left, right, i_pivot):
global comparisons
pivot = array[i_pivot]
#print 'pivot', pivot
i = left + 1
for j in range(i, right):
j_n = array[j]
#comparisons += 1
if j_n < pivot:
swap_in_array(array, i, j)
i += 1
#print 'unpivot'
if i != left: swap_in_array(array, i - 1, left)
return i
def swap_in_array(array, i, j):
temp = array[i]
array[i] = array[j]
array[j] = temp
#print 'swapped', array[i], array[j], array
def print_ints(): print ints if len(ints) < 100 else None
#ints = ints[:10:]
#ints = [3,9,8,4,6,10,2,5,7,1] # Should be 25, 29, 21.
Number of comparisons if pivot is always first int.
comparisons = 0
sort_array(ints[:], 0, len(ints) - 1, lambda array, left, right: left)
print 'question 1 comparisons', comparisons
Number of comparisons if pivot is always last int.
comparisons = 0
sort_array(ints[:], 0, len(ints) - 1, lambda array, left, right: right)
print 'question 2 comparisons', comparisons
Number of comparisons if pivot is selected using median-of-three rule.
def get_median_pivot(array, left, right):
i_middle = int(floor((right - left) / 2))
candidates = [array[left], array[i_middle], array[right]]
return array.index(candidates[1])
comparisons = 0
sort_array(ints[:], 0, len(ints) - 1, get_median_pivot)
print 'question 3 comparisons', comparisons
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