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Created May 25, 2010 05:42
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from twisted.python import log
BOT_PROTOCOL_LIST = ['jabber']
class queueReader:
def __init__(self, conn, exchange, basename):
self._conn = conn
self._basename = basename
self._exchange = exchange
def associateConnection(self, connection):
self._conn = connection
def openChannel(self):
def _openChann(channel):
log.msg("Opening channel")
t = channel.channel_open().addCallback( lambda _: channel.queue_declare(queue=self._basename + "_out", durable=True, exclusive=False,
t.addCallback(lambda _: channel.basic_consume(queue=self._basename + '_out', no_ack=True, consumer_tag=self._basename +"_out_consumer"))
self._chan = channel
return channel
def _createQueue(ignored):
log.msg("Creating queue")
self._queue = self._conn.queue(self._basename + "_out_consumer")
def handleMessage(msg, queue):
log.msg("Handling messages")
print 'Received: ' + msg.content.body + ' from channel #' + str(
if msg.content.body == "STOP":
return failure.Failure(EndOfMessage())
def readMessages(queue):
log.msg("Reading messages")
read = queue.get().addCallback(handleMessage, queue).addErrback(log.err)
read.addCallback(lambda _: readMessages(queue)).addErrback(log.err)
return read
self._chan = + len(BOT_PROTOCOL_LIST))
return self._chan.addCallback(_openChann)
def getDeferred(self):
def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, reason):
print reason
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
print reason
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