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Created March 3, 2017 23:11
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(ns panaeolus.macros
(:require [lumo.repl :refer [get-current-ns]]))
(ns panaeolus.macros$macros)
(defmacro pull-symbols [from-namespace]
`(let [into-namespace# (symbol (lumo.repl/get-current-ns))
into-map# (or (get-in @env/*compiler* [:cljs.analyzer/namespaces
:uses]) {})
new-symbols# (keys (get-in @env/*compiler*
[:cljs.analyzer/namespaces ~from-namespace :defs]))
merged-map# (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 ~from-namespace) into-map# new-symbols#)]
(prn into-namespace#)
(swap! env/*compiler* assoc-in [:cljs.analyzer/namespaces
:uses] merged-map#)
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