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hmms/H Secret

Created November 28, 2015 08:37
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#include <user_config.h>
#include <SmingCore/SmingCore.h>
#include <Libraries/BMP180/BMP180.h>
#include <Libraries/Sparkfun_HTU21DF/SparkFunHTU21D.h>
#ifndef WIFI_SSID
#define WIFI_SSID "##" // Put you SSID and Password here
#define WIFI_PWD "##"
//BMP180 barometer;
HTU21D htu21df_sensor;
HttpClient thingSpeak;
Timer procTimer;
float temp = 0;
float humd = 0;
float humd1 = 0;
void onDataSent(HttpClient& client, bool successful)
if (successful)
Serial.println("Success sent");
String response = client.getResponseString();
Serial.println("Server response: '" + response + "'");
if (response.length() > 0)
int intVal = response.toInt();
if (intVal == 0)
Serial.println("Sensor value wasn't accepted. May be we need to wait a little?");
void sendData()
if (thingSpeak.isProcessing()) return; // We need to wait while request processing was completed
humd = htu21df_sensor.readHumidity();
//temp = htu21df_sensor.readTemperature();
Serial.print("\tHumidity: ");
// Will be called when WiFi station was connected to AP
void connectOk()
Serial.println("I'm CONNECTED");
// Start send data loop
procTimer.initializeMs(1 * 1000, sendData).start(); // every 25 seconds
// Will be called when WiFi station timeout was reached
void connectFail()
Serial.println("I'm NOT CONNECTED. Need help :(");
// Start soft access point
WifiAccessPoint.config("CONFIG ME PLEEEEASE...", "", AUTH_OPEN);
// .. some you code for configuration ..
void init()
Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUD_RATE); // 115200 by default
Serial.systemDebugOutput(true); // Allow debug output to serial
Serial.println(); // Start a new line.
WifiStation.config(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PWD);
WifiStation.waitConnection(connectOk, 20, connectFail); // We recommend 20+ seconds for
Serial.print("init complete");
//humd = readHumidity1();
//temp = htu21df_sensor.readTemperature();
//Serial.print("\tHumidity: ");
//humd1 = htu21df_sensor.readHumidity();
//Serial.print("\tHumidity1: ");
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