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Created November 5, 2018 15:21
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<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PuppetProgram" title="PuppetProgram">PuppetProgram</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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<polygon points="171 61 163 57 163 65"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#Arguments" title="Arguments">Arguments</a>
::= <a href="#Argument" title="Argument">Argument</a> ( ',' <a href="#Argument" title="Argument">Argument</a> )*</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ApplyExpression" title="ApplyExpression">ApplyExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#CallFunctionExpression" title="CallFunctionExpression">CallFunctionExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#CallMethodExpression" title="CallMethodExpression">CallMethodExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#StatementCall" title="StatementCall">StatementCall</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Argument">Argument:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="249" height="81">
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<rect x="51" y="47" width="76" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="76" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#Argument" title="Argument">Argument</a> ::= <a href="#AssignmentOrHigher" title="AssignmentOrHigher">AssignmentOrHigher</a>
| <a href="#HashPair" title="HashPair">HashPair</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Arguments" title="Arguments">Arguments</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="AssignmentOrHigher">AssignmentOrHigher:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="301" height="301">
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<polygon points="9 193 1 189 1 197"/>
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<rect x="71" y="179" width="134" height="32"/>
<rect x="69" y="177" width="134" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="79" y="197">ResourceOrHigher</text></a><rect x="71" y="135" width="36" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="69" y="133" width="36" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="79" y="153">-&gt;</text>
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<rect x="69" y="89" width="36" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="69" y="45" width="40" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="79" y="65">~&gt;</text>
<rect x="71" y="3" width="40" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="69" y="1" width="40" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="79" y="21">&lt;~</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SingleAssignmentExpression" xlink:title="SingleAssignmentExpression">
<rect x="51" y="223" width="202" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="221" width="202" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="241">SingleAssignmentExpression</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#MultiAssignmentExpression" xlink:title="MultiAssignmentExpression">
<rect x="51" y="267" width="192" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="265" width="192" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="285">MultiAssignmentExpression</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 193 h2 m40 0 h10 m134 0 h10 m-174 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 10 -10 m154 44 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-154 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h98 m-164 10 l0 -44 q0 -10 10 -10 m164 54 l0 -44 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-154 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h98 m-164 10 l0 -44 q0 -10 10 -10 m164 54 l0 -44 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-154 0 h10 m40 0 h10 m0 0 h94 m-164 10 l0 -44 q0 -10 10 -10 m164 54 l0 -44 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-154 0 h10 m40 0 h10 m0 0 h94 m20 176 h28 m-242 0 h20 m222 0 h20 m-262 0 q10 0 10 10 m242 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-252 10 v24 m242 0 v-24 m-242 24 q0 10 10 10 m222 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-232 10 h10 m202 0 h10 m-232 -10 v20 m242 0 v-20 m-242 20 v24 m242 0 v-24 m-242 24 q0 10 10 10 m222 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-232 10 h10 m192 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m23 -88 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#AssignmentOrHigher" title="AssignmentOrHigher">AssignmentOrHigher</a>
::= <a href="#ResourceOrHigher" title="ResourceOrHigher">ResourceOrHigher</a> ( ( '-&gt;' | '&lt;-' | '~&gt;' | '&lt;~' ) <a href="#ResourceOrHigher" title="ResourceOrHigher">ResourceOrHigher</a> )*
| <a href="#SingleAssignmentExpression" title="SingleAssignmentExpression">SingleAssignmentExpression</a>
| <a href="#MultiAssignmentExpression" title="MultiAssignmentExpression">MultiAssignmentExpression</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Argument" title="Argument">Argument</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#MultiAssignmentExpression" title="MultiAssignmentExpression">MultiAssignmentExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#SingleAssignmentExpression" title="SingleAssignmentExpression">SingleAssignmentExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Statement" title="Statement">Statement</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="SingleAssignmentExpression">SingleAssignmentExpression:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="461" height="125">
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="72" height="32"/>
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<rect x="141" y="1" width="30" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="283" y="3" width="150" height="32"/>
<rect x="281" y="1" width="150" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#SingleAssignmentExpression" title="SingleAssignmentExpression">SingleAssignmentExpression</a>
::= <a href="#Variable" title="Variable">Variable</a> ( '=' | '+= «🚫4.0»' | '-= «🚫4.0»' ) <a href="#AssignmentOrHigher" title="AssignmentOrHigher">AssignmentOrHigher</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#AssignmentOrHigher" title="AssignmentOrHigher">AssignmentOrHigher</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="MultiAssignmentExpression">MultiAssignmentExpression:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="483" height="81">
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<rect x="97" y="47" width="72" height="32"/>
<rect x="95" y="45" width="72" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="105" y="65">Variable</text></a><rect x="97" y="3" width="24" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="95" y="1" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="253" y="45" width="30" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="305" y="47" width="150" height="32"/>
<rect x="303" y="45" width="150" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<polygon points="473 61 465 57 465 65"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#MultiAssignmentExpression" title="MultiAssignmentExpression">MultiAssignmentExpression</a>
::= '[' <a href="#Variable" title="Variable">Variable</a> ( ',' <a href="#Variable" title="Variable">Variable</a> )* ']' '=' <a href="#AssignmentOrHigher" title="AssignmentOrHigher">AssignmentOrHigher</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#AssignmentOrHigher" title="AssignmentOrHigher">AssignmentOrHigher</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="ResourceOrHigher">ResourceOrHigher:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="293" height="169">
<style type="text/css">
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<rect x="51" y="3" width="90" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">Expression</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#ResourceExpression" xlink:title="ResourceExpression">
<rect x="51" y="47" width="148" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="148" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">ResourceExpression</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#ResourceDefaultExpression" xlink:title="ResourceDefaultExpression">
<rect x="51" y="91" width="194" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="89" width="194" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="109">ResourceDefaultExpression</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#ClassExpression" xlink:title="ClassExpression">
<rect x="51" y="135" width="124" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="133" width="124" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="153">ClassExpression</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m90 0 h10 m0 0 h104 m-234 0 h20 m214 0 h20 m-254 0 q10 0 10 10 m234 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-244 10 v24 m234 0 v-24 m-234 24 q0 10 10 10 m214 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-224 10 h10 m148 0 h10 m0 0 h46 m-224 -10 v20 m234 0 v-20 m-234 20 v24 m234 0 v-24 m-234 24 q0 10 10 10 m214 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-224 10 h10 m194 0 h10 m-224 -10 v20 m234 0 v-20 m-234 20 v24 m234 0 v-24 m-234 24 q0 10 10 10 m214 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-224 10 h10 m124 0 h10 m0 0 h70 m23 -132 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#ResourceOrHigher" title="ResourceOrHigher">ResourceOrHigher</a>
::= <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a>
| <a href="#ResourceExpression" title="ResourceExpression">ResourceExpression</a>
| <a href="#ResourceDefaultExpression" title="ResourceDefaultExpression">ResourceDefaultExpression</a>
| <a href="#ClassExpression" title="ClassExpression">ClassExpression</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#AssignmentOrHigher" title="AssignmentOrHigher">AssignmentOrHigher</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="ResourceExpression">ResourceExpression:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="603" height="157">
<style type="text/css">
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font-size: 12px;
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<rect x="51" y="123" width="44" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="121" width="44" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="135" y="47" width="90" height="32"/>
<rect x="133" y="45" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="143" y="65">Expression</text></a><rect x="245" y="47" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="243" y="45" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="253" y="65">{</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#ResourceBody" xlink:title="ResourceBody">
<rect x="313" y="47" width="110" height="32"/>
<rect x="311" y="45" width="110" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="321" y="65">ResourceBody</text></a><rect x="313" y="3" width="24" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="311" y="1" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="321" y="21">;</text>
<rect x="483" y="79" width="24" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="481" y="77" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="547" y="47" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:pre><a href="#ResourceExpression" title="ResourceExpression">ResourceExpression</a>
::= ( '@' | '@@' )? <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '{' <a href="#ResourceBody" title="ResourceBody">ResourceBody</a> ( ';' <a href="#ResourceBody" title="ResourceBody">ResourceBody</a> )* ';'? '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ResourceOrHigher" title="ResourceOrHigher">ResourceOrHigher</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="ResourceBody">ResourceBody:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="437" height="81">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#ResourceBody" title="ResourceBody">ResourceBody</a>
::= ( <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> | 'default' ) ':' <a href="#AttributeOperations" title="AttributeOperations">AttributeOperations</a>?</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ClassExpression" title="ClassExpression">ClassExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ResourceExpression" title="ResourceExpression">ResourceExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="ResourceDefaultExpression">ResourceDefaultExpression:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="493" height="69">
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<xhtml:pre><a href="#ResourceDefaultExpression" title="ResourceDefaultExpression">ResourceDefaultExpression</a>
::= <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '{' <a href="#AttributeOperations" title="AttributeOperations">AttributeOperations</a> ';'? '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ResourceOrHigher" title="ResourceOrHigher">ResourceOrHigher</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="ClassExpression">ClassExpression:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="461" height="113">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#ClassExpression" title="ClassExpression">ClassExpression</a>
::= 'class' '{' <a href="#ResourceBody" title="ResourceBody">ResourceBody</a> ( ';' <a href="#ResourceBody" title="ResourceBody">ResourceBody</a> )* ';'? '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ResourceOrHigher" title="ResourceOrHigher">ResourceOrHigher</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="AttributeOperations">AttributeOperations:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="517" height="169">
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<rect x="69" y="89" width="84" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#AttributeOperations" title="AttributeOperations">AttributeOperations</a>
::= ( <a href="#NAME" title="NAME">NAME</a> | <a href="#KEYWORD" title="KEYWORD">KEYWORD</a> | '*' ) ( '=&gt;' | '+&gt;' ) <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> ( ',' ( <a href="#NAME" title="NAME">NAME</a> | <a href="#KEYWORD" title="KEYWORD">KEYWORD</a> | '*' ) ( '=&gt;' | '+&gt;' ) <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> )* ','?</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#CollectionExpression" title="CollectionExpression">CollectionExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ResourceBody" title="ResourceBody">ResourceBody</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ResourceDefaultExpression" title="ResourceDefaultExpression">ResourceDefaultExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Expression">Expression:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="443" height="1049">
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<rect x="199" y="133" width="34" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="199" y="177" width="30" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="199" y="353" width="34" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="199" y="705" width="40" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="283" y="45" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="179" y="837" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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::= <a href="#PrimaryExpression" title="PrimaryExpression">PrimaryExpression</a>
| <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> ( ( 'in' | '=~' | '!~' | '+' | '-' | '/' | '*' | '%' | '&lt;&lt;' | '&gt;&gt;' | '!=' | '==' | '&gt;' | '&gt;=' | '&lt;' | '&lt;=' | 'and' | 'or' ) <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> | '?' <a href="#SelectorEntries" title="SelectorEntries">SelectorEntries</a> )
| ( '-' | '*' | '!' ) <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a>
| '(' <a href="#AssignmentOrHigher" title="AssignmentOrHigher">AssignmentOrHigher</a> ')'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#AccessArgs" title="AccessArgs">AccessArgs</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Array" title="Array">Array</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#AttributeOperations" title="AttributeOperations">AttributeOperations</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#BracketedExpression" title="BracketedExpression">BracketedExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#CallFunctionExpression" title="CallFunctionExpression">CallFunctionExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#CallMethodExpression" title="CallMethodExpression">CallMethodExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#CaseExpression" title="CaseExpression">CaseExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#CollectionExpression" title="CollectionExpression">CollectionExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#DoubleQuotedString" title="DoubleQuotedString">DoubleQuotedString</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Hash" title="Hash">Hash</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HashPair" title="HashPair">HashPair</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#IfExpression" title="IfExpression">IfExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Parameter" title="Parameter">Parameter</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ResourceBody" title="ResourceBody">ResourceBody</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ResourceDefaultExpression" title="ResourceDefaultExpression">ResourceDefaultExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ResourceExpression" title="ResourceExpression">ResourceExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ResourceOrHigher" title="ResourceOrHigher">ResourceOrHigher</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#SelectorEntries" title="SelectorEntries">SelectorEntries</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#UnlessExpression" title="UnlessExpression">UnlessExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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<rect x="49" y="133" width="122" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="49" y="177" width="72" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="49" y="221" width="152" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="49" y="309" width="160" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="49" y="353" width="124" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#PrimaryExpression" title="PrimaryExpression">PrimaryExpression</a>
::= <a href="#PrimaryValue" title="PrimaryValue">PrimaryValue</a>
| <a href="#IfExpression" title="IfExpression">IfExpression</a>
| <a href="#UnlessExpression" title="UnlessExpression">UnlessExpression</a>
| <a href="#CaseExpression" title="CaseExpression">CaseExpression</a>
| <a href="#Variable" title="Variable">Variable</a>
| <a href="#CollectionExpression" title="CollectionExpression">CollectionExpression</a>
| <a href="#CallFunctionExpression" title="CallFunctionExpression">CallFunctionExpression</a>
| <a href="#CallMethodExpression" title="CallMethodExpression">CallMethodExpression</a>
| <a href="#ApplyExpression" title="ApplyExpression">ApplyExpression</a>
| <a href="#BracketedExpression" title="BracketedExpression">BracketedExpression</a>
| <a href="#EppRenderExpression" title="EppRenderExpression">EppRenderExpression</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Definition">Definition:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="267" height="301">
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<rect x="49" y="45" width="134" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="49" y="221" width="110" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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::= <a href="#NodeDefinition" title="NodeDefinition">NodeDefinition</a>
| <a href="#FunctionDefinition" title="FunctionDefinition">FunctionDefinition</a>
| <a href="#HostClassDefinition" title="HostClassDefinition">HostClassDefinition</a>
| <a href="#ResourceTypeDefinition" title="ResourceTypeDefinition">ResourceTypeDefinition</a>
| <a href="#TypeAliasDefinition" title="TypeAliasDefinition">TypeAliasDefinition</a>
| <a href="#TypeDefinition" title="TypeDefinition">TypeDefinition</a>
| <a href="#PlanDefinition" title="PlanDefinition">PlanDefinition</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Statement" title="Statement">Statement</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="BracketedExpression">BracketedExpression:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="435" height="69">
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<xhtml:pre><a href="#BracketedExpression" title="BracketedExpression">BracketedExpression</a>
::= <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '[' <a href="#AccessArgs" title="AccessArgs">AccessArgs</a> ','? ']'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryExpression" title="PrimaryExpression">PrimaryExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="AccessArgs">AccessArgs:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="229" height="125">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#AccessArgs" title="AccessArgs">AccessArgs</a>
::= ( <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> | <a href="#HashPair" title="HashPair">HashPair</a> ) ( ',' ( <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> | <a href="#HashPair" title="HashPair">HashPair</a> ) )*</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#BracketedExpression" title="BracketedExpression">BracketedExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#TypeAliasDefinition" title="TypeAliasDefinition">TypeAliasDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#TypeSpecification" title="TypeSpecification">TypeSpecification</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="HashPair">HashPair:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="319" height="37">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#HashPair" title="HashPair">HashPair</a> ::= <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '=&gt;' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#AccessArgs" title="AccessArgs">AccessArgs</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Argument" title="Argument">Argument</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="CallFunctionExpression">CallFunctionExpression:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="643" height="101">
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<rect x="49" y="45" width="50" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="179" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="247" y="35" width="88" height="32"/>
<rect x="245" y="33" width="88" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="255" y="53">Arguments</text></a><rect x="375" y="67" width="24" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="373" y="65" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="383" y="85">,</text>
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<rect x="457" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="467" y="21">)</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Lambda" xlink:title="Lambda">
<rect x="525" y="35" width="70" height="32"/>
<rect x="523" y="33" width="70" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="533" y="53">Lambda</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m90 0 h10 m-130 0 h20 m110 0 h20 m-150 0 q10 0 10 10 m130 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-140 10 v24 m130 0 v-24 m-130 24 q0 10 10 10 m110 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-120 10 h10 m50 0 h10 m0 0 h40 m20 -44 h10 m26 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h182 m-212 0 h20 m192 0 h20 m-232 0 q10 0 10 10 m212 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-222 10 v12 m212 0 v-12 m-212 12 q0 10 10 10 m192 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-202 10 h10 m88 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h34 m-64 0 h20 m44 0 h20 m-84 0 q10 0 10 10 m64 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-74 10 v12 m64 0 v-12 m-64 12 q0 10 10 10 m44 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-54 10 h10 m24 0 h10 m40 -64 h10 m26 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h80 m-110 0 h20 m90 0 h20 m-130 0 q10 0 10 10 m110 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-120 10 v12 m110 0 v-12 m-110 12 q0 10 10 10 m90 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-100 10 h10 m70 0 h10 m23 -32 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#CallFunctionExpression" title="CallFunctionExpression">CallFunctionExpression</a>
::= ( <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> | 'type' ) '(' ( <a href="#Arguments" title="Arguments">Arguments</a> ','? )? ')' <a href="#Lambda" title="Lambda">Lambda</a>?</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryExpression" title="PrimaryExpression">PrimaryExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="ApplyExpression">ApplyExpression:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="689" height="101">
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<rect x="107" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="105" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="173" y="35" width="88" height="32"/>
<rect x="171" y="33" width="88" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="299" y="65" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="499" y="35" width="94" height="32"/>
<rect x="497" y="33" width="94" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="507" y="53">Statements</text></a><rect x="633" y="3" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#ApplyExpression" title="ApplyExpression">ApplyExpression</a>
::= 'apply' '(' ( <a href="#Arguments" title="Arguments">Arguments</a> ','? )? ')' '{' <a href="#Statements" title="Statements">Statements</a>? '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryExpression" title="PrimaryExpression">PrimaryExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="CallMethodExpression">CallMethodExpression:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="761" height="101">
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="90" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">Expression</text></a><rect x="141" y="3" width="24" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="139" y="1" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="149" y="21">.</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#NAME" xlink:title="NAME">
<rect x="205" y="3" width="54" height="32"/>
<rect x="203" y="1" width="54" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="203" y="45" width="50" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="213" y="65">type</text>
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<rect x="317" y="33" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="365" y="35" width="88" height="32"/>
<rect x="363" y="33" width="88" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="373" y="53">Arguments</text></a><rect x="493" y="67" width="24" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="491" y="65" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="501" y="85">,</text>
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<rect x="555" y="33" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="565" y="53">)</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Lambda" xlink:title="Lambda">
<rect x="643" y="35" width="70" height="32"/>
<rect x="641" y="33" width="70" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="651" y="53">Lambda</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m90 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m24 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m54 0 h10 m-94 0 h20 m74 0 h20 m-114 0 q10 0 10 10 m94 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-104 10 v24 m94 0 v-24 m-94 24 q0 10 10 10 m74 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-84 10 h10 m50 0 h10 m0 0 h4 m40 -44 h10 m0 0 h274 m-304 0 h20 m284 0 h20 m-324 0 q10 0 10 10 m304 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-314 10 v12 m304 0 v-12 m-304 12 q0 10 10 10 m284 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-294 10 h10 m26 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m88 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h34 m-64 0 h20 m44 0 h20 m-84 0 q10 0 10 10 m64 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-74 10 v12 m64 0 v-12 m-64 12 q0 10 10 10 m44 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-54 10 h10 m24 0 h10 m20 -32 h10 m26 0 h10 m40 -32 h10 m0 0 h80 m-110 0 h20 m90 0 h20 m-130 0 q10 0 10 10 m110 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-120 10 v12 m110 0 v-12 m-110 12 q0 10 10 10 m90 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-100 10 h10 m70 0 h10 m23 -32 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#CallMethodExpression" title="CallMethodExpression">CallMethodExpression</a>
::= <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '.' ( <a href="#NAME" title="NAME">NAME</a> | 'type' ) ( '(' <a href="#Arguments" title="Arguments">Arguments</a> ','? ')' )? <a href="#Lambda" title="Lambda">Lambda</a>?</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryExpression" title="PrimaryExpression">PrimaryExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Lambda">Lambda:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="731" height="101">
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<rect x="97" y="35" width="94" height="32"/>
<rect x="95" y="33" width="94" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="229" y="65" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="313" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="381" y="35" width="92" height="32"/>
<rect x="379" y="33" width="92" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="389" y="53">ReturnType</text></a><rect x="513" y="3" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="511" y="1" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="559" y="1" width="94" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="569" y="21">Statements</text></a><rect x="675" y="3" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#Lambda" title="Lambda">Lambda</a> ::= '|' ( <a href="#Parameters" title="Parameters">Parameters</a> ','? )? '|' <a href="#ReturnType" title="ReturnType">ReturnType</a>? '{' <a href="#Statements" title="Statements">Statements</a> '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#CallFunctionExpression" title="CallFunctionExpression">CallFunctionExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#CallMethodExpression" title="CallMethodExpression">CallMethodExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="ReturnType">ReturnType:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="249" height="37">
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<rect x="91" y="3" width="130" height="32"/>
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::= '&gt;&gt;' <a href="#TypeSpecification" title="TypeSpecification">TypeSpecification</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#FunctionDefinition" title="FunctionDefinition">FunctionDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Lambda" title="Lambda">Lambda</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="IfExpression">IfExpression:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="767" height="113">
<style type="text/css">
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<rect x="99" y="47" width="90" height="32"/>
<rect x="97" y="45" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="207" y="45" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="257" y="47" width="96" height="32"/>
<rect x="255" y="45" width="96" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="97" y="1" width="48" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="459" y="77" width="46" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="525" y="77" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="575" y="79" width="96" height="32"/>
<rect x="573" y="77" width="96" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="583" y="97">Expressions</text></a><rect x="691" y="79" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#IfExpression" title="IfExpression">IfExpression</a>
::= 'if' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '{' <a href="#Expressions" title="Expressions">Expressions</a> '}' ( 'elsif' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '{' <a href="#Expressions" title="Expressions">Expressions</a> '}' )* ( 'else' '{' <a href="#Expressions" title="Expressions">Expressions</a> '}' )?</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryExpression" title="PrimaryExpression">PrimaryExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="UnlessExpression">UnlessExpression:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="761" height="69">
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<rect x="113" y="3" width="90" height="32"/>
<rect x="111" y="1" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="519" y="33" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="529" y="53">{</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Expressions" xlink:title="Expressions">
<rect x="569" y="35" width="96" height="32"/>
<rect x="567" y="33" width="96" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="577" y="53">Expressions</text></a><rect x="685" y="35" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
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::= 'unless' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '{' <a href="#Expressions" title="Expressions">Expressions</a> '}' ( 'else' '{' <a href="#Expressions" title="Expressions">Expressions</a> '}' )?</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryExpression" title="PrimaryExpression">PrimaryExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="CaseExpression">CaseExpression:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="801" height="113">
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<rect x="101" y="63" width="90" height="32"/>
<rect x="99" y="61" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="317" y="61" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="317" y="17" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="447" y="61" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="457" y="81">:</text>
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<rect x="541" y="63" width="96" height="32"/>
<rect x="539" y="61" width="96" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="655" y="61" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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::= 'case' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '{' ( <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> ( ',' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> )* ':' '{' <a href="#Expressions" title="Expressions">Expressions</a> '}' )* '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryExpression" title="PrimaryExpression">PrimaryExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="SelectorEntries">SelectorEntries:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="619" height="173">
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<rect x="137" y="45" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:pre><a href="#SelectorEntries" title="SelectorEntries">SelectorEntries</a>
::= <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '=&gt;' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a>
| '{' ( <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '=&gt;' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> ( ',' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '=&gt;' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> )* ','? )? '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="NodeDefinition">NodeDefinition:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="829" height="113">
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text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #423500; stroke: #423500;}
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFF7D6; stroke: #423500;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
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<rect x="29" y="45" width="52" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="123" y="47" width="86" height="32"/>
<rect x="121" y="45" width="86" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="131" y="65">HostMatch</text></a><rect x="123" y="3" width="24" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="121" y="1" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="267" y="77" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="351" y="77" width="72" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="361" y="97">inherits</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#HostMatch" xlink:title="HostMatch">
<rect x="445" y="79" width="86" height="32"/>
<rect x="443" y="77" width="86" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="453" y="97">HostMatch</text></a><rect x="571" y="47" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="569" y="45" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="579" y="65">{</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Statements" xlink:title="Statements">
<rect x="639" y="79" width="94" height="32"/>
<rect x="637" y="77" width="94" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="647" y="97">Statements</text></a><rect x="773" y="47" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="771" y="45" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="781" y="65">}</text>
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<polygon points="819 61 811 57 811 65"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#NodeDefinition" title="NodeDefinition">NodeDefinition</a>
::= 'node' <a href="#HostMatch" title="HostMatch">HostMatch</a> ( ',' <a href="#HostMatch" title="HostMatch">HostMatch</a> )* ','? ( 'inherits' <a href="#HostMatch" title="HostMatch">HostMatch</a> )? '{' <a href="#Statements" title="Statements">Statements</a>? '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Definition" title="Definition">Definition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="HostMatch">HostMatch:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="249" height="257">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2; }
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #423500; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #423500; stroke: #423500;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFF0B3; stroke: #423500;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFF7D6; stroke: #423500;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
<polygon points="9 61 1 57 1 65"/>
<polygon points="17 61 9 57 9 65"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#NAME" xlink:title="NAME">
<rect x="91" y="47" width="54" height="32"/>
<rect x="89" y="45" width="54" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="99" y="65">NAME</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Number" xlink:title="Number">
<rect x="91" y="91" width="70" height="32"/>
<rect x="89" y="89" width="70" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="99" y="109">Number</text></a><rect x="71" y="3" width="24" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="69" y="1" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="79" y="21">.</text>
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<rect x="49" y="133" width="68" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="153">default</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#String" xlink:title="String">
<rect x="51" y="179" width="58" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="177" width="58" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="197">String</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Regexp" xlink:title="Regexp">
<rect x="51" y="223" width="66" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="221" width="66" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="241">Regexp</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 61 h2 m60 0 h10 m54 0 h10 m0 0 h16 m-110 0 h20 m90 0 h20 m-130 0 q10 0 10 10 m110 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-120 10 v24 m110 0 v-24 m-110 24 q0 10 10 10 m90 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-100 10 h10 m70 0 h10 m-130 -44 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 10 -10 m130 44 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-130 0 h10 m24 0 h10 m0 0 h86 m-170 44 h20 m170 0 h20 m-210 0 q10 0 10 10 m190 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-200 10 v68 m190 0 v-68 m-190 68 q0 10 10 10 m170 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-180 10 h10 m68 0 h10 m0 0 h82 m-180 -10 v20 m190 0 v-20 m-190 20 v24 m190 0 v-24 m-190 24 q0 10 10 10 m170 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-180 10 h10 m58 0 h10 m0 0 h92 m-180 -10 v20 m190 0 v-20 m-190 20 v24 m190 0 v-24 m-190 24 q0 10 10 10 m170 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-180 10 h10 m66 0 h10 m0 0 h84 m23 -176 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="239 61 231 57 231 65"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#HostMatch" title="HostMatch">HostMatch</a>
::= ( <a href="#NAME" title="NAME">NAME</a> | <a href="#Number" title="Number">Number</a> ) ( '.' ( <a href="#NAME" title="NAME">NAME</a> | <a href="#Number" title="Number">Number</a> ) )*
| 'default'
| <a href="#String" title="String">String</a>
| <a href="#Regexp" title="Regexp">Regexp</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#NodeDefinition" title="NodeDefinition">NodeDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="FunctionDefinition">FunctionDefinition:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="909" height="101">
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.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2; }
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.filled {fill: #423500; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #423500; stroke: #423500;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFF0B3; stroke: #423500;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFF7D6; stroke: #423500;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="31" y="3" width="74" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="74" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">function</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#NAME" xlink:title="NAME">
<rect x="125" y="3" width="54" height="32"/>
<rect x="123" y="1" width="54" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="133" y="21">NAME</text></a><rect x="219" y="35" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="217" y="33" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="227" y="53">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#ParameterList" xlink:title="ParameterList">
<rect x="285" y="67" width="108" height="32"/>
<rect x="283" y="65" width="108" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="293" y="85">ParameterList</text></a><rect x="433" y="35" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="431" y="33" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="441" y="53">)</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#ReturnType" xlink:title="ReturnType">
<rect x="519" y="35" width="92" height="32"/>
<rect x="517" y="33" width="92" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="527" y="53">ReturnType</text></a><rect x="651" y="3" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="649" y="1" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="659" y="21">{</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Statements" xlink:title="Statements">
<rect x="719" y="35" width="94" height="32"/>
<rect x="717" y="33" width="94" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="727" y="53">Statements</text></a><rect x="853" y="3" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="851" y="1" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="861" y="21">}</text>
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<polygon points="899 17 891 13 891 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#FunctionDefinition" title="FunctionDefinition">FunctionDefinition</a>
::= 'function' <a href="#NAME" title="NAME">NAME</a> ( '(' <a href="#ParameterList" title="ParameterList">ParameterList</a>? ')' )? <a href="#ReturnType" title="ReturnType">ReturnType</a>? '{' <a href="#Statements" title="Statements">Statements</a>? '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Definition" title="Definition">Definition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="HostClassDefinition">HostClassDefinition:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="863" height="101">
<style type="text/css">
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.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2; }
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #423500; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #423500; stroke: #423500;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFF0B3; stroke: #423500;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFF7D6; stroke: #423500;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="52" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="52" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">class</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#NAME" xlink:title="NAME">
<rect x="103" y="3" width="54" height="32"/>
<rect x="101" y="1" width="54" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="111" y="21">NAME</text></a><rect x="197" y="35" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="195" y="33" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="205" y="53">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#ParameterList" xlink:title="ParameterList">
<rect x="263" y="67" width="108" height="32"/>
<rect x="261" y="65" width="108" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="271" y="85">ParameterList</text></a><rect x="411" y="35" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="409" y="33" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="419" y="53">)</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Inherits" xlink:title="Inherits">
<rect x="497" y="35" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="495" y="33" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="505" y="53">Inherits</text></a><rect x="605" y="3" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="603" y="1" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="613" y="21">{</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Statements" xlink:title="Statements">
<rect x="673" y="35" width="94" height="32"/>
<rect x="671" y="33" width="94" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="681" y="53">Statements</text></a><rect x="807" y="3" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="805" y="1" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="815" y="21">}</text>
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<polygon points="853 17 845 13 845 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#HostClassDefinition" title="HostClassDefinition">HostClassDefinition</a>
::= 'class' <a href="#NAME" title="NAME">NAME</a> ( '(' <a href="#ParameterList" title="ParameterList">ParameterList</a>? ')' )? <a href="#Inherits" title="Inherits">Inherits</a>? '{' <a href="#Statements" title="Statements">Statements</a>? '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Definition" title="Definition">Definition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Inherits">Inherits:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="301" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
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.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2; }
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #423500; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #423500; stroke: #423500;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFF0B3; stroke: #423500;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFF7D6; stroke: #423500;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
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<rect x="29" y="1" width="72" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">inherits</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#ClassNameOrDefault" xlink:title="ClassNameOrDefault">
<rect x="123" y="3" width="150" height="32"/>
<rect x="121" y="1" width="150" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="131" y="21">ClassNameOrDefault</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m72 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m150 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="291 17 299 13 299 21"/>
<polygon points="291 17 283 13 283 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#Inherits" title="Inherits">Inherits</a> ::= 'inherits' <a href="#ClassNameOrDefault" title="ClassNameOrDefault">ClassNameOrDefault</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HostClassDefinition" title="HostClassDefinition">HostClassDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="ResourceTypeDefinition">ResourceTypeDefinition:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="745" height="101">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #423500;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2; }
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #423500; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #423500; stroke: #423500;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFF0B3; stroke: #423500;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFF7D6; stroke: #423500;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
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<rect x="111" y="1" width="54" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="121" y="21">NAME</text></a><rect x="207" y="35" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="205" y="33" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="273" y="67" width="108" height="32"/>
<rect x="271" y="65" width="108" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="281" y="85">ParameterList</text></a><rect x="421" y="35" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="419" y="33" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="429" y="53">)</text>
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<rect x="485" y="1" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="495" y="21">{</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Statements" xlink:title="Statements">
<rect x="555" y="35" width="94" height="32"/>
<rect x="553" y="33" width="94" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="563" y="53">Statements</text></a><rect x="689" y="3" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="687" y="1" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="697" y="21">}</text>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#ResourceTypeDefinition" title="ResourceTypeDefinition">ResourceTypeDefinition</a>
::= 'define' <a href="#NAME" title="NAME">NAME</a> ( '(' <a href="#ParameterList" title="ParameterList">ParameterList</a>? ')' )? '{' <a href="#Statements" title="Statements">Statements</a>? '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Definition" title="Definition">Definition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="PlanDefinition">PlanDefinition:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="731" height="101">
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<rect x="99" y="3" width="54" height="32"/>
<rect x="97" y="1" width="54" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="191" y="33" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="259" y="67" width="108" height="32"/>
<rect x="257" y="65" width="108" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="267" y="85">ParameterList</text></a><rect x="407" y="35" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="405" y="33" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="415" y="53">)</text>
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<rect x="471" y="1" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="541" y="35" width="94" height="32"/>
<rect x="539" y="33" width="94" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="549" y="53">Statements</text></a><rect x="675" y="3" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#PlanDefinition" title="PlanDefinition">PlanDefinition</a>
::= 'plan' <a href="#NAME" title="NAME">NAME</a> ( '(' <a href="#ParameterList" title="ParameterList">ParameterList</a>? ')' )? '{' <a href="#Statements" title="Statements">Statements</a>? '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Definition" title="Definition">Definition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="TypeAliasDefinition">TypeAliasDefinition:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="737" height="233">
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<rect x="101" y="3" width="86" height="32"/>
<rect x="99" y="1" width="86" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="109" y="21">TYPENAME</text></a><rect x="207" y="3" width="30" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="205" y="1" width="30" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="277" y="3" width="86" height="32"/>
<rect x="275" y="1" width="86" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="285" y="21">TYPENAME</text></a><rect x="403" y="35" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="401" y="33" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="411" y="53">[</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#AccessArgs" xlink:title="AccessArgs">
<rect x="449" y="35" width="90" height="32"/>
<rect x="447" y="33" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="457" y="53">AccessArgs</text></a><rect x="579" y="67" width="24" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="577" y="65" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="587" y="85">,</text>
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<rect x="641" y="33" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="651" y="53">]</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Hash" xlink:title="Hash">
<rect x="403" y="111" width="52" height="32"/>
<rect x="401" y="109" width="52" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="411" y="129">Hash</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Hash" xlink:title="Hash">
<rect x="277" y="155" width="52" height="32"/>
<rect x="275" y="153" width="52" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="285" y="173">Hash</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Array" xlink:title="Array">
<rect x="277" y="199" width="54" height="32"/>
<rect x="275" y="197" width="54" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#TypeAliasDefinition" title="TypeAliasDefinition">TypeAliasDefinition</a>
::= 'type' <a href="#TYPENAME" title="TYPENAME">TYPENAME</a> '=' ( <a href="#TYPENAME" title="TYPENAME">TYPENAME</a> ( '[' <a href="#AccessArgs" title="AccessArgs">AccessArgs</a> ','? ']' | <a href="#Hash" title="Hash">Hash</a> )? | <a href="#Hash" title="Hash">Hash</a> | <a href="#Array" title="Array">Array</a> )</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Definition" title="Definition">Definition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="TypeDefinition">TypeDefinition:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="731" height="69">
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<rect x="101" y="3" width="86" height="32"/>
<rect x="99" y="1" width="86" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="109" y="21">TYPENAME</text></a><rect x="227" y="35" width="72" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="225" y="33" width="72" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="319" y="35" width="86" height="32"/>
<rect x="317" y="33" width="86" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="327" y="53">TYPENAME</text></a><rect x="445" y="3" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="443" y="1" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="453" y="21">{</text>
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<rect x="491" y="1" width="162" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="501" y="21">«🚫 future reserved»</text>
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<rect x="673" y="1" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="683" y="21">}</text>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#TypeDefinition" title="TypeDefinition">TypeDefinition</a>
::= 'type' <a href="#TYPENAME" title="TYPENAME">TYPENAME</a> ( 'inherits' <a href="#TYPENAME" title="TYPENAME">TYPENAME</a> )? '{' '«🚫 future reserved»' '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Definition" title="Definition">Definition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="TypeSpecification">TypeSpecification:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="471" height="101">
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text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="86" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="86" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">TYPENAME</text></a><rect x="157" y="35" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="155" y="33" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="165" y="53">[</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#AccessArgs" xlink:title="AccessArgs">
<rect x="203" y="35" width="90" height="32"/>
<rect x="201" y="33" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="211" y="53">AccessArgs</text></a><rect x="333" y="67" width="24" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="331" y="65" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="341" y="85">,</text>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#TypeSpecification" title="TypeSpecification">TypeSpecification</a>
::= <a href="#TYPENAME" title="TYPENAME">TYPENAME</a> ( '[' <a href="#AccessArgs" title="AccessArgs">AccessArgs</a> ','? ']' )?</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Parameter" title="Parameter">Parameter</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ReturnType" title="ReturnType">ReturnType</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="ParameterList">ParameterList:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="269" height="113">
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polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
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<rect x="51" y="47" width="86" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="86" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">Parameter</text></a><rect x="51" y="3" width="24" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="21">,</text>
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<xhtml:pre><a href="#ParameterList" title="ParameterList">ParameterList</a>
::= <a href="#Parameter" title="Parameter">Parameter</a> ( ',' <a href="#Parameter" title="Parameter">Parameter</a> )* ','?</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#FunctionDefinition" title="FunctionDefinition">FunctionDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HostClassDefinition" title="HostClassDefinition">HostClassDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PlanDefinition" title="PlanDefinition">PlanDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ResourceTypeDefinition" title="ResourceTypeDefinition">ResourceTypeDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Parameter">Parameter:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="609" height="69">
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<rect x="51" y="35" width="130" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="33" width="130" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="53">TypeSpecification</text></a><rect x="241" y="35" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="239" y="33" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="309" y="3" width="72" height="32"/>
<rect x="307" y="1" width="72" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="419" y="33" width="30" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="471" y="35" width="90" height="32"/>
<rect x="469" y="33" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<polygon points="599 17 591 13 591 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#Parameter" title="Parameter">Parameter</a>
::= <a href="#TypeSpecification" title="TypeSpecification">TypeSpecification</a>? '*'? <a href="#Variable" title="Variable">Variable</a> ( '=' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> )?</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ParameterList" title="ParameterList">ParameterList</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="CollectionExpression">CollectionExpression:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="811" height="145">
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="90" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">Expression</text></a><rect x="161" y="3" width="46" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="159" y="1" width="46" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="247" y="35" width="90" height="32"/>
<rect x="245" y="33" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="255" y="53">Expression</text></a><rect x="377" y="3" width="46" height="32" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="237" y="111" width="90" height="32"/>
<rect x="235" y="109" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="245" y="129">Expression</text></a><rect x="367" y="79" width="36" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="365" y="77" width="36" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="481" y="33" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="551" y="67" width="144" height="32"/>
<rect x="549" y="65" width="144" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="559" y="85">AttributeOperations</text></a><rect x="735" y="35" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#CollectionExpression" title="CollectionExpression">CollectionExpression</a>
::= <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> ( '&lt;&lt;|' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a>? '|&gt;&gt;' | '&lt;|' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a>? '|&gt;' ) ( '{' <a href="#AttributeOperations" title="AttributeOperations">AttributeOperations</a>? '}' )?</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryExpression" title="PrimaryExpression">PrimaryExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Variable">Variable:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="249" height="71">
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<text class="terminal" x="39" y="55">$</text>
<rect x="99" y="3" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="97" y="1" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="107" y="21">_</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#NAME" xlink:title="NAME">
<rect x="167" y="37" width="54" height="32"/>
<rect x="165" y="35" width="54" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<polygon points="239 51 231 47 231 55"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#Variable" title="Variable">Variable</a> ::= '$' '_'* <a href="#NAME" title="NAME">NAME</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#MultiAssignmentExpression" title="MultiAssignmentExpression">MultiAssignmentExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Parameter" title="Parameter">Parameter</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryExpression" title="PrimaryExpression">PrimaryExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#SingleAssignmentExpression" title="SingleAssignmentExpression">SingleAssignmentExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="PrimaryValue">PrimaryValue:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="185" height="477">
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<rect x="51" y="3" width="58" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="58" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">String</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Number" xlink:title="Number">
<rect x="51" y="47" width="70" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="70" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">Number</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Regexp" xlink:title="Regexp">
<rect x="51" y="91" width="66" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="89" width="66" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="109">Regexp</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Boolean" xlink:title="Boolean">
<rect x="51" y="135" width="72" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="133" width="72" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="153">Boolean</text></a><rect x="51" y="179" width="58" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="177" width="58" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="197">undef</text>
<rect x="51" y="223" width="68" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="221" width="68" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="241">default</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#NAME" xlink:title="NAME">
<rect x="51" y="267" width="54" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="265" width="54" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="285">NAME</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#TYPENAME" xlink:title="TYPENAME">
<rect x="51" y="311" width="86" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="309" width="86" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="329">TYPENAME</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Heredoc" xlink:title="Heredoc">
<rect x="51" y="355" width="72" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="353" width="72" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="373">Heredoc</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Array" xlink:title="Array">
<rect x="51" y="399" width="54" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="397" width="54" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="417">Array</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#Hash" xlink:title="Hash">
<rect x="51" y="443" width="52" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="441" width="52" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="461">Hash</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m58 0 h10 m0 0 h28 m-126 0 h20 m106 0 h20 m-146 0 q10 0 10 10 m126 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-136 10 v24 m126 0 v-24 m-126 24 q0 10 10 10 m106 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-116 10 h10 m70 0 h10 m0 0 h16 m-116 -10 v20 m126 0 v-20 m-126 20 v24 m126 0 v-24 m-126 24 q0 10 10 10 m106 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-116 10 h10 m66 0 h10 m0 0 h20 m-116 -10 v20 m126 0 v-20 m-126 20 v24 m126 0 v-24 m-126 24 q0 10 10 10 m106 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-116 10 h10 m72 0 h10 m0 0 h14 m-116 -10 v20 m126 0 v-20 m-126 20 v24 m126 0 v-24 m-126 24 q0 10 10 10 m106 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-116 10 h10 m58 0 h10 m0 0 h28 m-116 -10 v20 m126 0 v-20 m-126 20 v24 m126 0 v-24 m-126 24 q0 10 10 10 m106 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-116 10 h10 m68 0 h10 m0 0 h18 m-116 -10 v20 m126 0 v-20 m-126 20 v24 m126 0 v-24 m-126 24 q0 10 10 10 m106 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-116 10 h10 m54 0 h10 m0 0 h32 m-116 -10 v20 m126 0 v-20 m-126 20 v24 m126 0 v-24 m-126 24 q0 10 10 10 m106 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-116 10 h10 m86 0 h10 m-116 -10 v20 m126 0 v-20 m-126 20 v24 m126 0 v-24 m-126 24 q0 10 10 10 m106 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-116 10 h10 m72 0 h10 m0 0 h14 m-116 -10 v20 m126 0 v-20 m-126 20 v24 m126 0 v-24 m-126 24 q0 10 10 10 m106 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-116 10 h10 m54 0 h10 m0 0 h32 m-116 -10 v20 m126 0 v-20 m-126 20 v24 m126 0 v-24 m-126 24 q0 10 10 10 m106 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-116 10 h10 m52 0 h10 m0 0 h34 m23 -440 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#PrimaryValue" title="PrimaryValue">PrimaryValue</a>
::= <a href="#String" title="String">String</a>
| <a href="#Number" title="Number">Number</a>
| <a href="#Regexp" title="Regexp">Regexp</a>
| <a href="#Boolean" title="Boolean">Boolean</a>
| 'undef'
| 'default'
| <a href="#NAME" title="NAME">NAME</a>
| <a href="#TYPENAME" title="TYPENAME">TYPENAME</a>
| <a href="#Heredoc" title="Heredoc">Heredoc</a>
| <a href="#Array" title="Array">Array</a>
| <a href="#Hash" title="Hash">Hash</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryExpression" title="PrimaryExpression">PrimaryExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Array">Array:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="405" height="129">
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text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
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font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #423500; stroke: #423500;}
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<rect x="117" y="47" width="90" height="32"/>
<rect x="115" y="45" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="115" y="1" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#Array" title="Array">Array</a> ::= '[' ( <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> ( ',' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> )* ','? )? ']'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryValue" title="PrimaryValue">PrimaryValue</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#TypeAliasDefinition" title="TypeAliasDefinition">TypeAliasDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Hash">Hash:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="579" height="129">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#Hash" title="Hash">Hash</a> ::= '{' ( <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '=&gt;' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> ( ',' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '=&gt;' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> )* ','? )? '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryValue" title="PrimaryValue">PrimaryValue</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#TypeAliasDefinition" title="TypeAliasDefinition">TypeAliasDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Number">Number:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="165" height="81">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#Number" title="Number">Number</a> ::= <a href="#Float" title="Float">Float</a>
| <a href="#Integer" title="Integer">Integer</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HostMatch" title="HostMatch">HostMatch</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryValue" title="PrimaryValue">PrimaryValue</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Float">Float:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="663" height="113">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#Float" title="Float">Float</a> ::= [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]+ ( [eE] '-'? [0-9]+ )?</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Number" title="Number">Number</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Integer">Integer:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="203" height="125">
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<polygon points="193 17 185 13 185 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#Integer" title="Integer">Integer</a> ::= <a href="#HexValue" title="HexValue">HexValue</a>
| <a href="#OctalValue" title="OctalValue">OctalValue</a>
| <a href="#DecimalValue" title="DecimalValue">DecimalValue</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Number" title="Number">Number</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="HexValue">HexValue:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="279" height="97">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#HexValue" title="HexValue">HexValue</a> ::= '0' [xX] <a href="#HEX" title="HEX">HEX</a>+</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Integer" title="Integer">Integer</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="HEX">HEX:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="161" height="125">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#HEX" title="HEX">HEX</a> ::= [0-9a-fA-F]</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HexValue" title="HexValue">HexValue</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#UnicodeSpec" title="UnicodeSpec">UnicodeSpec</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="OctalValue">OctalValue:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="209" height="53">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#OctalValue" title="OctalValue">OctalValue</a>
::= '0' [0-7]+</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Integer" title="Integer">Integer</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="DecimalValue">DecimalValue:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="243" height="71">
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::= [1-9] [0-9]*</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
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| <a href="#DoubleQuotedString" title="DoubleQuotedString">DoubleQuotedString</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HostMatch" title="HostMatch">HostMatch</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryValue" title="PrimaryValue">PrimaryValue</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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::= "'" ( [^'\] | '\' ( "'" | '\' | [^'\] ) )* "'"</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#String" title="String">String</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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::= '"' ( [^$"\] | '\' ( ["'\rnts$] | 'u' <a href="#UnicodeSpec" title="UnicodeSpec">UnicodeSpec</a> | [^"'\rnts$u] ) | '$' <a href="#NAME" title="NAME">NAME</a> | '${' <a href="#Expression" title="Expression">Expression</a> '}' )* '"'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
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</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="UnicodeSpec">UnicodeSpec:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="759" height="241">
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::= <a href="#HEX" title="HEX">HEX</a> <a href="#HEX" title="HEX">HEX</a> <a href="#HEX" title="HEX">HEX</a> <a href="#HEX" title="HEX">HEX</a>
| '{' <a href="#HEX" title="HEX">HEX</a> ( <a href="#HEX" title="HEX">HEX</a> ( <a href="#HEX" title="HEX">HEX</a> ( <a href="#HEX" title="HEX">HEX</a> ( <a href="#HEX" title="HEX">HEX</a> <a href="#HEX" title="HEX">HEX</a>? )? )? )? )? '}'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#DoubleQuotedString" title="DoubleQuotedString">DoubleQuotedString</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Heredoc">Heredoc:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="711" height="69">
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font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#Heredoc" title="Heredoc">Heredoc</a> ::= '@(' <a href="#HeredocStart" title="HeredocStart">HeredocStart</a> ')' <a href="#NonHeredocTail" title="NonHeredocTail">NonHeredocTail</a>? <a href="#LineEnding" title="LineEnding">LineEnding</a> <a href="#HeredocBodyLines" title="HeredocBodyLines">HeredocBodyLines</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryValue" title="PrimaryValue">PrimaryValue</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="HeredocStart">HeredocStart:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="977" height="87">
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font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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font-size: 12px;
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polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
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<rect x="163" y="35" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<text class="nonterminal" x="237" y="21">Spaces</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#HeredocSyntax" xlink:title="HeredocSyntax">
<rect x="333" y="37" width="116" height="32"/>
<rect x="331" y="35" width="116" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="341" y="55">HeredocSyntax</text></a><rect x="509" y="37" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="575" y="1" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="585" y="21">Spaces</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#HeredocEscapes" xlink:title="HeredocEscapes">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#HeredocStart" title="HeredocStart">HeredocStart</a>
::= <a href="#HeredocTag" title="HeredocTag">HeredocTag</a> ( ':' <a href="#Spaces" title="Spaces">Spaces</a>* <a href="#HeredocSyntax" title="HeredocSyntax">HeredocSyntax</a> )? ( '/' <a href="#Spaces" title="Spaces">Spaces</a>* <a href="#HeredocEscapes" title="HeredocEscapes">HeredocEscapes</a> )? <a href="#Spaces" title="Spaces">Spaces</a>*
/* ws: explicit */</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Heredoc" title="Heredoc">Heredoc</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="HeredocTag">HeredocTag:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="405" height="185">
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text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
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rect, circle, polygon {fill: #423500; stroke: #423500;}
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFF7D6; stroke: #423500;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
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<rect x="325" y="17" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="331" y="85" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#HeredocTag" title="HeredocTag">HeredocTag</a>
::= "'" [^:/)'#x0000-#x001F]+ "'"
| '"' [^:/)"#x0000-#x001F]+ '"'
| [^:/)#x0000-#x001F]+
/* ws: explicit */</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HeredocEnd" title="HeredocEnd">HeredocEnd</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HeredocStart" title="HeredocStart">HeredocStart</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="NonHeredocTail">NonHeredocTail:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="211" height="53">
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.filled {fill: #423500; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #423500; stroke: #423500;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFF0B3; stroke: #423500;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFF7D6; stroke: #423500;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
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<rect x="51" y="19" width="112" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="17" width="112" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#NonHeredocTail" title="NonHeredocTail">NonHeredocTail</a>
::= <a href="#NotLineEnding" title="NotLineEnding">NotLineEnding</a>+
/* ws: explicit */</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Heredoc" title="Heredoc">Heredoc</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="HeredocBodyLines">HeredocBodyLines:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="345" height="71">
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.filled {fill: #423500; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #423500; stroke: #423500;}
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFF7D6; stroke: #423500;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
<polygon points="9 51 1 47 1 55"/>
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<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">HeredocBodyLine</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#HeredocEnd" xlink:title="HeredocEnd">
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<text class="nonterminal" x="229" y="55">HeredocEnd</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 51 h2 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h140 m-170 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 10 -10 m150 34 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-150 0 h10 m130 0 h10 m20 34 h10 m96 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#HeredocBodyLines" title="HeredocBodyLines">HeredocBodyLines</a>
::= <a href="#HeredocBodyLine" title="HeredocBodyLine">HeredocBodyLine</a>* <a href="#HeredocEnd" title="HeredocEnd">HeredocEnd</a></xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Heredoc" title="Heredoc">Heredoc</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="HeredocBodyLine">HeredocBodyLine:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="321" height="71">
<style type="text/css">
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.filled {fill: #423500; stroke: none;}
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #423500; stroke: #423500;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFF0B3; stroke: #423500;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFF7D6; stroke: #423500;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
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<rect x="201" y="35" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#HeredocBodyLine" title="HeredocBodyLine">HeredocBodyLine</a>
::= <a href="#NotLineEnding" title="NotLineEnding">NotLineEnding</a>* <a href="#LineEnding" title="LineEnding">LineEnding</a>
/* ws: explicit */</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HeredocBodyLines" title="HeredocBodyLines">HeredocBodyLines</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="NotLineEnding">NotLineEnding:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="209" height="37">
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text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
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polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
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<xhtml:pre><a href="#NotLineEnding" title="NotLineEnding">NotLineEnding</a>
::= [^#x000D#x000A]</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HeredocBodyLine" title="HeredocBodyLine">HeredocBodyLine</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#NonHeredocTail" title="NonHeredocTail">NonHeredocTail</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="HeredocEnd">HeredocEnd:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="807" height="87">
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<xhtml:pre><a href="#HeredocEnd" title="HeredocEnd">HeredocEnd</a>
::= <a href="#Spaces" title="Spaces">Spaces</a>* ( '|' <a href="#Spaces" title="Spaces">Spaces</a>* )? ( '-' <a href="#Spaces" title="Spaces">Spaces</a>* )? <a href="#HeredocTag" title="HeredocTag">HeredocTag</a> <a href="#LineEnding" title="LineEnding">LineEnding</a>
/* ws: explicit */</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HeredocBodyLines" title="HeredocBodyLines">HeredocBodyLines</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="HeredocSyntax">HeredocSyntax:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="263" height="53">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#HeredocSyntax" title="HeredocSyntax">HeredocSyntax</a>
::= [^)/#x0000-#x001F]+</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HeredocStart" title="HeredocStart">HeredocStart</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="HeredocEscapes">HeredocEscapes:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="167" height="317">
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polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#HeredocEscapes" title="HeredocEscapes">HeredocEscapes</a>
::= [trnsuL$]+</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HeredocStart" title="HeredocStart">HeredocStart</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Boolean">Boolean:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="151" height="81">
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polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#Boolean" title="Boolean">Boolean</a> ::= 'true'
| 'false'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryValue" title="PrimaryValue">PrimaryValue</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="Regexp">Regexp:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="393" height="69">
<style type="text/css">
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #423500; stroke: #423500;}
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFF7D6; stroke: #423500;}
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polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
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<text class="regexp" x="132" y="37">[^/#x0000-#x001F]</text>
<rect x="337" y="19" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="335" y="17" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#Regexp" title="Regexp">Regexp</a> ::= '/' [^/#x0000-#x001F]* '/'
/* ws: explicit */</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HostMatch" title="HostMatch">HostMatch</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryValue" title="PrimaryValue">PrimaryValue</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="NAME">NAME:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="371" height="279">
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polygon.regexp {fill: #FFFAE7; stroke: #423500;}
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<rect x="239" y="45" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="141" y="3" width="30" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="139" y="1" width="30" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf">
<xhtml:pre><a href="#NAME" title="NAME">NAME</a> ::= '::'? [a-z] [a-zA-Z0-9_]* ( '::' [a-z] [a-zA-Z0-9_]* )*
/* ws: explicit */</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#AttributeOperations" title="AttributeOperations">AttributeOperations</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#CallMethodExpression" title="CallMethodExpression">CallMethodExpression</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#DoubleQuotedString" title="DoubleQuotedString">DoubleQuotedString</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#FunctionDefinition" title="FunctionDefinition">FunctionDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HostClassDefinition" title="HostClassDefinition">HostClassDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HostMatch" title="HostMatch">HostMatch</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PlanDefinition" title="PlanDefinition">PlanDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryValue" title="PrimaryValue">PrimaryValue</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ResourceTypeDefinition" title="ResourceTypeDefinition">ResourceTypeDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#Variable" title="Variable">Variable</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="TYPENAME">TYPENAME:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="373" height="279">
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<xhtml:pre><a href="#TYPENAME" title="TYPENAME">TYPENAME</a> ::= '::'? [A-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9_]* ( '::' [A-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9_]* )*
/* ws: explicit */</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PrimaryValue" title="PrimaryValue">PrimaryValue</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#TypeAliasDefinition" title="TypeAliasDefinition">TypeAliasDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#TypeDefinition" title="TypeDefinition">TypeDefinition</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#TypeSpecification" title="TypeSpecification">TypeSpecification</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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| 'or'
| 'in'
| 'node'
| 'class'
| 'define'
| 'function'
| 'if'
| 'else'
| 'elsif'
| 'unless'
| 'case'
| 'type'
| 'attr'
| 'private'
| 'inherits'
| 'undef'
| 'default'
| 'consumes'
| 'produces'
| 'application'
| 'site'</xhtml:pre>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#AttributeOperations" title="AttributeOperations">AttributeOperations</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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| 'apply'</xhtml:pre>
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<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#PuppetProgram" title="PuppetProgram">PuppetProgram</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HeredocBodyLine" title="HeredocBodyLine">HeredocBodyLine</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#HeredocStart" title="HeredocStart">HeredocStart</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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