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Created January 22, 2019 00:55
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(defn render-sign-up-page [anti-forgery-token validation-errors]
[:html {:lang "en"}
[:head {:lang "en"}
[:title "ELogic | Sign Up"]
[:meta {:charset "utf-8"}]
[:meta {:name "viewport" :content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no"}]]
[:link {:rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css" :href "^3.4.0/lib/css/blueprint-icons.css"}]
[:link {:rel "stylesheet" :type "text/css" :href ""}]
[:style {:type "text/css"}
(css [:body {:background "url(/assets/paper-bg.png) rgb(255, 255, 252)"}]
[:.wrapper {:width "400px" :margin "0 auto" :padding-top "30px"}]
[:h1 {:font-weight "500"}]
[:input :.bp3-select {:width "100%"}])]
[:h1 [:span {:style "transform: scale(-1, 1); display: inline-block"} "E"] "Logic | Sign up"]
[:p "If you already have an account, " [:a {:href "/sign-in"} "click here"] " to sign in."]
[:form {:method "POST"}
[:input {:type "hidden" :name "__anti-forgery-token" :value anti-forgery-token}]
[:label.bp3-label "Institution"]
[:select {:name "institution"}
[:option "University of Edinburgh"]
[:option "Vassar College"]]]]]
[:label.bp3-label "First name"]
[:input.bp3-input {:type "text" :required true :name "first_name"}]]]
[:label.bp3-label "Last name"]
[:input.bp3-input {:type "text" :required true :name "last_name"}]]]
[:label.bp3-label "Email"]
[:input.bp3-input {:type "email" :required true :name "email"}]]
[:div.bp3-form-helper-text "Please use your university email address."]]
[:label.bp3-label "Password"]
[:input.bp3-input {:type "password" :required true :name "password"}]]
"Please choose a different password than on your other accounts. "
[:a {:href "" :target "_bank"} "(why is this important?)"]]]
[:div.bp3-form-group {:class (if (validation-errors :password-does-not-match) "bp3-intent-danger")}
[:label.bp3-label "Confirm password"]
[:input.bp3-input {:type "password"
:class (if (validation-errors :password-does-not-match) "bp3-intent-danger")
:required true
:name "password_confirmation" }]
(if (validation-errors :password-does-not-match)
[:div.bp3-form-helper-text "Password doesn't match."]
[:div "foo"])]]
[:button.bp3-button.bp3-intent-primary {:type "submit"} "Sign up"]]]]])))
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