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Last active January 20, 2022 16:36
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LaunchBar 6 API stubs (for ternjs)
* LaunchBar Javascript API (see
* For use with auto-completion libraries.
// Included to hide "unused function" warnings
// String amendments
* @type {string}
String.prototype.localizationTable = "";
* @param {String} localizationTable
* @return {String}
String.prototype.localize = function(localizationTable) {};
// TODO JSDoc these
String.prototype.toBase64Data = function(options) {};
String.prototype.toBase64String = function(options) {};
String.prototype.toData = function(options) {};
String.prototype.toDataFromBase64String = function(options) {};
String.prototype.toStringFromBase64String = function(options) {};
String.prototype.toStringUsingEncoding = function(encoding) {};
String.prototype.toUTF8String = function() {};
String.prototype.toUint8Array = function() {};
// Global functions
* Allows you to use another script's code by including it into your script.
* @param {String} path The path of the script to include, relative to the Action's Scripts directory.
* @return The result of the script evaluation.
function include(path) {}
var Action = {
path: "",
scriptType: "",
version: "",
shortVersion: "",
bundleIdentifier: "",
cachePath: "",
supportPath: "",
debugLogEnabled: false,
preferences: {}
var File = {
exists: function(path) {},
isDirectory: function(path) {},
createDirectory: function(path) {},
isReadable: function(path) {},
isWritable: function(path) {},
isExecutable: function(path) {},
displayName: function(path) {},
getDirectoryContents: function(path, options) {},
readPlist: function(path) {},
writePlist: function(plist, path, options) {},
readJSON: function(path) {},
writeJSON: function(JSON, path, options) {},
readText: function(path, encoding) {},
writeText: function(text, path, encoding) {},
readData: function(path) {},
writeData: function(data, path) {},
pathFromBookmarkData: function(data, options) {},
pathFromBookmarkAtPath: function(path, options) {},
fileURLForPath: function(path) {},
pathForFileURL: function(path) {}
var HTTP = {
get: function(URL, timeout_or_options) {},
getJSON: function(URL, timeout_or_options) {},
getPlist: function(URL, timeout_or_options) {},
getData: function(URL, timeout_or_options) {},
post: function(URL, timeout_or_options) {},
postJSON: function(URL, timeout_or_options) {},
postPlist: function(URL, timeout_or_options) {},
postData: function(URL, timeout_or_options) {},
loadRequest: function(URL, timeout_or_options) {}
// LaunchBar ...
var LaunchBar = {
* The current locale of the system, like “en” or “de”.
currentLocale: "",
* The path to the bundle.
path: "",
* Corresponds to CFBundleVersion in LaunchBar's Info.plist.
version: "",
* Corresponds to CFBundleIdentifier in the LaunchBar's Info.plist.
bundleIdentifier: "",
* The home directory of the logged–in user, e.g. '/Users/marco'.
homeDirectory: "",
* The name of the logged–in user.
userName: "",
* The ID of the logged-in user.
userID: 0,
* The computer's host name.
hostName: "macbook-pro.local",
* The computer's name (see System Profeerences' sharing panel).
computerName: "MacBook Pro",
* The OSX version of the system
systemVersion: "10.10.1",
* An Object representing options for running the action.
options: {
/* If the command key is down. */
commandKey: false,
/* If the option key is down. */
alternateKey: false,
/* If the shift key is down. */
shiftKey: false,
/* If the control key is down. */
controlKey: false,
/* Indicates whether the action is run in the background or not. */
runInBackground: false,
* For this to be set, the script must have it's
* LBLiveFeedbackEnabled set to true in the Action's Info.plist
* and the user must have initiated text input.
liveFeedback: false
* Logs the given string to LaunchBar's stderr, prefixed with the
* current date and time, the action's name and bundle identifier.
* @param {String} message
log: function(message) {},
* If the action's Info.plist has LBDebugLogEnabled set to YES
* (Boolean), behaves like log; otherwise does nothing.
* @param {String} message
debugLog: function(message) {},
* Presents a modal alert with the given message and optional
* info.
* If only one or two arguments are provided, there will only be
* one button labeled 'OK'. If there are three arguments, the
* third one is the label for the only button. Any additional
* arguments cause buttons to be added to the alert.
* @param {String} message The alert's message. Will be displayed in bold text.
* @param {String} [info] Additional information that appears below the message.
* @param {String} [buttonTitle1] The title of the alert's default button
* @param {String} [...] Additional button titles
* @return {int} A Number corresponding to the index of the button
* clicked, whereas the right–most button has index 0 and
* increases from right to left.
alert: function(message, info, buttonTitle1) {},
* Opens an arbitrary URL.
* If appName is given (e.g. 'QuickTime Player'), opens the URL
* with that app, otherwise with the default app for the URL’s
* scheme.
* @param {String} URL The URL to open. Any scheme that OS X supports is fine.
* @param {String} [appName] The name of the app with which to open the URL.
* @param {bool} [hideOthers] The name of the app with which to open the URL.
openURL: function(URL, appName, hideOthers) {},
displayNotification: function(string, title, subtitle, url, delay) {},
displayInLargeType: function(string, title, font, sound, delay) {},
openQuickLook: function(URL) {},
closeQuickLook: function() {},
performAction: function(actionName, argument) {},
performService: function(serviceName, argument) {},
openCommandURL: function(commandURL) {},
paste: function(string) {},
getClipboardString: function() {},
execute: function(launchPath, argument) {},
executeAppleScript: function(script) {},
executeAppleScriptFile: function(path, argument1) {}
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