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Created July 15, 2015 22:47
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analysis_name: RUBY_SWEEP_0 # defaults to analysis
## working directory defaults to current working directory
## all relative paths specified herein are assumed to be in the working_dir
## any files not in working_dir should be specified with an absolute path
multiprocessing: 1 # "all", or "half", or -1 means all but one, defaults to -1
definitions: materials.cpl
active: ruby
stem: raw_data/RUBY_%04d # can include relative or absolute path
ids: [4537, 4538] # or can use globs: ["*2[4-9]"]
start: 2
start: -60.0
step: 0.25
stop: 60.0
dark: RUBY_4537_medianDark
flip: v # ~, v, h, hv, vh, cw, ccw
parameters: example_calibration.yml
detector: # this section is only needed to convert old files to the new spec
parameters_old: ge_ceo2.par # the old detector spec, produced by the GUI
pixels: # this section required to convert from old detector spec
rows: 2048
columns: 2048
size: [0.200, 0.200] # [row height, col width] mm
# A file name must be specified. If it doesn't exist, one will be created
file: RUBY_4537-4538_t15_eta-omega.cpl
threshold: 15
bin_frames: 1 # defaults to 1
## "all", or a list of hkl orders used to find orientations
## defaults to all orders listed in the material definition
active_hkls: [0,1,2,3,4,5]
## either search full quaternion grid, or seed search based on sparse
## orientation maps
#use_quaternion_grid: some/file/name # defaults to seeded search
seed_search: # this section is ignored if use_quaternion_grid is defined
hkl_seeds: [0,1,2] # hkls ids to use, must be defined for seeded search
fiber_step: 1.0 # degrees, defaults to ome tolerance
threshold: 1 # defaults to 1
tolerance: 1.0 # in degrees, defaults to 2x ome step
## specify the branch cut, in degrees. The range must be 360 degrees.
## defaults to ["image_series:omega:start", "image_series:omega:start"+-360]
## depending on sign of "image_series:omega:step"
#period: [-180, 180] # in degrees, defaults to full 360 starting at "ome start"
tolerance: 1.0 # in degrees, defaults to 2x ome step
mask: 5 # degrees, mask angles close to ome rotation axis, defaults to 5
radius: 1.0
completeness: 0.51 # completeness threshold
#algorithm: fclusterdata # defaults to dbscan
do_fit: true # if false, extracts grains but doesn't fit. defaults to true
estimate: RUBY_SWEEP_0/grains.out # defaults to None
npdiv: 2 # number of polar pixel grid subdivisions, defaults to 2
panel_buffer: 10 # don't fit spots within this many pixels from edge
threshold: 25
tth: [0.25, 0.086] # tolerance lists must be identical length
eta: [2.0, 0.75]
omega: [1.0, 0.25]
tth_max: 14.75 # true, false, or a non-negative value, defaults to true
analysis_name: RUBY_SWEEP_1 # defaults to analysis
ids: [4539, 4540] # or can use globs: ["*2[4-9]"]
analysis_name: RUBY_SWEEP_2 # defaults to analysis
ids: [4541, 4542] # or can use globs: ["*2[4-9]"]
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