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Last active May 16, 2016 15:06
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[Maya, mel] _scriptEditor_replaceSelected
proc _scriptEditor_replaceSelected(string $src, string $dst)
global string $gLastFocusedCommandExecuter;
string $ce = $gLastFocusedCommandExecuter;
if(! `cmdScrollFieldExecuter -q -hasSelection $ce`) return;
string $str = `cmdScrollFieldExecuter -q -selectedText $ce`;
string $ret = substituteAllString($str, $src, $dst);
if($ret == $str) return;
cmdScrollFieldExecuter -e -insertText $ret $ce;
//sample: command
//----- 1. "C:\Temp\test.txt" => "C:/Temp/test.txt"
//_scriptEditor_replaceSelected("\\", "/");
//----- 2. "C:/Temp/test.txt" => "C:\Temp\test.txt"
//_scriptEditor_replaceSelected("/", "\\");
//----- 3. "C:\Temp\test.txt" => "C:\\Temp\\test.txt"
//_scriptEditor_replaceSelected("\\", "\\\\");
//----- 4. "C:/Temp/test.txt" => "C:\\Temp\\test.txt"
//_scriptEditor_replaceSelected("/", "\\\\");
//sample: add to scriptEditor's menu
global proc OT_scriptEditor_bs2s() { _scriptEditor_replaceSelected("\\", "/"); }
global proc OT_scriptEditor_s2bs() { _scriptEditor_replaceSelected("/", "\\"); }
global proc OT_scriptEditor_bs2dbs() { _scriptEditor_replaceSelected("\\", "\\\\"); }
global proc OT_scriptEditor_s2dbs() { _scriptEditor_replaceSelected("/", "\\\\"); }
global proc OT_scriptEditor_dbs2bs() { _scriptEditor_replaceSelected("\\\\", "\\"); }
proc _scriptEditor_addEditMenu()
string $panel = `scriptedPanel -q -control "scriptEditorPanel1"`;
string $parentMenu = "";
string $items[] = {};
$items = `menuBarLayout -q -menuArray $panel`;
for($m in $items){
$m = $panel + "|" + $m;
if("Edit" != `menu -q -l $m`) continue;
$parentMenu = $m;
if($parentMenu == "") return;
int $i = 0;
$items = `menu -q -itemArray $parentMenu`;
for($m in $items)
$i ++;
string $l = `menuItem -q -l $m`;
if($l != "Paste") continue;
$l = `menuItem -q -l $items[$i]`;
if(match("^[\[]", $l) != "") continue;
$m = `menuItem -p $parentMenu -insertAfter $m -l ("[ \\ -> / ]") -c ("OT_scriptEditor_bs2s();")`;
$m = `menuItem -p $parentMenu -insertAfter $m -l ("[ / -> \\ ]") -c ("OT_scriptEditor_s2bs();")`;
// $m = `menuItem -p $parentMenu -insertAfter $m -l ("[ \\ -> \\\\ ]") -c ("OT_scriptEditor_bs2dbs();")`;
// $m = `menuItem -p $parentMenu -insertAfter $m -l ("[ / -> \\\\ ]") -c ("OT_scriptEditor_s2dbs();")`;
// $m = `menuItem -p $parentMenu -insertAfter $m -l ("[ \\\\ -> \\ ]") -c ("OT_scriptEditor_dbs2bs();")`;
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