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Forked from volgar1x/gist:5110847
Created March 8, 2013 20:49
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package org.mambo.core
import akka.util.ByteString
import scala.collection.mutable
* @author Blackrush
class LoginActor(port: Int) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
val handler = context.actorOf(Props[LoginHandler])
val clients = mutable.Map.empty[IO.Handle, Login.Client]
override def preStart() {
IOManager(context.system).listen("", port)
def receive = {
case IO.Listening(server, addr) => log.debug("listening on {}", port)
case IO.NewClient(server) => {
val socket = server.accept()
val client = new Login.Client(socket)
clients(socket) = client
log.debug("new incoming client {}", socket.uuid)
handler ! Login.Connected(client)
case IO.Read(socket, bytes) => {
val client = clients(socket)
val message = Login.asLoginMessage(bytes)
log.debug("new incoming data {} from {}", message, socket.uuid)
handler ! Login.InputMessage(client, message)
case IO.Closed(socket: IO.SocketHandle, cause) => {
val client = clients(socket) = false
log.debug("client {} is disconnected", socket.uuid)
handler ! Login.Disconnected(client)
case IO.Closed(server: IO.ServerHandle, cause) => {
object Login {
class Client(socket: IO.SocketHandle) {
var active: Boolean = false
def write(o: Any) {
if (!active) return
val bytes = asByteString(o)
def !(o: Any) = write(o)
def close() = if (active) socket.close()
trait Message
case class Connected(client: Client) extends Message
case class Disconnected(client: Client) extends Message
case class InputMessage(client: Client, msg: Any) extends Message
def asByteString(o: Any): ByteString = ???
def asLoginMessage(bytes: ByteString): Any = ???
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