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Created July 8, 2021 19:15
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Copyright (c) 2021 Hunter Monroe. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: [Bhavik Mehta,] Hunter Monroe
import data.finset
--import data.fintype.basic
--import data.set.lattice
--import data.finset.powerset
# Ramsey Theory
This module present basic results in Ramsey Theory.
open finset
namespace ramsey
local attribute [instance, priority 10] classical.prop_decidable
noncomputable theory
local notation `edges-of `X := powerset_len 2 X
@[reducible] def rset' (r : ℕ) {α : Type*} (m : finset α) : finset (finset α) := powerset_len r m
local notation r`-edges-of `X := powerset_len r X
local notation `edges-of `X := powerset_len 2 X
lemma mem_rset {α : Type*} {r : ℕ} {m : finset α} (A : finset α): A ∈ (r-edges-of m) ↔ A.card = r ∧ A ⊆ m :=
mem_powerset_len.trans and.comm
def colour_components {α : Type*} (V : finset ℕ) (c : finset ℕ → α) (v : ℕ) (col : α) : finset ℕ :=
(V.erase v).filter (λ w, c {v,w} = col)
lemma mem_colour_components {α : Type*} {V : finset ℕ} (c : finset ℕ → α) {v w : ℕ} (col : α) :
w ∈ colour_components V c v col ↔ w ≠ v ∧ w ∈ V ∧ c {v,w} = col :=
by simp [colour_components, and_assoc]
lemma colour_components_sub {α : Type*} {V : finset ℕ} {c : finset ℕ → α} {v : ℕ} {col : α} :
colour_components V c v col ⊆ V :=
intro t, rw mem_colour_components, tauto
lemma center_not_in_colour_components {α : Type*} {V : finset ℕ} {c : finset ℕ → α} {v : ℕ} {col : α} :
v ∉ colour_components V c v col :=
rw mem_colour_components, intro a, exact a.1 rfl,
lemma all_colours_is_all {α : Type*} {V : finset ℕ} {K : finset α} {c : finset ℕ → α}
(h : ∀ e ∈ (edges-of V), c e ∈ K) {v : ℕ} (hv : v ∈ V) :
K.bUnion (colour_components V c v) = V.erase v :=
ext, simp only [mem_bUnion, exists_prop, mem_erase, mem_colour_components], split,
rintro ⟨_, _, p, q, _⟩, exact ⟨p, q⟩,
rintro ⟨p, q⟩, refine ⟨_, _, p, q, rfl⟩,
apply h, rw mem_rset,
split, rw card_insert_of_not_mem, rw card_singleton, rwa not_mem_singleton,
symmetry, exact p,
lemma two_ramsey (s t : ℕ) :
∃ n ≤ nat.choose (s+t) s, ∀ (c : finset ℕ → ℕ) (V : finset ℕ) (hc : ∀ e ∈ (edges-of V), c e < 2),
n ≤ card V →
(∃ M ⊆ V, s ≤ card M ∧ ∀ e ∈ (edges-of M), c e = 0) ∨
(∃ M ⊆ V, t ≤ card M ∧ ∀ e ∈ (edges-of M), c e = 1) :=
revert s t,
suffices z: ∀ s : (ℕ × ℕ), ∃ n ≤ nat.choose (s.1+s.2) s.1,
∀ (c : finset ℕ → ℕ) (V : finset ℕ) (hc : ∀ e ∈ (edges-of V), c e < 2),
n ≤ card V →
(∃ M ⊆ V, s.1 ≤ card M ∧ ∀ e ∈ (edges-of M), c e = 0) ∨
(∃ M ⊆ V, s.2 ≤ card M ∧ ∀ e ∈ (edges-of M), c e = 1),
intros s t, exact z (s,t),
intro s, refine @well_founded.recursion (ℕ × ℕ) (measure (λ (a : ℕ × ℕ), a.1 + a.2)) (measure_wf _) _ s _,
clear s, rintros ⟨s,t⟩ ih,
cases nat.eq_zero_or_pos s with h sp, rw h at *,
refine ⟨0, zero_le _, _⟩, intros c V hc hV, left, refine ⟨∅, empty_subset _, _, _⟩, rw finset.card_empty,
intros e he, rw [mem_rset, subset_empty] at he, have z := he.1, rw he.2 at z,
apply (nat.succ_ne_zero _ z.symm).elim,
cases nat.eq_zero_or_pos t with h tp, rw h at *,
refine ⟨0, zero_le _, _⟩, intros c V hc hV, right, refine ⟨∅, empty_subset _, _, _⟩, rw finset.card_empty,
intros e he, rw [mem_rset, subset_empty] at he, have z := he.1, rw he.2 at z,
apply (nat.succ_ne_zero _ z.symm).elim,
obtain ⟨a, ha₁, ha₂⟩ := ih ⟨s-1, t⟩ _,
swap, rw [measure, inv_image, add_lt_add_iff_right], apply nat.sub_lt sp zero_lt_one,
obtain ⟨b, hb₁, hb₂⟩ := ih ⟨s, t-1⟩ _,
swap, rw [measure, inv_image, add_lt_add_iff_left], apply nat.sub_lt tp zero_lt_one,
conv at hb₂ in (_ ∨ _) { rw or_comm }, -- for later
clear ih,
refine ⟨max 1 (a+b), _, _⟩,
apply max_le, apply nat.choose_pos, exact nat.le.intro rfl,
have := nat.choose_succ_succ (s + t - 1) (s - 1),
rw [← nat.pred_eq_sub_one, nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos (nat.add_pos_left sp _),
← nat.pred_eq_sub_one, nat.succ_pred_eq_of_pos sp] at this,
rw this, convert add_le_add ha₁ hb₁, rw ← nat.sub_add_comm sp, refl, rw ← nat.add_sub_assoc tp, refl,
intros c V hc hV,
have hpos : 0< V.card :=
calc 0 < 1 : nat.one_pos
... ≤ max 1 (a + b) : le_max_left 1 (a + b)
... ≤ V.card : by exact hV,
obtain ⟨v, hv⟩: ∃ v, v ∈ V := hpos,
have cards: card ((range 2).bUnion (colour_components V c v)) = card (V.erase v), congr,
apply all_colours_is_all (λ e he, mem_range.2 (hc e he)) hv,
have: ¬ (card (colour_components V c v 0) < a ∧ card (colour_components V c v 1) < b),
rintro ⟨smallred, smallgreen⟩, rw card_erase_of_mem hv at cards,
rw [range_succ, bUnion_insert, range_one] at cards,
rw [insert_empty_eq_singleton] at cards,
rw [singleton_bind, card_disjoint_union, add_comm] at cards,
apply ne_of_lt _ cards, apply lt_of_lt_of_le _ (nat.pred_le_pred (trans (le_max_right _ _) hV)),
rw nat.pred_eq_sub_one, rw nat.add_sub_assoc (nat.one_le_of_lt smallgreen), apply lt_of_lt_of_le,
rwa add_lt_add_iff_right, apply add_le_add_left (nat.le_pred_of_lt smallgreen),
rw disjoint_left, simp only [mem_colour_components, not_and], rintros _ ⟨_, _, t₁⟩ _ _, rw t₁, exact one_ne_zero,
push_neg at this, cases this,
clear hb₁ hb₂ hV b ha₁,
clear ha₁ ha₂ hV a hb₁,
rename hb₂ ha₂, rename b a, rw or_comm,
all_goals {
specialize ha₂ c (colour_components V c v _) (λ e he, hc e (powerset_len_mono colour_components_sub he)) this,
rcases ha₂ with ⟨things, sub, big, col⟩ | ⟨things, sub, big, col⟩,
left, refine ⟨insert v things, _, _, _⟩, rw insert_subset, exact ⟨hv, trans sub colour_components_sub⟩,
rw card_insert_of_not_mem, rw ← nat.sub_le_right_iff_le_add, exact big,
intro, apply center_not_in_colour_components (sub a_1),
intros e he, by_cases e ∈ (2-edges-of things), apply col e h,
rw mem_rset at h, rw mem_rset at he, simp [he.1] at h, rw subset_insert_iff at he,
have: v ∈ e, by_contra a, apply h, rwa erase_eq_of_not_mem a at he, exact he.2,
obtain ⟨v₂, hv₂⟩: ∃ v₂, erase e v = finset.singleton v₂, rw ← card_eq_one, rw card_erase_of_mem ‹v ∈ e›, rw he.1, refl,
have: v₂ ∈ colour_components V c v _, apply sub, apply he.2, rw hv₂, apply mem_singleton_self,
rw mem_colour_components at this, rcases this with ⟨_, _, c'⟩, convert c', symmetry, rw has_insert_eq_insert,
apply eq_of_subset_of_card_le, rw insert_subset, split, apply mem_of_mem_erase, rw hv₂, apply mem_singleton_self,
exact set.singleton_subset_iff.2 this, rw he.1, apply le_of_eq, rw [insert_empty_eq_singleton, card_insert_of_not_mem, card_singleton],
rwa not_mem_singleton,
right, refine ⟨things, trans sub colour_components_sub, big, col⟩ }
end ramsey
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