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Forked from ysangkok/
Last active August 23, 2023 20:24
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import re
import sys
import os.path
import ifcopenshell
import itertools
import json
def chunks2(iterable,size,filler=None):
it = itertools.chain(iterable,itertools.repeat(filler,size-1))
chunk = tuple(itertools.islice(it,size))
while len(chunk) == size:
yield chunk
chunk = tuple(itertools.islice(it,size))
class IfcTypeDict(dict):
def __init__(self,ifcversion):
self.ifcversion = ifcversion
def __missing__(self, key):
value = self[key] = ifcopenshell.create_entity((self.ifcversion,key)).wrapped_data.get_attribute_names()
return value
f =[1])
typeDict = IfcTypeDict(f.wrapped_data.schema)
if f.wrapped_data.schema == 'IFC4':
assert typeDict["IfcWall"] == ('GlobalId', 'OwnerHistory', 'Name', 'Description', 'ObjectType', 'ObjectPlacement', 'Representation', 'Tag', 'PredefinedType')
elif f.wrapped_data.schema == 'IFC2x3':
assert typeDict["IfcWall"] == ('GlobalId', 'OwnerHistory', 'Name', 'Description', 'ObjectType', 'ObjectPlacement', 'Representation', 'Tag')
nodes = []
edges = []
#wallid = None
ourLabel = sys.argv[2]
for el in f:
tid =
cls = el.is_a()
pairs = []
keys = []
keys = [x for x in el.get_info() if x not in ["type", "id"]]
except RuntimeError:
# we actually can't catch this, but try anyway
for key in keys:
val = el.get_info()[key]
if any(hasattr(val,"is_a") and val.is_a(thisTyp) for thisTyp in ["IfcBoolean", "IfcLabel", "IfcText", "IfcReal"]):
val = val.wrappedValue
if type(val) not in (str, bool, float):
pairs.append((key, val))
nodes.append((tid, cls, pairs))
for i in range(len(el)):
except RuntimeError as e:
if str(e) != "Entity not found":
print("ID", tid, e, file=sys.stderr)
if isinstance(el[i], ifcopenshell.entity_instance):
if el[i].id() != 0:
edges.append((tid, el[i].id(), typeDict[cls][i]))
print("attribute " + typeDict[cls][i] + " of " + str(tid) + " is zero", file=sys.stderr)
except TypeError:
destinations = [ for x in el[i] if isinstance(x, ifcopenshell.entity_instance)]
for connectedTo in destinations:
edges.append((tid, connectedTo, typeDict[cls][i]))
if len(nodes) == 0:
print("no nodes in file", file=sys.stderr)
indexes = set(["nid", "cls"])
for chunk in chunks2(nodes, 100):
idx = 0
print("CREATE ", end="")
for i in chunk:
if i is None: continue
nId, cls, pairs = i
if idx != 0: print(",",end="")
idx = idx + 1
pairsStr = ""
for k,v in pairs:
pairsStr += ", " + k + ": " + json.dumps(v)
print("(a" + str(idx) + ":" + ourLabel + " { nid: " + str(nId) + ",cls: '" + cls + "'" + pairsStr + " })", end="")
for idxName in indexes:
print("CREATE INDEX on :" + ourLabel + "(" + idxName + ");")
for (nId1, nId2, relType) in edges:
print(""" MATCH (a:{:s}),(b:{:s}) WHERE a.nid = {:d} AND b.nid = {:d} CREATE (a)-[r:{:s}]->(b) RETURN r; """.format(ourLabel, ourLabel, nId1, nId2, relType))
#print("MATCH a=(first:IfcNode {nid: " + str(wallid) + "})-[:RELTYPE*1..2]-(other {cls: \"IFCWINDOW\"}) RETURN distinct other;")
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