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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Save hmparanjape/0dd0a927b811262b957e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Display files numbers from an ff directory
# Add this function to ~/.bashrc
function show_ff_data() {
# Find all directories with name ff and loop over them
find "$@" -not -empty -name "ff" -print | while read f; do
# Show directory name
echo "$f"
# Get size of all contents in the directory (in bytes)
tot_byte_size=$(du -b "$f")
# By default du prints the folder name too. Strip that.
# Estimate number of FF frames assuming one frame = 2048*2048*2 bytes
num_frames_estimate=$( echo $tot_byte_size / 8388608 | bc )
# Get size of all contents in a human readable unit (M, G, T)
tot_file_size=$(du -h "$f")
# Print total size and frame number estimate
echo Total size = ${tot_file_size[0]}, Estimated frames = $num_frames_estimate
# List the contents of the folders
filenames1=$(eval ls \'"$f"\' | tr '\n' ' ')
# Clean up the filenames assuming ff_%5d.ge2 format
for filename in $filenames1
filenum=$(echo $filenum1 | sed 's/^0*//')
filelist+=", $filenum"
# Print comma separated list of file numbers
echo $filelist1
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The output of this command can be used in the heXRD config files.

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