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Created December 19, 2022 12:21
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concurrency: 4
timeout: 5m
# Do not fail, we check the output for errors with severity "critical"
issues-exit-code: 0
tests: true
format: line-number
# Disable all linters, so we enable linters explicitly
disable-all: true
### Default linters for golangci-lint
# Errcheck is a program for checking for unchecked errors in go programs. These unchecked errors can be critical bugs in some cases
- errcheck
# Linter for Go source code that specializes in simplifying code
- gosimple
# Vet examines Go source code and reports suspicious constructs, such as Printf calls whose arguments do not align with the format string
- govet
# Detects when assignments to existing variables are not used
- ineffassign
# It's a set of rules from staticcheck
- staticcheck
# Like the front-end of a Go compiler, parses and type-checks Go code
- typecheck
# Checks Go code for unused constants, variables, functions and types
- unused
### Additional linters
# Check for pass []any as any in variadic func(...any)
- asasalint
# Simple linter to check that your code does not contain non-ASCII identifiers
- asciicheck
# Checks for dangerous unicode character sequences
- bidichk
# Checks whether HTTP response body is closed successfully
- bodyclose
# A linter that detects struct contained context.Context field
- containedctx
# Check whether the function uses a non-inherited context
- contextcheck
# Disable cyclomatic complexity - it doesn't help much, because of many error handling conditionals
# - cyclop
# Disable declaration order style check
# - decorder
# Go linter that checks if package imports are in a list of acceptable packages
- depguard
# Disable dogsled style check
# - dogsled
# Disable duplicate code style check because of false positives
# - dupl
# Disable duplicate word checks in comments
# - dupword
# Check for two durations multiplied together
- durationcheck
# Checks types passed to the json encoding functions
- errchkjson
# Checks that sentinel errors are prefixed with the Err and error types are suffixed with the Error.
- errname
# A linter for that can be used to find code that will cause problems with the error wrapping scheme introduced in Go 1.13.
- errorlint
# Disable execinquery
# - execinquery
# Check exhaustiveness of enum switch statements
- exhaustive
# Disable exhaustruct since we want to have struct literals with default values
# - exhaustruct
# Checks for pointers to enclosing loop variables
- exportloopref
# Forbids identifiers (e.g. fmt.Println) from being used
- forbidigo
# Finds forced type assertions
- forcetypeassert
# Disable funlen because we don't want to limit function length to a fixed length
# - funlen
# This analyzer checks for global variables and errors on any found.
- gochecknoglobals
# Checks that no init functions are present in Go code
- gochecknoinits
# Computes and checks the cognitive complexity of functions
- gocognit
# Finds repeated strings that could be replaced by a constant
- goconst
# Provides diagnostics that check for bugs, performance and style issues
- gocritic
# Disable gocyclo because we already use gocognit
# - gocyclo
# Disable godot, because we don't enforce the comments as full sentences internally
# - godot
# Disable godox for now, since we have some TODOs still pending
# - godox
# Golang linter to check the errors handling expressions
- goerr113
# Disable gofmt
# - gofmt
# Disable gofumpt
# - gofumpt
# Disable goheader
- goheader
# Disable goimports
# - goimports
# Disable gomnd (magic numbers) for now - too many false positives, but good idea to have
# - gomnd
# Disable gomoddirectives
# - gomoddirectives
# Disable gomodguard
# - gomodguard
# Checks that printf-like functions are named with f at the end
- goprintffuncname
# Inspects source code for security problems
- gosec
# An analyzer to analyze expression groups
- grouper
# Enforces consistent import aliases
- importas
# A linter that checks the number of methods inside an interface
- interfacebloat
# Disable ireturn
# - ireturn
# Disable lll
# - lll
# Disable loggercheck
# - loggercheck
# Measures the maintainability index of each function
- maintidx
# Finds slice declarations with non-zero initial length
- makezero
# Finds commonly misspelled English words in comments
- misspell
# Finds naked returns in functions greater than a specified function length
- nakedret
# Disable nestif
# - nestif
# Finds code that returns nil even if it checks that the error is not nil
- nilerr
# Disable nilnil
# - nilnil
# Disable nlreturn
# - nlreturn
# Finds sending http request without context.Context
- noctx
# Reports ill-formed or insufficient nolint directives
- nolintlint
# Disable nonamedreturns
# - nonamedreturns
# Checks for misuse of Sprintf to construct a host with port in a URL
- nosprintfhostport
# Disable paralleltest
# - paralleltest
# Finds slice declarations that could potentially be pre-allocated
- prealloc
# Find code that shadows one of Go's predeclared identifiers
- predeclared
# Disable promlinter
# - promlinter
# Checks that package variables are not reassigned
- reassign
# Fast, configurable, extensible, flexible, and beautiful linter for Go. Drop-in replacement of golint.
- revive
# Disable rowserrcheck because of generics
# - rowserrcheck
# Disable sqlclosecheck because of generics
# - sqlclosecheck
# Disable stylecheck because it duplicates checks of revive
# - stylecheck
# Checks the naming convention of fields in struct tags
- tagliatelle
# Analyzer that detects using os.Setenv instead of t.Setenv
- tenv
# Disable testableexamples because we have none
# - testableexamples
# Check tests are defined in a separate test package (_test) # TODO This is currently broken in golangci-lint
- testpackage
# Detects golang test helpers without t.Helper() call and checks the consistency of test helpers
- thelper
# Disable tparallel
# - tparallel
# Remove unnecessary type conversions
- unconvert
# Reports unused function parameters
- unparam
# A linter that detect the possibility to use variables/constants from the Go standard library
- usestdlibvars
# Checks that the length of a variable's name matches its scope
- varnamelen
# Disable wastedassign because of generics
# - wastedassign
# Detect leading and trailing whitespace
- whitespace
# Disable wrapcheck because of false positives with internal
# - wrapcheck
# Disable wsl because it would need too much code to be changed
# - wsl
check-type-assertions: true
check-blank: true
check-shadowing: false
- (
- (
- (
- (
- (
include-go-root: true
- 'use instead'
- 'use instead'
- 'use instead'
- log: 'use instead'
default-signifies-exhaustive: true
# The longest distance, in source lines, that is being considered a "small scope".
# Variables used in at most this many lines will be ignored.
max-distance: 6
# Check named return values.
check-return: true
# Optional list of variable names that should be ignored completely.
- err
- id
# Optional list of variable declarations that should be ignored completely.
- r io.Reader
- w io.Writer
- f *os.File
- h http.Handler
- r *http.Request
- w http.ResponseWriter
- c *cli.Context
- sb strings.Builder
- db *sql.DB
- tx *sql.Tx
- q squirrel.SelectBuilder
# Allow init functions for migrations
- path: persistence/migrations
- gochecknoinits
# Exclude some linters from running on tests files.
- path: _test\.go
- bodyclose
- errcheck
- forcetypeassert
- gocognit
- goconst
- gocritic
- goerr113
- gosec
- maintidx
- prealloc
- revive
- staticcheck
- thelper
- varnamelen
# Set the default severity for issues.
# If severity rules are defined and the issues do not match or no severity is provided to the rule
# this will be the default severity applied.
# Severities should match the code climate naming (see
default-severity: blocker
# If set to true `severity-rules` regular expressions become case-sensitive.
case-sensitive: false
# When a list of severity rules are provided, severity information will be added to lint issues.
# Severity rules have the same filtering capability as exclude rules
# except you are allowed to specify one matcher per severity rule.
# Only affects out formats that support setting severity information.
- linters:
- varnamelen
severity: minor
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