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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Load Balancer Example
The first part - ChangeRequest is a generic plan that holds on to a set of values
of type T (given when plan is instantiated), and emits the changed set whenever it
type AddRemove = Enum['add', 'remove']
type ChangeRequest[T] = Struct[{'kind' => AddRemove, 'value' => T }]
plan ChangeableSet[T] {
input ChangeRequest[T] requests
output Array[T] changes
public Array[T] the_set = []
action add {
c <- requests where c.type == 'add' && ! c.value in the_set
self -> changes
the_set = the_set + c.value
action remove {
c <- requests where c.type == 'remove' && c.value in the_set
self -> changes
the_set = the_set - c.value
# If there is a request, and neither add nor remove
# are enabled, then the request is for an addition of something
# already present, or a removal of something not present.
# Such requests are simply ignored.
action drop_ignored_requests {
! <- add
! <- remove
c <- requests
c -> drain
The LoadBalancer part uses the ChangeableSet to handle requests to add or remove
front ends or back ends.
> Several of the types defined in this example should be defined in a Net module - e.g.
Ip, Port, etc.
plan LoadBalancer {
type FrontEnd {
attr String[1] protocol
attr String[1] domain
attr Integer[1] port
type Ip = Pattern[/[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}/]
type BackEnd {
attr NotUndef protocol
attr NotUndef domain
attr Variant[Default, Integer] port
attr Ip host_ip
type LoadBalancerData = Variant[FrontEnd, BackEnd]
input ChangeRequest[LoadBalancerData] requests
front_ends = new ChangeableSet[FrontEnd]
back_ends = new ChangeableSet[BackEnd]
queue NotUndef[Any] change
queue Array[Tuple[FrontEnd, BackEnd]] front_ends_by_backend_ip
function matching_rows() {
(front_ends.the_set * back_ends.the_set).filter | fe, be | {
[fe.protocol, fe.domain, fe.port] =~ [be.protocol, be.domain, be.port]
function group_by_ip(Array[Tuple[FrontEnd, BackEnd]] tuples) {
tuples.group_by |fe,be| { be.ip }
action route_fe_change {
r <- requests where r.value =~ FrontEnd
r -> front_ends.requests
action route_be_change {
r <- requests where r.value =~ BackEnd
r -> back_ends.requests
action change_in_fe {
c <- front_ends.changes
c -> change
action change_in_be {
c <- back_ends.changes
c -> change
action match_frontends_backends {
c <- @10s change[all]
matching_rows.group_by_ip -> front_ends_by_backend_ip
action update_load_balancer {
# Not sure how this is done - producing a file with a specific format?
# What differs between different load balancers? Derive different plans
# Produce a File resource? If so, where? How produces?
# How to report the change?
map <- front_ends_by_backend_ip
# do stuff here
* FrontEnd and Backend could be resources
* Is the LoadBalancer a Provider for a LoadBalancer Resource? (Seems useful to be able to
discover a physical loadbalancer's configuration.
* group_by() function is the same as the one in Ruby - we do not have that in puppet yet
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