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Forked from serinth/makefile
Created May 3, 2023 13:43
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Golang Makefile
# Basic Makefile for Golang project
# Includes GRPC Gateway, Protocol Buffers
SERVICE ?= $(shell basename `go list`)
VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags --always --dirty --match=v* 2> /dev/null || cat $(PWD)/.version 2> /dev/null || echo v0)
PACKAGE ?= $(shell go list)
PACKAGES ?= $(shell go list ./...)
FILES ?= $(shell find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path "./vendor/*")
# Binaries
PROTOC ?= protoc
.PHONY: help clean fmt lint vet test test-cover generate-grpc build build-docker all
default: help
help: ## show this help
@echo 'usage: make [target] ...'
@echo ''
@echo 'targets:'
@egrep '^(.+)\:\ .*##\ (.+)' ${MAKEFILE_LIST} | sed 's/:.*##/#/' | column -t -c 2 -s '#'
all: ## clean, format, build and unit test
make clean-all
make gofmt
make build
make test
install: ## build and install go application executable
go install -v ./...
env: ## Print useful environment variables to stdout
echo $(CURDIR)
echo $(SERVICE)
echo $(PACKAGE)
echo $(VERSION)
clean: ## go clean
go clean
clean-all: ## remove all generated artifacts and clean all build artifacts
go clean -i ./...
rm -fr rpc
tools: ## fetch and install all required tools
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
fmt: ## format the go source files
go fmt ./...
goimports -w $(FILES)
lint: ## run go lint on the source files
golint $(PACKAGES)
vet: ## run go vet on the source files
go vet ./...
doc: ## generate godocs and start a local documentation webserver on port 8085
godoc -http=:8085 -index
update-dependencies: ## update golang dependencies
dep ensure
generate-grpc: compile-proto generate-grpcgw generate-swagger ## generate grpc, grpc-gw files and swagger docs
compile-proto: ## compile protobuf definitions into golang source
cp -pR proto/ rpc/
$(PROTOC) -Irpc/model -I"vendor/" -I"$(GOPATH)/src" --go_out=plugins=grpc:rpc/model --govalidators_out=rpc/model rpc/model/*.proto
$(PROTOC) -I/usr/local/include -Irpc -Irpc/model -I"vendor/" -I"$(GOPATH)/src" --go_out=plugins=grpc:rpc --govalidators_out=rpc rpc/*.proto
generate-grpcgw: ## generate grpc-gw reverse proxy code
$(PROTOC) -I/usr/local/include -I. -Irpc -Irpc/model -I${GOPATH}/src -I"vendor/" --grpc-gateway_out=logtostderr=true:. rpc/*.proto
generate-swagger: ## generate swagger docs from the proto files
cd proto; $(PROTOC) -I/usr/local/include -I. -Imodel -I"$(GOPATH)/src" -I"../vendor/" --swagger_out=logtostderr=true:../swagger/ *.proto
generate-mocks: ## generate mock code
go generate ./...
build: generate-grpc generate-mocks ## generate all grpc files and mocks and build the go code
go build main.go
test: generate-grpc ## generate grpc code and run short tests
go test -v ./... -short
test-it: generate-grpc generate-mocks ## generate grpc code and mocks and run all tests
go test -v ./...
test-bench: ## run benchmark tests
go test -bench ./...
# Generate test coverage
test-cover: ## Run test coverage and generate html report
rm -fr coverage
mkdir coverage
go list -f '{{if gt (len .TestGoFiles) 0}}"go test -covermode count -coverprofile {{.Name}}.coverprofile -coverpkg ./... {{.ImportPath}}"{{end}}' ./... | xargs -I {} bash -c {}
echo "mode: count" > coverage/cover.out
grep -h -v "^mode:" *.coverprofile >> "coverage/cover.out"
rm *.coverprofile
go tool cover -html=coverage/cover.out -o=coverage/cover.html
test-all: test test-bench test-cover
binary: generate-grpc ## Build Golang application binary with settings to enable it to run in a Docker scratch container.
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -ldflags '-s' -installsuffix cgo main.go
#TODO migrate cli might not exist
#Need to have check & install step before running migrations
migrate -database 'mysql://${MYSQL_DATASOURCE_URL}' -path ./dbmigrations/ up
swagger-ui: ## Run a local swagger-ui to view the generated swagger docs
sleep 1 && open http://localhost/ &
docker run --rm -p 80:8080 -e SWAGGER_JSON=/swagger/user.swagger.json -v ${CURDIR}/swagger:/swagger swaggerapi/swagger-ui
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