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Created December 3, 2013 05:36
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[Javascript] _seqParser
// zero padding
function _padding(val,n)
n -= (''+val).length-1;
return((n>0?(new Array(n)).join('0'):'')+val);
// examples:
// "c##(1,3)" or "c##(1:3)" or "c##(1-3)" -> ["c01", "c02", "c03"]
// "c#(1,30,10)" -> ["c1", "c11", "c21"]
// "s##(1,2)_c###(1,3)_A"
// -> ["s01_c01_A", "s01_c02_A", "s01_c03_A", "s02_c01_A", "s02_c02_A", "s02_c03_A"]
function _seqParser(str)
var ret = [""];
var p = 0;
var re = RegExp(/(#+)\(([0-9][0-9 :,\-]*)\)/g);
while(m = re.exec(str))
if(m.length < 3) continue;
var pre = str.substring(p, m.index);
var r = m[2].replace(/ /g, "").replace(/[,\-]/g, ":");
r = r.split(":"); //string -> array
var fs = parseInt(r[0]);
var fe = r.length < 2 ? fs : parseInt(r[1]);
var fb = r.length < 3 ? 1 : parseInt(r[2]);
var buf = [];
for(var j=0; j< ret.length; j++){
for(var i=fs; i<= fe; i += fb){
buf.push(ret[j] + pre + _padding(i, m[1].length));
ret = buf;
p = m.index + m[1].length + m[2].length + 2;
for(var j=0; j< ret.length; j++) ret[j] += str.substring(p);
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