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Last active August 19, 2024 03:25
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  • Save hmatsuda/4a6c8eb352f580f54dcbe04d5fee5549 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$ node ./trace-to-tree.mjs .next/trace
module /Users/next-user/src/magic-ui/pages/index.js 24s (total 33s, self 163 ms) [read-resource 873 µs, next-babel-turbo-loader 135 ms]
       ════════╤═══════════════════════════════════ ═╤═        ═╤═       ═╤════   ═══════════╤════════════════════════════════════════
               └─ name of the processed module       │          │         │                  └─ timings of nested steps
                                                     │          │         └─ building the module itself (including overlapping parallel actions)
                                                     │          └─ total build time of this modules and all nested ones (including overlapping parallel actions)
                                                     └─ how long until the module and all nested modules took compiling (wall time, without overlapping actions)

module lodash (lodash/camelCase.js + 281) 295 ms (self 958 ms) [read-resource 936 ms]
       ═╤════  ══════╤════════════   ═╤═
        │            │                └─ number of modules that are merged into that line
        │            └─ first module that is imported
        └─ npm package name

hot reloader
├─ start 1.2s (self 0 µs)
│  ├─ get-version-info 925 ms
│  ├─ clean 221 ms
│  └─ get-webpack-config 46 ms
│     ├─ get-page-paths 627 µs
│     ├─ create-pages-mapping 261 µs
│     ├─ create-entrypoints 1.5 ms
│     └─ generate-webpack-config 44 ms
├─ client compilation 1.1s
│  ├─ make 588 µs
│  ├─ seal 1.1s
│  │  ├─ chunk-graph 431 µs
│  │  ├─ optimize 460 µs
│  │  ├─ optimize-modules 11 µs
│  │  ├─ optimize-chunks 97 µs
│  │  ├─ optimize-tree 53 µs
│  │  ├─ optimize-chunk-modules 59 µs
│  │  ├─ module-hash 43 µs
│  │  ├─ code-generation 104 µs
│  │  ├─ hash 270 µs
│  │  ├─ code-generation-jobs 58 µs
│  │  ├─ module-assets 35 µs
│  │  └─ create-chunk-assets 100 µs
│  ├─ NextJsBuildManifest-createassets 694 µs
│  └─ NextJsBuildManifest-generateClientManifest 475 µs
├─ emit 3.9 ms
├─ server compilation 2.3 ms
│  ├─ make 718 µs
│  └─ seal 1 ms
│     ├─ chunk-graph 23 µs
│     ├─ optimize 534 µs
│     ├─ optimize-modules 3 µs
│     ├─ optimize-chunks 408 µs
│     ├─ optimize-tree 5 µs
│     ├─ optimize-chunk-modules 4 µs
│     ├─ module-hash 6 µs
│     ├─ code-generation 5 µs
│     ├─ hash 35 µs
│     ├─ code-generation-jobs 22 µs
│     ├─ module-assets 8 µs
│     └─ create-chunk-assets 10 µs
├─ emit 812 µs
├─ edge-server compilation 1.9 ms
│  ├─ make 136 µs
│  └─ seal 522 µs
│     ├─ chunk-graph 14 µs
│     ├─ optimize 80 µs
│     ├─ optimize-modules 3 µs
│     ├─ optimize-chunks 7 µs
│     ├─ optimize-tree 4 µs
│     ├─ optimize-chunk-modules 3 µs
│     ├─ module-hash 6 µs
│     ├─ code-generation 5 µs
│     ├─ hash 40 µs
│     ├─ code-generation-jobs 12 µs
│     ├─ module-assets 5 µs
│     └─ create-chunk-assets 9 µs
├─ emit 467 µs
├─ client recompilation (new page discovered) 29 ms
│  ├─ client compilation 1.3 ms
│  │  ├─ make 89 µs
│  │  ├─ seal 683 µs
│  │  │  ├─ chunk-graph 16 µs
│  │  │  ├─ optimize 147 µs
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-modules 3 µs
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-chunks 6 µs
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-tree 4 µs
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-chunk-modules 4 µs
│  │  │  ├─ module-hash 6 µs
│  │  │  ├─ code-generation 5 µs
│  │  │  ├─ hash 35 µs
│  │  │  ├─ code-generation-jobs 12 µs
│  │  │  ├─ module-assets 6 µs
│  │  │  └─ create-chunk-assets 10 µs
│  │  ├─ NextJsBuildManifest-createassets 113 µs
│  │  └─ NextJsBuildManifest-generateClientManifest 82 µs
│  └─ emit 1.3 ms
├─ server recompilation (new page discovered) 92 ms
│  ├─ server compilation 1 ms
│  │  ├─ make 86 µs
│  │  └─ seal 484 µs
│  │     ├─ chunk-graph 17 µs
│  │     ├─ optimize 107 µs
│  │     ├─ optimize-modules 3 µs
│  │     ├─ optimize-chunks 23 µs
│  │     ├─ optimize-tree 4 µs
│  │     ├─ optimize-chunk-modules 4 µs
│  │     ├─ module-hash 6 µs
│  │     ├─ code-generation 5 µs
│  │     ├─ hash 109 µs
│  │     ├─ code-generation-jobs 13 µs
│  │     ├─ module-assets 6 µs
│  │     └─ create-chunk-assets 9 µs
│  └─ emit 61 ms
├─ webpack-invalidated-edge-server 100 ms
│  ├─ edge-server compilation 1 ms
│  │  ├─ make 66 µs
│  │  └─ seal 421 µs
│  │     ├─ chunk-graph 14 µs
│  │     ├─ optimize 58 µs
│  │     ├─ optimize-modules 3 µs
│  │     ├─ optimize-chunks 5 µs
│  │     ├─ optimize-tree 4 µs
│  │     ├─ optimize-chunk-modules 4 µs
│  │     ├─ module-hash 5 µs
│  │     ├─ code-generation 4 µs
│  │     ├─ hash 24 µs
│  │     ├─ code-generation-jobs 10 µs
│  │     ├─ module-assets 5 µs
│  │     └─ create-chunk-assets 8 µs
│  └─ emit 5.7 ms
├─ client recompilation (new page discovered) 3.6s
│  ├─ client compilation 3s
│  │  ├─ make 2.4s
│  │  │  ├─ entry next/dist/compiled/@next/react-refresh-utils/dist/runtime.js
│  │  │  │  └─ module next (next/dist/compiled/@next/react-refresh-utils/dist/runtime.js + 3) 8.3 ms (self 108 ms) [read-resource 100 ms]
│  │  │  ├─ entry next/dist/client/next-dev.js
│  │  │  │  └─ module next (next/dist/client/next-dev.js + 72) 1.4s (total 366 ms, self 3.5s) [next-swc-loader 2.1s, read-resource 1.2s]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module react-dom (react-dom/client.js) 51 ms [read-resource 51 ms]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module react-dom (react-dom/index.js + 1) 880 ms (total 120 ms, self 206 ms) [read-resource 134 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module scheduler (scheduler/index.js + 1) 27 ms (self 41 ms) [read-resource 40 ms]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module @swc/helpers (@swc/helpers/esm/_interop_require_default.js) 88 ms [read-resource 88 ms]
│  │  │  │     └─ module @swc/helpers (@swc/helpers/esm/_interop_require_wildcard.js) 88 ms [read-resource 88 ms]
│  │  │  ├─ entry next-client-pages-loader?absolutePagePath=private-next-pages%2F_app&page=%2F_app!
│  │  │  │  └─ module next (next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/next-client-pages-loader.js?absolutePagePath=private-next-pages%2F_app&page=%2F_app!) 2.3s (total 12s, self 7.3 ms) [next-client-pages-loader 259 µs]
│  │  │  │     └─ module ages/_app.tsx 2.3s (total 12s, self 25 ms) [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module next (next/dynamic.js + 3) 56 ms (self 90 ms) [read-resource 56 ms, next-swc-loader 30 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module swiper (swiper/swiper.min.css + 1) 445 ms (total 320 ms, self 347 ms) [next-style-loader 1.5 ms, read-resource 43 ms, postcss-loader 265 ms, css-loader 28 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module next (next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/next-style-loader/runtime/injectStylesIntoStyleTag.js) 316 ms [read-resource 315 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module react-phone-input-2 (react-phone-input-2/lib/bootstrap.css + 1) 1.1 ms (self 339 ms) [next-style-loader 55 µs, read-resource 43 ms, postcss-loader 265 ms, css-loader 28 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module react-quill (react-quill/dist/quill.snow.css + 1) 1.1 ms (self 337 ms) [next-style-loader 45 µs, read-resource 43 ms, postcss-loader 265 ms, css-loader 25 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module react-date-range (react-date-range/dist/styles.css + 1) 1.8 ms (self 337 ms) [next-style-loader 50 µs, read-resource 43 ms, postcss-loader 265 ms, css-loader 25 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module react-date-range (react-date-range/dist/theme/default.css + 1) 2.2 ms (self 341 ms) [next-style-loader 113 µs, read-resource 44 ms, postcss-loader 264 ms, css-loader 28 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module swiper (swiper/modules/pagination/pagination.min.css + 1) 2.1 ms (self 337 ms) [next-style-loader 95 µs, read-resource 43 ms, postcss-loader 265 ms, css-loader 25 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module swiper (swiper/modules/effect-fade/effect-fade.min.css + 1) 1.7 ms (self 336 ms) [next-style-loader 154 µs, read-resource 43 ms, postcss-loader 265 ms, css-loader 25 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module @fullcalendar/common (@fullcalendar/common/main.css + 1) 789 µs (self 338 ms) [next-style-loader 51 µs, read-resource 43 ms, postcss-loader 265 ms, css-loader 28 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module @fullcalendar/timegrid (@fullcalendar/timegrid/main.css + 1) 796 ms (total 290 ms, self 335 ms) [next-style-loader 46 µs, read-resource 27 ms, postcss-loader 281 ms, css-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module next (next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/css-loader/src/runtime/api.js) 289 ms [read-resource 289 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module @fullcalendar/daygrid (@fullcalendar/daygrid/main.css + 1) 704 µs (self 335 ms) [next-style-loader 43 µs, read-resource 43 ms, postcss-loader 265 ms, css-loader 24 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module @emotion/react (@emotion/react/dist/emotion-react.browser.esm.js + 2) 1.3s (total 510 ms, self 493 ms) [read-resource 485 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js) 171 ms [read-resource 170 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module @emotion/use-insertion-effect-with-fallbacks (@emotion/use-insertion-effect-with-fallbacks/dist/emotion-use-insertion-effect-with-fallbacks.browser.esm.js) 29 ms [read-resource 28 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module @emotion/cache (@emotion/cache/dist/emotion-cache.browser.esm.js) 431 ms (total 98 ms, self 36 ms) [read-resource 34 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module @emotion/sheet (@emotion/sheet/dist/emotion-sheet.browser.esm.js) 32 ms [read-resource 31 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module stylis (stylis/index.js + 7) 30 ms (self 192 ms) [read-resource 189 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module @emotion/weak-memoize (@emotion/weak-memoize/dist/emotion-weak-memoize.esm.js) 34 ms [read-resource 33 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module hoist-non-react-statics (hoist-non-react-statics/dist/hoist-non-react-statics.cjs.js) 306 ms (total 33 ms, self 7.3 ms) [read-resource 7 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module react-is (react-is/index.js + 1) 25 ms (self 40 ms) [read-resource 40 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module @emotion/serialize (@emotion/serialize/dist/emotion-serialize.browser.esm.js) 310 ms (total 90 ms, self 8.5 ms) [read-resource 7.3 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module @emotion/unitless (@emotion/unitless/dist/emotion-unitless.esm.js) 26 ms [read-resource 26 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module @emotion/memoize (@emotion/memoize/dist/emotion-memoize.esm.js) 26 ms [read-resource 26 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module @emotion/hash (@emotion/hash/dist/emotion-hash.esm.js) 29 ms [read-resource 29 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module @emotion/utils (@emotion/utils/dist/emotion-utils.browser.esm.js) 8.7 ms [read-resource 8.5 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module react (react/index.js + 1) 45 ms (self 139 ms) [read-resource 133 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module react-live-chat-loader (react-live-chat-loader/module/index.js + 21) 44 ms (self 2.5s) [read-resource 2.5s]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module resentations/views/styles/reset.css 405 ms (total 351 ms, self 616 µs) [next-style-loader 50 µs]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module resentations/views/styles/reset.css 350 ms [read-resource 348 ms, postcss-loader 1.4 ms, css-loader 396 µs]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module resentations/views/components/ThemeProvider.tsx 2.1s (total 1.4s, self 22 ms) [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/styles/color.ts 591 ms (total 51 ms, self 41 ms) [next-swc-loader 38 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module styled-theming (styled-theming/index.js) 9.5 ms [read-resource 9.4 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/styles/material.ts 795 ms (total 311 ms, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.6 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/index.js) 297 ms [read-resource 36 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module next (next/router.js) 291 ms [read-resource 290 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/storage/index.ts 138 ms [next-swc-loader 137 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/CssBaseline/index.js + 3) 899 ms (total 119 ms, self 74 ms) [read-resource 74 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module react (react/jsx-runtime.js + 1) 13 ms (self 94 ms) [read-resource 92 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js) 11 ms [read-resource 11 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module prop-types (prop-types/index.js + 4) 399 ms (total 86 ms, self 179 ms) [read-resource 177 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module react-is (react-is/index.js + 1) 9.3 ms (self 25 ms) [read-resource 24 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     └─ module next (next/dist/build/polyfills/object-assign.js) 65 ms [read-resource 65 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/styles/index.js + 32) 1.2s (total 509 ms, self 763 ms) [read-resource 753 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     ├─ module @mui/system (@mui/system/esm/index.js + 61) 778 ms (total 307 ms, self 2.1s) [read-resource 2.1s]
│  │  │  │        │     │  ├─ module @mui/styled-engine (@mui/styled-engine/index.js + 4) 395 ms (total 17 ms, self 112 ms) [read-resource 111 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │  │  └─ module prop-types (prop-types/index.js + 4) 47 ms (total 9 ms, self 27 ms) [read-resource 25 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │  │     └─ module react-is (react-is/index.js + 1) 1.2 ms (self 2.1 ms) [read-resource 1.6 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │  ├─ module prop-types (prop-types/index.js + 4) 265 ms (total 72 ms, self 86 ms) [read-resource 85 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │  │  └─ module react-is (react-is/index.js + 1) 14 ms (self 21 ms) [read-resource 20 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │  ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js) 60 ms [read-resource 60 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │  ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js) 60 ms [read-resource 60 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │  └─ module @mui/private-theming (@mui/private-theming/index.js + 6) 334 ms (total 73 ms, self 114 ms) [read-resource 114 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │     ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js) 5.2 ms [read-resource 5 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │     └─ module prop-types (prop-types/index.js + 4) 38 ms (total 3.2 ms, self 25 ms) [read-resource 23 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │        └─ module react-is (react-is/index.js + 1) 602 µs (self 1.7 ms) [read-resource 1.2 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js) 11 ms [read-resource 11 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     ├─ module @mui/base (@mui/base/index.js + 130) 620 ms (total 58 ms, self 2.1s) [read-resource 2.1s]
│  │  │  │        │     │  ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js) 19 ms [read-resource 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │  ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js) 19 ms [read-resource 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │  └─ module @popperjs/core (@popperjs/core/lib/index.js + 59) 3 ms (self 333 ms) [read-resource 325 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     └─ module @mui/utils (@mui/utils/esm/index.js + 40) 613 ms (total 97 ms, self 591 ms) [read-resource 587 ms]
│  │  │  │        │        ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js) 25 ms [read-resource 24 ms]
│  │  │  │        │        ├─ module prop-types (prop-types/index.js + 4) 121 ms (total 26 ms, self 75 ms) [read-resource 73 ms]
│  │  │  │        │        │  └─ module react-is (react-is/index.js + 1) 2.7 ms (self 11 ms) [read-resource 11 ms]
│  │  │  │        │        └─ module react-is (react-is/index.js + 1) 8.3 ms (self 15 ms) [read-resource 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module resentations/reducers/ServicePortal.tsx 443 ms (total 29 ms, self 24 ms) [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module resentations/views/helpers/auth/session.ts 4.8 ms [next-swc-loader 4.1 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module resentations/reducers/DashboardPortal.tsx 2s (total 4.8s, self 25 ms) [next-swc-loader 24 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module resentations/reducers/MeetingWidget.tsx 828 ms (total 130 ms, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/widgets/MeetingWidget/hooks/pusher.ts 376 ms (total 107 ms, self 20 ms) [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/widgets/MeetingWidget/hooks/i18n.json 37 ms [read-resource 37 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9 ms [next-swc-loader 8.4 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     └─ module pusher-js (pusher-js/dist/web/pusher.js) 42 ms [read-resource 32 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module resentations/reducers/AssistantWidget.tsx 37 ms [next-swc-loader 25 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/DashboardDocument.tsx 884 ms (total 143 ms, self 39 ms) [next-swc-loader 37 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module next (next/head.js) 36 ms [read-resource 36 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module next (next/script.js) 6.3 ms [read-resource 6.2 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/assets/index.ts 298 ms (total 62 ms, self 6.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.1 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/assets/manifest-images.json 23 ms [read-resource 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     └─ module next (next/dist/compiled/native-url/index.js + 1) 32 ms (self 69 ms) [read-resource 68 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/hooks/index.tsx 3.2 ms [next-swc-loader 2.2 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/AppInstallBanner/index.tsx 1.2s (total 3.3s, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/AppInstallBanner/i18n.json 29 ms [read-resource 29 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Link/index.tsx 27 ms [next-swc-loader 26 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/IconButton/index.tsx 269 ms (total 26 ms, self 26 ms) [next-swc-loader 26 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/IconButton/index.js + 2) 191 µs (self 25 ms) [read-resource 24 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Image/index.tsx 25 ms [next-swc-loader 24 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/index.tsx 991 ms (total 3.2s, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ChartBar.tsx 805 ms (total 174 ms, self 8.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.3 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     │  ├─ module @mdi/react (@mdi/react/Icon.js) 508 ms (total 55 ms, self 13 ms) [read-resource 12 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     │  │  └─ module prop-types (prop-types/index.js + 3) 247 ms (total 42 ms, self 79 ms) [read-resource 76 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     │  │     └─ module react-is (react-is/index.js + 1) 19 ms (self 26 ms) [read-resource 25 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     │  └─ module @mdi/js (@mdi/js/mdi.js) 111 ms [read-resource 61 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TransitSkip.tsx 8.8 ms [next-swc-loader 8 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ListBoxOutline.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.9 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Console.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/BlockHelper.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ArrowDownThin.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CircleSlice8.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TagCheckOutline.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarExport.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CircleSlice4.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CircleSlice2.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FlagTriangle.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Label.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ChartBarStacked.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarImport.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ViewAgenda.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ViewDayOutline.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TimerOutline.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarExpandHorizontal.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ViewWeekOutline.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FileUploadOutline.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FileDownloadOutline.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Earth.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ExportVariant.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Launch.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/NoteTextOutline.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ShareVariantOutline.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ArrowDown.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/InboxArrowDown.tsx 9.2 ms [next-swc-loader 8 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/NewBox.tsx 8.4 ms [next-swc-loader 7.1 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ArrowRight.tsx 8.6 ms [next-swc-loader 7.5 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ArrowLeft.tsx 8.8 ms [next-swc-loader 7.7 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/DesktopMacDashboard.tsx 9.2 ms [next-swc-loader 8.1 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Vanish.tsx 9.8 ms [next-swc-loader 8.7 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AccountEdit.tsx 9.4 ms [next-swc-loader 8.3 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/StorefrontOutline.tsx 9.6 ms [next-swc-loader 8.5 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Payment.tsx 10 ms [next-swc-loader 9.2 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Lock.tsx 10 ms [next-swc-loader 8.8 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AccountLock.tsx 10 ms [next-swc-loader 9 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarLock.tsx 10 ms [next-swc-loader 9.4 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Web.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/LinkedIn.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.5 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Youtube.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.9 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Instagram.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.7 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Facebook.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Twitter.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarCheck.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/StarCheck.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/StarHalfFull.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Star.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CloseCircle.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Update.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TagOutline.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Tag.tsx 9.1 ms [next-swc-loader 7.6 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CodeTags.tsx 8.8 ms [next-swc-loader 6.1 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Information.tsx 6.9 ms [next-swc-loader 5.3 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/InformationOutline.tsx 7.3 ms [next-swc-loader 5.6 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Help.tsx 9.2 ms [next-swc-loader 7.8 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ToggleSwitchOff.tsx 9.4 ms [next-swc-loader 8 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ToggleSwitch.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AccountCheck.tsx 9.5 ms [next-swc-loader 8.1 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AlertCircle.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Circle.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Check.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TicketConfirmationOutline.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Palette.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/BookOpenBlankVariant.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CheckCircleOutline.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CheckCircle.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Icon/index.js + 2) 842 µs (self 24 ms) [read-resource 24 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Phone.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Pin.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/EmailEditOutline.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Slack.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/EmailSendOutline.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/OfficeBuildingOutline.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/EmailReceiveOutline.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FileSearchOutline.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/EmailOutline.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/MapMarker.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Download.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Pound.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Paperclip.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarSearch.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Search.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarSync.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/MenuDown.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Calendar.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/OpenInNew.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CommentTextOutline.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Send.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/MessageBadgeOutline.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ViewDashboard.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/MessageBadge.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/MessageProcessingOutline.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Repeat.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/PlusThick.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AlertCircleOutline.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/LightbulbOnOutline.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Android.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarText.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CheckboxMultipleBlankOutline.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarPlus.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/DotsVertical.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Apple.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FileDocumentEditOutline.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/MicrophoneOff.tsx 22 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TextBoxCheckOutline.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TextBoxOutline.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ApplicationCogOutline.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TextBoxPlusOutline.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ApplicationImport.tsx 24 ms [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/DebugStepOver.tsx 24 ms [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AccountPlus.tsx 24 ms [next-swc-loader 24 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Replay.tsx 9 ms [next-swc-loader 7.9 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Login.tsx 8.3 ms [next-swc-loader 7.2 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Reload.tsx 8.5 ms [next-swc-loader 7.4 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ClockTimeNineOutline.tsx 8.7 ms [next-swc-loader 7.6 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Minus.tsx 9.2 ms [next-swc-loader 8.1 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/MinusBox.tsx 9.8 ms [next-swc-loader 8.8 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/DotsHorizontal.tsx 9.6 ms [next-swc-loader 8.6 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Home.tsx 9.3 ms [next-swc-loader 8.3 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Menu.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FileImageOutline.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AccountGroup.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FilterVariant.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Video.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/VideoOff.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/VideoOutline.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ViewGridPlus.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ContentDuplicate.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Drag.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ViewGrid.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FilePdfOutline.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TimelineClockOutline.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CheckboxMarkedOutline.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FileDocumentOutline.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Flag.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FlagVariant.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FileCogOutline.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ClockOutline.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ClockAlertOutline.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CloseCircleOutline.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Compass.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Stop.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Microphone.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ChevronLeft.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Bell.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/HelpCircle.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TrophyVariant.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Link.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/PlusCircleOutline.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/PlusCircle.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Plus.tsx 24 ms [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ChevronRight.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AccountCog.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Apps.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CloudUploadOutline.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ClipboardTextOutline.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CardAccountDetailsOutline.tsx 22 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarCursor.tsx 22 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarClock.tsx 22 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarEdit.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarMonth.tsx 22 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FormatListBulleted.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FolderEditOutline.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FolderOutline.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FolderCogOutline.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FormSelect.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FolderAccountOutline.tsx 24 ms [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CursorDefaultClick.tsx 24 ms [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Delete.tsx 24 ms [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Pencil.tsx 26 ms [next-swc-loader 25 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ChevronUp.tsx 24 ms [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Tools.tsx 26 ms [next-swc-loader 25 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Cog.tsx 26 ms [next-swc-loader 25 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ChevronDown.tsx 9.9 ms [next-swc-loader 9.3 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ContentCopy.tsx 9.7 ms [next-swc-loader 9 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CheckBold.tsx 9.5 ms [next-swc-loader 8.7 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Poll.tsx 9.2 ms [next-swc-loader 8.5 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Close.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Google.tsx 9.9 ms [next-swc-loader 9.3 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Microsoft.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Monitor.tsx 10 ms [next-swc-loader 9.5 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Connection.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Creation.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Account.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/pages/DashboardLoadingPage/index.tsx 1.3s (total 191 ms, self 3.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 2.8 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Logo/index.tsx 25 ms [next-swc-loader 24 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Skeleton/index.tsx 1s (total 162 ms, self 8.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.4 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Skeleton/index.js + 2) 253 µs (self 25 ms) [read-resource 24 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Transition/index.tsx 757 ms (total 154 ms, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │        ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/index.js + 17) 534 ms (total 10 ms, self 407 ms) [read-resource 403 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │        │  └─ module @mui/base (@mui/base/className/index.js) 9.8 ms [read-resource 9.7 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │        └─ module react-spring (react-spring/web.js) 302 ms (total 121 ms, self 74 ms) [read-resource 70 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │           ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js) 23 ms [read-resource 23 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │           └─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js) 24 ms [read-resource 24 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Snackbar/index.tsx 1.3s (total 366 ms, self 10 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.9 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Snackbar/index.js + 4) 1.1s (total 90 ms, self 119 ms) [read-resource 118 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/base (@mui/base/ClickAwayListener/index.js + 1) 560 ms (total 36 ms, self 1 ms) [read-resource 373 µs]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module prop-types (prop-types/index.js + 4) 124 ms (total 35 ms, self 74 ms) [read-resource 73 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  │     └─ module react-is (react-is/index.js + 1) 3.9 ms (self 8.3 ms) [read-resource 7.8 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  └─ module clsx (clsx/dist/clsx.m.js) 13 ms [read-resource 13 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/SnackbarContent/index.js + 2) 41 ms (self 75 ms) [read-resource 74 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Alert/index.js + 12) 42 ms (self 230 ms) [read-resource 228 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Grow/index.js + 3) 1s (total 182 ms, self 120 ms) [read-resource 119 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     └─ module react-transition-group (react-transition-group/esm/index.js + 10) 354 ms (total 140 ms, self 253 ms) [read-resource 250 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │        ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose.js) 17 ms [read-resource 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │        ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js) 24 ms [read-resource 24 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │        ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js) 17 ms [read-resource 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │        ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/assertThisInitialized.js) 17 ms [read-resource 17 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │        ├─ module dom-helpers (dom-helpers/esm/addClass.js + 1) 25 ms (self 35 ms) [read-resource 35 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │        └─ module dom-helpers (dom-helpers/esm/removeClass.js) 25 ms [read-resource 25 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 256 ms (total 48 ms, self 15 ms) [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module axios (axios/index.js + 28) 33 ms (self 900 ms) [read-resource 895 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardUserInviteForm/index.tsx 969 ms (total 394 ms, self 18 ms) [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardUserInviteForm/i18n.json 35 ms [read-resource 35 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardUserInviteForm/hooks.ts 522 ms (total 80 ms, self 5.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 5 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/hooks/request.tsx 277 ms (total 54 ms, self 6 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.6 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module swr (swr/dist/index.mjs) 23 ms [read-resource 19 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module swr (swr/infinite/dist/index.mjs) 25 ms [read-resource 23 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.1 ms [next-swc-loader 4.1 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.5 ms [next-swc-loader 3.6 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.4 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.2 ms [next-swc-loader 4.9 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextField/index.tsx 748 ms (total 198 ms, self 9.6 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.3 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/InputAdornment/index.js + 7) 928 µs (self 70 ms) [read-resource 68 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/TextField/index.js + 43) 945 µs (self 294 ms) [read-resource 278 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/ErrorText/index.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/FormLabel/index.tsx 461 ms (total 70 ms, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/FormLabel/i18n.json 22 ms [read-resource 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/FormPaidIcon/index.tsx 146 ms (total 25 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/FormPaidIcon/i18n.json 14 ms [read-resource 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/FormPaidLink/index.tsx 237 ms (total 43 ms, self 21 ms) [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/FormPaidLink/i18n.json 22 ms [read-resource 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  └─ module @swc/helpers (@swc/helpers/esm/_tagged_template_literal.js) 51 ms [read-resource 51 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Select/index.tsx 4.6 ms [next-swc-loader 3.7 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/ChipTextField/index.tsx 544 ms (total 13 ms, self 6.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.8 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Autocomplete/index.js + 13) 320 µs (self 147 ms) [read-resource 143 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Tag/index.tsx 264 ms (total 7 ms, self 6.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.2 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │     └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Chip/index.js + 4) 188 µs (self 68 ms) [read-resource 66 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Dialog/index.tsx 280 ms (total 9.5 ms, self 9.3 ms) [next-swc-loader 8 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Dialog/index.js + 8) 218 µs (self 125 ms) [read-resource 123 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DialogSubmitField/index.tsx 232 ms (total 31 ms, self 6.7 ms) [next-swc-loader 6 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DialogSubmitField/i18n.json 24 ms [read-resource 24 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardSnackbar/index.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardSeatEditForm/index.tsx 883 ms (total 161 ms, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardSeatEditForm/i18n.json 35 ms [read-resource 35 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardSeatEditForm/hooks.ts 6.3 ms [next-swc-loader 5.5 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/ConfirmationDialog/index.tsx 9 ms [next-swc-loader 8.5 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     └─ module resentations/views/helpers/formatter/index.ts 549 ms (total 87 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │        │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.1 ms [next-swc-loader 8.3 ms]
│  │  │  │        │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.6 ms [next-swc-loader 6.9 ms]
│  │  │  │        │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.9 ms [next-swc-loader 7.2 ms]
│  │  │  │        │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8.4 ms [next-swc-loader 7.8 ms]
│  │  │  │        │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.6 ms [next-swc-loader 6 ms]
│  │  │  │        │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.3 ms [next-swc-loader 5.7 ms]
│  │  │  │        │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 240 ms (total 12 ms, self 7.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.4 ms]
│  │  │  │        │        │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.1 ms [next-swc-loader 4.6 ms]
│  │  │  │        │        └─ module html-entities (html-entities/lib/index.js + 3) 13 ms (self 57 ms) [read-resource 53 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module resentations/routes/helper.ts 748 ms (total 171 ms, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module resentations/routes/path/index.ts 148 ms [next-swc-loader 140 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module resentations/views/styles/global.ts 974 ms (total 214 ms, self 28 ms) [next-swc-loader 27 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/styles/default.ts 4.2 ms [next-swc-loader 3.6 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module resentations/views/styles/index.ts 374 ms (total 183 ms, self 137 ms) [next-swc-loader 136 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/useMediaQuery/index.js + 2) 45 ms (self 84 ms) [read-resource 84 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 1.2s (total 218 ms, self 26 ms) [next-swc-loader 25 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module @emotion/cache (@emotion/cache/dist/emotion-cache.browser.esm.js) 377 ms (total 192 ms, self 33 ms) [read-resource 32 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     ├─ module stylis (stylis/index.js + 7) 32 ms (self 200 ms) [read-resource 198 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     ├─ module @emotion/sheet (@emotion/sheet/dist/emotion-sheet.browser.esm.js) 42 ms [read-resource 42 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     ├─ module @emotion/weak-memoize (@emotion/weak-memoize/dist/emotion-weak-memoize.esm.js) 43 ms [read-resource 42 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     └─ module @emotion/memoize (@emotion/memoize/dist/emotion-memoize.esm.js) 42 ms [read-resource 42 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/analytics/amplitude.ts 2s (total 215 ms, self 9.7 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.4 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 209 ms (total 9 ms, self 5.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.7 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.2 ms [next-swc-loader 2.6 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module @amplitude/analytics-browser (@amplitude/analytics-browser/lib/esm/index.js + 17) 1.1s (total 197 ms, self 503 ms) [read-resource 496 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     ├─ module @amplitude/analytics-types (@amplitude/analytics-types/lib/esm/index.js + 5) 16 ms (self 412 ms) [read-resource 412 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     ├─ module @amplitude/analytics-core (@amplitude/analytics-core/lib/esm/index.js + 18) 499 ms (total 55 ms, self 753 ms) [read-resource 746 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │  └─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.mjs) 39 ms [read-resource 37 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     ├─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.mjs) 14 ms [read-resource 9.6 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     ├─ module @amplitude/analytics-client-common (@amplitude/analytics-client-common/lib/esm/index.js + 13) 321 ms (total 29 ms, self 383 ms) [read-resource 380 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │  ├─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.mjs) 2.8 ms [read-resource 1.4 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │  └─ module @amplitude/analytics-connector (@amplitude/analytics-connector/dist/analytics-connector.esm.js) 8 ms [read-resource 7.3 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     ├─ module @amplitude/plugin-page-view-tracking-browser (@amplitude/plugin-page-view-tracking-browser/lib/esm/index.js + 2) 312 ms (total 22 ms, self 61 ms) [read-resource 60 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     │  └─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.mjs) 4.1 ms [read-resource 2.8 ms]
│  │  │  │        │     └─ module @amplitude/plugin-web-attribution-browser (@amplitude/plugin-web-attribution-browser/lib/esm/index.js + 2) 316 ms (total 26 ms, self 63 ms) [read-resource 61 ms]
│  │  │  │        │        └─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.mjs) 7.6 ms [read-resource 6.2 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/analytics/index.ts 669 ms (total 226 ms, self 18 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/analytics/mixpanel.ts 389 ms (total 196 ms, self 139 ms) [next-swc-loader 138 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  │  └─ module mixpanel-browser (mixpanel-browser/dist/mixpanel.cjs.js) 57 ms [read-resource 42 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module js-cookie (js-cookie/src/js.cookie.js) 11 ms [read-resource 10 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/StaticText/default.scss 406 ms (total 299 ms, self 914 µs) [next-style-loader 51 µs]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/StaticText/default.scss 298 ms [read-resource 157 ms, postcss-loader 19 ms, css-loader 5.2 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/RichEditor/default.scss 403 ms (total 289 ms, self 777 µs) [next-style-loader 94 µs]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/RichEditor/default.scss 288 ms [read-resource 16 ms, postcss-loader 19 ms, css-loader 1.7 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/RichEditor/agenda.scss 404 ms (total 290 ms, self 704 µs) [next-style-loader 36 µs]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/RichEditor/agenda.scss 290 ms [read-resource 144 ms, postcss-loader 19 ms, css-loader 5.3 ms]
│  │  │  │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 632 ms (total 48 ms, self 19 ms) [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        │  └─ module luxon (luxon/build/cjs-browser/luxon.js) 29 ms [read-resource 13 ms]
│  │  │  │        └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 1s (total 2.1s, self 21 ms) [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │           ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 312 ms [read-resource 311 ms]
│  │  │  │           ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 311 ms [read-resource 311 ms]
│  │  │  │           ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 311 ms [read-resource 311 ms]
│  │  │  │           ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 313 ms [read-resource 313 ms]
│  │  │  │           ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 312 ms [read-resource 312 ms]
│  │  │  │           ├─ module accept-language-parser (accept-language-parser/index.js) 9.2 ms [read-resource 8.8 ms]
│  │  │  │           ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 296 ms (total 59 ms, self 4 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.3 ms]
│  │  │  │           │  ├─ module validator (validator/index.js + 100) 29 ms (self 2.3s) [read-resource 2.3s]
│  │  │  │           │  └─ module nanoid (nanoid/index.browser.js + 1) 26 ms (self 38 ms) [read-resource 37 ms]
│  │  │  │           └─ module i18next (i18next/dist/esm/i18next.js) 398 ms (total 485 ms, self 35 ms) [read-resource 29 ms]
│  │  │  │              ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectSpread.js + 1) 52 ms (self 78 ms) [read-resource 78 ms]
│  │  │  │              ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/typeof.js) 57 ms [read-resource 56 ms]
│  │  │  │              ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/possibleConstructorReturn.js) 57 ms [read-resource 57 ms]
│  │  │  │              ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inherits.js + 1) 57 ms (self 79 ms) [read-resource 79 ms]
│  │  │  │              ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass.js) 57 ms [read-resource 57 ms]
│  │  │  │              ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/getPrototypeOf.js) 57 ms [read-resource 57 ms]
│  │  │  │              ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck.js) 57 ms [read-resource 57 ms]
│  │  │  │              └─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/assertThisInitialized.js) 57 ms [read-resource 57 ms]
│  │  │  ├─ entry next/dist/client/router.js
│  │  │  │  └─ module next (next/dist/client/router.js + 31) 23 ms (self 1s) [next-swc-loader 750 ms, read-resource 153 ms, build-module 463 µs]
│  │  │  ├─ entry next-client-pages-loader?absolutePagePath=private-next-pages%2F_error&page=%2F_error!
│  │  │  │  └─ module next (next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/next-client-pages-loader.js?absolutePagePath=private-next-pages%2F_error&page=%2F_error!) 2.2s (total 689 ms, self 1.2 ms) [next-client-pages-loader 89 µs]
│  │  │  │     └─ module ages/_error.tsx 2.2s (total 688 ms, self 17 ms) [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │        └─ module @sentry/nextjs (@sentry/nextjs/build/esm/index.client.js + 31) 1.9s (total 671 ms, self 5.5s) [read-resource 5.5s]
│  │  │  │           ├─ module @sentry/react (@sentry/react/build/esm/index.js + 11) 835 ms (total 210 ms, self 238 ms) [read-resource 235 ms]
│  │  │  │           │  └─ module @sentry/browser (@sentry/browser/build/npm/esm/index.js + 27) 516 ms (total 179 ms, self 697 ms) [read-resource 688 ms]
│  │  │  │           │     ├─ module @sentry-internal/feedback (@sentry-internal/feedback/build/npm/esm/index.js) 30 ms [read-resource 25 ms]
│  │  │  │           │     ├─ module @sentry-internal/replay (@sentry-internal/replay/build/npm/esm/index.js) 57 ms [read-resource 35 ms]
│  │  │  │           │     ├─ module @sentry-internal/replay-canvas (@sentry-internal/replay-canvas/build/npm/esm/index.js) 35 ms [read-resource 32 ms]
│  │  │  │           │     └─ module @sentry-internal/browser-utils (@sentry-internal/browser-utils/build/esm/index.js + 27) 23 ms (self 375 ms) [read-resource 370 ms]
│  │  │  │           ├─ module @sentry/utils (@sentry/utils/build/esm/index.js + 52) 32 ms (self 1.1s) [read-resource 1.1s]
│  │  │  │           ├─ module next (next/constants.js) 32 ms [read-resource 32 ms]
│  │  │  │           ├─ module @sentry/core (@sentry/core/build/esm/index.js + 73) 43 ms (self 2.1s) [read-resource 2.1s]
│  │  │  │           └─ module stacktrace-parser (stacktrace-parser/dist/stack-trace-parser.esm.js) 34 ms [read-resource 33 ms]
│  │  │  └─ entry next-client-pages-loader?!
│  │  │     └─ module next (next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/next-client-pages-loader.js?!) 1.9s (total 914 ms, self 773 µs) [next-client-pages-loader 24 µs]
│  │  │        └─ module ages/404.tsx 1.9s (total 913 ms, self 6.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.4 ms]
│  │  │           ├─ module @emotion/react (@emotion/react/jsx-dev-runtime/dist/emotion-react-jsx-dev-runtime.browser.esm.js) 481 ms (total 143 ms, self 51 ms) [read-resource 51 ms]
│  │  │           │  └─ module react (react/jsx-dev-runtime.js + 1) 92 ms (self 408 ms) [read-resource 405 ms]
│  │  │           └─ module resentations/views/components/pages/ErrorPage/index.tsx 1.3s (total 763 ms, self 25 ms) [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/pages/ErrorPage/i18n.json 291 ms [read-resource 291 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/MainDocument.tsx 241 ms (total 56 ms, self 7.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.6 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/analytics/user_tracking/ga.ts 3.3 ms [next-swc-loader 2.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/analytics/user_tracking/meta_pixel.ts 3.7 ms [next-swc-loader 3.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module process (process/browser.js) 41 ms [read-resource 41 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/templates/ErrorPageTemplate.tsx 884 ms (total 184 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/templates/ServicePageTemplate.tsx 732 ms (total 142 ms, self 3.6 ms) [next-swc-loader 2.6 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/hooks/track.tsx 9 ms [next-swc-loader 8.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ContentFooter/index.tsx 476 ms (total 70 ms, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ContentFooter/i18n.json 29 ms [read-resource 29 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/routes/path/developer.ts 6.7 ms [next-swc-loader 5.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LanguageSelect/index.tsx 230 ms (total 21 ms, self 7.4 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LanguageSelect/i18n.json 14 ms [read-resource 14 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/HeaderCalendarErrorMessage/index.tsx 476 ms (total 59 ms, self 8.6 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/HeaderCalendarErrorMessage/i18n.json 28 ms [read-resource 28 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/HeaderNotificationBar/index.tsx 231 ms (total 23 ms, self 8.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.2 ms]
│  │  │              │  │        ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/index.js) 598 µs [read-resource 333 µs]
│  │  │              │  │        └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/HeaderNotificationBar/i18n.json 14 ms [read-resource 14 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/Footer/index.tsx 190 ms (total 26 ms, self 7 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.9 ms]
│  │  │              │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/Footer/i18n.json 13 ms [read-resource 13 ms]
│  │  │              │     └─ module resentations/views/helpers/electron.ts 5.4 ms [next-swc-loader 4.6 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Button/index.tsx 517 ms (total 43 ms, self 4.6 ms) [next-swc-loader 4 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module next (next/link.js + 5) 32 ms (self 75 ms) [read-resource 32 ms, next-swc-loader 37 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Button/index.js + 10) 328 µs (self 134 ms) [read-resource 131 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Progress/index.tsx 250 ms (total 6.3 ms, self 6 ms) [next-swc-loader 5 ms]
│  │  │              │     └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/CircularProgress/index.js + 2) 251 µs (self 14 ms) [read-resource 13 ms]
│  │  │              └─ module @emotion/styled (@emotion/styled/dist/emotion-styled.browser.esm.js + 1) 410 ms (total 164 ms, self 40 ms) [read-resource 39 ms]
│  │  │                 ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js) 52 ms [read-resource 52 ms]
│  │  │                 ├─ module @emotion/is-prop-valid (@emotion/is-prop-valid/dist/emotion-is-prop-valid.esm.js) 51 ms [read-resource 49 ms]
│  │  │                 └─ module @emotion/use-insertion-effect-with-fallbacks (@emotion/use-insertion-effect-with-fallbacks/dist/emotion-use-insertion-effect-with-fallbacks.browser.esm.js) 51 ms [read-resource 51 ms]
│  │  ├─ seal 593 ms
│  │  │  ├─ chunk-graph 43 ms
│  │  │  ├─ optimize 2.5 ms
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-modules 6 µs
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-chunks 771 µs
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-tree 7 µs
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-chunk-modules 5 µs
│  │  │  ├─ module-hash 25 ms
│  │  │  ├─ code-generation 98 ms
│  │  │  ├─ hash 44 ms
│  │  │  ├─ code-generation-jobs 939 µs
│  │  │  ├─ module-assets 281 µs
│  │  │  └─ create-chunk-assets 339 ms
│  │  ├─ NextJsBuildManifest-createassets 580 µs
│  │  └─ NextJsBuildManifest-generateClientManifest 218 µs
│  └─ emit 600 ms
├─ server recompilation (new page discovered) 4.6s
│  ├─ server compilation 926 ms
│  │  ├─ make 734 ms
│  │  │  ├─ entry private-next-pages/_app
│  │  │  │  └─ module ages/_app.tsx 604 ms (total 3.8s, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module react 510 µs
│  │  │  │     ├─ module next (next/dynamic.js + 2) 183 ms (total 51 ms, self 41 ms) [read-resource 37 ms, next-swc-loader 3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module @swc/helpers (@swc/helpers/cjs/_interop_require_default.cjs) 50 ms [read-resource 49 ms]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/reducers/ServicePortal.tsx 540 ms (total 68 ms, self 4.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module next (next/router.js + 65) 517 ms (total 58 ms, self 1.2s) [read-resource 127 ms, next-swc-loader 984 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module @swc/helpers (@swc/helpers/cjs/_interop_require_wildcard.cjs) 57 ms [read-resource 57 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module fs 5 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module stream 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module zlib 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module resentations/views/helpers/auth/session.ts 5.5 ms [next-swc-loader 5 ms]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/reducers/DashboardPortal.tsx 567 ms (total 3.3s, self 5.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/reducers/MeetingWidget.tsx 183 ms (total 46 ms, self 7 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/widgets/MeetingWidget/hooks/pusher.ts 128 ms (total 39 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/widgets/MeetingWidget/hooks/i18n.json 342 µs [read-resource 307 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 28 ms [next-swc-loader 26 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     └─ module pusher-js 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/reducers/AssistantWidget.tsx 6.6 ms [next-swc-loader 6.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/DashboardDocument.tsx 155 ms (total 6.6 ms, self 6.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module next (next/script.js + 4) 112 ms (total 349 µs, self 88 ms) [read-resource 36 ms, next-swc-loader 46 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module react-dom 9 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module next/head 4 µs
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 153 ms (total 17 ms, self 17 ms) [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module axios 22 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module @sentry/nextjs 4 µs
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/hooks/index.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/routes/path/index.ts 22 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/pages/DashboardLoadingPage/index.tsx 531 ms (total 76 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Logo/index.tsx 25 ms [next-swc-loader 24 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Skeleton/index.tsx 434 ms (total 39 ms, self 25 ms) [next-swc-loader 24 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Transition/index.tsx 238 ms (total 14 ms, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     │  ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/index.js + 31) 154 ms (total 912 µs, self 51 ms) [read-resource 45 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     │  │  ├─ module react/jsx-runtime 10 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     │  │  ├─ module clsx 7 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     │  │  ├─ module prop-types (prop-types/index.js + 4) 33 ms (total 395 µs, self 2.8 ms) [read-resource 966 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module react-is (react-is/index.js + 1) 148 µs (self 748 µs) [read-resource 5 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  │     │  │  │  └─ module object-assign 7 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     │  │  ├─ module react-transition-group 8 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     │  │  └─ module @mui/base/className 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     │  └─ module react-spring 5 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     └─ module @mui/material/Skeleton 3 µs
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/AppInstallBanner/index.tsx 401 ms (total 58 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/AppInstallBanner/i18n.json 714 µs [read-resource 646 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/styles/color.ts 166 ms (total 26 ms, self 26 ms) [next-swc-loader 24 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module styled-theming 17 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module @mui/material/SnackbarContent 13 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module @mui/material/Snackbar 4 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module @mui/material/Grow 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/IconButton/index.tsx 139 ms (total 8.8 ms, self 8.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material/IconButton 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Image/index.tsx 10 ms [next-swc-loader 8.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardSnackbar/index.tsx 10 ms [next-swc-loader 9.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardUserInviteForm/index.tsx 449 ms (total 2.8s, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardUserInviteForm/i18n.json 617 µs [read-resource 567 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Dialog/index.tsx 173 ms (total 16 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material/Dialog 9 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/index.tsx 279 ms (total 2.6s, self 21 ms) [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material/Icon 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TransitSkip.tsx 85 ms (total 5.1 ms, self 5.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  │  ├─ module @mdi/react 8 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  │  └─ module @mdi/js 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ChartBar.tsx 8.1 ms [next-swc-loader 7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Console.tsx 8.2 ms [next-swc-loader 7.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TagCheckOutline.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarExport.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ListBoxOutline.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarImport.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ArrowDownThin.tsx 22 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/BlockHelper.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CircleSlice8.tsx 22 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CircleSlice4.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CircleSlice2.tsx 22 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FlagTriangle.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Label.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ViewAgenda.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarExpandHorizontal.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ChartBarStacked.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ViewWeekOutline.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TimerOutline.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ViewDayOutline.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FileDownloadOutline.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FileUploadOutline.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Earth.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Launch.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ExportVariant.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/NoteTextOutline.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ShareVariantOutline.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ArrowDown.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/InboxArrowDown.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ArrowRight.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ArrowLeft.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/DesktopMacDashboard.tsx 6.1 ms [next-swc-loader 5.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Vanish.tsx 5.9 ms [next-swc-loader 5.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/StorefrontOutline.tsx 6.1 ms [next-swc-loader 5.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AccountEdit.tsx 5.9 ms [next-swc-loader 5.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/NewBox.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Payment.tsx 6.1 ms [next-swc-loader 5.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Lock.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AccountLock.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarLock.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Web.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/LinkedIn.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Youtube.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Instagram.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Facebook.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Twitter.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarCheck.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/StarCheck.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/StarHalfFull.tsx 6.9 ms [next-swc-loader 4.8 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Star.tsx 5.9 ms [next-swc-loader 4.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CloseCircle.tsx 8.6 ms [next-swc-loader 7.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TagOutline.tsx 7.8 ms [next-swc-loader 6.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Tag.tsx 6.9 ms [next-swc-loader 5.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CodeTags.tsx 7.3 ms [next-swc-loader 5.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Information.tsx 8 ms [next-swc-loader 6.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/InformationOutline.tsx 8.2 ms [next-swc-loader 6.8 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Help.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Update.tsx 8.6 ms [next-swc-loader 7.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ToggleSwitch.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AccountCheck.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Circle.tsx 10 ms [next-swc-loader 9.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ToggleSwitchOff.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Check.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TicketConfirmationOutline.tsx 9.3 ms [next-swc-loader 7.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Palette.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AlertCircle.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CheckCircleOutline.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/BookOpenBlankVariant.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CheckCircle.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Phone.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Pin.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Slack.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/EmailEditOutline.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/EmailReceiveOutline.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/EmailSendOutline.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/EmailOutline.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/OfficeBuildingOutline.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FileSearchOutline.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Download.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/MapMarker.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.8 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Send.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 9.8 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Pound.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 9.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Paperclip.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarSearch.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Search.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarSync.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/MenuDown.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/OpenInNew.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Calendar.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/MessageProcessingOutline.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/MessageBadge.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/MessageBadgeOutline.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ViewDashboard.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CommentTextOutline.tsx 5.9 ms [next-swc-loader 4.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Repeat.tsx 6.2 ms [next-swc-loader 4.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AlertCircleOutline.tsx 6.1 ms [next-swc-loader 4.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/PlusThick.tsx 6 ms [next-swc-loader 4.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/LightbulbOnOutline.tsx 6.2 ms [next-swc-loader 4.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Android.tsx 6.6 ms [next-swc-loader 4.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CheckboxMultipleBlankOutline.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarPlus.tsx 6.6 ms [next-swc-loader 4.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarText.tsx 6.7 ms [next-swc-loader 5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Apple.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FileDocumentEditOutline.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/DotsVertical.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/MicrophoneOff.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TextBoxCheckOutline.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TextBoxPlusOutline.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TextBoxOutline.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 9.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ApplicationCogOutline.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ApplicationImport.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/DebugStepOver.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Replay.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Reload.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AccountPlus.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Login.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ClockTimeNineOutline.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/DotsHorizontal.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/MinusBox.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Minus.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Home.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FilterVariant.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FileImageOutline.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AccountGroup.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Menu.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/VideoOff.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Drag.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/VideoOutline.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Video.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ContentDuplicate.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ViewGridPlus.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ViewGrid.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FilePdfOutline.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TimelineClockOutline.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FileDocumentOutline.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FileCogOutline.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Flag.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CheckboxMarkedOutline.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FlagVariant.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ClockOutline.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ClockAlertOutline.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CloseCircleOutline.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Stop.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Compass.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Microphone.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ChevronLeft.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Bell.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Link.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/TrophyVariant.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/HelpCircle.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/PlusCircle.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/PlusCircleOutline.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Plus.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ChevronRight.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/AccountCog.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Apps.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CloudUploadOutline.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarCursor.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarEdit.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CardAccountDetailsOutline.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarClock.tsx 3.5 ms [next-swc-loader 2.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CalendarMonth.tsx 3.4 ms [next-swc-loader 1.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FolderEditOutline.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FormatListBulleted.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FolderOutline.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FolderCogOutline.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FolderAccountOutline.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/FormSelect.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ClipboardTextOutline.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Delete.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Pencil.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ChevronUp.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Tools.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CursorDefaultClick.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Cog.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ContentCopy.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/ChevronDown.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/CheckBold.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Poll.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Close.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Google.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Microsoft.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Monitor.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Connection.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Creation.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Icon/mdi/Account.tsx 24 ms [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Link/index.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Select/index.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/ChipTextField/index.tsx 321 ms (total 72 ms, self 17 ms) [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Tag/index.tsx 112 ms (total 16 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material/Chip 17 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/FormLabel/index.tsx 148 ms (total 34 ms, self 8.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/FormLabel/i18n.json 835 µs [read-resource 665 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/FormPaidIcon/index.tsx 62 ms (total 25 ms, self 25 ms) [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/FormPaidIcon/i18n.json 235 µs [read-resource 209 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/ErrorText/index.tsx 5.4 ms [next-swc-loader 4.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material/Autocomplete 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material/TextField 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DialogSubmitField/index.tsx 230 ms (total 25 ms, self 24 ms) [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DialogSubmitField/i18n.json 779 µs [read-resource 706 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardUserInviteForm/hooks.ts 205 ms (total 68 ms, self 9.7 ms) [next-swc-loader 8 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/hooks/request.tsx 67 ms (total 12 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  │  ├─ module swr/infinite 9 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  │  └─ module swr 3 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 13 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextField/index.tsx 177 ms (total 39 ms, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/FormPaidLink/index.tsx 63 ms (total 25 ms, self 25 ms) [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/FormPaidLink/i18n.json 226 µs [read-resource 198 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  │     └─ module @mui/material/InputAdornment 7 µs
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Snackbar/index.tsx 112 ms (total 12 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module @mui/material/Alert 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardSeatEditForm/index.tsx 465 ms (total 180 ms, self 20 ms) [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardSeatEditForm/i18n.json 324 µs [read-resource 245 µs]
│  │  │  │     │     ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/formatter/index.ts 240 ms (total 151 ms, self 7.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     │  ├─ module html-entities 13 µs
│  │  │  │     │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 24 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 24 ms [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 98 ms (total 31 ms, self 25 ms) [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6 ms [next-swc-loader 4.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardSeatEditForm/hooks.ts 5.7 ms [next-swc-loader 4.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/ConfirmationDialog/index.tsx 4 ms [next-swc-loader 3.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/routes/helper.ts 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/ThemeProvider.tsx 563 ms (total 44 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/styles/material.ts 482 ms (total 32 ms, self 30 ms) [next-swc-loader 29 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/index.js + 33) 209 ms (total 2.1 ms, self 47 ms) [read-resource 40 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module @mui/system 13 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module @mui/utils 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module @mui/base 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js) 638 µs [read-resource 18 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  │     └─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js) 547 µs [read-resource 401 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module @mui/material/styles 6 µs
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module @mui/material/CssBaseline 3 µs
│  │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/styles/global.ts 297 ms (total 53 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/styles/default.ts 10 ms [next-swc-loader 9.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/styles/index.ts 167 ms (total 9.6 ms, self 9.6 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module @mui/material/useMediaQuery 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module resentations/views/helpers/storage/index.ts 22 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/analytics/amplitude.ts 127 ms (total 12 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module @amplitude/analytics-browser 7 µs
│  │  │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.1 ms [next-swc-loader 8.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/analytics/index.ts 280 ms (total 31 ms, self 8.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module js-cookie 5 µs
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module resentations/views/helpers/analytics/mixpanel.ts 160 ms (total 23 ms, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     └─ module mixpanel-browser 2 µs
│  │  │  │     ├─ module react-live-chat-loader 19 µs
│  │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/pages/ErrorPage/index.tsx 543 ms (total 246 ms, self 5.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/pages/ErrorPage/i18n.json 357 µs [read-resource 263 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module @emotion/styled 7 µs
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/MainDocument.tsx 212 ms (total 41 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/analytics/user_tracking/ga.ts 15 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module resentations/views/helpers/analytics/user_tracking/meta_pixel.ts 15 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/templates/ErrorPageTemplate.tsx 434 ms (total 181 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/Footer/index.tsx 138 ms (total 44 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/Footer/i18n.json 358 µs [read-resource 305 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/helpers/electron.ts 28 ms [next-swc-loader 26 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/templates/ServicePageTemplate.tsx 237 ms (total 126 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/hooks/track.tsx 26 ms [next-swc-loader 24 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ContentFooter/index.tsx 95 ms (total 41 ms, self 27 ms) [next-swc-loader 24 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ContentFooter/i18n.json 228 µs [read-resource 113 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/routes/path/developer.ts 6.8 ms [next-swc-loader 6.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LanguageSelect/index.tsx 29 ms (total 7.1 ms, self 6.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LanguageSelect/i18n.json 119 µs [read-resource 63 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/HeaderCalendarErrorMessage/index.tsx 129 ms (total 43 ms, self 27 ms) [next-swc-loader 26 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │        ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/HeaderCalendarErrorMessage/i18n.json 218 µs [read-resource 182 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  │        └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/HeaderNotificationBar/index.tsx 60 ms (total 16 ms, self 15 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │           ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/index.js + 9) 34 ms (total 497 µs, self 8.5 ms) [read-resource 4.8 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │           │  └─ module @mui/base/composeClasses 8 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │           └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/HeaderNotificationBar/i18n.json 134 µs [read-resource 103 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Button/index.tsx 309 ms (total 18 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     ├─ module next (next/link.js + 6) 469 µs (self 142 ms) [read-resource 61 ms, next-swc-loader 71 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     ├─ module @mui/material/Button 14 µs
│  │  │  │     │     └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Progress/index.tsx 85 ms (total 5 ms, self 5 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │        └─ module @mui/material/CircularProgress 4 µs
│  │  │  │     ├─ module @emotion/react 5 µs
│  │  │  │     ├─ module react-quill (react-quill/dist/quill.snow.css) 1.5 ms [read-resource 199 µs]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module react-date-range (react-date-range/dist/styles.css) 418 µs [read-resource 346 µs]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module react-phone-input-2 (react-phone-input-2/lib/bootstrap.css) 431 µs [read-resource 374 µs]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module swiper (swiper/modules/effect-fade/effect-fade.min.css) 605 µs [read-resource 403 µs]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module swiper (swiper/modules/pagination/pagination.min.css) 621 µs [read-resource 582 µs]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module react-date-range (react-date-range/dist/theme/default.css) 637 µs [read-resource 598 µs]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module @fullcalendar/common (@fullcalendar/common/main.css) 653 µs [read-resource 613 µs]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module @fullcalendar/daygrid (@fullcalendar/daygrid/main.css) 667 µs [read-resource 624 µs]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module @fullcalendar/timegrid (@fullcalendar/timegrid/main.css) 679 µs [read-resource 640 µs]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/styles/reset.css 693 µs [read-resource 657 µs]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/RichEditor/default.scss 709 µs [read-resource 671 µs]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/RichEditor/agenda.scss 726 µs [read-resource 689 µs]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/StaticText/default.scss 743 µs [read-resource 707 µs]
│  │  │  │     └─ module swiper (swiper/swiper.min.css) 605 µs [read-resource 522 µs]
│  │  │  ├─ entry page private-next-pages/_error&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
│  │  │  │  └─ module page private-next-pages/_error&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30= 414 ms (total 128 ms, self 41 ms)
│  │  │  │     ├─ module ages/_error.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module next (next/dist/server/future/route-kind.js) 23 ms [read-resource 22 ms]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module next (next/dist/build/templates/helpers.js) 26 ms [read-resource 26 ms]
│  │  │  │     └─ module next (next/dist/server/future/route-modules/pages/module.compiled.js) 108 ms (total 26 ms, self 26 ms) [read-resource 26 ms]
│  │  │  │        └─ module next/dist/compiled/next-server/ 10 µs
│  │  │  ├─ entry private-next-pages/_document
│  │  │  │  └─ module ages/_document.tsx 577 ms (total 225 ms, self 7.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 83 ms (total 3.8 ms, self 3.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module @emotion/cache 53 µs
│  │  │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 338 ms (total 170 ms, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module accept-language-parser 18 µs
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 1.2 ms [read-resource 957 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 1.5 ms [read-resource 1.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 1.5 ms [read-resource 1.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 1.5 ms [read-resource 1.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 49 ms [read-resource 48 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 49 ms [read-resource 49 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module luxon 6 µs
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module i18next 6 µs
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 198 µs [read-resource 154 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 261 ms (total 45 ms, self 30 ms) [next-swc-loader 29 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 15 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 167 ms (total 9.1 ms, self 9.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     ├─ module validator 2 µs
│  │  │  │     │     └─ module nanoid 7 µs
│  │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/assets/index.ts 280 ms (total 8.2 ms, self 7.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/assets/manifest-images.json 975 µs [read-resource 680 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module url 6 µs
│  │  │  │     ├─ module @emotion/react/jsx-dev-runtime 12 µs
│  │  │  │     ├─ module next (next/document.js + 9) 491 ms (total 36 ms, self 255 ms) [read-resource 174 ms, next-swc-loader 69 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module path 9 µs
│  │  │  │     ├─ module newrelic 15 µs
│  │  │  │     ├─ module react-beautiful-dnd 4 µs
│  │  │  │     └─ module @emotion/server/create-instance 9 µs
│  │  │  └─ entry page ./src/pages/404.tsx&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
│  │  │     └─ module page ./src/pages/404.tsx&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30= 121 ms (total 53 ms, self 40 ms)
│  │  │        └─ module ages/404.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  └─ seal 185 ms
│  │     ├─ chunk-graph 25 ms
│  │     ├─ optimize 8.8 ms
│  │     ├─ optimize-modules 13 µs
│  │     ├─ optimize-chunks 7.8 ms
│  │     ├─ optimize-tree 74 µs
│  │     ├─ optimize-chunk-modules 64 µs
│  │     ├─ module-hash 6.5 ms
│  │     ├─ code-generation 31 ms
│  │     ├─ hash 5 ms
│  │     ├─ code-generation-jobs 557 µs
│  │     ├─ module-assets 128 µs
│  │     └─ create-chunk-assets 97 ms
│  └─ emit 51 ms
├─ client-success 0 µs
├─ client-full-reload 0 µs

├─ client recompilation (new page discovered) 37s
│  ├─ client compilation 36s
│  │  ├─ make 36s
│  │  │  ├─ entry next/dist/compiled/@next/react-refresh-utils/dist/runtime.js
│  │  │  ├─ entry next/dist/client/next-dev.js
│  │  │  ├─ entry next-client-pages-loader?absolutePagePath=private-next-pages%2F_app&page=%2F_app!
│  │  │  ├─ entry next/dist/client/router.js
│  │  │  ├─ entry next-client-pages-loader?absolutePagePath=private-next-pages%2F_error&page=%2F_error!
│  │  │  ├─ entry next-client-pages-loader?!
│  │  │  └─ entry next-client-pages-loader?!
│  │  │     └─ module next (next/dist/build/webpack/loaders/next-client-pages-loader.js?!) 2.4s (total 14s, self 1.7 ms) [next-client-pages-loader 152 µs]
│  │  │        └─ module ages/dashboard/event_types/[eventTypeId]/edit.tsx 2.4s (total 14s, self 3 ms) [next-swc-loader 1.7 ms]
│  │  │           └─ module resentations/views/components/pages/HostEventTypeEditPage/index.tsx 2.4s (total 14s, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.4 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/pages/HostEventTypeEditPage/i18n.json 2.5 ms [read-resource 2.2 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/pages/HostEventTypeEditPage/hooks.ts 732 ms (total 396 ms, self 8.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 113 ms [next-swc-loader 113 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 113 ms [next-swc-loader 113 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 114 ms [next-swc-loader 113 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/router.ts 4.9 ms [next-swc-loader 3.3 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/event_type.ts 303 ms (total 19 ms, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6 ms [next-swc-loader 4 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.7 ms [next-swc-loader 2.8 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.2 ms [next-swc-loader 1.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 352 ms (total 16 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │              │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.9 ms [next-swc-loader 2.7 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/templates/DashboardPageTemplate.tsx 2.3s (total 3.5s, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/widgets/MeetingWidget/VideoCursor.tsx 628 ms (total 27 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.8 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/VideoUserList/index.tsx 282 ms (total 11 ms, self 5.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 3 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/VideoUser/index.tsx 5.8 ms [next-swc-loader 4.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/VideoLocalUser/index.tsx 5.2 ms [next-swc-loader 3.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardNavigation/index.tsx 1s (total 486 ms, self 25 ms) [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardNavigation/i18n.json 35 ms [read-resource 35 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardNavigation/hooks.ts 657 ms (total 93 ms, self 18 ms) [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/project/ProjectForm/hooks/index.ts 330 ms (total 75 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/project/ProjectForm/i18n.json 39 ms [read-resource 39 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 11 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 11 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.5 ms [next-swc-loader 2.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.8 ms [next-swc-loader 9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8.9 ms [next-swc-loader 8.1 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/CreateMenu/hooks.ts 233 ms (total 25 ms, self 9.3 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/CreateMenu/index.tsx 235 ms (total 61 ms, self 32 ms) [next-swc-loader 29 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/CreateMenu/i18n.json 30 ms [read-resource 30 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/SpeedDial/index.tsx 364 ms (total 46 ms, self 29 ms) [next-swc-loader 28 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/SpeedDialIcon/index.js + 3) 18 ms (self 156 ms) [read-resource 155 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/UserMenuList/index.tsx 688 ms (total 127 ms, self 37 ms) [next-swc-loader 31 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/UserMenuList/i18n.json 22 ms [read-resource 22 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/PlanIcon/index.tsx 141 ms (total 53 ms, self 7.6 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.8 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/PlanIcon/i18n.json 45 ms [read-resource 45 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/HorizontalUserListItem/index.tsx 350 ms (total 15 ms, self 10 ms) [next-swc-loader 9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/ProgressScreen/index.tsx 5.3 ms [next-swc-loader 4.2 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/NotificationButton/index.tsx 442 ms (total 54 ms, self 32 ms) [next-swc-loader 30 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/NotificationButton/hooks.ts 200 ms (total 16 ms, self 6.3 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/NotificationList/hooks.ts 9.3 ms [next-swc-loader 7.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Badge/index.tsx 6.6 ms [next-swc-loader 5.8 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/index.tsx 1.9s (total 2.8s, self 9.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/hooks.ts 325 ms (total 62 ms, self 6.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.6 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/i18n.json 50 ms [read-resource 50 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5 ms [next-swc-loader 4.2 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/HomeView/index.tsx 250 ms (total 44 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/HomeView/i18n.json 24 ms [read-resource 24 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/HomeView/hooks.ts 4.6 ms [next-swc-loader 3.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/OptimizeView/index.tsx 479 ms (total 121 ms, self 21 ms) [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/OptimizeView/i18n.json 30 ms [read-resource 30 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/OptimizeView/hooks.ts 8.2 ms [next-swc-loader 6.8 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/OptimizeSettingView/index.tsx 202 ms (total 62 ms, self 15 ms) [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/OptimizeSettingView/i18n.json 36 ms [read-resource 36 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/OptimizeSettingView/hooks.ts 11 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/ConversationView/index.tsx 1.6s (total 2.3s, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/ConversationView/i18n.json 23 ms [read-resource 23 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/ChatFormTemplate.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/ConversationView/hooks.ts 302 ms (total 78 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │  └─ module marked (marked/lib/marked.esm.js) 61 ms [read-resource 53 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/MessageList/index.tsx 10 ms [next-swc-loader 8.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SubmitForm/index.tsx 203 ms (total 44 ms, self 7.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SubmitForm/i18n.json 37 ms [read-resource 36 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextFieldDateRangePicker/index.tsx 1.3s (total 2.1s, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextFieldDateRangePicker/i18n.json 37 ms [read-resource 37 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module react-date-range (react-date-range/dist/index.js + 12) 1.1s (total 1.4s, self 384 ms) [read-resource 375 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/startOfWeek/index.js + 3) 27 ms (self 85 ms) [read-resource 84 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/addMonths/index.js) 28 ms [read-resource 28 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/startOfMonth/index.js) 29 ms [read-resource 29 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/isSameDay/index.js) 29 ms [read-resource 29 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/endOfMonth/index.js) 29 ms [read-resource 29 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/differenceInCalendarDays/index.js + 1) 30 ms (self 49 ms) [read-resource 49 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/endOfWeek/index.js) 35 ms [read-resource 35 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/startOfDay/index.js) 35 ms [read-resource 35 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/endOfDay/index.js) 37 ms [read-resource 37 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/addDays/index.js) 52 ms [read-resource 52 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module classnames (classnames/index.js) 49 ms [read-resource 49 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module react-list (react-list/react-list.js) 601 ms (total 98 ms, self 52 ms) [read-resource 50 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  │  └─ module prop-types (prop-types/index.js + 4) 272 ms (total 46 ms, self 88 ms) [read-resource 87 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  │     └─ module react-is (react-is/index.js + 1) 9.6 ms (self 15 ms) [read-resource 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module shallow-equal (shallow-equal/dist/index.esm.js) 55 ms [read-resource 55 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/differenceInDays/index.js) 56 ms [read-resource 56 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/isSameMonth/index.js) 56 ms [read-resource 56 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/setMonth/index.js + 1) 56 ms (self 79 ms) [read-resource 79 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/isWithinInterval/index.js) 56 ms [read-resource 56 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/max/index.js) 56 ms [read-resource 56 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/min/index.js) 56 ms [read-resource 56 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/setYear/index.js) 56 ms [read-resource 56 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/differenceInCalendarMonths/index.js) 56 ms [read-resource 56 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/subMonths/index.js) 56 ms [read-resource 56 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/isBefore/index.js) 57 ms [read-resource 57 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/eachDayOfInterval/index.js) 57 ms [read-resource 56 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/format/index.js + 17) 58 ms (self 288 ms) [read-resource 286 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/addYears/index.js) 57 ms [read-resource 57 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/isEqual/index.js) 20 ms [read-resource 20 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/isWeekend/index.js) 18 ms [read-resource 18 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/isAfter/index.js) 20 ms [read-resource 20 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  └─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/parse/index.js + 6) 21 ms (self 102 ms) [read-resource 98 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     └─ module react-date-range (react-date-range/dist/locale/index.js) 360 ms (total 685 ms, self 14 ms) [read-resource 13 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/be/index.js + 215) 30 ms (self 2.9s) [read-resource 2.8s]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/af/index.js + 5) 31 ms (self 110 ms) [read-resource 109 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/ar-SA/index.js + 8) 30 ms (self 133 ms) [read-resource 132 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/ar-DZ/index.js + 5) 31 ms (self 93 ms) [read-resource 92 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/bn/index.js + 5) 30 ms (self 67 ms) [read-resource 66 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/bg/index.js + 5) 30 ms (self 67 ms) [read-resource 66 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/ca/index.js + 5) 35 ms (self 82 ms) [read-resource 80 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/cy/index.js + 5) 35 ms (self 80 ms) [read-resource 79 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/index.js + 5) 35 ms (self 84 ms) [read-resource 83 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/en-AU/index.js + 1) 5.3 ms (self 20 ms) [read-resource 19 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/en-CA/index.js + 2) 4.9 ms (self 31 ms) [read-resource 31 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/de/index.js + 5) 5 ms (self 72 ms) [read-resource 71 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/cs/index.js + 5) 5.1 ms (self 77 ms) [read-resource 76 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/da/index.js + 5) 6.4 ms (self 80 ms) [read-resource 79 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/eo/index.js + 5) 6.5 ms (self 100 ms) [read-resource 99 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/fi/index.js + 5) 8 ms (self 94 ms) [read-resource 93 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/es/index.js + 5) 6.4 ms (self 84 ms) [read-resource 83 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/el/index.js + 5) 7.5 ms (self 116 ms) [read-resource 115 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/fr/index.js + 5) 7.6 ms (self 120 ms) [read-resource 119 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/et/index.js + 5) 7.6 ms (self 76 ms) [read-resource 75 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/fr-CA/index.js + 1) 8.8 ms (self 23 ms) [read-resource 23 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/gl/index.js + 5) 8.7 ms (self 78 ms) [read-resource 78 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/fa-IR/index.js + 5) 8.8 ms (self 83 ms) [read-resource 82 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/hr/index.js + 5) 9.1 ms (self 85 ms) [read-resource 84 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/gu/index.js + 5) 8.9 ms (self 84 ms) [read-resource 83 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/hi/index.js + 5) 9.2 ms (self 77 ms) [read-resource 76 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/hy/index.js + 5) 9.2 ms (self 82 ms) [read-resource 82 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/hu/index.js + 5) 9.3 ms (self 92 ms) [read-resource 91 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/id/index.js + 5) 9.2 ms (self 84 ms) [read-resource 82 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/it/index.js + 5) 9.4 ms (self 95 ms) [read-resource 94 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/kk/index.js + 5) 9.3 ms (self 92 ms) [read-resource 91 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/he/index.js + 5) 9.4 ms (self 100 ms) [read-resource 99 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/ja/index.js + 5) 9.5 ms (self 98 ms) [read-resource 98 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/ka/index.js + 5) 7.9 ms (self 84 ms) [read-resource 83 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/is/index.js + 5) 8.1 ms (self 71 ms) [read-resource 70 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/lv/index.js + 5) 8 ms (self 78 ms) [read-resource 77 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/en-GB/index.js + 1) 8.1 ms (self 22 ms) [read-resource 22 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/ko/index.js + 5) 7.9 ms (self 64 ms) [read-resource 63 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/nb/index.js + 5) 8 ms (self 67 ms) [read-resource 66 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/lt/index.js + 5) 8.2 ms (self 88 ms) [read-resource 84 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/ms/index.js + 5) 8.1 ms (self 75 ms) [read-resource 74 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/nl/index.js + 5) 8.2 ms (self 105 ms) [read-resource 104 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/pt/index.js + 5) 8.4 ms (self 120 ms) [read-resource 120 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/sk/index.js + 5) 8.3 ms (self 116 ms) [read-resource 115 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/nn/index.js + 5) 8.3 ms (self 116 ms) [read-resource 115 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/pt-BR/index.js + 5) 8.4 ms (self 123 ms) [read-resource 122 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/pl/index.js + 5) 8.5 ms (self 128 ms) [read-resource 127 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/ro/index.js + 5) 8.4 ms (self 123 ms) [read-resource 122 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/sl/index.js + 5) 4.5 ms (self 146 ms) [read-resource 145 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/ru/index.js + 5) 4.6 ms (self 151 ms) [read-resource 150 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/sr/index.js + 5) 4.3 ms (self 131 ms) [read-resource 130 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/te/index.js + 5) 4.5 ms (self 152 ms) [read-resource 151 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/th/index.js + 5) 4.7 ms (self 137 ms) [read-resource 136 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/ta/index.js + 5) 4.7 ms (self 119 ms) [read-resource 117 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/sr-Latn/index.js + 5) 4.8 ms (self 121 ms) [read-resource 121 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/ug/index.js + 5) 4.8 ms (self 130 ms) [read-resource 130 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/uk/index.js + 5) 4.9 ms (self 136 ms) [read-resource 134 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/tr/index.js + 5) 4.9 ms (self 122 ms) [read-resource 121 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/vi/index.js + 5) 5 ms (self 114 ms) [read-resource 113 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/sv/index.js + 5) 5 ms (self 108 ms) [read-resource 107 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/zh-CN/index.js + 5) 7 ms (self 115 ms) [read-resource 114 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        └─ module date-fns (date-fns/esm/locale/zh-TW/index.js + 5) 7 ms (self 81 ms) [read-resource 80 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SummarizeView/index.tsx 478 ms (total 109 ms, self 17 ms) [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SummarizeView/i18n.json 30 ms [read-resource 30 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SummarizeView/hooks.ts 5.4 ms [next-swc-loader 4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SummarizeSettingView/index.tsx 203 ms (total 57 ms, self 8.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SummarizeSettingView/i18n.json 37 ms [read-resource 36 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SummarizeSettingView/hooks.ts 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/ScheduleView/index.tsx 266 ms (total 75 ms, self 39 ms) [next-swc-loader 32 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/ScheduleView/i18n.json 21 ms [read-resource 21 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/ScheduleView/hooks.ts 15 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Popover/index.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/AssistantOnboard/index.tsx 236 ms (total 53 ms, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/AssistantOnboard/i18n.json 30 ms [read-resource 30 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Wootric/index.tsx 9.9 ms [next-swc-loader 9.1 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DashboardBottomNavigation/index.tsx 694 ms (total 128 ms, self 10 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DashboardBottomNavigation/i18n.json 49 ms [read-resource 49 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/BottomNavigation/index.tsx 364 ms (total 69 ms, self 20 ms) [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/BottomNavigation/index.js + 2) 30 ms (self 107 ms) [read-resource 107 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/BottomNavigationAction/index.js + 2) 18 ms (self 194 ms) [read-resource 192 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module resentations/views/components/widgets/MeetingWidget/hooks/index.ts 9.5 ms [next-swc-loader 8.8 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/templates/DashboardEditViewTemplate.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/index.tsx 2.3s (total 2.1s, self 148 ms) [next-swc-loader 98 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/i18n.json 44 ms [read-resource 44 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/template.json 44 ms [read-resource 44 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.4 ms [next-swc-loader 2.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/NotificationExpandFormField/index.tsx 280 ms (total 67 ms, self 19 ms) [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/NotificationExpandFormField/i18n.json 47 ms [read-resource 47 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/TextTemplateEditor/index.tsx 1.2s (total 301 ms, self 21 ms) [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/TextTemplateEditor/i18n.json 48 ms [read-resource 48 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/TextTemplateEditor/hooks.ts 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module react-quill (react-quill/lib/index.js) 901 ms (total 209 ms, self 24 ms) [read-resource 23 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module lodash (lodash/isEqual.js + 83) 37 ms (self 1.1s) [read-resource 1.1s]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module quill (quill/dist/quill.js) 657 ms (total 148 ms, self 112 ms) [read-resource 66 ms]
│  │  │              │  │        └─ module buffer (buffer/index.js) 261 ms (total 35 ms, self 10 ms) [read-resource 5.6 ms]
│  │  │              │  │           ├─ module base64-js (base64-js/index.js) 10 ms [read-resource 9.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │           └─ module ieee754 (ieee754/index.js) 15 ms [read-resource 14 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/ExternalPageLinkButton/index.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/EmailPreview/index.tsx 1.8s (total 1s, self 18 ms) [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 48 ms [read-resource 47 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/EmailPreview/i18n.json 48 ms [read-resource 48 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 543 ms (total 50 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.5 ms [next-swc-loader 6.1 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.2 ms [next-swc-loader 5.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6 ms [next-swc-loader 5.3 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 277 ms (total 20 ms, self 9.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.2 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.1 ms [next-swc-loader 4.6 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.3 ms [next-swc-loader 5 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/api/schema/event_type_user/mock.ts 205 ms (total 24 ms, self 5.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/api/schema/user/mock.ts 18 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/EventFollowUpMail/index.tsx 1.4s (total 644 ms, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/MainTemplate.tsx 325 ms (total 28 ms, self 18 ms) [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/Footer/index.tsx 5.5 ms [next-swc-loader 4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/mails/Header/index.tsx 4.2 ms [next-swc-loader 3.6 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/atoms.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module sanitize-html (sanitize-html/index.js) 1.2s (total 564 ms, self 39 ms) [read-resource 37 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │  ├─ module is-plain-object (is-plain-object/dist/is-plain-object.js) 32 ms [read-resource 32 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │  ├─ module postcss (postcss/lib/postcss.js + 26) 704 ms (total 91 ms, self 383 ms) [read-resource 369 ms, build-module 42 µs]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module nanoid (nanoid/non-secure/index.cjs) 44 ms [read-resource 44 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │  │  └─ module picocolors (picocolors/picocolors.browser.js) 15 ms [read-resource 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │  ├─ module escape-string-regexp (escape-string-regexp/index.js) 31 ms [read-resource 31 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │  ├─ module deepmerge (deepmerge/dist/cjs.js) 32 ms [read-resource 32 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │  ├─ module parse-srcset (parse-srcset/src/parse-srcset.js) 33 ms [read-resource 32 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │  └─ module htmlparser2 (htmlparser2/lib/index.js + 3) 890 ms (total 304 ms, self 86 ms) [read-resource 83 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │     ├─ module domhandler (domhandler/lib/index.js + 1) 442 ms (total 68 ms, self 80 ms) [read-resource 78 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │     │  └─ module domelementtype (domelementtype/lib/index.js) 11 ms [read-resource 11 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │     ├─ module domutils (domutils/lib/index.js + 6) 633 ms (total 82 ms, self 187 ms) [read-resource 185 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │     │  ├─ module domelementtype (domelementtype/lib/index.js) 6.5 ms [read-resource 6.3 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │     │  └─ module dom-serializer (dom-serializer/lib/index.js + 1) 73 ms (total 18 ms, self 28 ms) [read-resource 27 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │     │     └─ module entities (entities/lib/index.js + 2) 3.4 ms (self 5.7 ms) [read-resource 4.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │     ├─ module domelementtype (domelementtype/lib/index.js) 10 ms [read-resource 10 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │     ├─ module entities (entities/lib/maps/legacy.json) 29 ms [read-resource 28 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │     ├─ module entities (entities/lib/maps/xml.json) 29 ms [read-resource 29 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │     ├─ module entities (entities/lib/maps/entities.json) 30 ms [read-resource 29 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  │     └─ module entities (entities/lib/decode_codepoint.js + 1) 24 ms (self 31 ms) [read-resource 31 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/EventTypeHeader/index.tsx 9.5 ms [next-swc-loader 8.3 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/mails/Headline/index.tsx 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/GuestEventCreatedMail/index.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/GuestEventCancelMail/index.tsx 838 ms (total 158 ms, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/mails/EventDetail/index.tsx 602 ms (total 144 ms, self 30 ms) [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.2 ms [next-swc-loader 2.8 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/ReplyToNotice/index.tsx 5.4 ms [next-swc-loader 4.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/EventRequestFlow/index.tsx 9.9 ms [next-swc-loader 8.2 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/PaymentDetail/index.tsx 259 ms (total 26 ms, self 9.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/PaymentDetail/i18n.json 9.6 ms [read-resource 9.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.2 ms [next-swc-loader 3.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.1 ms [next-swc-loader 2.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     └─ module resentations/api/schema/answer/index.ts 307 ms (total 70 ms, self 4.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 2.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module resentations/api/schema/answer/enum.ts 6.4 ms [next-swc-loader 5.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.9 ms [next-swc-loader 4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        ├─ module resentations/api/schema/workflow/enum.ts 4.9 ms [next-swc-loader 4.2 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │        └─ module zod (zod/lib/index.mjs) 49 ms [read-resource 37 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/mails/GuestEventRemindMail/index.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/RichTextTemplateEditor/index.tsx 310 ms (total 88 ms, self 35 ms) [next-swc-loader 31 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/RichTextTemplateEditor/i18n.json 48 ms [read-resource 48 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/RichTextTemplateEditor/hooks.ts 5.4 ms [next-swc-loader 4.3 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/hooks/index.ts 524 ms (total 117 ms, self 30 ms) [next-swc-loader 28 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/hooks/useEventTypeNotification.ts 291 ms (total 36 ms, self 32 ms) [next-swc-loader 30 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.2 ms [next-swc-loader 3.1 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/hooks/useEventTypeConfirmation.ts 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/hooks/useEventTypePayment.ts 247 ms (total 30 ms, self 27 ms) [next-swc-loader 25 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.4 ms [next-swc-loader 2.1 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 251 ms (total 76 ms, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 18 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Headline/index.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/HelpList/index.tsx 30 ms [next-swc-loader 29 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Checkbox/index.tsx 396 ms (total 48 ms, self 27 ms) [next-swc-loader 26 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Checkbox/index.js + 5) 21 ms (self 128 ms) [read-resource 127 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/ServiceDraggableListItem/index.tsx 32 ms [next-swc-loader 31 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeAssignForm/index.tsx 1.5s (total 1.3s, self 20 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeAssignForm/i18n.json 199 ms [read-resource 198 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeAssignForm/hooks.ts 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.2 ms [next-swc-loader 8 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8.8 ms [next-swc-loader 7.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Emoji/index.tsx 425 ms (total 118 ms, self 8.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module emoji-mart (emoji-mart/dist/module.js) 62 ms [read-resource 52 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module @emoji-mart/data (@emoji-mart/data/sets/14/native.json) 48 ms [read-resource 40 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AutoCompleteTeamUserField/index.tsx 535 ms (total 97 ms, self 8.4 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.8 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AutoCompleteTeamUserField/i18n.json 63 ms [read-resource 63 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AutoCompleteTeamUserField/hooks.ts 254 ms (total 26 ms, self 21 ms) [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module resentations/views/hooks/debounce.ts 4.6 ms [next-swc-loader 3.6 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AutoCompleteProjectField/index.tsx 328 ms (total 94 ms, self 8.3 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AutoCompleteProjectField/i18n.json 63 ms [read-resource 63 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AutoCompleteProjectField/hooks.ts 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module react-beautiful-dnd (react-beautiful-dnd/dist/react-beautiful-dnd.esm.js) 1s (total 494 ms, self 45 ms) [read-resource 20 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inheritsLoose.js + 1) 48 ms (self 79 ms) [read-resource 79 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js) 48 ms [read-resource 48 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module redux (redux/es/redux.js) 342 ms (total 87 ms, self 22 ms) [read-resource 21 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module symbol-observable (symbol-observable/es/index.js + 1) 65 ms (self 79 ms) [read-resource 78 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module memoize-one (memoize-one/dist/memoize-one.esm.js) 22 ms [read-resource 22 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module raf-schd (raf-schd/dist/raf-schd.esm.js) 22 ms [read-resource 22 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module css-box-model (css-box-model/dist/css-box-model.esm.js) 329 ms (total 75 ms, self 23 ms) [read-resource 22 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module tiny-invariant (tiny-invariant/dist/tiny-invariant.esm.js) 52 ms [read-resource 52 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module react-redux (react-redux/es/index.js + 24) 601 ms (total 124 ms, self 693 ms) [read-resource 687 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js) 34 ms [read-resource 34 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js) 33 ms [read-resource 33 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module react-is (react-is/index.js + 1) 34 ms (self 57 ms) [read-resource 57 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module use-memo-one (use-memo-one/dist/use-memo-one.esm.js) 23 ms [read-resource 23 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeReservationFormSubmitField/index.tsx 328 ms (total 71 ms, self 8.4 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeReservationFormSubmitField/i18n.json 63 ms [read-resource 63 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Avatar/index.tsx 347 ms (total 175 ms, self 9.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.1 ms]
│  │  │              │     ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Avatar/index.js + 3) 51 ms (self 141 ms) [read-resource 140 ms]
│  │  │              │     ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/AvatarGroup/index.js + 2) 63 ms (self 124 ms) [read-resource 123 ms]
│  │  │              │     └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Badge/index.js + 2) 52 ms (self 112 ms) [read-resource 111 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ManagedSwitch/index.tsx 764 ms (total 265 ms, self 6.3 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.2 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ManagedSwitch/i18n.json 199 ms [read-resource 198 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Switch/index.tsx 340 ms (total 60 ms, self 7.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.1 ms]
│  │  │              │     └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Switch/index.js + 4) 52 ms (self 152 ms) [read-resource 151 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/ManagedLabel/index.tsx 233 ms (total 201 ms, self 2.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 1.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/ManagedLabel/i18n.json 198 ms [read-resource 198 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/ManagedEventSettingTypeField/index.tsx 437 ms (total 225 ms, self 7.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/ManagedEventSettingTypeField/i18n.json 198 ms [read-resource 198 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/NewLabel/index.tsx 8.9 ms [next-swc-loader 7.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/ToggleButtonGroup/index.tsx 10 ms [next-swc-loader 9.6 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.2 ms [next-swc-loader 6.3 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.2 ms [next-swc-loader 4.1 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/index.tsx 2.1s (total 2.3s, self 63 ms) [next-swc-loader 48 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/i18n.json 26 ms [read-resource 25 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/hooks.ts 1.6s (total 368 ms, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/event_type_calendar.ts 1.3s (total 128 ms, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.7 ms [next-swc-loader 2.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module rrule (rrule/dist/esm/src/index.js + 27) 939 ms (total 102 ms, self 475 ms) [read-resource 464 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.js) 24 ms [read-resource 23 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     └─ module luxon (luxon/build/cjs-browser/luxon.js) 52 ms [read-resource 35 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/calendar.ts 22 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 24 ms [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 25 ms [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/error.ts 31 ms [next-swc-loader 29 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 30 ms [next-swc-loader 29 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 31 ms [next-swc-loader 29 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 31 ms [next-swc-loader 29 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 32 ms [next-swc-loader 31 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.1 ms [next-swc-loader 8.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8.8 ms [next-swc-loader 8.3 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.5 ms [next-swc-loader 7.1 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 14 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextFieldDatePicker/index.tsx 1.7s (total 342 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextFieldDatePicker/i18n.json 52 ms [read-resource 51 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module @mui/x-date-pickers (@mui/x-date-pickers/index.js + 116) 1.3s (total 87 ms, self 2.8s) [read-resource 2.7s]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/index.js + 238) 22 ms (self 5.5s) [read-resource 5.4s]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Unstable_TrapFocus/index.js) 10 ms [read-resource 10 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module rifm (rifm/dist/rifm.esm.js) 16 ms [read-resource 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module @mui/x-date-pickers (@mui/x-date-pickers/LocalizationProvider/index.js + 1) 50 ms (self 81 ms) [read-resource 80 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module @mui/x-date-pickers (@mui/x-date-pickers/DatePicker/index.js + 1) 597 ms (total 70 ms, self 81 ms) [read-resource 80 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js) 10 ms [read-resource 10 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js) 9.6 ms [read-resource 9.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module @mui/x-date-pickers (@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterLuxon/index.js) 319 ms (total 67 ms, self 20 ms) [read-resource 20 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module @date-io/luxon (@date-io/luxon/build/index.esm.js) 46 ms [read-resource 45 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/MenuItem/index.tsx 364 ms (total 62 ms, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/MenuItem/index.js + 8) 47 ms (self 244 ms) [read-resource 242 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/InputDialog/index.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/AvailabilityCalendar/index.tsx 1.3s (total 502 ms, self 28 ms) [next-swc-loader 24 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/reducers/DashboardCalendar.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/Calendar/index.tsx 914 ms (total 459 ms, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/Calendar/i18n.json 18 ms [read-resource 18 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module @fullcalendar/daygrid (@fullcalendar/daygrid/main.js) 694 ms (total 139 ms, self 25 ms) [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     │  ├─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.js) 13 ms [next-swc-loader 9.8 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     │  └─ module @fullcalendar/common (@fullcalendar/common/main.js + 1) 347 ms (total 101 ms, self 95 ms) [next-swc-loader 60 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     │     └─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.js) 8.4 ms [next-swc-loader 6.3 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module @fullcalendar/timegrid (@fullcalendar/timegrid/main.js) 358 ms (total 41 ms, self 30 ms) [next-swc-loader 25 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     │  └─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.js) 11 ms [next-swc-loader 8.2 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module @fullcalendar/core (@fullcalendar/core/locales/ja.js) 37 ms [read-resource 37 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module @fullcalendar/interaction (@fullcalendar/interaction/main.js) 328 ms (total 78 ms, self 47 ms) [read-resource 40 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     │  └─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.js) 31 ms [read-resource 30 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module @fullcalendar/luxon (@fullcalendar/luxon/main.js) 327 ms (total 67 ms, self 36 ms) [read-resource 36 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     │  └─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.js) 30 ms [read-resource 29 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module @fullcalendar/react (@fullcalendar/react/dist/main.js + 1) 326 ms (total 66 ms, self 50 ms) [read-resource 49 ms]
│  │  │              │  │        └─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.js) 29 ms [read-resource 26 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DateController/index.tsx 371 ms (total 122 ms, self 21 ms) [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DateController/i18n.json 51 ms [read-resource 51 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/ButtonGroup/index.js + 2) 50 ms (self 109 ms) [read-resource 108 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/AvailabilityList/index.tsx 418 ms (total 115 ms, self 25 ms) [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/AvailabilityList/i18n.json 51 ms [read-resource 51 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 11 ms [next-swc-loader 7.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module sprintf-js (sprintf-js/src/sprintf.js) 29 ms [read-resource 28 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AvailabilityPopover/index.tsx 934 ms (total 344 ms, self 35 ms) [next-swc-loader 28 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AvailabilityPopover/i18n.json 62 ms [read-resource 62 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AvailabilityPopover/hooks.ts 615 ms (total 93 ms, self 21 ms) [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/routine.ts 9.9 ms [next-swc-loader 8.2 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/RoutineScheduleForm/hooks/index.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 324 ms (total 44 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 13 ms [read-resource 13 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.4 ms [next-swc-loader 3.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.3 ms [next-swc-loader 2.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.5 ms [next-swc-loader 2.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.1 ms [next-swc-loader 3.2 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/RoutineScheduleForm/index.tsx 179 ms (total 37 ms, self 7.7 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.2 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/RoutineScheduleForm/i18n.json 29 ms [read-resource 29 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DateTimeSelect/index.tsx 249 ms (total 24 ms, self 4.6 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.1 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TimePicker/index.tsx 10 ms [next-swc-loader 8.6 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextFieldTimePicker/index.tsx 9.1 ms [next-swc-loader 7.1 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Modal/index.tsx 514 ms (total 93 ms, self 5.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module react-spring (react-spring/web.cjs.js) 352 ms (total 88 ms, self 37 ms) [read-resource 30 ms]
│  │  │              │  │        ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose.js) 12 ms [read-resource 12 ms]
│  │  │              │  │        ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/inheritsLoose.js) 14 ms [read-resource 14 ms]
│  │  │              │  │        ├─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/extends.js) 14 ms [read-resource 14 ms]
│  │  │              │  │        └─ module @babel/runtime (@babel/runtime/helpers/assertThisInitialized.js) 12 ms [read-resource 12 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Tabs/index.tsx 341 ms (total 59 ms, self 6.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.8 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Tabs/index.js + 10) 26 ms (self 245 ms) [read-resource 240 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Tab/index.js + 2) 26 ms (self 80 ms) [read-resource 79 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/DateRange/index.tsx 319 ms (total 80 ms, self 7.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.3 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/DateRange/i18n.json 62 ms [read-resource 62 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/shared/SubLabel/index.tsx 10 ms [next-swc-loader 9.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/GracePeriod/index.tsx 207 ms (total 72 ms, self 9.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/GracePeriod/i18n.json 63 ms [read-resource 62 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/RestrictAccept/index.tsx 495 ms (total 79 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/RestrictAccept/i18n.json 38 ms [read-resource 38 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/RestrictAccept/hooks/useRestrictAccept.ts 261 ms (total 25 ms, self 18 ms) [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.4 ms [next-swc-loader 6.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/shared/Field/index.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeBasicForm/index.tsx 1.1s (total 1.1s, self 32 ms) [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeBasicForm/i18n.json 25 ms [read-resource 25 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeBasicForm/template.json 25 ms [read-resource 25 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/templates/EventTypeOnboardTemplate.tsx 9.9 ms [next-swc-loader 8.3 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeBasicForm/hooks.ts 357 ms (total 116 ms, self 20 ms) [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 21 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 26 ms [next-swc-loader 25 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.1 ms [next-swc-loader 3.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.3 ms [next-swc-loader 2.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.5 ms [next-swc-loader 4.1 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextArea/index.tsx 6.4 ms [next-swc-loader 3.3 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeRichEditor/index.tsx 501 ms (total 46 ms, self 7.3 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.3 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/RichEditor/index.tsx 185 ms (total 39 ms, self 10 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.1 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/RichEditor/i18n.json 21 ms [read-resource 21 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/RichEditor/hooks.ts 6.7 ms [next-swc-loader 5.1 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DashboardFormSubmitField/index.tsx 279 ms (total 59 ms, self 6.7 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.8 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DashboardFormSubmitField/i18n.json 52 ms [read-resource 52 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeReservationExpandForm/index.tsx 7.5 ms [next-swc-loader 4.8 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/LocationPhoneTypeFormDialog/index.tsx 598 ms (total 106 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.1 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/LocationPhoneTypeFormDialog/i18n.json 52 ms [read-resource 52 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextFieldPhoneInput/index.tsx 281 ms (total 42 ms, self 15 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module react-phone-input-2 (react-phone-input-2/lib/lib.js) 26 ms [read-resource 19 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/LocationTypeList/index.tsx 517 ms (total 189 ms, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/LocationTypeList/i18n.json 52 ms [read-resource 52 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LocationMenuItem/index.tsx 174 ms (total 30 ms, self 8.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LocationMenuItem/i18n.json 21 ms [read-resource 21 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LocationTypeListItem/index.tsx 200 ms (total 47 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LocationTypeListItem/i18n.json 31 ms [read-resource 31 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LocationAddButton/index.tsx 200 ms (total 48 ms, self 17 ms) [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LocationAddButton/i18n.json 31 ms [read-resource 31 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/LocationTypeForm/index.tsx 279 ms (total 62 ms, self 10 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/LocationTypeForm/i18n.json 52 ms [read-resource 52 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/FloatSettingMenu/index.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/MenuAddButton/index.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 13 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeDeleteResourceSetDialog/index.tsx 278 ms (total 68 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeDeleteResourceSetDialog/i18n.json 52 ms [read-resource 51 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeNoIntegrationResource/index.tsx 278 ms (total 68 ms, self 17 ms) [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeNoIntegrationResource/i18n.json 52 ms [read-resource 52 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeNoResource/index.tsx 278 ms (total 71 ms, self 20 ms) [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeNoResource/i18n.json 52 ms [read-resource 51 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeSelectResourceSetDialog/index.tsx 523 ms (total 128 ms, self 20 ms) [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeSelectResourceSetDialog/i18n.json 52 ms [read-resource 51 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeSelectResourceSetDialog/hooks/useEventTypeSelectResourceSetDialog.ts 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeSelectResourceSetDialog/components/Title/index.tsx 136 ms (total 33 ms, self 3 ms) [next-swc-loader 2 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeSelectResourceSetDialog/components/Title/i18n.json 30 ms [read-resource 30 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeSelectResourceSetDialog/components/ResourceSetItem/index.tsx 6.6 ms [next-swc-loader 5.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Slider/index.js + 2) 44 ms (self 102 ms) [read-resource 100 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeTeamSchedulingForm/index.tsx 973 ms (total 555 ms, self 46 ms) [next-swc-loader 35 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeTeamSchedulingForm/i18n.json 25 ms [read-resource 25 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeTeamSchedulingForm/hooks.ts 585 ms (total 112 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 255 ms (total 32 ms, self 19 ms) [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.5 ms [next-swc-loader 4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.9 ms [next-swc-loader 3.2 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.7 ms [next-swc-loader 3.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 255 ms (total 32 ms, self 27 ms) [next-swc-loader 26 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.2 ms [next-swc-loader 4.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5 ms [next-swc-loader 3.8 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.7 ms [next-swc-loader 4.6 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.4 ms [next-swc-loader 4.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.8 ms [next-swc-loader 4.8 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8 ms [next-swc-loader 7.1 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.7 ms [next-swc-loader 6.8 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.8 ms [next-swc-loader 5 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9 ms [next-swc-loader 8.2 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.1 ms [next-swc-loader 8.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Radio/index.tsx 365 ms (total 110 ms, self 15 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Radio/index.js + 5) 47 ms (self 177 ms) [read-resource 176 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/RadioGroup/index.js + 6) 48 ms (self 201 ms) [read-resource 200 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Tooltip/index.tsx 365 ms (total 62 ms, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Tooltip/index.js + 2) 48 ms (self 106 ms) [read-resource 105 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeTransparencyKeywordList/index.tsx 517 ms (total 138 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │              │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeTransparencyKeywordList/i18n.json 51 ms [read-resource 51 ms]
│  │  │              │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/WorkflowAddButton/index.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │  │              │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeTransparencyKeywordListItem/index.tsx 200 ms (total 54 ms, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │              │        └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeTransparencyKeywordListItem/i18n.json 31 ms [read-resource 31 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardHeaderTitle/index.tsx 1.4s (total 312 ms, self 66 ms) [next-swc-loader 62 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardHeaderTitle/i18n.json 45 ms [read-resource 45 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module react-copy-to-clipboard (react-copy-to-clipboard/lib/index.js + 1) 906 ms (total 144 ms, self 70 ms) [read-resource 69 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module copy-to-clipboard (copy-to-clipboard/index.js) 324 ms (total 95 ms, self 62 ms) [read-resource 61 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module toggle-selection (toggle-selection/index.js) 33 ms [read-resource 33 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Menu/index.tsx 361 ms (total 57 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.6 ms]
│  │  │              │     ├─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Menu/index.js) 23 ms [read-resource 23 ms]
│  │  │              │     └─ module @mui/material (@mui/material/esm/Divider/index.js + 2) 23 ms (self 94 ms) [read-resource 94 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypePageForm/index.tsx 1.9s (total 1.1s, self 185 ms) [next-swc-loader 139 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypePageForm/i18n.json 49 ms [read-resource 49 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 21 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 21 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 21 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 27 ms [next-swc-loader 27 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypePageForm/hooks/index.ts 501 ms (total 116 ms, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypePageForm/hooks/useEventTypeDesign.ts 191 ms (total 16 ms, self 8.3 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/helpers/color.ts 7.8 ms [next-swc-loader 6.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypePageForm/hooks/useEventTypeForm.ts 9.2 ms [next-swc-loader 7.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypePageForm/hooks/useEventTypeTerm.ts 14 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 198 ms (total 51 ms, self 6.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6 ms [next-swc-loader 4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.5 ms [next-swc-loader 3.3 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.6 ms [next-swc-loader 3.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.7 ms [next-swc-loader 4.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.9 ms [next-swc-loader 5.2 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7 ms [next-swc-loader 5.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.3 ms [next-swc-loader 5.6 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/PickCoverImageDialog/index.tsx 265 ms (total 72 ms, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/PickCoverImageDialog/i18n.json 50 ms [read-resource 50 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.6 ms [next-swc-loader 8.9 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/CustomQuestionList/index.tsx 309 ms (total 50 ms, self 15 ms) [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/CustomQuestionList/i18n.json 27 ms [read-resource 27 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7 ms [next-swc-loader 6.5 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/CustomQuestionListItem/index.tsx 529 ms (total 96 ms, self 27 ms) [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/CustomQuestionListItem/i18n.json 26 ms [read-resource 26 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeCustomChoiceListItem/index.tsx 210 ms (total 43 ms, self 5.4 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.4 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeCustomChoiceListItem/i18n.json 37 ms [read-resource 37 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextFieldColorPicker/index.tsx 1.3s (total 378 ms, self 15 ms) [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module react-color (react-color/es/index.js + 54) 968 ms (total 363 ms, self 1.3s) [read-resource 1.3s]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module lodash-es (lodash-es/merge.js + 82) 18 ms (self 1.4s) [read-resource 1.4s]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module lodash-es (lodash-es/debounce.js + 13) 18 ms (self 281 ms) [read-resource 280 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module lodash-es (lodash-es/map.js + 59) 18 ms (self 809 ms) [read-resource 803 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module reactcss (reactcss/lib/index.js + 6) 499 ms (total 103 ms, self 136 ms) [read-resource 135 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     │  ├─ module lodash (lodash/isPlainObject.js + 2) 14 ms (self 30 ms) [read-resource 30 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     │  ├─ module lodash (lodash/isString.js) 13 ms [read-resource 13 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     │  ├─ module lodash (lodash/cloneDeep.js + 32) 13 ms (self 227 ms) [read-resource 224 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     │  ├─ module lodash (lodash/forOwn.js + 5) 13 ms (self 91 ms) [read-resource 91 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     │  └─ module lodash (lodash/map.js + 30) 18 ms (self 143 ms) [read-resource 140 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module material-colors (material-colors/dist/colors.es2015.js) 32 ms [read-resource 32 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module lodash-es (lodash-es/isUndefined.js) 31 ms [read-resource 30 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module lodash-es (lodash-es/each.js + 3) 9.5 ms (self 71 ms) [read-resource 71 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module @icons/material (@icons/material/UnfoldMoreHorizontalIcon.js) 17 ms [read-resource 17 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module tinycolor2 (tinycolor2/tinycolor.js) 35 ms [read-resource 30 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     ├─ module lodash-es (lodash-es/throttle.js) 24 ms [read-resource 24 ms]
│  │  │              │  │     └─ module @icons/material (@icons/material/CheckIcon.js) 25 ms [read-resource 25 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/ColorButton/index.tsx 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeIntegrationForm/index.tsx 825 ms (total 417 ms, self 124 ms) [next-swc-loader 116 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeIntegrationForm/i18n.json 44 ms [read-resource 44 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeIntegrationForm/hooks.ts 251 ms (total 67 ms, self 18 ms) [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/AutoCompleteTextField/index.tsx 33 ms [next-swc-loader 32 ms]
│  │  │              │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/ConnectIcon/index.tsx 206 ms (total 58 ms, self 7.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.7 ms]
│  │  │              │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/ConnectIcon/i18n.json 50 ms [read-resource 50 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/RoleRequiredDialog/index.tsx 206 ms (total 57 ms, self 7.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.2 ms]
│  │  │              │     └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/RoleRequiredDialog/i18n.json 50 ms [read-resource 50 ms]
│  │  │              ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/PlanUpgradeDialog/index.tsx 497 ms (total 158 ms, self 115 ms) [next-swc-loader 114 ms]
│  │  │              │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/PlanUpgradeDialog/i18n.json 44 ms [read-resource 44 ms]
│  │  │              └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.5 ms]
│  │  ├─ seal 724 ms
│  │  │  ├─ chunk-graph 39 ms
│  │  │  ├─ optimize 3.2 ms
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-modules 12 µs
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-chunks 437 µs
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-tree 67 µs
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-chunk-modules 60 µs
│  │  │  ├─ module-hash 23 ms
│  │  │  ├─ code-generation 95 ms
│  │  │  ├─ hash 54 ms
│  │  │  ├─ code-generation-jobs 229 µs
│  │  │  ├─ module-assets 391 µs
│  │  │  └─ create-chunk-assets 451 ms
│  │  ├─ NextJsBuildManifest-createassets 1 ms
│  │  └─ NextJsBuildManifest-generateClientManifest 389 µs
│  └─ emit 358 ms
├─ client-success 1 µs

├─ client recompilation (new page discovered) 2.1s
│  ├─ client compilation 206 ms
│  │  ├─ make 94 ms
│  │  │  ├─ entry next/dist/compiled/@next/react-refresh-utils/dist/runtime.js
│  │  │  ├─ entry next/dist/client/next-dev.js
│  │  │  ├─ entry next-client-pages-loader?absolutePagePath=private-next-pages%2F_app&page=%2F_app!
│  │  │  ├─ entry next/dist/client/router.js
│  │  │  ├─ entry next-client-pages-loader?absolutePagePath=private-next-pages%2F_error&page=%2F_error!
│  │  │  ├─ entry next-client-pages-loader?!
│  │  │  └─ entry next-client-pages-loader?!
│  │  ├─ seal 109 ms
│  │  │  ├─ chunk-graph 54 ms
│  │  │  ├─ optimize 2.6 ms
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-modules 5 µs
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-chunks 456 µs
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-tree 5 µs
│  │  │  ├─ optimize-chunk-modules 4 µs
│  │  │  ├─ module-hash 1.4 ms
│  │  │  ├─ code-generation 8 ms
│  │  │  ├─ hash 11 ms
│  │  │  ├─ code-generation-jobs 130 µs
│  │  │  ├─ module-assets 349 µs
│  │  │  └─ create-chunk-assets 3.1 ms
│  │  ├─ NextJsBuildManifest-createassets 569 µs
│  │  └─ NextJsBuildManifest-generateClientManifest 286 µs
│  └─ emit 6.6 ms
├─ server recompilation (new page discovered) 294 ms
├─ server compilation 66 ms
│  ├─ make 31 ms
│  │  ├─ entry private-next-pages/_app
│  │  ├─ entry page private-next-pages/_error&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
│  │  ├─ entry private-next-pages/_document
│  │  ├─ entry page ./src/pages/dashboard/event_types/[eventTypeId]/edit.tsx&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
│  │  └─ entry page ./src/pages/404.tsx&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
│  └─ seal 34 ms
│     ├─ chunk-graph 16 ms
│     ├─ optimize 3.7 ms
│     ├─ optimize-modules 8 µs
│     ├─ optimize-chunks 2.9 ms
│     ├─ optimize-tree 5 µs
│     ├─ optimize-chunk-modules 3 µs
│     ├─ module-hash 540 µs
│     ├─ code-generation 1.5 ms
│     ├─ hash 2.6 ms
│     ├─ code-generation-jobs 72 µs
│     ├─ module-assets 141 µs
│     └─ create-chunk-assets 941 µs
├─ client-success 0 µs
├─ emit 2.7 ms
├─ client-full-reload 0 µs
├─ server recompilation (new page discovered) 367 ms
│  ├─ server compilation 323 ms
│  │  ├─ make 229 ms
│  │  │  ├─ entry private-next-pages/_app
│  │  │  ├─ entry page private-next-pages/_error&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
│  │  │  ├─ entry private-next-pages/_document
│  │  │  ├─ entry page ./src/pages/404.tsx&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
│  │  │  ├─ entry page ./src/pages/api/[version]/session/fetch.ts&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
│  │  │  │  └─ module page ./src/pages/api/[version]/session/fetch.ts&middlewareConfigBase64=e30= 206 ms (total 419 ms, self 5.5 ms)
│  │  │  │     ├─ module ages/api/[version]/session/fetch.ts 188 ms (total 408 ms, self 4.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 2.8 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module crypto 11 µs
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.1 ms [next-swc-loader 1.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module resentations/api/common.ts 163 ms (total 7.3 ms, self 3.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 2.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module formidable (formidable/src/index.js + 15) 69 ms (total 3.8 ms, self 74 ms) [next-swc-loader 61 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module node:crypto 8 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module node:events 1 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module node:fs 1 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module node:os 1 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module node:path 1 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module node:string_decoder 1 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module once 4 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module dezalgo 1 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module hexoid 3 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │     └─ module node:stream 1 µs
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.5 ms [next-swc-loader 1.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.5 ms [next-swc-loader 2.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.5 ms [next-swc-loader 3.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.5 ms [next-swc-loader 2.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 75 ms (total 8.6 ms, self 2.7 ms) [next-swc-loader 2.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.9 ms [next-swc-loader 5.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.5 ms [next-swc-loader 2.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.5 ms [next-swc-loader 3.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 143 ms (total 24 ms, self 4.3 ms) [next-swc-loader 4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 76 ms (total 9.7 ms, self 5.6 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.1 ms [next-swc-loader 3.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.6 ms [next-swc-loader 4.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.5 ms [next-swc-loader 3.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 164 ms (total 25 ms, self 3.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 2.8 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 79 ms (total 13 ms, self 3.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms (total 7.4 ms, self 5.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 1.4 ms [next-swc-loader 1.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  │  └─ module knex 3 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 1.7 ms [next-swc-loader 1.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.5 ms [next-swc-loader 5.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.7 ms [next-swc-loader 3.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 144 ms (total 12 ms, self 3.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 2.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 57 ms (total 8.3 ms, self 2.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 2.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.9 ms [next-swc-loader 3.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 1.5 ms [next-swc-loader 1.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3 ms [next-swc-loader 2.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 93 ms (total 9.8 ms, self 3.7 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.1 ms [next-swc-loader 5.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 108 ms (total 20 ms, self 7.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7 ms [next-swc-loader 6.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.3 ms [next-swc-loader 5.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.7 ms [next-swc-loader 6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.9 ms [next-swc-loader 6.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 156 ms (total 94 ms, self 5.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.8 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 82 ms (total 8.5 ms, self 5.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.3 ms [next-swc-loader 2.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.9 ms [next-swc-loader 2.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 98 ms (total 6.3 ms, self 2.7 ms) [next-swc-loader 1.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 19 ms (total 3.6 ms, self 3.6 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │     └─ module util 6 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5 ms [next-swc-loader 4.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.7 ms [next-swc-loader 5.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 97 ms (total 11 ms, self 6.6 ms) [next-swc-loader 6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 19 ms (total 4.4 ms, self 2.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 2.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 1.5 ms [next-swc-loader 1.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.4 ms [next-swc-loader 3.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 73 ms (total 9 ms, self 4.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.1 ms (total 4.2 ms, self 4.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.8 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │     └─ module @google-cloud/storage 4 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.3 ms [next-swc-loader 3.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.1 ms [next-swc-loader 6.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.8 ms [next-swc-loader 6.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 46 ms (total 3.9 ms, self 3.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  │  └─ module firebase-admin 9 µs
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8 ms [next-swc-loader 7.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.4 ms [next-swc-loader 5.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 94 ms (total 9.6 ms, self 3.7 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.4 ms [next-swc-loader 1.4 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.5 ms [next-swc-loader 2.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 49 ms (total 57 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.1 ms [read-resource 5.8 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.6 ms [read-resource 6.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.1 ms [read-resource 6.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.8 ms [read-resource 5.7 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6 ms [read-resource 6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7 ms [read-resource 6.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.2 ms [read-resource 7.1 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 12 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 11 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.4 ms [next-swc-loader 4.8 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 43 ms (total 11 ms, self 5.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.2 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.6 ms [next-swc-loader 5.3 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 89 ms (total 26 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.1 ms [next-swc-loader 2.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3 ms [next-swc-loader 2.8 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.8 ms [next-swc-loader 2.6 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.2 ms [next-swc-loader 4.9 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.2 ms [next-swc-loader 2.8 ms]
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module resentations/routes/path/index.ts 60 ms (total 19 ms, self 15 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │  │  │     │     └─ module resentations/routes/helper.ts 4.5 ms [next-swc-loader 3.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module next (next/dist/server/future/route-kind.js) 1.9 ms [read-resource 1.5 ms]
│  │  │  │     ├─ module next (next/dist/server/future/route-modules/pages-api/module.compiled.js) 3.9 ms (total 1.2 ms, self 1.2 ms) [read-resource 816 µs]
│  │  │  │     │  └─ module next/dist/compiled/next-server/ 13 µs
│  │  │  │     └─ module next (next/dist/build/templates/helpers.js) 1.4 ms [read-resource 1.2 ms]
│  │  │  └─ entry page ./src/pages/dashboard/event_types/[eventTypeId]/edit.tsx&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
│  │  └─ seal 92 ms
│  │     ├─ chunk-graph 15 ms
│  │     ├─ optimize 3.2 ms
│  │     ├─ optimize-modules 4 µs
│  │     ├─ optimize-chunks 2.5 ms
│  │     ├─ optimize-tree 4 µs
│  │     ├─ optimize-chunk-modules 4 µs
│  │     ├─ module-hash 3.6 ms
│  │     ├─ code-generation 11 ms
│  │     ├─ hash 3.2 ms
│  │     ├─ code-generation-jobs 210 µs
│  │     ├─ module-assets 157 µs
│  │     └─ create-chunk-assets 47 ms
│  └─ emit 41 ms
└─ server recompilation (new page discovered) 372 ms
   ├─ server compilation 355 ms
   │  ├─ make 247 ms
   │  │  ├─ entry private-next-pages/_app
   │  │  ├─ entry page private-next-pages/_error&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
   │  │  ├─ entry private-next-pages/_document
   │  │  ├─ entry page ./src/pages/404.tsx&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
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   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5 ms [next-swc-loader 4.7 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5 ms [next-swc-loader 4.7 ms]
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   │  │  │        │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.7 ms [next-swc-loader 4 ms]
   │  │  │        │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.5 ms [next-swc-loader 3.9 ms]
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   │  │  │        │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.8 ms [next-swc-loader 4.3 ms]
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   │  │  │        │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8.2 ms [next-swc-loader 7.8 ms]
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   │  │  │        │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.6 ms [next-swc-loader 5.1 ms]
   │  │  │        │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.8 ms [next-swc-loader 5.4 ms]
   │  │  │        │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.6 ms [next-swc-loader 5.2 ms]
   │  │  │        │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.8 ms [next-swc-loader 5.5 ms]
   │  │  │        │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.9 ms [next-swc-loader 5.5 ms]
   │  │  │        │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 11 ms (total 8.4 ms, self 2.6 ms) [next-swc-loader 1.8 ms]
   │  │  │        │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.1 ms [next-swc-loader 2.7 ms]
   │  │  │        │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 1.4 ms [next-swc-loader 939 µs]
   │  │  │        │        └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 1.4 ms [next-swc-loader 1.1 ms]
   │  │  │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 159 ms (total 22 ms, self 4.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.7 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 103 ms (total 11 ms, self 6.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.8 ms]
   │  │  │        │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.3 ms [next-swc-loader 3.3 ms]
   │  │  │        │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.3 ms [next-swc-loader 5.7 ms]
   │  │  │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 186 ms (total 36 ms, self 5.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.2 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 129 ms (total 15 ms, self 2.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 2 ms]
   │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.4 ms [next-swc-loader 6.1 ms]
   │  │  │        │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 32 ms (total 5.8 ms, self 4.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.4 ms]
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   │  │  │        │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.4 ms [next-swc-loader 3.4 ms]
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   │  │  │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 93 ms (total 19 ms, self 9 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.3 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.9 ms [next-swc-loader 4.5 ms]
   │  │  │        │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.1 ms [next-swc-loader 4.4 ms]
   │  │  │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 171 ms (total 19 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.9 ms]
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   │  │  │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 159 ms (total 24 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
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   │  │  │        │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 79 ms (total 10 ms, self 5.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.8 ms]
   │  │  │        │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.5 ms [next-swc-loader 3.7 ms]
   │  │  │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 11 ms [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
   │  │  │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.3 ms [next-swc-loader 9 ms]
   │  │  │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 159 ms (total 121 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.1 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 99 ms (total 27 ms, self 6 ms) [next-swc-loader 5 ms]
   │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 13 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
   │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.4 ms [next-swc-loader 3 ms]
   │  │  │        │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.9 ms [next-swc-loader 4.6 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 103 ms (total 11 ms, self 8.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.6 ms]
   │  │  │        │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.8 ms [next-swc-loader 1.9 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.6 ms [next-swc-loader 6.9 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 59 ms (total 13 ms, self 6.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.4 ms]
   │  │  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.3 ms [next-swc-loader 1.9 ms]
   │  │  │        │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.3 ms [next-swc-loader 4.1 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.5 ms [next-swc-loader 4.6 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 57 ms (total 11 ms, self 6.7 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.9 ms]
   │  │  │        │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.9 ms [next-swc-loader 3.6 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.4 ms [next-swc-loader 5.9 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.6 ms [next-swc-loader 6.2 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.4 ms [next-swc-loader 5.9 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.2 ms [next-swc-loader 6.3 ms]
   │  │  │        │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.6 ms [next-swc-loader 6.1 ms]
   │  │  │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 51 ms (total 29 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.7 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.2 ms [next-swc-loader 5 ms]
   │  │  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8.7 ms [next-swc-loader 8.5 ms]
   │  │  │        │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.9 ms [next-swc-loader 4.7 ms]
   │  │  │        └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 41 ms (total 68 ms, self 9.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.5 ms]
   │  │  │           ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.2 ms [next-swc-loader 6.1 ms]
   │  │  │           ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.3 ms [next-swc-loader 6.4 ms]
   │  │  │           ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.8 ms [next-swc-loader 6.9 ms]
   │  │  │           ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.2 ms [next-swc-loader 6.4 ms]
   │  │  │           ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.2 ms [next-swc-loader 6.5 ms]
   │  │  │           ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.2 ms [next-swc-loader 6.5 ms]
   │  │  │           ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.9 ms [next-swc-loader 6.6 ms]
   │  │  │           └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.8 ms [next-swc-loader 7.4 ms]
   │  │  └─ entry page ./src/pages/api/[version]/session/fetch.ts&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
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   │     ├─ chunk-graph 50 ms
   │     ├─ optimize 4.5 ms
   │     ├─ optimize-modules 5 µs
   │     ├─ optimize-chunks 3.3 ms
   │     ├─ optimize-tree 6 µs
   │     ├─ optimize-chunk-modules 4 µs
   │     ├─ module-hash 1.9 ms
   │     ├─ code-generation 7.8 ms
   │     ├─ hash 3.2 ms
   │     ├─ code-generation-jobs 127 µs
   │     ├─ module-assets 223 µs
   │     └─ create-chunk-assets 21 ms
   └─ emit 13 ms
server compilation 1.9s
├─ make 1.4s
│  ├─ entry private-next-pages/_app
│  ├─ entry page private-next-pages/_error&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
│  ├─ entry private-next-pages/_document
│  ├─ entry page ./src/pages/dashboard/event_types/[eventTypeId]/edit.tsx&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
│  │  └─ module page ./src/pages/dashboard/event_types/[eventTypeId]/edit.tsx&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30= 1.3s (total 5.8s, self 4 ms)
│  │     └─ module ages/dashboard/event_types/[eventTypeId]/edit.tsx 1.3s (total 5.8s, self 9.6 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.4 ms]
│  │        ├─ module resentations/views/components/pages/HostEventTypeEditPage/index.tsx 1.2s (total 5.7s, self 22 ms) [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/pages/HostEventTypeEditPage/i18n.json 334 µs [read-resource 5 µs]
│  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.1 ms [next-swc-loader 5.6 ms]
│  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 25 ms [next-swc-loader 25 ms]
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/templates/DashboardPageTemplate.tsx 1.1s (total 1s, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 8 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/widgets/MeetingWidget/VideoCursor.tsx 523 ms (total 80 ms, self 5 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.5 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/VideoUserList/index.tsx 305 ms (total 52 ms, self 33 ms) [next-swc-loader 32 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/VideoUser/index.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/VideoLocalUser/index.tsx 23 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardNavigation/index.tsx 797 ms (total 365 ms, self 31 ms) [next-swc-loader 26 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardNavigation/i18n.json 263 µs [read-resource 221 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 14 ms [next-swc-loader 6.9 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 14 ms [next-swc-loader 6.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/CreateMenu/hooks.ts 241 ms (total 21 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.5 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5 ms [next-swc-loader 3.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/SpeedDial/index.tsx 235 ms (total 16 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.7 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material/SpeedDialIcon 17 µs
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/UserMenuList/index.tsx 468 ms (total 81 ms, self 41 ms) [next-swc-loader 31 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/UserMenuList/i18n.json 767 µs [read-resource 628 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/PlanIcon/index.tsx 133 ms (total 7.6 ms, self 7.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/PlanIcon/i18n.json 132 µs [read-resource 48 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/HorizontalUserListItem/index.tsx 195 ms (total 32 ms, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/ProgressScreen/index.tsx 57 ms (total 18 ms, self 18 ms) [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │        └─ module @mui/material/Slide 28 µs
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/CreateMenu/index.tsx 184 ms (total 38 ms, self 38 ms) [next-swc-loader 30 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/CreateMenu/i18n.json 177 µs [read-resource 142 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/NotificationButton/index.tsx 388 ms (total 55 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.9 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Badge/index.tsx 5.1 ms [next-swc-loader 4 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/NotificationButton/hooks.ts 115 ms (total 34 ms, self 17 ms) [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/NotificationList/hooks.ts 17 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardNavigation/hooks.ts 433 ms (total 95 ms, self 43 ms) [next-swc-loader 36 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/project/ProjectForm/hooks/index.ts 159 ms (total 53 ms, self 29 ms) [next-swc-loader 26 ms]
│  │        │  │  │        ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/project/ProjectForm/i18n.json 145 µs [read-resource 101 µs]
│  │        │  │  │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  │        ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.1 ms [next-swc-loader 3.7 ms]
│  │        │  │  │        └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.3 ms [next-swc-loader 3.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DashboardBottomNavigation/index.tsx 513 ms (total 38 ms, self 4.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 2.7 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DashboardBottomNavigation/i18n.json 808 µs [read-resource 727 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/BottomNavigation/index.tsx 295 ms (total 33 ms, self 33 ms) [next-swc-loader 32 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     ├─ module @mui/material/BottomNavigationAction 9 µs
│  │        │  │  │     └─ module @mui/material/BottomNavigation 3 µs
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/index.tsx 774 ms (total 520 ms, self 5.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 3.7 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Popover/index.tsx 210 ms (total 22 ms, self 22 ms) [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material/Popover 3 µs
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/AssistantOnboard/index.tsx 210 ms (total 26 ms, self 25 ms) [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/AssistantOnboard/i18n.json 883 µs [read-resource 816 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/hooks.ts 241 ms (total 23 ms, self 17 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/i18n.json 462 µs [read-resource 440 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.7 ms [next-swc-loader 4.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/HomeView/index.tsx 296 ms (total 68 ms, self 44 ms) [next-swc-loader 36 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/HomeView/i18n.json 416 µs [read-resource 383 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/HomeView/hooks.ts 23 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/ScheduleView/index.tsx 303 ms (total 79 ms, self 49 ms) [next-swc-loader 38 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/ScheduleView/i18n.json 438 µs [read-resource 401 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/ScheduleView/hooks.ts 30 ms [next-swc-loader 27 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SummarizeView/index.tsx 443 ms (total 88 ms, self 42 ms) [next-swc-loader 35 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SummarizeView/i18n.json 399 µs [read-resource 367 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SummarizeSettingView/index.tsx 171 ms (total 26 ms, self 17 ms) [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SummarizeSettingView/i18n.json 183 µs [read-resource 153 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SummarizeSettingView/hooks.ts 9.2 ms [next-swc-loader 8.7 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SummarizeView/hooks.ts 95 ms (total 19 ms, self 19 ms) [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │     └─ module marked 2 µs
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/OptimizeView/index.tsx 444 ms (total 166 ms, self 41 ms) [next-swc-loader 34 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/OptimizeView/i18n.json 389 µs [read-resource 345 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextFieldDateRangePicker/index.tsx 96 ms (total 16 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextFieldDateRangePicker/i18n.json 151 µs [read-resource 114 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module react-date-range/dist/locale 5 µs
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  └─ module react-date-range 2 µs
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/OptimizeSettingView/index.tsx 172 ms (total 24 ms, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.7 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/OptimizeSettingView/i18n.json 167 µs [read-resource 136 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/OptimizeSettingView/hooks.ts 10 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/ChatFormTemplate.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/OptimizeView/hooks.ts 23 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/MessageList/index.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SubmitForm/index.tsx 137 ms (total 23 ms, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/SubmitForm/i18n.json 118 µs [read-resource 83 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/ConversationView/index.tsx 208 ms (total 43 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/ConversationView/i18n.json 1.4 ms [read-resource 1.4 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ChatPopover/ConversationView/hooks.ts 30 ms [next-swc-loader 28 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Wootric/index.tsx 6.6 ms [next-swc-loader 5.5 ms]
│  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/widgets/MeetingWidget/hooks/index.ts 7 ms [next-swc-loader 5.7 ms]
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/templates/DashboardEditViewTemplate.tsx 5 ms [next-swc-loader 4 ms]
│  │        │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.5 ms [next-swc-loader 5 ms]
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeBasicForm/index.tsx 1s (total 512 ms, self 51 ms) [next-swc-loader 40 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeBasicForm/i18n.json 472 µs [read-resource 391 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeBasicForm/template.json 497 µs [read-resource 458 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.2 ms [next-swc-loader 5.4 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.4 ms [next-swc-loader 5.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/templates/EventTypeOnboardTemplate.tsx 346 ms (total 24 ms, self 7.3 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.4 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Headline/index.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 310 ms (total 17 ms, self 1.6 ms) [next-swc-loader 1.1 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 8.9 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.3 ms [next-swc-loader 1.9 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextArea/index.tsx 7.3 ms [next-swc-loader 6.9 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeRichEditor/index.tsx 585 ms (total 44 ms, self 7.6 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.1 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/RichEditor/index.tsx 293 ms (total 37 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.1 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/RichEditor/i18n.json 883 µs [read-resource 850 µs]
│  │        │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/RichEditor/hooks.ts 20 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DashboardFormSubmitField/index.tsx 299 ms (total 15 ms, self 8.4 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.9 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DashboardFormSubmitField/i18n.json 6.7 ms [read-resource 6.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeReservationFormSubmitField/index.tsx 281 ms (total 21 ms, self 15 ms) [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeReservationFormSubmitField/i18n.json 6 ms [read-resource 6 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/LocationTypeForm/index.tsx 266 ms (total 13 ms, self 6.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.2 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/LocationTypeForm/i18n.json 6 ms [read-resource 6 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/LocationPhoneTypeFormDialog/index.tsx 534 ms (total 32 ms, self 6.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.3 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/LocationPhoneTypeFormDialog/i18n.json 6 ms [read-resource 6 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.4 ms [next-swc-loader 8.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextFieldPhoneInput/index.tsx 177 ms (total 11 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.4 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     └─ module react-phone-input-2 15 µs
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/LocationTypeList/index.tsx 535 ms (total 52 ms, self 7.7 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.5 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/LocationTypeList/i18n.json 6 ms [read-resource 6 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LocationTypeListItem/index.tsx 179 ms (total 11 ms, self 9.9 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LocationTypeListItem/i18n.json 1.4 ms [read-resource 1.3 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LocationMenuItem/index.tsx 178 ms (total 13 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LocationMenuItem/i18n.json 1.3 ms [read-resource 1.3 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LocationAddButton/index.tsx 178 ms (total 14 ms, self 12 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/LocationAddButton/i18n.json 1.3 ms [read-resource 1.3 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeReservationExpandForm/index.tsx 5.4 ms [next-swc-loader 4 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/MenuAddButton/index.tsx 6.3 ms [next-swc-loader 4.9 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/FloatSettingMenu/index.tsx 8 ms [next-swc-loader 6.4 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeNoResource/index.tsx 266 ms (total 14 ms, self 8.1 ms) [next-swc-loader 7 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeNoResource/i18n.json 5.7 ms [read-resource 5.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeNoIntegrationResource/index.tsx 356 ms (total 13 ms, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 11 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeNoIntegrationResource/i18n.json 207 µs [read-resource 133 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeSelectResourceSetDialog/index.tsx 535 ms (total 54 ms, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeSelectResourceSetDialog/i18n.json 221 µs [read-resource 187 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeSelectResourceSetDialog/hooks/useEventTypeSelectResourceSetDialog.ts 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeSelectResourceSetDialog/components/Title/index.tsx 101 ms (total 14 ms, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeSelectResourceSetDialog/components/Title/i18n.json 325 µs [read-resource 302 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeSelectResourceSetDialog/components/ResourceSetItem/index.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeDeleteResourceSetDialog/index.tsx 356 ms (total 13 ms, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/features/resource/EventTypeDeleteResourceSetDialog/i18n.json 233 µs [read-resource 205 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module @mui/material/Slider 13 µs
│  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeBasicForm/hooks.ts 556 ms (total 105 ms, self 27 ms) [next-swc-loader 24 ms]
│  │        │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 243 ms (total 24 ms, self 19 ms) [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.8 ms [next-swc-loader 1.4 ms]
│  │        │  │     │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.9 ms [next-swc-loader 1.6 ms]
│  │        │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8.1 ms [next-swc-loader 4.2 ms]
│  │        │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.9 ms [next-swc-loader 4 ms]
│  │        │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 5.7 ms [next-swc-loader 3.8 ms]
│  │        │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8.8 ms [next-swc-loader 6.9 ms]
│  │        │  │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 210 ms (total 25 ms, self 9.3 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.3 ms]
│  │        │  │        └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeTeamSchedulingForm/index.tsx 943 ms (total 460 ms, self 94 ms) [next-swc-loader 86 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeTeamSchedulingForm/i18n.json 429 µs [read-resource 300 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeTransparencyKeywordList/index.tsx 448 ms (total 79 ms, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeTransparencyKeywordList/i18n.json 391 µs [read-resource 311 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeTransparencyKeywordListItem/index.tsx 101 ms (total 16 ms, self 15 ms) [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeTransparencyKeywordListItem/i18n.json 309 µs [read-resource 278 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/WorkflowAddButton/index.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeTeamSchedulingForm/hooks.ts 22 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AutoCompleteTeamUserField/index.tsx 417 ms (total 67 ms, self 21 ms) [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AutoCompleteTeamUserField/i18n.json 627 µs [read-resource 595 µs]
│  │        │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AutoCompleteTeamUserField/hooks.ts 130 ms (total 45 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │        │  │        └─ module resentations/views/hooks/debounce.ts 30 ms [next-swc-loader 28 ms]
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/index.tsx 1.2s (total 983 ms, self 85 ms) [next-swc-loader 68 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/i18n.json 590 µs [read-resource 508 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextFieldDatePicker/index.tsx 387 ms (total 14 ms, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextFieldDatePicker/i18n.json 243 µs [read-resource 217 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/x-date-pickers 10 µs
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/x-date-pickers/LocalizationProvider 9 µs
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterLuxon 3 µs
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module @mui/x-date-pickers/DatePicker 2 µs
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Radio/index.tsx 382 ms (total 14 ms, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material/Radio 4 µs
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material/RadioGroup 2 µs
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/MenuItem/index.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/InputDialog/index.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 13 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/AvailabilityCalendar/index.tsx 791 ms (total 279 ms, self 17 ms) [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/reducers/DashboardCalendar.tsx 6.9 ms [next-swc-loader 5.5 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/event_type_calendar.ts 168 ms (total 25 ms, self 7.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.3 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module rrule 2 µs
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/Calendar/index.tsx 410 ms (total 231 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 8.4 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/Calendar/i18n.json 1.4 ms [read-resource 1.3 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 28 ms [next-swc-loader 26 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     ├─ module @fullcalendar/core/locales/ja 5 µs
│  │        │  │  │     ├─ module @fullcalendar/interaction 2 µs
│  │        │  │  │     ├─ module @fullcalendar/luxon 4 µs
│  │        │  │  │     ├─ module @fullcalendar/react 3 µs
│  │        │  │  │     ├─ module @fullcalendar/timegrid (@fullcalendar/timegrid/main.cjs.js) 259 ms (total 149 ms, self 41 ms) [next-swc-loader 33 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     │  ├─ module @fullcalendar/common (@fullcalendar/common/main.cjs.js + 1) 98 ms (total 97 ms, self 93 ms) [next-swc-loader 58 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     │  │  └─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.js) 5.1 ms [next-swc-loader 3.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     │  └─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.js) 12 ms [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     └─ module @fullcalendar/daygrid (@fullcalendar/daygrid/main.cjs.js) 196 ms (total 42 ms, self 34 ms) [next-swc-loader 29 ms]
│  │        │  │  │        └─ module tslib (tslib/tslib.es6.js) 7.1 ms [next-swc-loader 5.3 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DateController/index.tsx 380 ms (total 13 ms, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DateController/i18n.json 255 µs [read-resource 228 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material/ButtonGroup 2 µs
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AvailabilityPopover/index.tsx 691 ms (total 232 ms, self 22 ms) [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AvailabilityPopover/i18n.json 296 µs [read-resource 255 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Modal/index.tsx 152 ms (total 5.7 ms, self 5.7 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module react-spring/web.cjs 4 µs
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material/Modal 2 µs
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material/Backdrop 1 µs
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/DateTimeSelect/index.tsx 261 ms (total 53 ms, self 7.3 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.7 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextFieldTimePicker/index.tsx 29 ms [next-swc-loader 27 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TimePicker/index.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/RoutineScheduleForm/index.tsx 152 ms (total 9.6 ms, self 8.3 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.9 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/RoutineScheduleForm/i18n.json 1.4 ms [read-resource 1.3 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AvailabilityPopover/hooks.ts 259 ms (total 142 ms, self 19 ms) [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/routine.ts 31 ms [next-swc-loader 29 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 159 ms (total 82 ms, self 30 ms) [next-swc-loader 28 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 158 µs [read-resource 80 µs]
│  │        │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 4.6 ms [next-swc-loader 4.1 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/RoutineScheduleForm/hooks/index.tsx 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Tabs/index.tsx 384 ms (total 13 ms, self 13 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material/Tab 2 µs
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material/Tabs 1 µs
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/AvailabilityList/index.tsx 383 ms (total 17 ms, self 14 ms) [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/AvailabilityList/i18n.json 269 µs [read-resource 241 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module sprintf-js 13 µs
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.9 ms [next-swc-loader 2.1 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/hooks.ts 360 ms (total 101 ms, self 29 ms) [next-swc-loader 26 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8 ms [next-swc-loader 6.2 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/calendar.ts 8.2 ms [next-swc-loader 6.4 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8 ms [next-swc-loader 6.3 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8.2 ms [next-swc-loader 6.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8.3 ms [next-swc-loader 6.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 8.3 ms [next-swc-loader 6.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/error.ts 9.3 ms [next-swc-loader 7.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/DateRange/index.tsx 362 ms (total 40 ms, self 24 ms) [next-swc-loader 23 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/DateRange/i18n.json 392 µs [read-resource 350 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/shared/SubLabel/index.tsx 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/RestrictAccept/index.tsx 498 ms (total 55 ms, self 19 ms) [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/RestrictAccept/i18n.json 653 µs [read-resource 613 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/RestrictAccept/hooks/useRestrictAccept.ts 211 ms (total 35 ms, self 18 ms) [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/GracePeriod/index.tsx 287 ms (total 21 ms, self 21 ms) [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/GracePeriod/i18n.json 673 µs [read-resource 640 µs]
│  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeCalendarForm/components/shared/Field/index.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardHeaderTitle/index.tsx 644 ms (total 64 ms, self 35 ms) [next-swc-loader 24 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/DashboardHeaderTitle/i18n.json 397 µs [read-resource 294 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module react-copy-to-clipboard 21 µs
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Avatar/index.tsx 293 ms (total 2.7 ms, self 2.7 ms) [next-swc-loader 2.2 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material/Avatar 8 µs
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material/AvatarGroup 2 µs
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material/Badge 2 µs
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Emoji/index.tsx 300 ms (total 9.5 ms, self 2.8 ms) [next-swc-loader 2.5 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module emoji-mart 14 µs
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module @emoji-mart/data (@emoji-mart/data/sets/14/native.json) 6.7 ms [read-resource 1.2 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Menu/index.tsx 293 ms (total 8.3 ms, self 8.3 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material/Menu 3 µs
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material/MenuItem 1 µs
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module @mui/material/Divider 1 µs
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material/Fade 1 µs
│  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Tooltip/index.tsx 293 ms (total 8 ms, self 8 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.6 ms]
│  │        │  │     └─ module @mui/material/Tooltip 2 µs
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/PlanUpgradeDialog/index.tsx 308 ms (total 35 ms, self 35 ms) [next-swc-loader 34 ms]
│  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/PlanUpgradeDialog/i18n.json 407 µs [read-resource 370 µs]
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypePageForm/index.tsx 1.1s (total 600 ms, self 143 ms) [next-swc-loader 108 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypePageForm/i18n.json 528 µs [read-resource 421 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/CustomQuestionList/index.tsx 302 ms (total 36 ms, self 20 ms) [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/CustomQuestionList/i18n.json 614 µs [read-resource 544 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 15 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/CustomQuestionListItem/index.tsx 388 ms (total 44 ms, self 27 ms) [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/CustomQuestionListItem/i18n.json 440 µs [read-resource 398 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeCustomChoiceListItem/index.tsx 100 ms (total 16 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/EventTypeCustomChoiceListItem/i18n.json 316 µs [read-resource 293 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Checkbox/index.tsx 287 ms (total 19 ms, self 19 ms) [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module @mui/material/Checkbox 2 µs
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/ExternalPageLinkButton/index.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/TextFieldColorPicker/index.tsx 287 ms (total 19 ms, self 19 ms) [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module react-color 12 µs
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/ColorButton/index.tsx 20 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypePageForm/hooks/index.ts 454 ms (total 173 ms, self 24 ms) [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.9 ms [next-swc-loader 8.7 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 244 ms (total 101 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.1 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.3 ms [next-swc-loader 1.5 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.2 ms [next-swc-loader 1.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypePageForm/hooks/useEventTypeDesign.ts 151 ms (total 25 ms, self 7.4 ms) [next-swc-loader 5.9 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/helpers/color.ts 18 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypePageForm/hooks/useEventTypeTerm.ts 5.7 ms [next-swc-loader 4.5 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypePageForm/hooks/useEventTypeForm.ts 6.5 ms [next-swc-loader 5.1 ms]
│  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/PickCoverImageDialog/index.tsx 195 ms (total 26 ms, self 15 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.1 ms]
│  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/PickCoverImageDialog/i18n.json 605 µs [read-resource 577 µs]
│  │        │  │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 11 ms [next-swc-loader 9.5 ms]
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeIntegrationForm/index.tsx 778 ms (total 186 ms, self 64 ms) [next-swc-loader 58 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeIntegrationForm/i18n.json 523 µs [read-resource 484 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7.1 ms [next-swc-loader 6.1 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3 ms [next-swc-loader 2.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/AutoCompleteTextField/index.tsx 8.9 ms [next-swc-loader 7.2 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/ConnectIcon/index.tsx 266 ms (total 15 ms, self 9.2 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/ConnectIcon/i18n.json 5.6 ms [read-resource 5.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/RoleRequiredDialog/index.tsx 266 ms (total 14 ms, self 8 ms) [next-swc-loader 6.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/RoleRequiredDialog/i18n.json 5.6 ms [read-resource 5.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeIntegrationForm/hooks.ts 317 ms (total 74 ms, self 24 ms) [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │        │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │        │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │        │  │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/pages/HostEventTypeEditPage/hooks.ts 755 ms (total 261 ms, self 83 ms) [next-swc-loader 80 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 21 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/router.ts 21 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/helpers/event_type.ts 304 ms (total 29 ms, self 22 ms) [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7 ms [next-swc-loader 6.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 21 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 21 ms [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ManagedSwitch/index.tsx 799 ms (total 104 ms, self 82 ms) [next-swc-loader 79 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/ManagedSwitch/i18n.json 1.6 ms [read-resource 1.5 ms]
│  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/Switch/index.tsx 287 ms (total 21 ms, self 21 ms) [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │     └─ module @mui/material/Switch 3 µs
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/index.tsx 1.1s (total 1s, self 171 ms) [next-swc-loader 133 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/i18n.json 476 µs [read-resource 323 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/template.json 496 µs [read-resource 463 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 306 ms (total 52 ms, self 22 ms) [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 10 ms [next-swc-loader 8.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 10 ms [next-swc-loader 8.7 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.9 ms [next-swc-loader 8.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/NotificationExpandFormField/index.tsx 287 ms (total 29 ms, self 28 ms) [next-swc-loader 27 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/NotificationExpandFormField/i18n.json 463 µs [read-resource 438 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/TextTemplateEditor/index.tsx 306 ms (total 38 ms, self 28 ms) [next-swc-loader 26 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/TextTemplateEditor/i18n.json 450 µs [read-resource 427 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module react-quill 3 µs
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/TextTemplateEditor/hooks.ts 10 ms [next-swc-loader 8.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/RichTextTemplateEditor/index.tsx 314 ms (total 52 ms, self 33 ms) [next-swc-loader 30 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/RichTextTemplateEditor/i18n.json 476 µs [read-resource 450 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/RichTextTemplateEditor/hooks.ts 19 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/ServiceDraggableListItem/index.tsx 31 ms [next-swc-loader 27 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/HelpList/index.tsx 28 ms [next-swc-loader 27 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/EmailPreview/index.tsx 474 ms (total 416 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 7.8 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/EmailPreview/i18n.json 620 µs [read-resource 590 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 283 ms (total 93 ms, self 20 ms) [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 14 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 98 ms (total 26 ms, self 19 ms) [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │     ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 3.2 ms [next-swc-loader 2.7 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │     └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.9 ms [next-swc-loader 2.4 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/api/schema/event_type_user/mock.ts 200 ms (total 35 ms, self 19 ms) [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/api/schema/user/mock.ts 16 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/GuestEventCreatedMail/index.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/GuestEventCancelMail/index.tsx 290 ms (total 213 ms, self 19 ms) [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/MainTemplate.tsx 77 ms (total 28 ms, self 16 ms) [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/Header/index.tsx 1.5 ms [next-swc-loader 1.2 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/mails/Footer/index.tsx 10 ms [next-swc-loader 9.1 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/atoms.tsx 18 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/Headline/index.tsx 17 ms [next-swc-loader 16 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/EventDetail/index.tsx 105 ms (total 111 ms, self 27 ms) [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 9.7 ms [next-swc-loader 9.4 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/api/schema/answer/index.ts 38 ms (total 24 ms, self 10 ms) [next-swc-loader 9.4 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 2.5 ms [next-swc-loader 1.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module zod 10 µs
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/api/schema/workflow/enum.ts 5.8 ms [next-swc-loader 5.2 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/api/schema/answer/enum.ts 5.8 ms [next-swc-loader 5.5 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/PaymentDetail/index.tsx 38 ms (total 25 ms, self 11 ms) [next-swc-loader 10 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/PaymentDetail/i18n.json 195 µs [read-resource 118 µs]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 6.7 ms [next-swc-loader 6.3 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 7 ms [next-swc-loader 6.6 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/ReplyToNotice/index.tsx 13 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/mails/EventRequestFlow/index.tsx 14 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/mails/EventTypeHeader/index.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/mails/GuestEventRemindMail/index.tsx 19 ms [next-swc-loader 18 ms]
│  │        │  │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/mails/EventFollowUpMail/index.tsx 184 ms (total 20 ms, self 20 ms) [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │        │  │  │     └─ module sanitize-html 12 µs
│  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/hooks/index.ts 407 ms (total 122 ms, self 36 ms) [next-swc-loader 29 ms]
│  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/hooks/useEventTypeNotification.ts 134 ms (total 33 ms, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 19 ms]
│  │        │  │     │  └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 10 ms [next-swc-loader 9.4 ms]
│  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/hooks/useEventTypeConfirmation.ts 17 ms [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeWorkflowForm/hooks/useEventTypePayment.ts 115 ms (total 36 ms, self 18 ms) [next-swc-loader 15 ms]
│  │        │  │        └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 17 ms [next-swc-loader 17 ms]
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeAssignForm/index.tsx 865 ms (total 197 ms, self 90 ms) [next-swc-loader 82 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeAssignForm/i18n.json 1 ms [read-resource 970 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 22 ms [next-swc-loader 21 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/organisms/EventTypeAssignForm/hooks.ts 34 ms [next-swc-loader 32 ms]
│  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AutoCompleteProjectField/index.tsx 267 ms (total 29 ms, self 23 ms) [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │        │  │     ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AutoCompleteProjectField/i18n.json 271 µs [read-resource 250 µs]
│  │        │  │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/AutoCompleteProjectField/hooks.ts 5.4 ms [next-swc-loader 4.2 ms]
│  │        │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/ManagedEventSettingTypeField/index.tsx 533 ms (total 129 ms, self 83 ms) [next-swc-loader 81 ms]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/ManagedEventSettingTypeField/i18n.json 988 µs [read-resource 950 µs]
│  │        │  │  ├─ module resentations/views/components/atoms/ToggleButtonGroup/index.tsx 24 ms [next-swc-loader 22 ms]
│  │        │  │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/NewLabel/index.tsx 21 ms [next-swc-loader 20 ms]
│  │        │  └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/ManagedLabel/index.tsx 413 ms (total 51 ms, self 50 ms) [next-swc-loader 49 ms]
│  │        │     └─ module resentations/views/components/molecules/ManagedLabel/i18n.json 575 µs [read-resource 551 µs]
│  │        └─ module resentations/views/helpers/auth/withSecurityRuleServerSideProps.tsx 155 ms (total 140 ms, self 5.5 ms) [next-swc-loader 4.1 ms]
│  │           ├─ module resentations/api/auth.ts 32 ms [next-swc-loader 31 ms]
│  │           ├─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 12 ms [next-swc-loader 12 ms]
│  │           └─ module /Users/haruhikokobayashi/Documents/ghq/ 90 ms [next-swc-loader 89 ms]
│  └─ entry page ./src/pages/404.tsx&absoluteAppPath=private-next-pages/_app&absoluteDocumentPath=private-next-pages/_document&middlewareConfigBase64=e30=
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emit 192 ms
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