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Created June 13, 2017 23:03
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Singular where
import BasePrelude hiding (fold)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Functor.Identity
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Redundant lambda" :: String) #-}
type Lens big small =
forall f. (Functor f) => (small -> f small) -> (big -> f big)
type Traversal big small =
forall ap. (Applicative ap) => (small -> ap small) -> (big -> ap big)
newtype Bazaar small big =
Bazaar { unBazaar :: forall ap. Applicative ap => (small -> ap small) -> ap big }
deriving Functor
instance Applicative (Bazaar small) where
pure big =
Bazaar (\_ -> pure big)
Bazaar lhs <*> Bazaar rhs =
Bazaar (\liftSmall -> lhs liftSmall <*> rhs liftSmall)
makeLens :: (big -> small) -> (big -> small -> big) -> Lens big small
makeLens getter setter =
\liftSmall big -> setter big <$> liftSmall (getter big)
_Cons :: Traversal [a] (a, [a])
_Cons = prism (uncurry (:)) (\case (x:xs) -> Right (x, xs); [] -> Left [])
_1 :: Lens (a, b) a
_1 = makeLens fst (\(_, b) a' -> (a', b))
_head :: Traversal [a] a
_head = _Cons . _1
ix :: Int -> Traversal [a] a
ix k liftSmall big =
if k < 0 then pure big else go big k
go [] _ = pure []
go (x:xs) 0 = (:xs) <$> liftSmall x
go (x:xs) i = (x:) <$> go xs (i - 1)
-- | Traverses a value of type big, accumulating the result in monoid mon
foldMapOf :: Monoid mon => Traversal big small -> (small -> mon) -> big -> mon
foldMapOf traversal fold =
getConst . traversal (Const . fold)
-- | foldMapOf with mappend/mzero inlined
foldrOf :: Traversal big small -> (small -> r -> r) -> r -> big -> r
foldrOf traversal fold zero =
\big -> appEndo (foldMapOf traversal (Endo . fold) big) zero
-- | Constructs a Traversal that targets zero or one
prism :: (small -> big) -> (big -> Either big small) -> Traversal big small
prism constructor getter =
\liftSmall big -> case (fmap liftSmall . getter) big of
Left big' -> pure big'
Right fsmall -> fmap constructor fsmall
-- | toListOf is our debugging friend
toListOf :: Traversal big small -> big -> [small]
toListOf traversal = foldrOf traversal (:) []
singular :: forall big small. Traversal big small -> Lens big small
singular traversal liftSmall big = do
let b = traversal (\small -> Bazaar ($ small)) big
case toListOf traversal big of
(x:xs) -> unsafeOuts b . (:xs) <$> liftSmall x
[] -> unsafeOuts b . return <$> liftSmall (error "singularity")
gobble :: State [a] a
gobble = state (unconsWithDefault (error ""))
unconsWithDefault :: a -> [a] -> (a,[a])
unconsWithDefault d [] = (d,[])
unconsWithDefault _ (x:xs) = (x,xs)
unsafeOuts :: Bazaar small big -> [small] -> big
unsafeOuts (Bazaar bazaar) smalls = evalState (bazaar (\_ -> gobble)) smalls
set :: ((small -> Identity small) -> big -> Identity big) -> small -> big -> big
set setter new big =
runIdentity (setter (\_ -> Identity new) big)
view :: ((small -> Const small small) -> big -> Const small big) -> big -> small
view getter big =
getConst (getter Const big)
bazaarOf :: Traversal s a -> s -> Bazaar a s
bazaarOf l s =
l (\small -> Bazaar (\liftSmall -> liftSmall small)) s
-- I was unable to get this to compile! It seems like I don't fully understand `getting` yet.
-- I was able to work around it by just calling `toListOf` on the original `big`, rather than on the bazaar.
-- Is that legal? Who knows...
-- ins :: Bazaar small big -> [small]
-- ins = toListOf (\big -> _ um big)
-- where
-- um :: Applicative f => (a -> f a) -> Bazaar a t -> f t
-- um g (Bazaar f) = f g
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