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Restore Delete button for YouTube playlists -
// ==UserScript==
// @name Restore Delete button for YouTube playlists
// @namespace restore-delete-button-for-yt-playlists
// @version 0.1
// @description When you watch a playlist, the delete button is hidden under a submenu. It restores the delete button to its original place near the playlist item. When you hover over a playlist item, the trashcan icon appears. See in action:
// @author Lorand Horvath
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
'use strict';
How the script works?
- if you hover over a playlist item (mouseenter) with your mouse, the script opens the mini menu and places the delete button near the playlist item
- if you stop hovering over the playlist item (mouseleave), the script puts back the delete button to its original place
// variables holding the opened menu element and delete button temporarily
var minimenu = undefined;
var deletebutton = undefined;
// puts back delete button to its original place
function putback()
document.querySelector("ytd-popup-container").style.opacity = 1;
deletebutton = undefined; = "initial";
if ( !window.location.href.match("youtube\.com/watch.*list=.*") ) return;
console.log("restore-delete-button-for-yt-playlists loaded");
// get every playlist item
var videos = document.querySelectorAll("ytd-playlist-panel-video-renderer");
// for every playlist item
for (var i = 0; i < videos.length; i++)
// check if event listener is already added to the item
if ( videos[i].hasAttribute("deletebutton") ) continue;
// it no event listener, add it
videos[i].addEventListener("mouseenter", function()
// make mini menu invisible and open it
document.querySelector("ytd-popup-container").style.opacity = 0;
this.querySelector("div#menu ytd-menu-renderer yt-icon-button button").click();
minimenu = document.querySelector("ytd-menu-popup-renderer tp-yt-paper-listbox"); = "none";
// wait for minimenu open
{ = "none";
// due to quick mousemove the putback function fails. this line triggers it again
if (typeof deletebutton !== 'undefined') putback();
// search for delete button and remove its label
var menuitems = minimenu.querySelectorAll("ytd-menu-service-item-renderer");
deletebutton = menuitems[menuitems.length - 1];
deletebutton.querySelector("yt-formatted-string").textContent = "";
this.appendChild(deletebutton); // append delete button to playlist item
// when you click delete button (it deletes the video) and after it put back the button into the minimenu
deletebutton.onclick = function()
}.bind(this), 50); // end of setTimeout
}); // end of addEventListener
// after leaving the playlist item (without clicking on the delete button) also put back into the minimenu
videos[i].addEventListener("mouseleave", function()
setTimeout(putback, 50);
} // end of for
}, 1000); // end of setinterval
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