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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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Load balancer in Honeydew - $ for variables, no $ for queues

Load Balancer Example (puppetized)

The first part - ChangeRequest is a generic plan that holds on to a set of values of type T (given when plan is instantiated), and emits the changed set whenever it changes.

type AddRemove = Enum['add', 'remove']
type ChangeRequest[T] = Struct[{'kind' => AddRemove, 'value' => T }]

plan ChangeableSet[T] {
  input  ChangeRequest[T] requests
  output Array[T]         changes
  public Array[T] $the_set = []
  action add {
    $c       <- requests where $c.type == 'add' && ! $c.value in $the_set
    $the_set -> changes
    $the_set = $the_set + $c.value
  action remove {
    $c       <- requests where $c.type == 'remove' && $c.value in $the_set
    $the_set -> changes
    $the_set = $the_set - $c.value
  # If there is a request, and neither add nor remove
  # are enabled, then the request is for an addition of something
  # already present, or a removal of something not present.
  # Such requests are simply ignored.
  action drop_ignored_requests {
    $c <- requests where ! (add || remove)
    $c -> drain


The LoadBalancer part uses the ChangeableSet to handle requests to add or remove front ends or back ends.

Several of the types defined in this example should be defined in a Net module - e.g. Ip, Port, etc.

plan LoadBalancer {
  type FrontEnd {
    attr String[1]  protocol
    attr String[1]  domain
    attr Integer[1] port
  type Ip = Pattern[/[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}/]
  type BackEnd {
    attr NotUndef protocol
    attr NotUndef domain
    attr Variant[Default, Integer] port
    attr Ip host_ip
  type LoadBalancerData = Variant[FrontEnd, BackEnd]
  input ChangeRequest[LoadBalancerData] requests
  $front_ends = new ChangeableSet[FrontEnd]
  $back_ends = new ChangeableSet[BackEnd]
  queue NotUndef[Any] change
  queue Array[Tuple[FrontEnd, BackEnd]] front_ends_by_backend_ip
  function matching_rows() {
   ($front_ends.the_set * $back_ends.the_set).filter | $fe, $be | {
      [$fe.protocol, $fe.domain, $fe.port] =~ [$be.protocol, $be.domain, $be.port]
  function group_by_ip(Array[Tuple[FrontEnd, BackEnd]] $tuples) {
    $tuples.group_by |$fe,$be| { $be.ip }
  action route_fe_change {
    $r <- requests where $r.value =~ FrontEnd
    $r -> $front_ends.requests
  action route_be_change {
    $r <- requests where $r.value =~ BackEnd
    $r -> $back_ends.requests
  action change_in_fe {
    $c <- $front_ends.changes
    $c -> change
  action change_in_be {
    $c <- $back_ends.changes
    $c -> change
  action match_frontends_backends {
    $c <- change[all] after 10s
    matching_rows.group_by_ip -> front_ends_by_backend_ip
  action update_load_balancer {
    # Not sure how this is done - producing a file with a specific format?
    # What differs between different load balancers? Derive different plans
    # Produce a File resource? If so, where? How produces?
    # How to report the change? 
    $map <- front_ends_by_backend_ip
    # do stuff here

  • FrontEnd and Backend could be resources
  • Is the LoadBalancer a Provider for a LoadBalancer Resource? (Seems useful to be able to discover a physical loadbalancer's configuration.
  • group_by() function is the same as the one in Ruby - we do not have that in puppet yet
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changed the @t syntax to use 'after t'

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